iLO Repository Commands

The HPE iLO repository commands described in this section have been designed for use with HPE Gen10 servers and later.

Deletecomp Command


deletecomp [ID/Name(s)] [Optional Parameters]


Deletes firmware from the iLO repository.


You cannot delete firmware that is part of a task from the task queue or an install set.


  • ID/Name(s)

The name or Id(s) of the components for deletion. Multiple components should be specified by a comma separated list without spaces.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -a, --all

Delete all firmware.

Login Parameters

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


Deletecomp example commands:

To delete firmware by file name run the command with the file name as an argument. You can also delete multiple files by file name.

iLOrest > deletecomp ilo5_137.bin
The operation completed successfully.
Deleted ilo5_137.bin

To delete firmware by Id run the command with the file Ids as arguments. You can also delete a single file by Id.

iLOrest > deletecomp 30d2d7fa,b5a00edc
The operation completed successfully.
Deleted 30d2d7fa
The operation completed successfully.
Deleted b5a00edc

To delete all firmware on the iLO repository run the command and include the --all option.

iLOrest > deletecomp --all
The operation completed successfully.

Downloadcomp Command


downloadcomp [File Path] [Optional Parameters]


Downloads firmware from the iLO repository.


-File Path

The path to the firmware to download.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • outdir=OUTDIR

output directory for saving the file.

Login Parameters

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to log into a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --sessionid=SESSIONID

Optionally include this flag if you would prefer to connect using a session id instead of a normal login.

  • --includelogs

Optionally include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


To download a file run this command specifying the file path of the firmware.

iLOrest > downloadcomp /fwrepo/ilo5_137.bin
Downloading component, this may take a while...
[200] The operation completed successfully.
Download complete
0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 36 second(s)
  • The output directory and files in that directory must be set to writable.
  • Any file in the output directory with the same name as the downloading firmware will be overwritten.

Flashfwpkg Command


flashfwpkg [FWPKG PATH] [Optional Parameters]


Run to upload and flash a .fwpkg components using the iLO repository.


Some firmware can be flashed directly without a reboot, may require a reboot to take effect, or may only be staged for flash on reboot. The command will inform users when a firmware update will take place.



The path to the .fwpkg file for flashing or the .fwpkg file itself if it is in the current working directory.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --forceupload

Include this flag to force upload firmware with the same name already on the repository.

  • --ignorechecks

Include this flag to ignore all checks to the Repository Task Queue before attempting to process the .fwpkg file.

  • --targets target_list

Specify a comma separated list of similar firmware inventory IDs to be updated with supplied firmware package.

  • --tpmover

Include this parameter to set the TPMOverride property to true and pass the TPMOverrideFlag in on the associated flash operations.

  • --update_srs

Add this parameter to update the System Recovery Set with the uploaded firmware.


This requires an account login with the system recovery set privilege.


The following example retrieves the IDs of UBM3 devices and update all of them with a single command.

ilorest list Id Name  --json --selector SoftwareInventory. --filter Name="8 SFF 24G x1NVMe/SAS UBM3*" 
Name=8 SFF 24G x1NVMe/SAS UBM3 BC BP

Name=8 SFF 24G x1NVMe/SAS UBM3 BC BP

ilorest flashfwpkg HPE_UBM3_1.24_F.fwpkg --targets 29,30 --tpmover

Uploading firmware: HPE_UBM3_1.24_F.fwpkg
Successfully checked 'HPE_UBM3_1.24_F.fwpkg'.
Uploading component HPE_UBM3_1.24_F.fwpkg.
[200] The operation completed successfully.
Component HPE_UBM3_1.24_F.fwpkg uploading successfully.
Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component
Uploading took 00 hour(s) 00 minute(s) 02 second(s)
payload: "{'Name': 'Update-460148', 'Command': 'ApplyUpdate', 'Filename': 'HPE_UBM3_1.24_F.fwpkg',
'UpdatableBy': ['Bmc'], 'TPMOverride': True, 'Targets': ['/redfish/v1/UpdateService/Firmwar
eInventory/29/', '/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/30/']}"
Creating task: "Update-460148"
The operation completed successfully.

Login Parameters

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


To upload firmware and flash (or stage for a flash) run the command with the .fwpkg file.

iLOrest > flashfwpkg U32_1.46_10_02_2018.fwpkg
Uploading firmware: U32_1.46_10_02_2018.signed.flash
[200] The operation completed successfully.
Component U32_1.46_10_02_2018.signed.flash uploaded successfully
Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component
0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 28 second(s)
Firmware has successfully been flashed and a reboot is required for this firmware to take effect.

