
The HPE iLO 6 Redfish service implements the DMTF Redfish specification version 1.20.1 and the schemas implemented by iLO 6 adhere to the DMTF Redfish schema bundle 8010_2024.1.

For a better understanding of the conformance to the DMTF Redfish, read the Redfish versioning paragraph of this article.

iLO 6 v1.61 new features and changes

New URIs

  • /redfish/v1/Chassis/{@ChassisId}/EnvironmentMetrics (GET) - #EnvironmentMetrics.v1_3_2.EnvironmentMetrics
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/BMCHPELDevID/Certificates (GET) - #CertificateCollection.CertificateCollection
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/BMCHPELDevID/Certificates/{@certId} (GET) - #Certificate.v1_6_0.Certificate
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/BMCIAK/Certificates (GET) - #CertificateCollection.CertificateCollection
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/BMCIAK/Certificates/{@certId} (GET) - #Certificate.v1_6_0.Certificate
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/BMCIDevIDPca/Certificates (GET) - #CertificateCollection.CertificateCollection
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/BMCIDevIDPca/Certificates/{@certId} (GET) - #Certificate.v1_6_0.Certificate
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/BMCLAK/Certificates (GET) - #CertificateCollection.CertificateCollection
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/BMCLAK/Certificates/{@certId} (GET) - #Certificate.v1_6_0.Certificate
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/SystemLAK/Certificates (GET) - #CertificateCollection.CertificateCollection
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/SystemLAK/Certificates/{@certId} (GET) - #Certificate.v1_6_0.Certificate
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/SystemLDevID/Certificates (GET) - #CertificateCollection.CertificateCollection
  • /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService/SystemLDevID/Certificates/{@certId} (GET) - #Certificate.v1_6_0.Certificate
  • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemId}/Processors/{@procId}/EnvironmentMetrics (GET) - #EnvironmentMetrics.v1_3_2.EnvironmentMetrics
  • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemId}/Processors/{@procId}/ProcessorMetrics (GET) - #ProcessorMetrics.v1_6_4.ProcessorMetrics
  • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemId}/Storage/{@storageId}/Controllers/{@ControllerId}/Ports (GET, POST) - PortCollection.PortCollection
  • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemId}/Storage/{@storageId}/StorageControllers/{@StorageControllerId}/Ports (GET, POST) - #PortCollection.PortCollection
  • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/Memory/{@MemoryDimmId}/MemoryMetrics (GET) - #MemoryMetrics.v1_7_3.MemoryMetrics

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • Added POST for /redfish/v1/Managers/{@managerId}/SecurityService

