Computersystem resource definitions of iLO 6 v1.45

For each data type provided by the HPE ilO Redfish service, find below its description including the list of possible instances (URIs), links to related other resources, described properties and many other details.

Refer to the data types and collection section for more information on Redfish data types and collections.


@odata.type: "#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection"

A Collection of ComputerSystem resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] ComputerSystem

Members (array)

Member of ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}] Member of ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem"

The ComputerSystem resource describes the compute node and its properties. A ComputerSystem represents a physical or virtual machine and the local resources, such as memory, CPU, and other devices that can be accessed from that machine.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item} GET POST PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
EthernetInterfaces Collection of EthernetInterface
Oem/Hpe/Links/USBDevices Collection of HpeUSBDevice
Links/Chassis[] Chassis
Memory Collection of Memory
Oem/Hpe/Links/USBPorts Collection of HpeUSBPort
Oem/Hpe/Links/NetworkAdapters HpeBaseNetworkAdapterCollection
NetworkInterfaces Collection of NetworkInterface
Processors Collection of Processor
SecureBoot SecureBoot
Storage Collection of Storage
Bios Bios
LogServices Collection of LogService
Oem/Hpe/Links/EthernetInterfaces Collection of EthernetInterface
Oem/Hpe/Links/PCISlots Collection of HpeServerPCISlot
Links/ManagedBy[] Manager
Oem/Hpe/Links/PCIDevices Collection of HpeServerPciDevice


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description A user-definable tag that is used to track this system for inventory or other client purposes.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


The Bios URI. Bios is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The version of the system BIOS or primary system firmware.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Boot.BootOptions A reference to the collection of the UEFI Boot Options associated with this Computer System. BootOptions is a link ("": URI) to another resource.

Boot.BootOrder (array) Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

BootOrder is an array containing elements of:

BootOrder[{item}] Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Boot.BootSourceOverrideEnabled Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description BootSourceOverrideTarget must be specified before BootSourceOverrideEnabled can be used.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Disabled The system will boot normally.
Once On its next boot cycle, the system will boot (one time) to the Boot Source Override Target. The value of BootSourceOverrideEnabled is then reset back to Disabled.
Continuous The system will boot to the target specified in the BootSourceOverrideTarget until this property is set to Disabled.

Boot.BootSourceOverrideMode Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Legacy The system will boot in non-UEFI boot mode to the Boot Source Override Target.
UEFI The system will boot in UEFI boot mode to the Boot Source Override Target.

Boot.BootSourceOverrideTarget Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The current boot source to be used at next boot instead of the normal boot device, if BootSourceOverrideEnabled is true.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Boot.BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues (array) Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues is an array containing elements of:

BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues[{item}] Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The current boot source to be used at next boot instead of the normal boot device, if BootSourceOverrideEnabled is not Disabled.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
None Boot from the normal boot device.
Pxe Boot from the Pre-Boot EXecution (PXE) environment.
Floppy Boot from the floppy disk drive.
Cd Boot from the CD/DVD disc.
Usb Boot from a USB device as specified by the system BIOS.
Hdd Boot from a hard drive.
BiosSetup Boot to the BIOS Setup Utility.
Utilities Boot the manufacturer's Utilities program(s).
Diags Boot the manufacturer's Diagnostics program.
UefiShell Boot to the UEFI Shell.
UefiTarget Boot to the UEFI Device specified in the UefiTargetBootSourceOverride property.
SDCard Boot from an SD Card
UefiHttp Boot from a UEFI HTTP network location

Boot.UefiTargetBootSourceOverride Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This property is the UEFI Device Path of the device to boot from when BootSourceOverrideTarget is UefiTarget.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Boot.UefiTargetBootSourceOverride@Redfish.AllowableValues (array) Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

UefiTargetBootSourceOverride@Redfish.AllowableValues is an array containing elements of:

UefiTargetBootSourceOverride@Redfish.AllowableValues[{item}] Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description An array of structured boot strings.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


BootProgress.LastState Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description SmartNIC device operating system status
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
OSBootStarted The operating system has started booting.
OSRunning The operating system is running.
OEM The operating system state is reported in the OemLastState property.

BootProgress.OemLastState Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description SmartNIC device operating system oem status
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
OSServicesReady The operating system services are ready.
OSServicesOffline The operating system services are offline.
OSHalting The operating system has started halting.
OSHalted The operating system has performed a shutdown.