To skip checks for something blocking firmware updates also include the --ignorechecks option.

iLOrest > fwpkg ilo5_137.fwpkg --ignorechecks
Uploading firmware: ilo5_137.bin
[200] The operation completed successfully.
Component ilo5_137.bin uploaded successfully
Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component
0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 55 second(s)
Firmware has successfully been flashed.
iLO will reboot to complete flashing. Session will be terminated.
Logging session out.

Installset Command


installset [Optional Parameters]


Command to perform operations on install sets. Among other objects, install sets contain a Name, an Id and an ordered list of installation instructions sequence[] that may be invoked/deployed.

To list current install sets run the command without arguments.


  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -n NAME, --name=NAME

Install set name to create, remove, or invoke/deploy.

  • -r, --removeall

Remove all install sets.


To remove recovery install sets during a local in-band session, you have to supply the --user and --password parameters. This security enhancement is needed because the local in-band management mode does not perform any authentication, as mentioned in the login command description.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

  • --expire=EXAFTER

Optionally include this flag to set the expiry time for installset. ISO 8601 Redfish-style time string to be written after which iLO will automatically change state to Expired (i.e. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).

  • --startafter=SAFTER

Optionally include this flag to set the earliest execution time for installset. ISO 8601 Redfish-style time string to be used (i.e. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).

  • --tpmover

Use this flag if the server you are currently logged into has a TPM chip installed.

  • --updaterecoveryset

If set then the components in the flash operations are used to replace matching contents in the Recovery Set.

  • --cleartaskqueue

This option clears previous items in the task queue before the Install Set is invoked.

Login Parameters

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


The following example lists install sets with basic formatting.

Basic formattingOutput
ilorest login <ilo-ip> -u <ilo-user> -p password
ilorest installset
ilorest logout
Install Sets:
        SequenceName1: Action Filename1
        SequenceName2: Action Filemane2

Install sets can be added with their complete JSON structure or a subset containing only the members of the sequence[] array.


Refer to the Makeinstallset command to learn how to create an install set file.

Complete JSON structureList of sequence members
    "Name": "installset name",
    "Description": "installset description",
    "Sequence": [{
            "Name": "Wait",
            "UpdatableBy": ["RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "Wait",
            "WaitTimeSeconds": 60
            "Name": "uniqueName",
            "UpdatableBy": ["RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "ApplyUpdate",
            "Filename": "filename.exe"
            "Name": "uniqueName2",
            "UpdatableBy": ["Bmc"],
            "Command": "ApplyUpdate",
            "WaitTimeSeconds": 0,
            "Filename": "filename2.hex"
            "Name": "uniqueName3",
            "UpdatableBy": ["Uefi", "RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "ApplyUpdate",
            "WaitTimeSeconds": 0,
            "Filename": "filename3.x86_64.rpm"
            "Name": "Reboot",
            "UpdatableBy": ["RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "ResetServer"
    "IsRecovery": false
            "Name": "Wait",
            "UpdatableBy": ["RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "Wait",
            "WaitTimeSeconds": 60
            "Name": "uniqueName",
            "UpdatableBy": ["RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "ApplyUpdate",
            "Filename": "filename.exe"
            "Name": "Reboot",
            "UpdatableBy": ["RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "ResetServer"

To add an install set, run the command with the add argument followed by an install set json file. When using sequence type json file, it is not necessary to include the -n, --name flag. In this scenario the iLO provides default install set name (time stamp).

iLOrest commandOutput
ilorest login <ilo-ip> -u <ilo-user> -p password
ilorest installset add myinstallset.json
ilorest logout
[201] The operation completed successfully.

In case of problem during the addition of an install set, use the -d, --debug mode to troubleshoot. The following example fails to add an install set because it contains two identical sequence member names (NonUnique). The last lines of the iLOrest.log file explains this problem.

shellBadsequence.json fileDebug output error
ilorest login <ilo-ip> -u <ilo-user> -p password
ilorest -v installset add badsequence.json
[400] iLO.2.19.PropertyValueIncompatible
iLOrest return code: 63
            "Name": "NonUnique",
            "UpdatableBy": ["RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "Wait",
            "WaitTimeSeconds": 60
            "Name": "Firmware Package",
            "UpdatableBy": ["Bmc"],
            "Command": "ApplyUpdate",
            "Filename": "HPE_MR216i-o_Gen11_52.24.3-4948_A.fwpkg"
            "Name": "NonUnique",
            "UpdatableBy": ["RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "Wait",
            "WaitTimeSeconds": 60
            "Name": "Reboot",
            "UpdatableBy": ["RuntimeAgent"],
            "Command": "ResetServer"
    "error": {
        "code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
        "message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information.",
        "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
                "MessageArgs": [
                "MessageId": "iLO.2.19.PropertyValueIncompatible"

To invoke (deploy) an install set, run the command with the invoke command followed by the -n, --name option specifying the name of the install set to invoke. Add the --tpmover if a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is installed in the system.

iLOrest > installset invoke --name basic_update
Invoking install set:basic_update
The operation completed successfully.