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis
    • Added Oem.Hpe.ChassisInputPowerWatts : The total input power consumed by the chassis and nodes.
  • ComponentIntegrity.v1_2_0.ComponentIntegrity is updated to ComponentIntegrity.v1_2_3.ComponentIntegrity
    • Added Oem.Hpe.ExtendedVerificationStatus : Extended verification status of the Host Processor Module (HPM). This property contains integrity information about the OEM identified by the TargetComponentURI property.
    • Host Processor Module supports the following values: NotValidated , Success , Failed , Error , CertificateCheckFailed .
  • EnvironmentMetrics.v1_3_2.EnvironmentMetrics : Represents the environmental metrics of a device.
    • Added following resource instance: /redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/environmentmetrics (GET) /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/processors/{item}/environmentmetrics (GET)
    • Added EnergyJoules.DataSourceUri property: The link to the resource that provides the data for this sensor.
    • Added EnergyJoules.Reading property: Provides sensor value.
  • EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface
    • Added Disabled value under Oem.Hpe.SharedNetworkPortOptions.NIC property: NIC is not configured to be shared.
  • HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService updated to HpeSecurityService.v2_6_0.HpeSecurityService
    • Added HpeSecurityService.RebindHPM action: Rebinds datacenter secure control module with Host Processor Module.
    • Added following collection of certificates: BMCHPELDevID , BMCIDevIDPca , BMCIAK , BMCLAK , SystemLDevID , SystemLAKCert .
  • Manager.v1_5_1.Manager
    • Added Oem.Hpe.AirFilterRecord array: It contains AirFilterRecord[{item}].DeviceType filter that indicates the air filter type.
    • Supported values: AirFilterRecord[{item}].RemainingDaysForCriticalReminder , AirFilterRecord[{item}].RemainingDaysForEarlyReminder , and AirFilterRecord[{item}].Status .
    • Added ExpiredActivationKey as supported value for Oem.Hpe.CloudConnect property: Indicates that the cloud activation failed as the activation key has expired.
    • Added ExpiredActivationKey as supported value for HpeiLO.DisableCloudConnect property.
    • Added HpeiLO.DisableFilterChangeTimer : Disables the air filter change timer.
    • Added HpeiLO.TriggerFilterChangeTimer : Triggers the air filter change timer.
    • Supported parameters of HpeiLO.TriggerFilterChangeTimer property: RemainingDaysForEarlyReminder (integer) , RemainingDaysForCriticalReminder (integer)
  • MemoryMetrics.v1_7_3.MemoryMetrics
    • Added following resource instance: /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/memory/{item}/memorymetrics (GET)
    • Oem.Hpe.PageRetirementCounts : Contains memory page counters for this resource.
    • OperatingSpeedMHz : Operating speed of memory in MHz or MT/s as appropriate.
  • Port.v1_9_0.Port
    • Added following instance: /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/storage/{item}/storagecontrollers/{item}/ports (GET, POST)
    • Updated data type from number to integer .
  • Power.v1_7_1.Power
    • Supported values: GPU1 , GPU2 .
    • Updated data type from number to integer .
  • Processor.v1_7_2.Processor is updated to Processor.v1_8_2.Processor
    • Added following resources: EnvironmentMetrics and Metrics .
    • Added Oem.Hpe.NVLinkState property: The link between CPU and GPU.
    • Supported values: Inactive , Active , Error .
  • ProcessorMetrics.v1_6_4.ProcessorMetrics
    • Added following instance: /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/processors/{item}/processormetrics (GET)
    • Added following properties: BandwidthPercent : Indicates the bandwidth usage of a processor in percentage.
    • Oem.Hpe.EDPViolationStateType : EDP violation.
    • Oem.Hpe.MemorySpareChannelPresence : The memory spare channel presence state.
    • Oem.Hpe.PCIeConnectionLinksStatus (array): The array that contains following elements: PCIeConnectionLinksStatus[{item}] : Supported values ( Connected , Disconnected ). Oem.Hpe.PerformanceState : Supported values ( Degraded , Normal , Throttled ). Oem.Hpe.PowerBreakPerformanceState : Supported values ( Connected , Disconnected ).
    • Supported values: Normal - Value is within the range. OutOfRange - Outside the range.
  • SoftwareInventory.v1_2_0.SoftwareInventory
    • Added LowestSupportedVersion property: The lowest supported version of this software.
  • HpeNetworkAdapter.v1_10_0.HpeNetworkAdapter is updated to HpeNetworkAdapter.v1_10_1.HpeNetworkAdapter .
    • Updated data type from number to integer .
  • HpePort.v1_0_1.HpePort updated to HpePort.v1_0_2.HpePort
    • Updated data type from number to integer .
  • HpePowerMetricsExt.v2_5_0.HpePowerMetricsExt to HpePowerMetricsExt.v2_5_1.HpePowerMetricsExt .
    • Supported values: GPU1 , GPU2
  • HpeServerChassis.v2_4_0.HpeServerChassis
    • Added ChassisInputPowerWatts property: The total input power consumed by the chassis and nodes.
  • HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime updated to HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_1.HpeiLODateTime
    • Updated data type from number to integer .
  • HpeiLOEthernetNetworkInterface.v2_2_1.HpeiLOEthernetNetworkInterface is updated to HpeiLOEthernetNetworkInterface.v2_3_0.HpeiLOEthernetNetworkInterface
  • Updated the data type from number to integer for the following schemas:
    • AccountService.v1_5_0.AccountService
    • ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem
    • Drive.v1_16_0.Drive
    • Memory.v1_14_0.Memory
    • MemoryChunks.v1_2_3.MemoryChunks
    • MemoryChunksPost.v1_2_2.MemoryChunksPost
    • MessageRegistry.v1_6_0.MessageRegistry
    • MetricDefinition.v1_0_0.MetricDefinition
    • NetworkAdapter.v1_9_0.NetworkAdapter
    • Resource.v1_14_1.Resource
    • ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot
    • Storage.v1_12_0.Storage
    • StorageController.v1_0_0.StorageController
    • Thermal.v1_7_1.Thermal
    • ThermalMetrics.v1_3_1.ThermalMetrics
    • Triggers.v1_0_0.Triggers

iLO 6 v1.59 new features and changes

New URIs

  • Consistent EthernetInterface naming schema across device types.