A reference to the collection of Ethernet interfaces associated with this system. EthernetInterfaces is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The DNS Host Name, without any domain information
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The enumerations of HostingRoles specify different features that the hosting ComputerSystem supports.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
ApplicationServer The system hosts functionality that supports general purpose applications.
StorageServer The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a storage server.
Switch The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a switch.
Appliance The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as an appliance.
BareMetalServer The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a bare metal server.
VirtualMachineServer The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a virtual machine server.
ContainerServer The system hosts functionality that supports the system acting as a container server.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description An indicator allowing an operator to physically locate this resource.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10


The LogService collection URI for this resource. LogServices is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The manufacturer or OEM of this system.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


The central memory in the system. Memory is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


A reference to the collection of Memory Domains associated with this system. MemoryDomains is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


MemorySummary.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

MemorySummary.TotalSystemMemoryGiB Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This is the total amount of memory in the system measured in GiB.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

MemorySummary.TotalSystemPersistentMemoryGiB Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The total configured, system-accessible persistent memory, measured in GiB.
Type number or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The model information that the manufacturer uses to refer to this system.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


The collection of network interfaces partitioned to this system. NetworkInterfaces is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.AgentlessManagementService Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This indicates if the Agentless Management Service is available or not.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Unavailable The Agentless Management Service is unavailable.
Ready The Agentless Management Service is Ready.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.AggregateServerHealth Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This represents the overall health state
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
OK Normal
Warning A condition exists that requires attention
Critical A critical condition exists that requires immediate attention

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.BiosOrHardwareHealth Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.BiosOrHardwareHealth.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.FanRedundancy Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This indicates if the Fan is redundant or not.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Redundant The fans are Redundant.
NonRedundant The fans are not Redundant.
FailedRedundant The Redundant fan has failed.
Unknown The Redundant state is unknown.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Fans Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Fans.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.LiquidCooling Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.LiquidCooling.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.LiquidCoolingRedundancy Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This indicates if the LiquidCooling Units are redundant or not.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Redundant The Liquid Cooling modules are Redundant.
NonRedundant The Liquid Cooling modules are not Redundant.
FailedRedundant The Redundant fan has failed.
Unknown The Redundant state is unknown.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Memory Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Memory.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Network Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Network.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.PowerSupplies Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.PowerSupplies.PowerSuppliesMismatch Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This indicates if the there is a mismatch in the power supplies.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.PowerSupplies.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.PowerSupplyRedundancy Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This indicates if the Power Supply is redundant or not.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Redundant The power supplies are Redundant.
NonRedundant The power supplies are not Redundant.
FailedRedundant The Redundant power supply has failed.
Unknown The Redundant state is unknown.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Processors Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Processors.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.SmartStorageBattery Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.SmartStorageBattery.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Storage Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Storage.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Temperatures Oem.Hpe.AggregateHealthStatus.Temperatures.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

Oem.Hpe.AvailableSystemCapabilities (array)

Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

AvailableSystemCapabilities is an array containing elements of:

AvailableSystemCapabilities[{item}] Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates SmartNIC DPU supports OS-triggered DPC
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:



Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup.BuildNumber Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The build number of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup.BuildNumberString Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The string version of the build number of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup.Date Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The build date of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup.DebugBuild Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description True if the firmware is a debug build; False if it is not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup.Family Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The family of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup.MajorVersion Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The major version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup.MinorVersion Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The minor version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup.Time Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The build time of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Backup.VersionString Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The version string of the firmware. This value might be null if VersionString is unavailable.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock.BuildNumber Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The build number of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock.BuildNumberString Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The string version of the build number of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock.Date Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The build date of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock.DebugBuild Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description True if the firmware is a debug build; False if it is not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock.Family Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The family of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock.MajorVersion Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The major version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock.MinorVersion Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The minor version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock.Time Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The build time of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Bootblock.VersionString Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The version string of the firmware. This value might be null if VersionString is unavailable.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current.BuildNumber Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The build number of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current.BuildNumberString Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The string version of the build number of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current.Date Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The build date of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current.DebugBuild Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description True if the firmware is a debug build; False if it is not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current.Family Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The family of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current.MajorVersion Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The major version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current.MinorVersion Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The minor version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current.Time Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The build time of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.Current.VersionString Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The version string of the firmware. This value might be null if VersionString is unavailable.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Bios.UefiClass Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The UEFI BIOS Class value defined in the UEFI specification.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Oem.Hpe.BootProgress.OemResetReason Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The Smart NIC Device Operating system OEM reset reason .
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Unknown unknown reason, cold start
OSNormal a normal reset by ESXio
BMCNormal reset by BMC
OSCrash a reset after a crash by ESXio
HWWatchdog a reset due to hardware watchdog
Thermal a reset due to thermal shutdown

