Global commands and optional arguments
This section lists global optional arguments and global commands that apply to HPE iLOrest as a whole.
Global optional arguments
Global optional arguments are passed when invoking an interactive mode session or at every invocation in scriptable mode.
-h, --help
Including the help flag displays the general help for the tool.
-c, --config=CONFIGFILE
Use the provided configuration file instead of the default.
Use the provided directory as the location to cache data instead of the default.
The location of default cache directory depends on the operating system
hosting HPE iLOrest. Use ilorest --help
to discover its location.
Display verbose information. The --verbose
option provides a brief
response message from iLO.
The second level or "very verbose" option provides further details regarding iLO response information.
The extended verbosity option provides the following additional information for iLO HTTP and the iLO Channel Interface Driver response messages:
An error response message id (
), iLO response error message code identification. -
An error response message description (
), essentially a quick synopsis of the issue. -
An error response message (
) describing the reason for the error in greater detail. The offending properties are embedded as per the relevant error response resource. -
An error response resolution (
) describing steps to correct the error.
The following example shows extended verbosity:
HTTP Response Code: [400]
MessageId: iLO.2.8.PropertyNotWritableOrUnknown
Description: The request included a value for a read-only or unknown property.
Message: The property "NTPServers" is a read-only property and cannot be assigned a value, or not valid for this resource.
Resolution: If the operation did not complete, remove the property from the request body and resubmit the request.
-d, --debug
The debug option provides a timestamp of all transmit and response activity
with iLO to a file called iLORest.log
This file is saved in the folder where from you launched the tool.
Use the debug mode when you have difficulties to write your own Redfish client in Python or another language. The debug option can help you understand how to perform specific requests.
The following example shows the content of the iLORest.log
2020-06-05 14:20:39,266 INFO : Not using CA certificate.
2020-06-05 14:20:39,267 INFO : Initializing no proxy.
2020-06-05 14:20:39,267 DEBUG : HTTP REQUEST: GET
PATH: /redfish/v1/
HEADERS: {'OData-Version': '4.0', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'}
BODY: None
2020-06-05 14:20:39,269 DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 1.83.661.104
2020-06-05 14:20:39,884 DEBUG : https://1.83.661.104:443 "GET /redfish/v1/ HTTP/1.1" 200 None
2020-06-05 14:20:39,885 INFO : Response Time to /redfish/v1/: 0.615999937057 seconds.
2020-06-05 14:20:39,887 DEBUG : HTTP RESPONSE for /redfish/v1/:
Code:200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
ETag: W/"16CA421D"
Link: <redfish/v1/SchemaStore/en/ServiceRoot.json/>; rel=describedby
Allow: GET, HEAD
Cache-Control: no-cache
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2020 19:21:15 GMT
OData-Version: 4.0
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Body Response of /redfish/v1/: {"@odata.context":"/redfish/v1/$metadata#ServiceRoot.ServiceRoot","@odata.etag":"W/\"16CA421D\"","":"/redfish/v1/","@odata.type":"#ServiceRoot.v1_5_1.ServiceRoot","Id":"RootService","AccountService":{"":"/redfish/v1/AccountService/"},"Chassis":{"":"/redfish/v1/Chassis/"},"EventService":{"":"/redfish/v1/EventService/"},"JsonSchemas":{"":"/redfish/v1/JsonSchemas/"},"Links":{"Sessions":{"":"/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/"}},"Managers":{"":"/redfish/v1/Managers/"},"Name":"HPE RESTful Root Service","Oem":{"Hpe":{"@odata.context":"/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeiLOServiceExt.HpeiLOServiceExt","@odata.type":"#HpeiLOServiceExt.v2_3_0.HpeiLOServiceExt","Links":{"ResourceDirectory":{"":"/redfish/v1/ResourceDirectory/"}},"Manager":[{"DefaultLanguage":"en","FQDN":"","HostName":"ILOMXQ849018N","Languages":[{"Language":"en","TranslationName":"English","Version":"2.10"}],"ManagerFirmwareVersion":"2.10","ManagerType":"iLO 5","Status":{"Health":"OK"}}],"Moniker":{"ADVLIC":"iLO Advanced","BMC":"iLO","BSYS":"BladeSystem","CLASS":"Baseboard Management Controller","FEDGRP":"DEFAULT","IPROV":"Intelligent Provisioning","PRODABR":"iLO","PRODFAM":"Integrated Lights-Out","PRODGEN":"iLO 5","PRODNAM":"Integrated Lights-Out 5","PRODTAG":"HPE iLO 5","STDLIC":"iLO Standard","SUMABR":"SUM","SUMGR":"Smart Update Manager","SYSFAM":"ProLiant","VENDABR":"HPE","VENDNAM":"Hewlett Packard Enterprise","WWW":"","WWWAHSV":"","WWWBMC":"","WWWDOC":"","WWWERS":"","WWWGLIS":"reserved for liconf URI","WWWIOL":"","WWWLIC":"","WWWLML":"","WWWPASS":"","WWWPRV":"","WWWQSPEC":"","WWWRESTDOC":"","WWWSUP":"","WWWSWLIC":""},"Sessions":{"CertCommonName":"","CertificateLoginEnabled":false,"KerberosEnabled":false,"LDAPAuthLicenced":true,"LDAPEnabled":false,"LocalLoginEnabled":true,"LoginFailureDelay":0,"LoginHint":{"Hint":"POST to /Sessions to login using the following JSON object:","HintPOSTData":{"Password":"password","UserName":"username"}},"SecurityOverride":false,"ServerName":""},"System":[{"Status":{"Health":"OK"}}],"Time":"2020-06-05T19:21:15Z"}},"Product":"ProLiant DL360 Gen10","ProtocolFeaturesSupported":{"ExpandQuery":{"ExpandAll":false,"Levels":true,"Links":false,"MaxLevels":1,"NoLinks":true},"FilterQuery":true,"OnlyMemberQuery":true,"SelectQuery":false},"RedfishVersion":"1.6.0","Registries":{"":"/redfish/v1/Registries/"},"SessionService":{"":"/redfish/v1/SessionService/"},"Systems":{"":"/redfish/v1/Systems/"},"Tasks":{"":"/redfish/v1/TaskService/"},"TelemetryService":{"":"/redfish/v1/TelemetryService/"},"UUID":"d3372204-1b09-54ea-9aa0-88940c369d59","UpdateService":{"":"/redfish/v1/UpdateService/"},"Vendor":"HPE"}
Disable debug logs to stdout.
Use the provided directory as the location for the log file instead of the default.
During execution the application will temporarily store data only in memory.
Include to block copyright and logo.
Include to block bottom status bar.
Use the provided proxy for communication.