Use the taskqueue command without any argument to monitor the install set deployment.

To delete an install set run the command with the delete argument followed by the --name specifying the name of the install set to delete.

iLOrest > installset delete --name basic_update
Deleting install set: basic_update...
The operation completed successfully.

To remove all install sets run the command with the --removeall option.

LOrest > installset --removeall
Deleting all install sets...
The operation completed successfully.

Listcomp Command


listcomp [Optional Parameters]


Command to list the firmware on the iLO repository of the currently logged in system.


  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

Login Parameters

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --usercert

User Certificate for certificate login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


To list the firmware on the iLO repository of the currently logged in system run the command without arguments.

iLOrest > listcomp
Id: ca3bcc4b
Name: iLO 5
Version: 1.30
Component Uri:/fwrepo/ilo5_130.bin
File Path: ilo5_130.bin
SizeBytes: 33556520

Id: 30d2d7fa
Name: iLO 5
Version: 1.37
Component Uri:/fwrepo/ilo5_137.bin
File Path: ilo5_137.bin
SizeBytes: 33556520

Maintenancewindow Command


maintenancewindow [Optional Parameters]


Command to add or delete maintenance windows from the iLO repository.


add TIME

Add a maintenance window with a given start time. The time format of the current time zone is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. The time format in the GMT time zone is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. Refer to the examples below for more detail.

delete NAME

Delete a maintenance window.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

  • -description=DESCRIPTION

Optionally include this flag to add a description to the maintenance window created by you.

  • --name=NAME

Optionally include this flag to name the maintenance window created by you. If a name is not specified, system will add a unique name.

  • --expire=EXPIRE

Optionally include this flag to add the time a maintenance window expires.

Login Parameters

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


To list the current maintenancewindows on the system run the command without arguments.

iLOrest > maintenancewindow
        Description: No description.
        Start After: 2015-11-21T00:00:00Z
        Expires at: No expire time set.

To Create a new maintenance window run the command with the add keyword followed by the time the maintenance window should start. If you do not supply a name for your maintenance window one will be randomly generated for you.

iLOrest > maintenancewindow add 2018-11-21T00:00:00
[201] The operation completed successfully.

To optionally specify an expire time (--expire), maintenance window name (--name), and/or description (--description) include their respective options.

iLOrest > maintenancewindow add 2019-11-21T00:00:00 --expire=2019-11-22T00:00:00 --name=MyMaintenanceWindow --description "My maintenance window description."
[201] The operation completed successfully.

To delete a maintenance window run the command with the delete keyword followed by the name or id of the maintenance window you wish to delete.

iLOrest > maintenancewindow delete MyMaintenanceWindow
Deleting MyMaintenanceWindow
The operation completed successfully.

Makeinstallset Command


makeinstallset [Optional Parameters]


Run to make installsets for iLO. If not logged into the server, the command will provide basic guidance on making an installset. If logged into the server, the command will provide guidance based on the current components on the system.


When using this command on a logged in sever, for best results, upload the components before running this command.


  • -h, --help

Including the help flag on this command will display help.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Include this flag to use a different filename than the default one. The default filename is myinstallset.json

Login Parameters

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


Run without logging in for basic guidance on making an install set.

iLOrest > makeinstallset
Warning: This command will run in interactive mode.
Entering new shell, type quit to leave!
Running in basic guidance mode.
Enter a name for this command: command1

Possible Commands: ApplyUpdate, ResetServer, ResetBmc, Wait
Enter Command for command1: ApplyUpdate

Unique filename of component on iLO repository
Enter Filename for command1: ilo5_130.bin

Possible Update parameter(s):
Bmc: Updatable by iLO
Uefi: Updatable by Uefi
RuntimeAgent: Updatable by runtime agent such as SUM/SUT
Enter UpdatableBy for command1: Bmc

Enter a name for this command: quit
Is this a recovery installset? no
Enter installset name: basic_update
Enter description for the installset:
  "Sequence": [
      "UpdatableBy": [
      "Command": "ApplyUpdate",
      "Name": "command1",
      "Filename": "ilo5_130.bin"
  "IsRecovery": false,
  "Name": "basic_update",
  "Description": ""
installset saved to myinstallset.json

Run while logged into a system for guidance based on the current components on that system.

iLOrest > makeinstallset
Warning: This command will run in interactive mode.
Entering new shell, type quit to leave!
Running in logged in mode.
Enter a name for this command: update iLO