The URI of the members of the computer system EthernetInterface can be represented with this notation: /redfish/v1/Systems/{@SystemId}/EthernetInterfaces/{@nicId}.

Starting with iLO 6 firmware version 1.59, the {@nicId} naming schema is consistent across device types for supported devices. It is a string containing one or more characters in the range [0-9], with the following specification:

  • LAN On Motherboard (LOM) card range: 1-4
  • Open Compute Project (OCP) card range: 5-12
    • OCP card 1 range: 5-8
    • OCP card 2 range: 9-12
  • OCP card with a {@nicId} of 13 or greater are allocated for:
    • PCIe cards in HPE Gen10 servers or HPE Gen11 servers
    • Mezzanine cards in HPE Synergy servers

Potentially, PCIe and Mezzanine cards can have 64 ports. Their corresponding {@nicId} is represented:

  • at slot 1 in the range: 13-76
  • at slot 2 in the range: 77-140

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No HTTP methods changed across these releases.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Miscellaneous information

HPE iLO supports connecting to HPE GreenLake for Compute Ops Management (COM) using the ActivationKey generated and provided by COM.

  • Onboarding HPE iLO to COM is possible with both the COM ActivationKey or HPE GreenLake Workspace ID. Refer to the following example:
    Action to onboard HPE iLO to COMBody 1Body 2
      POST: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/Actions/Oem/Hpe/EnableCloudConnect
      "ActivationKey" : "<Activation Key>",
      "OverrideManager" : true
      "ActivationKey" : "<Wokspace ID>",
      "OverrideManager" : true
  • Rename of property: To view the HPE GreenLake account ID to which an HPE iLO is connected to the COM, the property ActivationKey under URI- /redfish/v1/Managers/1/ is deprecated. It is replaced by a property WorkspaceId that shows the HPE Greenlake workspace ID. Irrespective of whether HPE iLO was onboarded to COM using a Workspace ID or an ActivationKey , the WorkspaceId property displays the HPE GreenLake Workspace ID.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • Added the RetryCloudConnect action for retrying connection from HPE iLO to COM The URI: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/Actions/Oem/Hpe/RetryCloudConnect allows Redfish clients to retry connecting to COM when the connection is in a failed state. This action requires a NULL payload. It returns 200 OK only in the following conditions:
    • HPE iLO is currently retrying the connection.
    • The CloudConnectStatus is not currently Connected . Otherwise, the action returns 400 Bad Request with the message: iLO.2.27.COMReconnectDenied . Every time when you trigger this action, it attempts a connection to COM.

Schema updates

  • ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem
    • Added Oem.Hpe.ServerPowerAutoOn : Indicates to power on the server after the management processor is reset.
  • Manager.v1_5_1.Manager
    • Added Oem.Hpe.CloudConnect.WorkspaceId : Represents the workspace identifier of COM. To see the Workspace ID , select HPE GreenLake Console > Manage Workspace > Workspace details .
    • Added Oem.Hpe.iLOCPLDSpecVersion : Displays the spec version for the CPLD (System Programmable Logic Device) firmware type.
    • Added HpeiLO.RetryCloudConnect : Allows you to enable cloud connection service when connecting to COM fails.
    • Deprecated Oem.Hpe.CloudConnect.ActivationKey property.
  • NetworkAdapter.v1_9_0.NetworkAdapter
    • Added Oem.Hpe.BaseMACAddress : Provides information about the MAC address of the device.
    • Added HpeNetworkAdapter.PowerSaveOff .
    • Added HpeNetworkAdapter.PowerSaveOn .
  • iLO.v2_26_0.json file is updated to iLO.v2_27_0.json
    • Added iLO.2.27.COMReconnectDenied message: The message appears when HPE iLO denies the connection as either the server is already connected to COM or managed by COM.