Use this flag if you wish to enable Redfish only compliance. It is enabled by default in systems with iLO 5 and above.
The --redfish
global option is only required for HPE iLO 4.
Global commands
This section includes commands as well as their usage and examples of general commands in the RESTful Interface Tool. They include commands used to do things such as listing help for using commands, viewing, retrieving, modifying, and committing changes to server properties, authenticating and logging in and out of the server.
Help Command
help [command] [optional parameters]
Displays command-line syntax and help menus for individual commands. Use this command if you want to know more about a command or need help using a command. Alternatively, you can use the help
command without specifying a particular command if you wish to see all the available commands and options.
- Command
Supplying a command to help
displays the help message corresponding to the given command, as well as the options relating to that particular command.
If no command is provided, the help
command lists and provides a brief description of all available commands.
- -h, --help
Running the help
command with the ‑h or ‑‑help parameter displays information on how to use the help
- -c FILE, --config=FILE
Use the provided configuration file instead of the default one.
- --cache-dir=PATH
Use the provided directory as the location to cache data (default location: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.ilorest
iLOrest > help
HPE iLOrest is a command-line or interactive interface that allows users to
manage Hewlett Packard Enterprise products that take advantage of RESTful APIs.
In order to view or manage a system you must first login. You can login using
the login command or during execution of any other command.
From here you can run any other commands. To learn more about specific commands,
run `ilorest COMMAND -h`.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c FILE, --config FILE
Use the provided configuration file instead of the default one.
--cache-dir PATH Use the provided directory as the location to cache data (default location: C:\Users\kallur\AppData\Roaming\.iLOrest)
-v, --verbose Display verbose information (with increasing level). '-v': Level 1, Logging, Stdout, Stderr. '-vv': Level 2, Extends Level 1 with slightly
elaborated iLO and HTTP response message. '-vvv': Level3, Extends Level 2 with message id, validation class, message text with embedded args,
and possible resolution/mitigation for iLO responses. High detailed HTTP responses. **NOTE 1**: Some responses may only contain limited
information from the source.**NOTE 4**: Default level is 0.
-d, --debug Display debug information.
--logdir PATH Use the provided directory as the location for log file.
--nocache During execution the application will temporarily store data only in memory.
--nologo Include to block copyright and logo.
--toolbar Show toolbar at the bottom.
--redfish Use this flag if you wish to to enable Redfish only compliance. It is enabled by default in systems with iLO5 and above.
--latestschema Optionally use the latest schema instead of the one requested by the file. Note: May cause errors in some data retrieval due to difference in
schema versions.
--redirectconsole [REDIRECT CONSOLE]
Optionally include this flag to redirect stdout/stderr console.
biosdefaults - Set the currently logged in server to default BIOS settings.
bootorder - Displays and sets the current boot order.
iscsiconfig - Displays and configures the current iscsi settings.
setpassword - Sets the admin password and power-on password
commit - Applies all the changes made during the current session.
get - Displays the current value(s) of a property(ies) within a selected type.
info - Displays detailed information about a property within a selected type.
list - Displays the current value(s) of a property(ies) within a selected type including reserved properties.
load - Loads the server configuration settings from a file.
login - Connects to a server, establishes a secure session, and discovers data from iLO.
logout - Ends the current session and disconnects from the server.
pending - Show the pending changes that will be applied on reboot.
results - Show the results of changes which require a server reboot.
save - Saves the selected type's settings to a file.
select - Selects the object type to be used.
set - Changes the value of a property within the currently selected type.
status - Displays all pending changes within a selected type that need to be committed.
types - Displays all selectable types within the currently logged in server.
exit - Exits from the interactive shell.
help - Displays command line syntax and help menus for individual commands. Example: help login
provisionpmm - Applies specified configuration to PMM.
applypmmconfig - Applies a pre-defined configuration to PMM.
clearpmmpendingconfig - Clear pending config tasks
pmmsecuritystate - Displaying the Security state of dimms.
showpmm - Display information about Persistent Memory modules.
showpmmpendingconfig - Shows the pending configuration for PMM.
showrecommendedpmmconfig - Show Recommended Configuration
rawdelete - Raw form of the DELETE command.
rawget - Raw form of the GET command.
rawhead - Raw form of the HEAD command.
rawpatch - Raw form of the PATCH command.
rawpost - Raw form of the POST command.
rawput - Raw form of the PUT command.
clearcontrollerconfig - Clears smart array controller configuration.
createlogicaldrive - Creates a new logical drive on the selected controller.
deletelogicaldrive - Deletes logical drives from the selected controller.
drivesanitize - Erase/Sanitize physical drive(s)
factoryresetcontroller - Factory resets a controller by index or location.
smartarray - Discovers all storage controllers installed in the server and managed by the SmartStorage.
certificate - Command for importing both iLO and login authorization certificates as well as generating iLO certificate signing requests (CSR)
clearrestapistate - Clears the persistent state of the REST API. Some portions of the API may not be available until after the server reboots.
directory - Update directory settings, add/delete directory roles, and test directory settings on the currently logged in server.
disableilofunctionality - disables iLO's accessibility via the network and resets iLO. WARNING: This should be used with caution as it will render iLO unable to respond to further network operations (including REST operations) until iLO is re-enabled using the RBSU menu.
eskm - Command for all ESKM available actions.
ethernet - Command for configuring Ethernet Management Controller Interfaces and associated properties
factorydefaults - Resets iLO to factory defaults. WARNING: user data will be removed use with caution.
fwintegritycheck - Perform a firmware integrity check on the currently logged in server.
firmwareupdate - Perform a firmware update on the currently logged in server.
iloaccounts - Views/Adds/deletes/modifies an iLO account on the currently logged in server.
backuprestore - Backup and restore iLO to a server using a .bak file.
ilofederation - Adds / deletes an iLO federation group on the currently logged in server.
ilolicense - Adds an iLO license key to the currently logged in server.
iloreset - Reset iLO on the current logged in server.
ipprofiles - This is used to manage hpeipprofile data store.
onebuttonerase - Performs One Button Erase on a system.
reboot - Reboot operations for the current logged in server.
sendtest - Command for sending various tests to iLO.
serverclone - Creates a JSON formatted clone file of a system's iLO, Bios, and SSA configuration which can be duplicated onto other systems. User editable JSON file can be manipulated to modify settings before being loaded onto another machine.
serverinfo - Shows aggregate health status and details of the currently logged in server.
serverlogs - Download and perform log operations.
serverstate - Returns the current state of the server.
sigrecompute - Command to recalculate the signature of the computer's configuration.
singlesignon - Command for all single sign on available actions.
virtualmedia - Command for inserting and removing virtual media.
deletecomp - Deletes components/binaries from the iLO Repository.
downloadcomp - Downloads components/binaries from the iLO Repository.
flashfwpkg - Flashes fwpkg components using the iLO repository.
installset - Manages install sets for iLO.
listcomp - Lists components/binaries from the iLO Repository.
maintenancewindow - Manages the maintenance windows for iLO.
makeinstallset - Creates install sets for iLO.
taskqueue - Manages the update task queue for iLO.
uploadcomp - Upload components/binary to the iLO Repository.