Oem.Hpe.BootProgress.ResetReason Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The Smart NIC Device Operating system reset reason .
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
OEM oem value , SmartNIC DPU
Unknown unknown reason, cold start
OSNormal a normal reset by ESXio
BMCNormal reset by BMC
OSCrash a reset after a crash by ESXio
HWWatchdog a reset due to hardware watchdog
Thermal a reset due to thermal shutdown


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates whether server should remain off after thermal shutdown is triggered.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Displays the amount of time(in seconds) that has passed since the server was last powered on. The data is reset on iLO reset.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.DeviceDiscoveryComplete.AMSDeviceDiscovery Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This property indicates the current AMS Device Discovery Status.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Busy The server has AMS loaded and iLO is discovering devices that require AMS to be loaded
Complete The server has AMS loaded and iLO is finished discovering devices that require AMS to be loaded
NoAMS The server does not have AMS loaded for device discovery.
Initial Default state after iLO has booted.

Oem.Hpe.DeviceDiscoveryComplete.DeviceDiscovery Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This property indicates the current device discovery status of devices that are not Smart Array or AMS related.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Busy iLO is discovering devices.
vAuxDeviceDiscoveryComplete The server is off and iLO is finished discovering devices.
vMainDeviceDiscoveryComplete The server is on and iLO is finished discovering devices.
DataIncomplete iLO response took longer than expected while discovering devices.
Initial Default state after iLO has booted.

Oem.Hpe.DeviceDiscoveryComplete.SmartArrayDiscovery Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This property indicates the current Smart Array Storage Device Discovery Status
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Busy iLO is discovering Smart Array devices. If the server is shutdown before discovery is complete, this reflects an incomplete data set.
PendingSoftwareRAID Pending discovery of Dynamic Smart Array.
Complete iLO is finished discovering Smart Array storage.
Initial Default state for Smart Array
Cached Data is cached, server is offline or data not yet available.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Reports the time elapsed since the erase started
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.EnabledSystemCapabilities (array)

Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

EnabledSystemCapabilities is an array containing elements of:

EnabledSystemCapabilities[{item}] Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates SmartNIC DPU supports OS-triggered DPC
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:



Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Supported on UEFI based systems only. The number of seconds to delay before finalizing POST with the Mode action (e.g. delay before shutdown). If > 255 seconds is requested, the value is rounded up to the nearest minute.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Reports the guestimate time (in minutes) for the overall erase process
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.HostOS.OsName Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description from cpqHoName if AMS is running
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.HostOS.OsSysDescription Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description from cpqHosysDesc if AMS is running
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.HostOS.OsType Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description from cpqHoOsType if AMS is running.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.HostOS.OsVersion Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description from cpqHoVersion if AMS is running
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The state of the indicator LED.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Lit The Indicator LED is lit.
Blinking The indicator LED is blinking.
Off The Indicator LED is off.


Oem.Hpe.IntegrationConfig.OsReadyTimeout Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Always on Intelligent Provisioning is available.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Index in the Firmware Version Table for Intelligent Provisioning.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Location string of Intelligent Provisioning in Firmware Version Table.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Intelligent Provisioning Version.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates if the system is cold booting.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.OperatingSystem.Kernel Oem.Hpe.OperatingSystem.Kernel.Version Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description SmartNIC device operating system kernel version
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The PCA part number.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The PCA serial number.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Displays the last known POST Discovery Complete time
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The manner in which the system will operate during the discovery section of POST.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Auto BIOS will automatically use ForceFastBoot if the system hardware has not changed from last time of FullDiscovery or ForceFullDiscovery if the system hardware has changed.
ForceFullDiscovery Server makes a full discovery of all devices.
ForceFastBoot Server uses the existing cached discovery data.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The manner in which the system will operate during and at completion of POST.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Normal Normal operations.
PostToShutdown Server boots until Discovery Completes, then shuts down.
PostToReboot Server boots until Discovery Completes, then reboots.
PostToWait Server boots until Discovery Completes, then indefintely waits.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The current state of system POST.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Unknown iLO was unable to determine the current server state.
Reset The server is currently in reset.
PowerOff The server power is off.
InPost The server is booting and has not reached discovery complete.
InPostDiscoveryStart The server has started to discover devices.
InPostDiscoveryComplete The server has reached discovery complete and is now waiting for the installed OS to be booted. Discovery complete is the point at which it has been deemed safe to read and write the BIOS configuration information.
FinishedPost The server has booted the installed OS.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The total amount of power allocated to the system.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Auto Power-On mode defines what occurs when the AC power is applied to the system.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The PowerAutoOn policy delay that can also be found in the HpBios::PowerOnDelay object. Will be null if PowerAutoOn is set to RemainOff. Blades only support Minimum and RandomUpTo120Sec.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The number of lifetime minutes that the server has been powered on.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Power Regulator mode. Switching to and from OS Control mode requires a server reboot to take effect.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:


Oem.Hpe.PowerRegulatorModesSupported (array)

Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

PowerRegulatorModesSupported is an array containing elements of:

PowerRegulatorModesSupported[{item}] Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.SMBIOS.extref Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The URI of an external resource.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The IP address or FQDN of the server. Host software like AMS is required to obtain this value from the OS.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the current state of server Intelligent Diagnostics mode.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the current state of server Safe Mode.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The CRC32 of: All Device Signatures combined together, Server Slot Location in Enclosure, Enclosure UUID, and Manager Domain IP Address
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The current state of Server Signature.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Initial The server signature calculation has not run yet.
Busy The server signature calculation is being run.
Invalid The server signature is invalid. Re-compute action necessary.
Complete The server signature calculation is complete and valid.

Oem.Hpe.SmartStorageConfig (array)

Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

SmartStorageConfig is an array containing elements of:

SmartStorageConfig[{item}] Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Oem.Hpe.SystemROMAndiLOEraseComponentStatus.BIOSSettingsEraseStatus Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the erase status of the individual components
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Idle Indicates SecureSystem Erase is not started
Initiated Indicates Secure System Erase process is started
InProgress Indicates Secure System Erase process is under progress
CompletedWithSuccess Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with no errors
CompletedWithErrors Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with some errors
Failed Indicates Secure System Erase process has failed

Oem.Hpe.SystemROMAndiLOEraseComponentStatus.iLOSettingsEraseStatus Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the erase status of the individual components
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Idle Indicates SecureSystem Erase is not started
Initiated Indicates Secure System Erase process is started
InProgress Indicates Secure System Erase process is under progress
CompletedWithSuccess Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with no errors
CompletedWithErrors Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with some errors
Failed Indicates Secure System Erase process has failed


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the erase status of the individual components
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Idle Indicates SecureSystem Erase is not started
Initiated Indicates Secure System Erase process is started
InProgress Indicates Secure System Erase process is under progress
CompletedWithSuccess Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with no errors
CompletedWithErrors Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with some errors
Failed Indicates Secure System Erase process has failed


Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.AvgCPU0Freq Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current CPU0 average frequency in MHz.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.AvgCPU1Freq Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current CPU1 average frequency in MHz.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.AvgCPU2Freq Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current CPU2 average frequency in MHz.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.AvgCPU3Freq Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current CPU3 average frequency in MHz.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.CPU0Power Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current power consumed by the system CPU0 in Watts.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.CPU1Power Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current power consumed by the system CPU1 in Watts.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.CPU2Power Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current power consumed by the system CPU2 in Watts.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.CPU3Power Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current power consumed by the system CPU3 in Watts.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.CPUICUtil Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current System CPU Interconnect utilization in percentage
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.CPUUtil Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current System CPU utilization in percentage
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.IOBusUtil Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current System I/O bus utilization in percentage
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.JitterCount Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current processor Jitter Count.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.SystemUsage.MemoryBusUtil Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Current System memory bus utilization in percentage
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.UserDataEraseComponentStatus.NVDIMMEraseStatus Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the erase status of the individual components
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Idle Indicates SecureSystem Erase is not started
Initiated Indicates Secure System Erase process is started
InProgress Indicates Secure System Erase process is under progress
CompletedWithSuccess Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with no errors
CompletedWithErrors Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with some errors
Failed Indicates Secure System Erase process has failed

Oem.Hpe.UserDataEraseComponentStatus.NVMeDrivesEraseStatus Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the erase status of the individual components
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Idle Indicates SecureSystem Erase is not started
Initiated Indicates Secure System Erase process is started
InProgress Indicates Secure System Erase process is under progress
CompletedWithSuccess Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with no errors
CompletedWithErrors Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with some errors
Failed Indicates Secure System Erase process has failed

Oem.Hpe.UserDataEraseComponentStatus.SATADrivesEraseStatus Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the erase status of the individual components
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Idle Indicates SecureSystem Erase is not started
Initiated Indicates Secure System Erase process is started
InProgress Indicates Secure System Erase process is under progress
CompletedWithSuccess Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with no errors
CompletedWithErrors Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with some errors
Failed Indicates Secure System Erase process has failed