iLO 6 v1.58 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added for this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No HTTP methods changed across these releases.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • NetworkAdapter.v1_9_0.NetworkAdapter
    • Added Oem.Hpe.FlashBankCSControl : Represents the selected boot bank using chip select.
    • Added Oem.Hpe.FlashBankMuxControl : Represents the selected flash bank using Mux.
    • Added Oem.Hpe.NextBootFlashBank : Provides information about the next boot flash bank.
    • Added Oem.Hpe.PowerSensors (array) : The total amount of power consumed by the device. The following values have been supported PowerCapacityWatts , SensorId , and Status .
    • Added Oem.Hpe.BootStageSensors (array) : Information about Boot stage and health.
  • ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem
    • Added Oem.Hpe.ServerPowerAutoOn : Indicates to power on the server after the management processor is reset.

iLO 6 v1.57 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added for this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No HTTP methods changed across these releases.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • HpeSNMPUser.v2_1_0.HpeSNMPUser updated to HpeSNMPUser.v2_1_1.HpeSNMPUser
  • HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_0.HpeiLOSnmpService updated to HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService
  • Power.v1_3_0.Power updated to Power.v1_7_1.Power
    • Added Voltages : Added an array containing elements of:
    • LowerThresholdCritical : Below normal range but not yet fatal.
    • LowerThresholdFatal : Below normal range and is fatal.
    • LowerThresholdNonCritical : Below normal range.
    • MaxReadingRange : Maximum value for CurrentReading.
    • MinReadingRange : Minimum value for CurrentReading.
    • PhysicalContext : Describes the area or device to which this voltage measurement applies.
    • ReadingVolts : The current value of the voltage sensor.
    • UpperThresholdCritical : Above normal range but not yet fatal.
    • UpperThresholdFatal : Above normal range and is fatal.
    • UpperThresholdNonCritical : Above normal range

iLO 6 v1.56 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added for this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • Added PATCH for redfish/v1/Fabrics/{@fabricId}

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis :
    • Link to Drives ( redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/{StorageId}/Drives ) under Chassis/1/ is removed.
    • ChassisType : Added value StorageEnclosure (a chassis that enclose storage)
  • HpeSecurityService.v2_4_0.HpeSecurityService updated to HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService
    • Added DisableWeakCiphers : Disable weak ciphers in Production mode.
  • NetworkAdapter.v1_9_0.NetworkAdapter
    • Added Oem.Hpe.BootBankSelected : Represents the selected boot bank, from which the network adapter will boot. The supported values include Bank1 and Bank2 .
    • Added Oem.Hpe.FlashBankSelected : Represents the selected flash bank. The supported values include Bank1 and Bank2 .
    • Added PhysicalPorts[{item}].PortNumber : Port Number of physical adapter.
    • HpeNetworkAdapter.WarmReset and HpeNetworkAdapter.ColdReset are added as supported actions.
  • UpdateService.v1_2_1.UpdateService
    • Oem.Hpe.Capabilities.COMHostPoweroffSupport updated to Oem.Hpe.Capabilities.HostPoweroffSupport

iLO 6 v1.55 new features and changes

New URIs

  • redfish/v1/Fabrics (GET) - #FabricCollection.FabricCollection
  • redfish/v1/Fabrics/{@fabricId} (GET, POST) - #Fabric.v1_3_0.Fabric
  • redfish/v1/Fabrics/{@fabricId}/Switches (GET) - #SwitchCollection.SwitchCollection
  • redfish/v1/Fabrics/{@fabricId}/Switches/{@switchId} (GET, POST) - #Switch.v1_9_1.Switch
  • redfish/v1/Fabrics/{@fabricId}/Switches/{@switchId}/Ports (GET) - #PortCollection.PortCollection
  • redfish/v1/Fabrics/{@fabricId}/Switches/{@switchId}/Ports/{@PortId} (GET, POST) - #Port.v1_9_0.Port

Fabrics resource contains properties describing a simple fabric consisting of one or more switches with zero or more endpoints, and zero or more zones. Each Fabrics is involved in routing a data packet from routers from one end to other end.