The syntax to get help details for specific command is
iLOrest > login -h
usage: login [-h] [--url URL] [--sessionid SESSIONID] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [--biospassword BIOSPASSWORD] [--https HTTPS_CERT]
[--includelogs] [--path PATH] [--force-vnic] [--logout]
[--selector SELECTOR]
To login remotely run using iLO url and iLO credentials
example: login <;iLO url/hostname>; -u <;iLO username>; -p <;iLO password>;
To login on a local server run without arguments
example: login
NOTE: A [URL] can be specified with an IPv4, IPv6, or hostname address.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--selector SELECTOR Optionally include this flag to select a type to run the current command on. Use this flag when you wish to select a type without entering another command, or if you wish to work with a type that is different from the one you currently have selected.
Options for logging in to a system.
--url URL Use the provided iLO URL to login.
--sessionid SESSIONID
Use the provided sessionid to login.
-u USER, --user USER If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the
password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Use the provided iLO password to log in.
--biospassword BIOSPASSWORD
Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this
flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.
This option is only used on Gen 9 systems.
--https HTTPS_CERT Use the provided CA bundle or SSL certificate with your login to
connect securely to the system in remote mode. This flag has no effect in local mode.
--includelogs Optionally include logs in the data retrieval process.
--path PATH Optionally set a starting point for data collection during login.
If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be /redfish/v1/.
Note: The path flag can only be specified at the time of login.
Warning: Only for advanced users, and generally not needed for normal operations.
--logout Logout after the completion of the command.
Login Command
login [URL] [Optional Parameters]
Connects to a server, establishes a secure session, and discovers data from HPE iLO. If you are logging in to a local server, run the command without arguments. If you are not logging in to a local server, supply the URL argument along with the user and password options.
Authentication is not performed in the security production
(default) mode.
If a username and password are included then the configuration will default
to an internal, unauthenticated administrative level privileged user account.
Higher security modes,
if configured, require a valid iLO management username and password to connect.
Login using certificate authentication has following requirements:
- iLO 5 v2.40 or later
- Set NTP Server on iLO and verify accurate time
- "iLO Advanced Premium Security Edition" license
- X509 SSL certificate signed with root CA key
- CAC/Smartcard Authentication Enabled
- Add root CA certificate to iLO
- Map user CA certificate to target iLO management user
Usage in Other Commands
Login remotely with basic authentication as part of other commands by
including the --url
, (-u
, --user
), and (-p
, --password
) flags.
Optionally include the --https
flag to validate the SSL certificate when
logging in.
Locally you will be logged in automatically unless running in a high security mode. Refer to the Higher security modes for more information.
Connect to the server located at the provided URL.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
- -u User
Connect to the server as the provided user.
- -p Password
Connect to the server with the password corresponding to the given user.
- -o, --otp
To enter the One Time Password (OTP) received in the configured Directory Service (i.e. Microsoft Active Directory) email address. Refer to the TFA section for more detail.
- --wait_for_otp
To prompt and wait for the One Time Password (OTP) received in the configured Directory Service (i.e. Microsoft Active Directory) email address to be entered during implicit login. Refer to the TFA section for more detail.
In Linux, if password contains '!' (exclamation), then enclose the password
with single quotation ('). Also, if the password includes special characters,
then escape these characters with '' (backslash).
Eg: if the password is test#123
, then type the password as test\\#123
- --sessionid
Connect to the server with the already known sessionid
- --usercert UserCertificate
Specify a user certificate file path for certificate based authentication with iLO.
The user private key is required.
- --userkey UserCertKey
Specify a user private key file path for certificate based authentication with iLO.
If the user private key is password protected, but not included with
, then Urllib3 will automatically request the
password on the command line.
- --userpassphrase UserPassphrase
Optionally specify a user key file password for a password protected user key.
- --force_vnic
Option to force login through iLO Virtual NIC. Virtual NIC to be enabled in iLO. NOTE: iLO 5 or later is required.
- --includelogs
Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs. in the data retrieval process.
Use this option to limit long login times.
- --selector=SELECTOR
Optionally including the selector flag allows you to select a type to run while running the current command. Use this flag when you wish to select a type without entering another command, or if you wish to work with a type that is different from the one you currently have selected.
- --path=PATH
Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a
starting point, the default path will be /rest/v1
The path
flag can only be specified at the time of login, so if you are
already logged into the server, the path
flag will not change the path.
If you are entering a command that is not the login
command, but includes
your login information, you can still specify the path flag there.
- --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD
Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.
This option is only used on HPE Gen 9 systems.
To login remotely, with basic authentication, supply the URL, username, and password for the server.
iLOrest > login xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password
Discovering data...Done
To login remotely, with Certificate, supply the URL, user certificate, user key and user passphrase to the server.
iLOrest > login xx.xx.xx.xx --usercert cert.pem --userkey userkey.pem --userpassphrase password
Discovering data...Done
In the following example, the --select
option has been included so that
the Bios
type is selected once the user is logged in. You can prove that
the Bios
type has indeed been selected when we enter the select
iLOrest > login xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password --select Bios.
Discovering data...Done
iLOrest > select
Current selection: Bios.v1_0_0
An IPv4, IPv6, or hostname can be specified. IPv6 should use the following format.
iLOrest > login [xxxx::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx] -u username -p password
Discovering data...Done
In the following example, a SSL certificate is included to validate the HTTPS connection
iLOrest > login -u username -p password --https \path\to\SSLcert.crt
Discovering data...Done
In the following example, the URL, username, and password information are
not specified on the command line nor in the configuration file.
This syntax attempts to login locally in the server's iLO via the HPE
internal Channel Interface (CHIF). Credential are not required when
the login
command is issued by a privileged user toward an iLO in
security Production
Higher security modes
require valid credentials.
iLOrest > login
Discovering data...Done
For Virtual NIC local login, use --force_vnic
and username and password
iLOrest > login --force_vnic -u username -p password
Discovering data...Done
To login using OTP
iLOrest > login -u ilo-username -p password -o 987654
Discovering data...Done
iLOrest > login -u username -p password --wait_for_otp
One Time Passcode Sent to registered email.
Enter OTP: 234567
Discovering data...Done
Types Command
types [Optional Parameters]
Each Redfish resource is associated to a
data type also called "resource type" or "type".
The types
command displays all selectable types available within the
currently logged in server. Data types include a name as well as version information.