Possible Commands: ApplyUpdate, ResetServer, ResetBmc, Wait
Enter Command for update iLO: ApplyUpdate

Unique filename of component on iLO repository
Components currently in the repository that have not been added to the installset:
[1] iLO 5
[2] HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility for Windows x64 E...
[3] System BIOS - U30
Select the number of the component you want to add to the install set: 1

Enter a name for this command: update bios

Possible Commands: ApplyUpdate, ResetServer, ResetBmc, Wait
Enter Command for update bios: ApplyUpdate

Unique filename of component on iLO repository
Components currently in the repository that have not been added to the installset:
[1] HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility for Windows x64 E...
[2] System BIOS - U30
Select the number of the component you want to add to the install set: 2

Enter a name for this command: quit
Is this a recovery installset? no
Enter installset name: update fw
Enter description for the installset:
  "Sequence": [
      "UpdatableBy": [
      "Command": "ApplyUpdate",
      "Name": "update iLO",
      "Filename": "ilo5_137.bin"
      "UpdatableBy": [
      "Command": "ApplyUpdate",
      "Name": "update bios",
      "Filename": "U30_1.46_10_02_2018.signed.flash"
  "IsRecovery": false,
  "Name": "update fw",
  "Description": ""
installset saved to myinstallset.json

Taskqueue Command


taskqueue [Optional Parameters]


Command to manage (view, add and remove tasks) from the task queue. Added tasks are appended to the end of the queue. Don't specify any argument to list the tasks and their status.


  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -r, --resetqueue

Remove all update tasks in the queue.

  • -c, --cleanqueue

Clean up all finished or errored tasks - leave pending.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

  • --tpmover

Include this flag when updating firmware if you have a TPM installed.

Login Parameters

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


To create new wait task queue task, include the create keyword followed by the amount of time to wait.

iLOrest > taskqueue create 60
[200] The operation completed successfully.
Creating task: "Wait-703879 60 seconds"
[201] The operation completed successfully.

To create a new firmware task queue task, include the create keyword followed by the name of a firmware file that is already in the iLO repository.

iLOrest > taskqueue create ilo5_137.bin
[200] The operation completed successfully.
Creating task: "Update-740856 iLO 5"
[201] The operation completed successfully.

To list the tasks present in the task queue and their status, run the command with no arguments.

iLOrest > taskqueue

Current Update Task Queue:

Task Wait-703879 60 seconds:
        Command: Wait 60 seconds

Task Update-740856 iLO 5:
        Command: ApplyUpdate
        Filename: ilo5_137.bin

To delete all tasks from the update task queue, run the command with the --resetqueue option.

iLOrest > taskqueue --resetqueue
Deleting all update tasks...
Deleting: Wait-703879 60 seconds
The operation completed successfully.
Deleting: Update-740856 iLO 5
The operation completed successfully.

Uploadcomp Command


uploadcomp [Optional Parameters]


Command to upload a firmware in the iLO repository.

  • The uploadcomp command requires iLO 5 firmware version v1.48(a) or later. Earlier iLO 5 Firmware versions fails with a return code 103.
  • iLO firmware version v1.48(a) or later is required because the uploadcomp command depends on the Bunny Hop feature found in that version of the iLO firmware.
  • Before updating the iLO firmware, read the customer advisory regarding iLO firmware upgrades .


  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --includelogs

Optionally include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

  • --component=COMPONENT

Component or binary file path to upload to the update service.

  • --compsig=COMPONENTSIG

Component signature file path needed by iLO to authenticate the component file. If not provided, the command will try to find the signature file from component file path.

  • --forceupload

Add this flag to force upload components with the same name already on the repository.

  • --update_repository

Add this flag to skip uploading component/binary to the iLO Repository. If this flag is included with --update_srs, it is ignored. Adding component to the repository is required to update the system recovery set.

  • --update_target

If true, the uploaded component/binary will be flashed. The default is set to False.

  • --update_srs

The uploaded component becomes a part of the system recovery set (srs).


--update_target also need to passed along with --update_srs for component to be valid for that server.

Login Parameters

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


To upload firmware to the iLO repository run the command with the --component option specifying the firmware file to upload.

iLOrest > uploadcomp --component ilo5_137.bin
[200] The operation completed successfully.
Component ilo5_137.bin uploaded successfully
Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component
0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 43 second(s)

By default the firmware is uploaded to the iLO Repository. For firmware iLO is capable of flashing you can instead directly flash it. To do this you need to include the --update_repository flag to not include the firmware in the iLO repository and the --update_target flag to trigger iLO to flash.

iLOrest > uploadcomp --component ilo5_140.bin --update_repository --update_target
[200] The operation completed successfully.
Component ilo5_140.bin uploaded successfully
Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component
0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 56 second(s)