The following new URIs are subjective to Storage Enclosures being present on the server.

  • redfish/v1/Chassis/{@ChassisId}
  • @ChassisId can be of the format DE****** or a number ranging from 2-10 depending on if the Enclosure supports Redfish-Device-Enablement or Direct Attached respectively.
  • Chassis/1 represents RackMount chassis.
  • redfish/v1/Chassis/{@ChassisId}/Drives (GET) - #DriveCollection.DriveCollection
  • redfish/v1/Chassis/{@ChassisId}/Drives/{@DrivesId} (GET,PATCH,POST) - #Drive.v1_14_0.Drive

Drives is present only for Chassis resource that represents a Storage Enclosure.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to HTTP methods in this release.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • Manager.v1_5_1.Manager
    • Oem.Hpe.CloudConnect.FailReason : Added RDAConnectError to the supported values.
  • #Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis
    • Added SparePartNumber : The spare part number of the chassis.
  • #Drive.v1_14_0.Drive updated to #Drive.v1_16_0.Drive
    • Added DriveFormFactor : The form factor of the drive inserted in this slot. The following values are supported Drive3_5 , Drive2_5 , EDSFF_1U_Long , EDSFF_1U_Short , EDSFF_E3_Short , EDSFF_E3_Long , M2_2230 , M2_2242 , M2_2260 , M2_2280 , M2_22110 , U2 , PCIeSlotFullLength , PCIeSlotLowProfile , PCIeHalfLength and OEM .
    • Added Multipath : An indication of whether the drive is accessible from multiple paths.
  • #HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_3_0.HpeComponentInstallSet updated to #HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet
  • Switch.v1_9_1.Switch
    • Added Manufacturer : The manufacturer of this switch.
    • Added SerialNumber : The serial number for this switch.
    • Added SwitchType : The protocol being sent over this switch.
  • #UpdateService.v1_2_1.UpdateService
    • Added Oem.Hpe.Capabilities.COMHostPoweroffSupport : Indicates whether iLO supports HOST power off.

iLO 6 v1.53 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added in this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to HTTP methods in this release.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • #HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_3_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask updated to #HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask
    • Added Targets : Contains firmware inventory targets on which firmware updates can be applied.
  • #ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount
    • Added Enabled : An indication of whether an account is enabled. An administrator can disable it without deleting the user information. If true , the account is enabled and the user can log in. If false , the account is disabled and, in the future, the user cannot log in.

iLO 6 v1.52 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added in this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to HTTP methods in this release.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • #HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_2_0.HpeComponentInstallSet updated to #HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_3_0.HpeComponentInstallSet
    • Added Targets : Contains firmware inventory targets on which firmware updates can be applied.

iLO 6 v1.51 new features and changes

New URIs

  • redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReports/ : PowerMetrics is added as a supported collection member.
  • redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReportDefinitions/ : The following collection members are added CPUUtil , MemoryBusUtil , IOBusUtil , CPUICUtil , JitterCount , PowerMetrics , AvgCPUXFreq and CPUXPower .

X depends on the number of sockets. The range of X lies between 0 to 3.

  • redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricDefinitions/ : The following collection members are added AverageConsumedWatts , MinConsumedWatts , MaxConsumedWatts , AmbTemp , Cap , CpuCapLim , CpuMax , CpuPwrSavLim , CpuWatts , DimmWatts , GpuWatts , PrMode , PunCap and UnachCap .

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • Added PATCH for redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemId}/WorkloadPerformanceAdvisor/{@WorkloadPerformanceAdvisorId}
  • Added PATCH for redfish/v1/TelemetryService
  • Added PATCH for redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricDefinitions/{@MetricDefinitionId}
  • Added PATCH for redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReportDefinitions/{@MetricReportDefinitionId}
  • Added PATCH for redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReports/{@MetricReportId}