They represent the schemas used for the resources and indicate the version of
those schemas. Version information is major.minor.errata
(i.e. SystemRoot.0.9.5
Major versions are not backward compatible, but everything else is.
Refer to the HPE iLO resource map for a the list and location of all the possible types.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
- --fulltypes
Optionally include this flag if you would prefer to return the full type name instead of the simplified versions.
Login Parameters
The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.
- --url=URL
If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.
- -u User, --user=USER
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.
- -p Password, --password=PASSWORD
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.
- --includelogs
Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.
Use this option to limit long login times.
- --path=PATH
Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a
starting point, the default path will be /redfish/v1/
Refer to the
Path Option
for more information.
The path
flag can only be specified at the time of login, so if you are
already logged into the server, the path
flag will not change the path.
If you are entering a command that is not the login
command, but includes
your login information, you can still specify the path flag there.
The following example logs into an iLO based server and lists all the available types (output truncated). When submitted against a non-iLO based server, it returns the full type name (not the simplified one). See example below.
iLOrest > login ilo-ip -u username -p password
Discovering data...Done
iLOrest > types
Type options:
The following command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL with the provided username and password, and lists all the available types that you can select. The full list has been truncated here for space.
iLOrest > types --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password
Discovering data...Done
Type options:
Adding the --fulltypes
option returns the full type name instead
of the simplified versions. This is only available against Redfish
conformant services.
iLOrest > types --fulltypes
Type options:
Select Command
select [Type] [Optional Parameters]
Use select
command to choose one or several
data types to work with. Eligible
types for selection are listed by the types
global command.
Once a data type or a data type set is selected, it remains selected and used by subsequent commands until another type is selected.
With no argument the select
command returns the current selected type(s) or
error code 24 if no type is selected.
The supplied type string is treated as a regular expression of the form *[Tt][Yy][Pp[Ee]*
the select
command. This allows the selection of multiple types
having in common a substring.
Refer to the examples paragraph for more detail.
Usage in other commands
Select a type from another command by including the --select
or --selector
parameter followed by the type to select. Not all commands have the --select
parameter; run command --help
to see available options.
Refer to the get
examples for more detail.
The selection of the following data types points to their pending/settings area
The pending/settings area may differ from the running/current area if you have not cold rebooted the server after a committed modification.
(iLO 5 only) -
The above statement is true for all commands accepting the --select
parameter, including
the get
and list
global commands.
You can use the pending
to list pending modifications in the mentioned data types.
Use a rawget
to retrieve the current properties of the above data types.
The URIs of the above data types can be quickly determined with the first example in this
- Type
Specify the type you want to select. Omitting a type to select will cause select to display the currently selected type.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
- --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD
Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.
This option is only used on Gen 9 systems.
Login Parameters
The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.
- --url=URL
If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.
- -u User, --user=USER
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.
- -p Password, --password=PASSWORD
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.
- --includelogs
Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.
Use this option to limit long login times.
- --path=PATH
Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a
starting point, the default path will be /redfish/v1/
Refer to the
Path Option
for more information.
The path
flag can only be specified at the time of login, so if you are
already logged into the server, the path
flag will not change the path.
If you are entering a command that is not the login
command, but
includes your login information, you can still specify the path flag there.
The following example is for a didactic purpose only. It does not have
any practical use case. It selects all types containing string em
, regardless the
ilorest select em
ilorest select
Current selection: ComputerSystem.v1_17_0, ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection,
HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia.v2_0_0, HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0,
Memory.v1_7_1, MemoryCollection.MemoryCollection,
HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0, MemoryDomainCollection.MemoryDomainCollection,
The following example simultaneously logs in to a remote iLO at the provided URL
with the provided username and password
and selects the ComputerSystem.
iLOrest > select ComputerSystem. --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password
Discovering data...Done
iLOrest > select
Current selection: ComputerSystem.v1_4_0
In the previous example, the trailing dot (.
) of the selected type
excludes the ComputerSystemCollection
Excluding the collection associated with a type can be useful
to avoid retrieving properties belonging to both types (i.e. Name
as shown in the next example.
ilorest list Name --json --select ComputerSystem
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/",
"Name": "Computer System"
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/",
"Name": "Computer Systems"
The following example shows how to select all Bios
subsystems or only Bios
by excluding the HPE OEM
iLOrest > select Bios
iLOrest > select
Current selection: HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0, Bios.v1_0_0
iLOrest > select Bios.
iLOrest > select
Current selection: Bios.v1_0_0
The following example selects all versions of the standard Drive
data type,
excluding legacy HPE SmartStorage
types (they contain a "v2" string) and lists the URIs
of the drives in the system.
Systems containing PLDM capable devices may have several type versions: One version implemented in the management controller (iLO) and versions implemented within the devices.
ilorest select drive.v1
ilorest select
Current selection: Drive.v1_14_0, Drive.v1_16_0
ilorest list "" --json
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/DE07C000/Drives/2"
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/DE07C000/Drives/1"
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/DE07C000/Drives/0"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/8/"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/6/"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/3/"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/9/"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/7/"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/10/"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/5/"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/1/"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/2/"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/2/Drives/4/"
iLOrest caches data once a type has been selected for the first time.
To refresh a type with the most up to date information use the --refresh
iLOrest > select ComputerSystem.
iLOrest > get Oem/Hpe/PowerOnMinutes
iLOrest > select ComputerSystem. --refresh
iLOrest > get Oem/Hpe/PowerOnMinutes
Use the select <type> --refresh
command to delete/remove changed
settings that have not been committed, as shown in
the next example.
ilorest set LocationIndicatorActive=True
Added the following patch:
"LocationIndicatorActive": true
ilorest status
Current changes found:
ComputerSystem.v1_17_0(/redfish/v1/Systems/1/) (Currently selected)
ilorest select ComputerSystem. --refresh
Padbol# ilorest status
No changes found
List Command
list [Property(s)] [Optional Parameters]
Use this command when a data type has already
been selected
or supplied with the --select
Run without any argument, list
displays the value(s) of all the properties of the selected
data type, including
reserved properties. The output can be in human-readable or JSON format.
Supplying a list of nonexistent properties in the selected
type returns
iLOrest error
No get contents found for selected type.
- Supplying a list of properties with at least one existent among them does not return any error. Nonexistent properties are silently discarded and only valid properties are processed.
- Identical property values of similar objects are only printed once.
Refer to the example section below for illustration.
Reserved properties
The term reserved properties refers to "meta properties" like @odata.*
or resources like Actions
that are more useful for Redfish clients than for human being.
The list
command displays reserved properties, while the get
command does not.
