Persistent Memory Commands
This section covers commands related to the discovery and configuration of HPE Persistent Memory.
Clear Pending Configuration Command
Clears all pending persistent memory configuration tasks.
- -h, --help
Displays help on the usage of this command.
Clear all pending persistent memory configuration tasks.
iLOrest > clearpmmpendingconfig
Deleted Task #1948
Deleted Task #1949
Deleted Task #1950
Deleted Task #1951
Deleted Task #1952
Deleted Task #1953
Persistent Memory Advanced Configuration Command
provisionpmm [-h | --help] [-m | --memory-mode=(0|%)] [-i | --pmem-interleave=(On|Off)] [-pid | --proc=(processorID)] [-f | --force]
Applies user specified configuration to persistent memory modules.
- -h, --help
Displays help on the usage of this command.
- -m, --memory-mode
Optionally allows user to specify the percentage of total capacity that should be configured as Volatile. Defaults to 0% Volatile. The remaining capacity will be configured as Persistent.
- -i, --pmem-interleave
Indicates whether the persistent memory regions should be interleaved or not (Allowed values: "on", "off").
- -p, --proc
Optionally allows user to specify the processors (comma separated list of ProcessorNumbers) on which the selected configuration would be applied. Defaults to all processors.
- -f, --force
Allow the user to force the configuration by automatically accepting any prompts.
Configure all persistent memory modules on processors 1 and 3 to 50% Volatile with no persistent interleave regions.
iLOrest > provisionpmm -m 50 -i off -pid 1,3
***WARNING: Configuration changes require reboot to take effect***
Operation PmemSize VolatileSize DimmIds
CREATE 63.19 GB 63.19 GB 1@1
CREATE 63.19 GB 63.19 GB 1@12
CREATE 63.19 GB 63.19 GB 3@1
CREATE 63.19 GB 63.19 GB 3@12
Example: Configure all installed persistent memory modules to 25% Volatile with persistent interleave regions.
iLOrest > provisionpmm -m 25 -i on
***WARNING: Configuration changes require reboot to take effect***
Operation PmemSize VolatileSize DimmIds
DELETE 126.0 GB 126.76 GB 1@1, 1@12
DELETE 126.0 GB 126.76 GB 2@1, 2@12
CREATE 189.57 GB 63.19 GB 1@1, 1@12
CREATE 189.57 GB 63.19 GB 2@1, 2@12
Persistent Memory Discovery Command
showpmm --device | -D [--dimm=(DIMM IDs) | -I] [--json | -j]
showpmm --pmmconfig | -C [--dimm=(DIMM IDs) | -I] [--json | -j]
showpmm --logical | -L [--json | -j]
showpmm --summary | -M [--json | -j]
Displays information about the installed persistent memory modules.
- -h, --help
Displays help on the usage of this command.
- -D, --device
Shows a physical overview of installed persistent memory modules.
- -C, --pmmconfig
Shows the current configuration of installed persistent memory modules.
- -L, --logical
Shows the persistent interleave sets (if present).
- -M, --summary
Shows a summary of the installed persistent memory modules.
- -I, --dimm
Optionally use this flag to filter output by DIMM IDs
Can be used in conjunction with
the -D | --device
or the -C | --pmmconfig
- -j, --json
Optionally use this flag to display output in JSON format.
Show information about the physical persistent memory modules.
iLOrest > showpmm --device
Location Capacity Status DIMMStatus Life FWVersion
PROC 1 DIMM 1 126.38 GB OK GoodInUse 100%
PROC 1 DIMM 12 126.38 GB OK GoodInUse 100%
PROC 2 DIMM 1 126.38 GB OK GoodInUse 100%
PROC 2 DIMM 12 126.38 GB OK GoodInUse 100%
Show current configuration of selected persistent memory modules.
iLOrest > showpmm --pmmconfig --dimm=1@12,2@12
Location VolatileSize PmemSize PmemInterleaved
PROC 1 DIMM 12 126.38 GB 0.0 GB N/A
PROC 2 DIMM 12 126.38 GB 0.0 GB N/A
Show the persistent interleave regions in JSON format.
iLOrest > showpmm --logical --dimm=1@12,2@12
[ { 'DimmIds': '1@1, 1@12',
'PmemSize': { 'Units': 'GB',
'Value': 252.0}},
{ 'DimmIds': '2@1, 2@12',
'PmemSize': { 'Units': 'GB',
'Value': 252.0}}]
Show a summary of the persistent memory resources.
iLOrest > showpmm --summary
TotalCapacity: 505.52 GB
TotalVolatileSize: 505.52 GB
TotalPmemSize: 0.0 GB
Persistent Memory Guided Configuration Command
applypmmconfig -L | --list
applypmmconfig -C | --pmmconfig [-f | --force]
Apply a predefined configuration to installed persistent memory modules.
- -h, --help
Displays help on the usage of this command.
- -L, --list
Display a list of available predefined configIDs along with a brief description.
- -C, --pmmconfig
Specify one of the predefined configIDs to apply to all persistent memory modules.
- -f, --force
Allow the user to force the configuration by automatically accepting any prompts.
Show a list of supported guided configurations.
iLOrest > applypmmconfig --list
Available Configurations:
Configure all PMMs to 100% Memory Mode.
Configure all PMMs to 100% Persistent. Interleave the Persistent memory regions within each processor.
Configure all PMMs to 100% Persistent. The Persistent memory regions are not interleaved.
Configure all installed persistent memory modules as 100% Volatile.
iLOrest > applypmmconfig --pmmconfig MemoryMode
***WARNING: Configuration changes require reboot to take effect***
Operation PmemSize VolatileSize DimmIds
CREATE 0.0 GB 252.76 GB 1@1, 1@12
CREATE 0.0 GB 252.76 GB 2@1, 2@12
Show Pending Configuration Command
showpmmpendingconfig [-j | --json]
Shows the queued tasks pending a reboot for configuring persistent memory modules.
- -h, --help
Displays help on the usage of this command.
- -j, --json
Optionally use this flag to display output in JSON format.
Show persistent memory configuration changes pending a reboot.
iLOrest > showpmmpendingconfig
Operation PmemSize VolatileSize DimmIds
DELETE 190.0 GB 62.76 GB 1@1, 1@12
DELETE 190.0 GB 62.76 GB 2@1, 2@12
CREATE 94.78 GB 31.59 GB 1@1
CREATE 94.78 GB 31.59 GB 1@12
CREATE 94.78 GB 31.59 GB 2@1
CREATE 94.78 GB 31.59 GB 2@12
Show Recommended Configuration Command
Shows the recommended persistent memory configurations.
- -h, --help
Displays help on the usage of this command.
Show a list of recommended persistent memory configurations
iLOrest > showrecommendedpmmconfig
MemoryModeTotalSize PmemTotalSize CacheRatio
0 GB 505 GB N/A
377 GB 128 GB 1:2.9
505 GB 0 GB 1:3.9
Display Security State Command
Displaying the Security state of dimms.
- -h, --help
Displays help on the usage of this command.
Displaying the Security state of dimms
iLOrest > pmmsecuritystate
| Location | State |
| proc1dimm2 | Disabled |
| proc1dimm5 | Disabled |
| proc1dimm8 | Disabled |
| proc1dimm11 | Disabled |
| proc2dimm2 | Disabled |
| proc2dimm5 | Disabled |
| proc2dimm8 | Disabled |
| proc2dimm11 | Disabled |