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • #Chassis.v1_19_0.Chassis updated to #Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis
  • #EventDestination.v1_4_5.EventDestination updated to #EventDestination.v1_13_0.EventDestination
    • Added EventFormatType : The content types of the message that are sent to the EventDestination. The following values are supported Event and MetricReport .
    • Added MetricReportDefinitions
  • #MetricReportDefinition.v1_0_0.MetricReportDefinition updated to #MetricReportDefinition.v1_4_2.MetricReportDefinition
    • MetricReportDefinitionType : Read-Only changed to False
    • Added Schedule :
    • EnabledDaysOfMonth : is an array containing elements of:
      • InitialStartTime : The date and time when the initial occurrence is scheduled to occur.
      • RecurrenceInterval : The duration between consecutive occurrences.
  • #Port.v1_6_1.Port updated to #Port.v1_9_0.Port
  • #Power.v1_3_0.Power
    • Added Oem.Hpe.PowerMetric :
    • AmbTemp : Ambient temperature, in degrees Celsius.
    • Cap : The applicable power cap in Watts at the time of this power sample.
    • CpuCapLim : Measures the effect of the power cap on performance in percent.
    • CpuMax : The percentage of time the CPU spent in its maximum power mode.
    • CpuPwrSavLim : Measures the effect of CPU Power Regulator state switching on performance in percent.
    • CpuWatts : The power consumed by the system CPUs in Watts.
    • DimmWatts : The power consumed by the system memory DIMMs in Watts.
    • GpuWatts : The power consumed by the GPU(s) in Watts. This will be 0 if no GPUs are installed or if the drivers are not loaded.
    • PrMode : Power Regulator mode, which can be OS Control, Static High, Static Low or Dynamic. The following values are supported Null , dyn , min , max and osc .
    • PunCap : If true, CPU performance is being penalized by the current power cap.
    • UnachCap : If true, the configured power cap could not be achieved due to system power requirements.

iLO 6 v1.50 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added in this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to HTTP methods in this release.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • AccountService.v1_5_0.AccountService
  • ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

iLO 6 v1.45 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added in this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to HTTP methods in this release.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • redfish/v1/ComponentIntegrity/{@ComponentIntegrity}
    • Added ComponentIntegrity.SPDMGetSignedMeasurements : This action gets the SPDM Signed Measurements. The following parameters are added:
    • Nonce (string) : A set of bytes as a hexadecimal-encoded string that is signed with the measurements. The value should be unique.
    • Target (string): Link to invoke action
    • Title (string) : Friendly action name
    • SlotId (integer): The slot identifier for the certificate containing the private key to generate the signature over the measurements.
    • MeasurementIndices (array): An array of indices that identify the measurement blocks to sign.
    • Added ComponentIntegrity.TPMGetSignedMeasurements : This action gets the TPM Signed Measurements. The following parameters are added:
    • Nonce (string) : A set of bytes as a hex-encoded string that is signed with the measurements. The value should be unique.
    • Target (string): Link to invoke action
    • Title (string) : Friendly action name
    • SlotId (integer): The slot identifier for the certificate containing the private key to generate the signature over the measurements.
    • MeasurementIndices (array): An array of indices that identify the measurement blocks to sign.

Schema updates

  • #ComponentIntegrity.v1_2_0.ComponentIntegrity
    • Added SPDM.MeasurementSet
    • Measurements array has the following values:
      • LastUpdated : The date and time when information for the measurement was last updated.
      • Measurement : The measurement data.
      • MeasurementHashAlgorithm : The hash algorithm used to compute the measurement.
      • MeasurementIndex : The index of the measurement.
      • MeasurementType : Supports the following values; ImmutableROM , MutableFirmware , HardwareConfiguration , FirmwareConfiguration , MutableFirmwareVersion , MutableFirmwareSecurityVersionNumber , MeasurementManifest
      • SecurityVersionNumber : The security version number that the measurement represents.
    • Added TPM
    • TPM.ComponentCommunication.Sessions :
      • SessionId : The identifier for an active session or communication channel between two components.
      • SessionType : Plain , EncryptedAuthenticated and AuthenticatedOnly are the supported values
    • Added TPM.MeasurementSet.Measurements :
      • LastUpdated : The date and time when information for the measurement was last updated.
      • Measurement : The measurement data.
      • MeasurementHashAlgorithm : The hash algorithm used to compute the measurement.
      • PCR : The Platform Configuration Register (PCR) bank of the measurement.
      • NonceSizeBytesMaximum : The maximum number of bytes that can be specified in the Nonce parameter of the TPMGetSignedMeasurements action.
  • #ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol
    • Added Oem.Hpe.KcsEnabled : Indicates whether KCS interface is enabled or disabled for the BMC.