As the list of reserved properties is evolving over time, it is not possible to provide
the exhaustive list. However, you can get an idea of that list by comparing the output
of the list
and the get
commands against the Manager
data type as shown in
the next example.
ilorest list --json --select Manager. > listManager.json
ilorest get --json --select Manager. > getManager.json
diff listManager.json getManager.json
< "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Manager.Manager",
< "@odata.etag": "W/\"99020AD4\"",
< "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/",
< "@odata.type": "#Manager.v1_5_1.Manager",
< "Actions": {
< "#Manager.Reset": {
< "ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
< "ForceRestart",
< "GracefulRestart"
< ],
< "target": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/Actions/Manager.Reset/"
< }
< },
< "Links": {
< "ActiveHealthSystem": {
< "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/ActiveHealthSystem/"
< },
< "BackupRestoreService": {
< "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/BackupRestoreService/"
< },
< "DateTimeService": {
< "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/DateTime/"
< },
< "EmbeddedMediaService": {
< "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/EmbeddedMedia/"
< },
< "FederationDispatch": {
< "extref": "/dispatch"
< },
- Property(s)
Supplying a property or a list of properties causes list
to display the
current value for that particular property or properties.
Supplying a list of nonexistent properties in the selected
type returns
iLOrest error
No get contents found for selected type.
- Supplying a list of properties with at least one existent among them does not return any error. Nonexistent properties are silently discarded and only valid properties are processed.
- Identical property values of similar objects are only printed once.
Refer to the example section below for illustration.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
- --selector=SELECTOR or --select SELECTOR
The --selector
or --select
parameter allows you to select
a data type prior to
run the command. This is a quick way to select a type and
work on a different type
than the one already selected.
Optionally provide a filter key=value
to select only properties matching this filter. Refer to the
Filter Option
for more information and examples.
- -j, --json
Include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure can make the information easier to parse.
Login Parameters
The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.
- --url=URL
If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.
- -u User, --user=USER
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.
- -p Password, --password=PASSWORD
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.
- --includelogs
Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.
Use this option to limit long login times.
- --path=PATH
Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a
starting point, the default path will be /redfish/v1/
Refer to the Path Option
for more information.
The path
flag can only be specified at the time of login, so if you are
already logged into the server, the path
flag will not change the path.
If you are entering a command that is not the login
command, but includes
your login information, you can still specify the path flag there.
- --logout
Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.
The following example lists all the properties of the Bios
data type, in human readable
and JSON formats.
iLOrest > select Bios.
iLOrest > list
iLOrest > select ComputerSystem.
iLOrest > list --json
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystem.ComputerSystem",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"9D48B4B7\"",
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/",
"@odata.type": "#ComputerSystem.v1_4_0.ComputerSystem",
"Actions": {
"#ComputerSystem.Reset": {
"ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"target": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset/"
"AssetTag": "",
"Bios": {
"": "/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/"
"BiosVersion": "U32 v2.10 (12/14/2018)",
"Boot": {
"BootSourceOverrideTarget": "None",
"BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
To return specific properties or sub-properties value, include them as arguments.
If the property you want to return is a sub-property add them in the form
Best Practice
Although iLOrest arguments are not case-sensitive, it is a best practice to respect the case sensitivity of arguments. You may have to use Redfish clients that request the respect of the case.
The following example retrieves three properties from the ComputerSystem
The AssetTag
property exists, but has an empty value ("").
iLOrest > list Boot/BootSourceOverrideMode AssetTag --select ComputerSystem.
The following example tries retrieves a non-existing property (verbose mode)
in the ComputerSystem
ilorest -vv list foo --select ComputerSystem.
Selected option(s): #ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem
Error: No get contents found for selected type.
iLORest return code: 6
The following example asks, in verbose mode, for the values of an existing
) and a non-existing (foo
) properties in the ComputerSystem.
ilorest -vv list PowerState foo --select ComputerSystem. --json
Selected option(s): #ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem
"PowerState": "On"
iLORest return code: 0
The following example selects the Bios
data type before
asking, in verbose mode, for the values of properties belonging to another
data type (Memory.
). As a consequence, iLOrest returns an error.
ilorest select Bios.
ilorest -v list CapacityMiB Name Vend --json
Selected option(s): #Bios.v1_0_0.Bios
Error: No get contents found for selected type.
iLORest return code: 6
The following example selects the Bios.
and then switches to the Memory.
type to retrieve
the values of three properties. However, one of
them (Vend
) is not spelled correctly. As a result,
only valid properties are returned.
ilorest select Bios.
ilorest -v list CapacityMiB Name Vend --json --select Memory.
Selected option(s): #Memory.v1_7_1.Memory
"CapacityMiB": 32768,
"Name": "proc1dimm12"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc2dimm11"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc2dimm7"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc2dimm9"
iLORest return code: 0
The following example retrieves the value of the CapacityMiB
property in the Memory.
subsystem. Several memory slots are populated with identical DIMMs (32768 MiB),
but not all of them. In this case, iLOrest returns only two values: 0
and 32768
ilorest list CapacityMiB --json --select Memory.
"CapacityMiB": 0
"CapacityMiB": 32768
The following example retrieves the values of the CapacityMiB
and Name
properties in the Memory.
subsystem. The Name
value is different
for each and every DIMM slot, populated or not. Hence the output displays
both values for each memory slot. Output is truncated.
ilorest list CapacityMiB Name --json --select Memory.
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc2dimm2"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc1dimm12"
"CapacityMiB": 32768,
"Name": "proc2dimm8"
"CapacityMiB": 32768,
"Name": "proc1dimm4"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc1dimm6"
Info Command
info [Property(s)] [Optional Parameters]
Displays detailed information about a property within a selected type. Information includes the data type of the value, if the property is read-only or not, a brief description, possible values, and any sub-properties associated with the property.
---selector=SELECTOR or --select SELECTOR
The --selector
or --select
parameter allows you to select
a data type prior to
run the command. This is a quick way to select a type and
work on a different type
than the one already selected.
- -h, --help
Including the --help
parameter displays help for the command.
- -j, --json
Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to read.
Login Parameters
The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.
- --url=URL
If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.
- -u User, --user=USER
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.
- -p Password, --password=PASSWORD
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.
- --includelogs
Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.
Use this option to limit long login times.
- --path=PATH
Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a
starting point, the default path will be /redfish/v1/
Refer to the Path Option for more information.
The path
flag can only be specified at the time of login, so if you are already
logged into the server, the path
flag will not change the path. If you are
entering a command that is not the login
command, but includes your login information,
you can still specify the path flag there.
- --logout
Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.
Without any supplied property, info
lists all
available options in the selected type.
In the next example, the full list is truncated.
iLOrest > select Bios.
iLOrest > info
Info options:
This following example simultaneously logs into a remote Redfish service at the provided
URL (--url
) with the provided username (-u
) and password (-p
selects the Power.
type, and displays the PowerSupplies
property information.
iLOrest > info PowerSupplies -u username -p password --url xx.xx.xx.xx --select Power.