Oem.Hpe.UserDataEraseComponentStatus.TPMEraseStatus Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the erase status of the individual components
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Idle Indicates SecureSystem Erase is not started
Initiated Indicates Secure System Erase process is started
InProgress Indicates Secure System Erase process is under progress
CompletedWithSuccess Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with no errors
CompletedWithErrors Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with some errors
Failed Indicates Secure System Erase process has failed


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Indicates the erase status of the individual components
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Idle Indicates SecureSystem Erase is not started
Initiated Indicates Secure System Erase process is started
InProgress Indicates Secure System Erase process is under progress
CompletedWithSuccess Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with no errors
CompletedWithErrors Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with some errors
Failed Indicates Secure System Erase process has failed


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The current state of the systems virtual profile. This profile is the one that, when the server is rebooted, will set the Virtual properties. Intent is to use this state to determine whether the server needs to be rebooted so these values are set. Additional informaiton about the profile will be considered later.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Used in conjunction with the UUID (Logical) value.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The manufacturer's system part number.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This is the current power state of the system
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



ProcessorSummary.Count Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The number of processors in the system.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ProcessorSummary.Model Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The processor model for the primary or majority of processors in this system.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ProcessorSummary.Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


The central processors in the system. Processors is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description SKU for this system.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


A reference to the UEFI SecureBoot resource associated with this system. SecureBoot is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The system serial number.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


A reference to the collection of storage devices associated with this system. Storage is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The type of computer system that this resource represents.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Physical A computer system
Virtual A virtual machine instance running on this system
OS An operating system instance
PhysicallyPartitioned A hardware-based partition of a computer system
VirtuallyPartitioned A virtual or software-based partition of a computer system
DPU SmartNIC DPU System

TrustedModules (array)

Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

TrustedModules is an array containing elements of:

TrustedModules[{item}].FirmwareVersion Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The firmware version of this Trusted Module
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

TrustedModules[{item}].InterfaceType Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description This property indicates the interface type of the Trusted Module.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
TM1_0 Trusted Module (TM) 1.0
TPM1_2 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2
TPM2_0 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0

TrustedModules[{item}].Oem.Hpe.VendorName Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description Trusted module vendor name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:


TrustedModules[{item}].Status Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem

Description The universal unique identifier for this system.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


ComputerSystem.Reset Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem This action resets the system.


ResetType (string)

The type of reset.

Value Description
GracefulRestart Shut down gracefully and restart the system.
GracefulShutdown Shut down gracefully and power off.
PowerCycle Power cycle the unit.
On Turn on the unit.
ForceOff Turn off the unit immediately (non-graceful shutdown).
PushPowerButton Simulate the pressing of the physical power button on this unit.
ForceOn Turn on the unit immediately.
ForceRestart Shut down immediately and non-gracefully and restart the system.
Nmi Generate a diagnostic interrupt, which is usually an NMI on x86 systems, to stop normal operations, complete diagnostic actions, and, typically, halt the system.

target (string)

Link to invoke action

title (string)

Friendly action name

HpeComputerSystemExt.SystemReset Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem


ResetType (string)

ResetType identifies the type of Action to be performed.

Value Description

HpeComputerSystemExt.ServerIntelligentDiagnosticsMode Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem There are no parameters for this action.

HpeComputerSystemExt.ServerSafeMode Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem There are no parameters for this action.

HpeComputerSystemExt.RestoreSystemDefaults Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem There are no parameters for this action.

HpeComputerSystemExt.PowerButton Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem


PushType (string)

PushType identifies the type of Action to be performed.

Value Description

HpeComputerSystemExt.SecureSystemErase Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem


UserDataErase (boolean)

Action to perform erasing all the user data on the system including TPMs, persistent memory devices, storage controller configurations, RAID settings, as well as the hard drives attached to the system. USB and other removable media will be excluded.

SystemROMAndiLOErase (boolean)

Action to perform resetting the system BIOS settings and iLO to manufacturing defaults. It also erases the user data in the NAND like Active Health System(AHS), Repository.

ComputerSystem.SetSimpleUpdateStatus Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem


Message (string)

Message to be displayed

TaskState (string)

TaskState identifies the type of Action to be performed.

Value Description

PercentComplete (integer)

Percentage of task complete

TaskStatus (string)

Current status of the ongoing task

Value Description

HpeComputerSystemExt.ServerSigRecompute Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem There are no parameters for this action.

HpeComputerSystemExt.RestoreManufacturingDefaults Member of ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem There are no parameters for this action.