iLO 6 v1.40 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added in this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to HTTP methods in this release.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • Added POST for redfish/v1/ComponentIntegrity/{@ComponentIntegrity}

Schema updates

  • #ComponentIntegrity.v1_0_0.ComponentIntegrity updated to #ComponentIntegrity.v1_2_0.ComponentIntegrity
  • #HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_1_0.HpeComponentInstallSet updated to #HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_2_0.HpeComponentInstallSet
  • #HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_2_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask updated to #HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_3_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask
  • #HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_3_0.HpeiLOSnmpService updated to #HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_0.HpeiLOSnmpService
    • Added SNMPv1RequestsEnabled and SNMPv1TrapEnabled to indicate if the SNMPv1 Queries and SNMPv1 Traps are enabled respectively.
    • Added SNMPv3RequestsEnabled and SNMPv3TrapEnabled to indicate if the SNMPv3 Queries and SNMPv3 Traps are enabled respectively.
  • #Memory.v1_14_0.Memory
    • MemoryList
    • Added BoardMemoryType to MemoryCollection . The memory collection now lists HBM memory as members in supported Gen11 servers.
  • #SessionService.v1_0_0.SessionService
    • Added SessionTimeout : This is the number of seconds of inactivity that a session may have before the session service closes the session. Here the value 0 means no timeout or infinite timeout.

iLO 6 v1.35 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added in this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to HTTP methods in this release.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • #HpeSecurityService.v2_3_1.HpeSecurityService updated to #HpeSecurityService.v2_4_0.HpeSecurityService

iLO 6 v1.30 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added in this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to HTTP methods in this release.

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

  • No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • #HpeServerPCISlot.v2_1_1.HpeServerPCISlot updated to #HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot
    • Added SegmentNumber : Depicts PCI slot segment group number value.
  • #MemoryChunks.v1_2_3.MemoryChunks
    • Added Unsupported as a property under Oem.Hpe.AmpModeStatus
  • #SoftwareInventory.v1_2_0.SoftwareInventory
    • Added Oem.Hpe.Version

iLO 6 v1.20 new features and changes

New URIs

  • No new URIs added in this release.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

  • Added PATCH for redfish/v1/Chassis/{@chassisId}/PCIeDevices/{@PCIeDeviceId}}
  • Deprecated POST for /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases

Deprecated URIs

  • No URIs deprecated in this release.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • #Drive.v1_14_0.Drive
    • HotspareType : Read-only updated to False .
  • #EventDestination.v1_0_0.EventDestination updated to #EventDestination.v1_12_0.EventDestination
    • Added SubscriptionType : The subscription type for events. RedfishEvent is the supported value.
  • #HpeServerPciDevice.v2_0_0.HpeServerPciDevice updated to #HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice
    • Added DeviceResourceId : PCI device resource ID or hash ID.
  • PCIeDevice.v1_5_0.PCIeDevice
    • Added AssetTag : The user-assigned asset tag for this PCIe device.
  • #Signature.v1_0_0.Signature updated to #Signature.v1_0_2.Signature
  • #Storage.v1_12_0.Storage
    • Added Actions : Added Storage.ResetToDefaults , an action to reset the system.
    • Added Parameters : The following parameters have been added : ResetType , target and title .
  • #Thermal.v1_7_1.Thermal
    • Added Oem.Hpe.MainSensorName to Temperatures : Sensor name of main temperature sensor that has at least one sub sensor.