Discovering data...Done
Details of the power supplies associated with this system or
Redundancy, Name, SerialNumber, MemberId,,
PowerCapacityWatts, Model, PartNumber, Status,
LastPowerOutputWatts, SparePartNumber, RelatedItem,
LineInputVoltageType, Oem, PowerSupplyType, LineInputVoltage,
FirmwareVersion, Manufacturer
Multiple properties belonging to the VirtualMedia
type are specified in the next example.
iLOrest > select VirtualMedia.
iLOrest > info Image WriteProtected
The valid URI indicating the image that is mounted on this server.
A null value indicates that no image exists.
Indicates whether the virtual media is protected against write
True or False
Any Sub-Properties shown in an info response can be queried in the same form
as set
, list
, and get
: Property/Sub-property
iLOrest > select ComputerSystem.
iLOrest > info Boot
The boot information for the current resource.
BootSourceOverrideEnabled, BootSourceOverrideMode,
iLOrest > info Boot/BootSourceOverrideTarget
The current boot source to be used at next boot instead of the
normal boot device, if BootSourceOverrideEnabled is true.
Get Command
get [Property(s)] [Optional Parameters]
Use this command only after a type has already been selected
or supplied with the --select
Run without any argument, get
displays the value(s) of all the propertie(s) of a selected
data type excluding
reserved properties. The output can be in human-readable or JSON format.
Supplying a list of nonexistent properties in the selected
type returns
iLOrest error
No get contents found for selected type.
- Supplying a list of properties with at least one existent among them does not return any error. Nonexistent properties are silently discarded and only valid properties are processed.
- Identical property values of similar objects are only printed once.
Refer to the example section below for illustration.
- Property(s)
Supplying a property or multiple properties causes get
to display
the current value for that particular property or properties.
If you want to retrieve all the values of all the properties, run without arguments. This is still assuming you have a type already selected.
- -h, --help
Including the help
flag displays help for the command.
- --selector=SELECTOR or --select SELECTOR
The --selector
or --select
parameter allows you to select
a data type prior to
run the command. This is a quick way to select a type and
work on a different type than the one already selected.
Optionally provide a filter key=value
to select only properties matching this filter. Refer to the
Filter Option
for more information and examples.
- -j, --json
Include this flag to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to read.
- --noreadonly
Include this flag to display properties that are not read-only. This is useful to see what is configurable with the selected type(s).
Login Parameters
The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.
- --url=URL
If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.
- -u User, --user=USER
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.
- -p Password, --password=PASSWORD
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.
- --includelogs
Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.
Use this option to limit long login times.
- --path=PATH
Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a
starting point, the default path will be /redfish/v1/
Refer to the
Path Option for more information.
The path
flag can only be specified at the time of login, so if you are
already logged into the server, the path
flag will not change the path.
If you are entering a command that is not the login
command, but includes
your login information, you can still specify the path flag there.
- --logout
Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.
Using get
without any property returns the values of all
the properties in the selected
type. In the following example, the output is truncated.
Best Practice
Although iLOrest arguments are not case-sensitive, it is a best practice to respect the case sensitivity of arguments. You may have to use Redfish clients that request the respect of the case.
iLOrest > select Bios.
iLOrest > get
AdminName=Michael L
The following example prints the value of a property belonging
to the type selected in the previous example (Bios.
iLOrest > get AdminName
AdminName=Jason E
This command simultaneously logs in to a remote iLO at the provided URL (--url
with the provided username (-u) and password (-p), selects the Bios.
type, and the get
command is used to retrieve the BootOrderPolicy
property of Bios.
iLOrest > get BootOrderPolicy --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password --select Bios.
Discovering data...Done
Because the --logout
parameter is included in the next example,
the user is logged out of the remote
Redfish service after the get
command is performed.
iLOrest > select ComputerSystem.
iLOrest > get AssetTag --logout
Logging session out.
The following example retrieve multiple property and sub-property values,
using the /
iLOrest > select ComputerSystem.
iLOrest > get MemorySummary
iLOrest > get MemorySummary/Status MemorySummary/TotalSystemMemoryGiB AssetTag
You can use the noreadonly
flag to narrow down your results
to only retrieve properties that are writeable.
iLOrest > select ComputerSystem.
iLOrest > get
BiosVersion=U32 v2.10 (12/14/2018)
iLOrest > get --noreadonly --select ComputerSystem.
The following example selects the Bios
data type before
asking, in verbose mode, for the values of properties belonging to another
data type (Memory.
). As a consequence, iLOrest returns an error.
ilorest select Bios.
ilorest -v get CapacityMiB Name Vend --json
Selected option(s): #Bios.v1_0_0.Bios
Error: No get contents found for selected type.
iLORest return code: 6
The following example selects the Bios.
and then switches to the Memory.
type to retrieve
the values of three properties. However, one of
them (Vend
) is not spelled correctly.
ilorest select Bios.
ilorest -v get CapacityMiB Name Vend --json --select Memory.
Selected option(s): #Memory.v1_7_1.Memory
"CapacityMiB": 32768,
"Name": "proc1dimm12"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc2dimm11"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc2dimm7"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc2dimm9"
iLORest return code: 0
The following example retrieves the value of the CapacityMiB
property in the Memory.
subsystem. Several memory slots are populated with identical DIMMs (32768 MiB),
but not all of them. In this case, iLOrest returns only two values: 0
and 32768
ilorest get CapacityMiB --json --select Memory.
"CapacityMiB": 0
"CapacityMiB": 32768
The following example retrieves the value of the CapacityMiB
and Name
properties in the Memory.
subsystem. The Name
value is different
for each and every DIMM slot, populated or not. Hence the output displays
both values for each memory slot.
ilorest get CapacityMiB Name --json --select Memory.
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc2dimm2"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc1dimm12"
"CapacityMiB": 32768,
"Name": "proc2dimm8"
"CapacityMiB": 32768,
"Name": "proc1dimm4"
"CapacityMiB": 0,
"Name": "proc1dimm6"
Set Command
set [Property=Value] [Path] [Optional Parameters]
The syntax formats used to set properties can be tricky if not done correctly. See the following examples to illustrate how the syntax works.
set AdminName=John
Correct syntax. This sets the AdminName
to John.
set "AdminName=John Doe"
Correct syntax. If the property has a space in it, use quotes
around the entire property/value pair. Here the AdminName
has been set
to John Doe.
set AdminName=""
Correct syntax. Use this syntax, only quotes with no value,
to remove the AdminName
property value.
set AdminName=''
Correct syntax. This is an alternate syntax that also removes the
property and sets it to nothing. Use single quotes with
nothing between them.
set AdminName='"'
Correct syntax. This deletes the AdminName
set AdminName="John Doe"
This is incorrect syntax, and will not be correctly reflected on the server.
Changes the value of a property in a currently selected type. Multiple properties can be set simultaneously.
Read-only and System-unique properties like Serial Numbers and ProductId are skipped, and remaining continue to be set.
If System-unique properties need to be set, use --uniqueoverride
The changes set will be reflected on the server only after committing them.
- Property(s)
Supplying a property and a value stagee an update to that property with the supplied value.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
- --selector=SELECTOR
Optionally including the selector flag allows you to select a type to run while running the current command. Use this flag when you wish to select a type without entering another command, or if you wish to work with a type that is different from the one you currently have selected.
Optionally set a filter value for a filter attribute. This uses the provided filter for the currently selected type. Refer to the Filter Option for more information.
Use this flag to narrow down your results. For example, selecting a common type might return multiple objects that are all of that type. If you want to modify the properties of only one of those objects, use the filter flag to narrow down results based on properties.
- --commit
Use this flag when you are ready to commit all pending changes. Some changes made in this way will be updated instantly, while others will be reflected the next time the server is started.
- --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD
Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.
This option is only used on Gen 9 systems.
- --reboot=REBOOT
Use this flag to perform a reboot command function after completion of
operations. For help with parameters and descriptions regarding the reboot
flag, run help reboot
- --uniqueoverride
Override the measures stopping the tool from writing over items that are System-unique.
Login Parameters
The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.
- --url=URL
If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.
- -u User, --user=USER
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.
- -p Password, --password=PASSWORD
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.
- --includelogs
Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.
Use this option to limit long login times.
- --path=PATH
Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a
starting point, the default path will be /redfish/v1/
Refer to the
Path Option
for more information.
The path
flag can only be specified at the time of login, so if you are
already logged into the server, the path
flag will not change the path.
If you are entering a command that is not the login
command, but
includes your login information, you can still specify the path flag there.
- --logout
Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.
Arguments are not case-sensitive.
You can set multiple properties from the same type simultaneously. Add quotes around the property and value to add spaces in the value.
Even though the get
command shows ServiceName is set to ExampleService
and AdminName set to Jason E, the commit
command must
be performed next for the changes to be updated on the server.
iLOrest > select Bios.
iLOrest > get AdminName ServiceName
iLOrest > set "AdminName=Jason E" ServiceName=ExampleService
iLOrest > get AdminName ServiceName
AdminName=Jason E
This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL
) with the provided username (-u
) and password (-p
and then selects the Bios.
type. The set
command is used to set
the AdminName
property to Jason E
, and the commit flag has
been added to apply the changes to the server.
iLOrest > set "AdminName=Jason E" --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password --select Bios. --commit
Discovering data...Done
Committing changes...
One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.
To revert your changes on a type you can use the refresh flag.
iLOrest > select Bios.
iLOrest > get AdminName
AdminName=Jason E
iLOrest > set AdminName=JohnDoe
iLOrest > get AdminName
iLOrest > select Bios. --refresh
iLOrest > get AdminName
AdminName=Jason E
Save Command
save [Optional Parameters]
Saves the JSON information of a selected type to a local file. Use this
command along with the load
command when you want to modify properties of a
selected type through file editing. Using this command saves a local copy
of your selected type’s JSON information.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
- -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME
Use this flag if you wish to use a different filename than the default one.
The default filename is ilorest.json
- --selector=SELECTOR
Optionally including the selector flag allows you to select a type to run while running the current command. Use this flag when you wish to select a type without entering another command, or if you wish to work with a type that is different from the one you currently have selected.
- --multisave=MULTISAVE
Optionally include this flag to save multiple types of single file. Override the currently selected type.
Optionally set a filter value for a filter attribute. This uses the provided filter for the currently selected type. Refer to the Filter Option for more information.
Use this flag to narrow down your results. For example, selecting a common type might return multiple objects that are all of that type. If you want to modify the properties of only one of those objects, use the filter flag to narrow down results based on properties.
Refer to the example section below for an example.
- -j, --json
Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to read.
- --encryption=ENCRYPTION
Optionally include this flag to encrypt a file using the key provided.
Login Parameters
The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.
- --url=URL
If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.
- -u User, --user=USER
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.
- -p Password, --password=PASSWORD
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.
- --includelogs
Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.
Use this option to limit long login times.
- --path=PATH
Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a
starting point, the default path will be /redfish/v1/
Refer to the Path Option
for more information.
The path
flag can only be specified at the time of login, so if you are
already logged into the server, the path
flag will not change the path.
If you are entering a command that is not the login
command, but includes your login information, you can still specify the path
flag there.
- --logout
Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.
In the following example, iLOrest logs into a remote iLO,
selects the Bios.
subsystem and saves its configuration
into the default ilorest.json
A --select Bios.
selection points to its
pending/settings area
The pending area may differ from the running/current area if you have not cold rebooted the server after a committed modification.
The above statement is true for all the commands accepting
the --select
parameter, including the get
and list
global commands.
The following selectors (data types) behave like Bios.
(iLO 5 only) -
You can use the pending
to list pending modifications in the mentioned data types.
Use a rawget
command to retrieve the current properties of the above data types.
The URIs of the above data types can be quickly determined with the first example in this section.
iLOrest > save --select Bios. --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password
Discovering data...Done
Saving configuration...
Configuration saved to: ilorest.json
"Comments": {
"Manufacturer": "HPE",
"Model": "ProLiant DL360 Gen10",
"BIOSFamily": "U32",
"BIOSDate": "12/14/2018",
"SerialNumber": "Kappa",
"iLOVersion": "iLO 5 v1.40"
"#Bios.v1_0_0.Bios": {
"/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/": {
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Bios.Bios",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"02E13BA89B606F6F6F02950EB3CA676D\"",
"": "/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/",
"AttributeRegistry": "BiosAttributeRegistryU32.v1_2_10",
"Attributes": {
"MemFastTraining": "Enabled",
"PowerRegulator": "DynamicPowerSavings",
"EmbeddedDiagnostics": "Enabled",
"Ipv6Address": "::",
"PersistentMemBackupPowerPolicy": "UseExternalBackupPower",
"ServiceEmail": "",
"FlexLom1Aspm": "Disabled",
"UrlBootFile": "",
"DcuStreamPrefetcher": "Enabled",
"IntelNicDmaChannels": "Enabled",
"...": "..."
"Id": "settings",
"Name": "BIOS Pending Settings"
Use the --multisave
option to specify multiple types to save in a single
file. This file can be sent to load in order to load multiple types with
a single command. All type strings are delimited by a ','.
iLOrest > save --multisave Bios.,ComputerSystem.
Discovering data...Done
Saving configuration...
Configuration saved to: ilorest.json
The following example simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL
) with the provided username (-u
) and password (-p
selects the Bios.
type, saves the JSON response to a file called
in the current local directory, and then logs out.
iLOrest > save --select Bios. --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password -f BiosInfo.json --logout
Discovering data...Done
Saving configuration...
Configuration saved to: BiosInfo.json
Logging session out.
The following example saves the configuration of the iLO shared network port.
Use Name="Manager Dedicated*
to retrieve the iLO dedicated network port configuration.
The following example excludes IPv4 and IPv6 information for security reasons.
Refer to these best practices mentioned before modifying the iLO network configuration.
You can use the ethernet save
to retrieve the configuration of ethernet interfaces (manager and system), including their IP configuration.
Use the ethernet --network-ipv4
to modify the iLO IP network
ilorest save --selector EthernetInterface. --filter Name="Manager Shared*" -f SaveSharedPort.json --json
Load Command
load [Optional Parameters]
Loads the server configuration from a file. Run this command without
parameters to use the configuration found in the file called ilorest.json
Otherwise, you can point this command to use any file you specify.
Use this function to change the properties of a type to new values.
This command uploads the new values of the type’s properties to the server.
By default and in order to avoid unwanted communication interruptions
to the ilO Dedicated Network Port, the
command skips modifications in theEthernetInterfaces/1
resource. Use the--force_network_config
parameter to modify this resource. - Read-only and System-unique properties like Serial Numbers and ProductId are skipped, and remaining continue to be set.
properties need to be set, use
Refer to these examples to change the IP iLO network configuration.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
- -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME
Use this flag if you wish to use a different filename than the default one.
The default filename is ilorest.json
- --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD
Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.
This option is only used on Gen 9 systems.
- --uniqueoverride
Override the measures stopping the tool from writing over items that are System-unique.
- --force_network_config
Force loading iLO network configuration. By default, load
discards these properties.
- -m MPFILENAME, --multiprocessing=MPFILENAME
Optionally supply a filename to a multi-processing file to load concurrently on multiple servers.
- -o OUTDIRECTORY, --outputdirectory=OUTDIRECTORY
Use the provided directory to output data for a multiple server configuration.
- --encryption=ENCRYPTION
Optionally include this flag to decrypt a file using the key provided.
Login Parameters
The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.
- --url=URL
If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.
- -u User, --user=USER
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.
- -p Password, --password=PASSWORD
If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.
- --logout
Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.
Refer to this
for an example using the --force_network_config
If no filename is supplied with the (-f
, --filename
) option, the load
command looks for a
file named ilorest.json
in the current working directory.
Save will automatically select the required type to make changes.
iLOrest > load
Loading configuration...
Committing changes...
One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.
This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL
) with the provided username (-u
) and password (-p
and load a file from the current working directory called biosconfig.json
iLOrest > load --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password -f biosconfig.json
Discovering data...Done
Loading configuration...
Committing changes...
One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.
This is the multi-server configuration setup. You must pass in a multi-server file in the following format.
iLOrest > load -m mpfilename.txt -f biosconfig.json
Discovering data...Done
Loading configuration for multiple servers...
Logging session out.
Checking given server information...
Create multiple processes to load configuration concurrently to all servers...
Loading Configuration for xx.xx.xx.xx : SUCCESS
Loading Configuration for xx.xx.xx.xy : SUCCESS
All servers have been successfully configured.
All servers are configured concurrently. Because the filename tag is included,
it searches for the file called biosconfig.json
and loads that information
to the servers. If no values have changed, the load process is complete.
If any property values have changed, the changes are committed and the
user is logged out of the server. Logs of the entire process are then
stored in the same location as the iLOrest logs.
--url -u username -p password
--url -u username -p password
--url -u username -p password
--url -u username -p password
Status Command
status [Optional Parameters]
Displays all pending changes, regardless of which type is currently selected. All the changes that have not been committed yet will be shown.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
The status command shows changes to be committed. The status command shows all pending changes, including changes for different types.
iLOrest > status
Current changes found:
Bios.v1_0_0(/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/) (Currently selected)
Once changes are committed they no longer show in status.
iLOrest > status
Current changes found:
Bios.v1_0_0(/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/) (Currently selected)
iLOrest > commit
Committing changes...
One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.
The operation completed successfully.
iLOrest > status
No changes found
Commit Command
commit [Optional Parameters]
Applies all changes made during the current session. After you have changed one or more values for the property of a type, you need to commit those changes in order for those changes to be reflected on the server.
Usage in Other Commands
To commit at the end of a command, include the --commit option. Not all
commands have the commit
flag, run help on the command to see available
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
- --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD
Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.
This option is only used on Gen 9 systems.
- --reboot=REBOOT
Use this flag to perform a reboot command function after completion of
For help with parameters and descriptions regarding the reboot flag,
run help reboot
Commit all pending changes made by set by running the commit
iLOrest > select ComputerSystem.
iLOrest > set AssetTag=newtag
iLOrest > select Bios.
iLOrest > set servicename=simpleservice
iLOrest > commit
Committing changes...
One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.
The operation completed successfully.
If you do not commit before logging out changes will be lost.
You must commit changes before logging out or settings will not be updated on the server.
iLOrest > select Bios.
iLOrest > get AdminName
AdminName=Chelsea K
iLOrest > set AdminName=newname
iLOrest > get AdminName
iLOrest > logout
Logging session out.
iLOrest > get AdminName --select Bios.
Discovering data...Done
AdminName=Chelsea K
Commit after running other commands by using the
option. This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the
provided URL (--url
) with the provided username (-u
, --user
) and password
, --password
), selects the ComputerSystem.
type, sets
to ""
, commits the change, and logs-out.
iLOrest > set AssetTag="" --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password --selector ComputerSystem. --commit --logout
Discovering data...Done
Committing changes...
The operation completed successfully.
Logging session out.
Logout Command
logout [Optional Parameters]
Use the logout
command to exit your session and to disconnect from the server.
Usage in Other Commands
To log out at the end of a command, include the --logout option.
Not all commands have the logout
flag, run help on the command to see
available options.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
Use the logout command to end the session and disconnect from the server.
iLOrest > login xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password
Discovering data...Done
iLOrest > logout
Logging session out.
Logout from another command using the --logout
iLOrest > get AssetTag --select ComputerSystem. --logout
Logging session out.
Exit Command
exit [Optional Parameters]
Use the exit
command if you wish to exit from the interactive shell.
Using exit will also log you out and disconnect you from the server.
- -h, --help
Including the help flag will display help for the command.
This command exits the interactive shell.
iLOrest > exit
Logging session out.
Bye for now