iLO 6 v1.10 new features and changes

New URIs

  • /redfish/v1/ComponentIntegrity (GET, PATCH) #ComponentIntegrityCollection.ComponentIntegrityCollection - A Collection of ComponentIntegrity resource instances.
  • /redfish/v1/ComponentIntegrity/{@ComponentIntegrity} (GET) #ComponentIntegrity.v1_0_0.ComponentIntegrity - The ComponentIntegrity resource provides critical and pertinent security information about a specific device, system, software element, or other managed entity.
    • ComponentIntegrityEnabled : Indicates whether security protocols are enabled for the component.
    • ComponentIntegrityType : The property is of type string that supports the following values: SPDM - Security Protocol and Data Model (SPDM) protocol, TPM - Trusted Platform Module (TPM), and OEM - OEM-specific.
    • ComponentIntegrityTypeVersion : The version of the security technology.
    • SPDM (Security Protocol and Data Model): The status of the verification of the identity of the component. Success and Failure are the supported values. Added the following properties: SPDM.IdentityAuthentication , SPDM.IdentityAuthentication.ResponderAuthentication , and SPDM.IdentityAuthentication.ResponderAuthentication.VerificationStatus to SPDM .
    • TargetComponentURI : The link to the the component whose integrity that this resource reports.
  • #CertificateCollection.CertificateCollection - A Collection of Certificate resource instances.
    The following resource instances are added in this schema:
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/KEK/Certificates (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/KEKDefault/Certificates (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/PK/Certificates (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/PKDefault/Certificates (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/db/Certificates (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbDefault/Certificates (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbr/Certificates (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbrDefault/Certificates (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbt/Certificates (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbtDefault/Certificates (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbx/Certificates (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbxDefault/Certificates (GET)
  • #Certificate.v1_1_0.Certificate updated to #Certificate.v1_6_0.Certificate : The Certificate resource describes an X509 certificate.
    The following resource instances are added in this schema:
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/KEK/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/KEKDefault/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/PK/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/PKDefault/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/db/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbDefault/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbr/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbrDefault/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbt/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbtDefault/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbx/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbxDefault/Certificates/{@CertificateId} (GET)
  • #SignatureCollection.SignatureCollection : A collection of Signature resource instances.
    The following resource instances are added in this schema:
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/db/Signatures (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbDefault/Signatures (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbr/Signatures (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbrDefault/Signatures (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbt/Signatures (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbtDefault/Signatures (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbx/Signatures (GET, POST)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbxDefault/Signatures (GET)
  • #Signature.v1_0_0.Signature : The Signature schema describes a signature or a hash.
    • Added SignatureString : The string for the signature.
    • Added SignatureType : The format of the signature.
    • Added SignatureTypeRegistry : UEFI (a signature defined in the UEFI Specification) is the supported value.
    • Added UefiSignatureOwner : The UEFI signature owner for the signature.
      The following resource instances are added in this schema:
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/db/Signatures/{@SignatureId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbDefault/Signatures/{@SignatureId} (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbr/Signatures/{@SignatureId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbrDefault/Signatures/{@SignatureId} (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbt/Signatures/{@SignatureId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbtDefault/Signatures/{@SignatureId} (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbx/Signatures/{@SignatureId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/dbxDefault/Signatures/{@SignatureId} (GET)
  • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases (GET, POST) #SecureBootDatabaseCollection.SecureBootDatabaseCollection - A collection of SecureBootDatabase resource instances.
  • #SecureBootDatabase.v1_0_0.SecureBootDatabase : The SecureBootDatabase schema describes a UEFI Secure Boot database used to store certificates or hashes.
    • Added Certificates : A link to the collection of certificates contained in the UEFI Secure Boot database.
    • Added DatabaseId : The property contains the name of the UEFI Secure Boot database.
    • Added Signatures : A link to the collection of signatures contained in the UEFI Secure Boot database.
    • Added Actions :
    • SecureBootDatabase.ResetKeys : Action to perform reset of the Secure Boot Database Keys.
    • Added Parameters :
      • Added ResetKeysType (string) (the parameter specifies what type of reset action to perform). The values are DeleteAllKeys (delete all Secure Boot Database keys on next boot) and ResetAllKeysToDefault (reset to default Secure Boot Database keys on next boot).

      The following resource instances are added in this schema:
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/{@SecureBootDatabaseId} (GET, DELETE)
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{item}/SecureBoot/SecureBootDatabases/PK (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/db (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/dbdefault (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/dbr (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/dbrdefault (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/dbt (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/dbtdefault (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/dbx (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/dbxdefault (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/kek (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/kekdefault (GET)
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureboot/securebootdatabases/pkdefault (GET)
  • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemId}/LogServices/DPU/Entries (GET, POST) #LogEntryCollection.LogEntryCollection - A Collection of LogEntry resource instances.
  • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemId}/LogServices/DPU/Entries/{@entriesId} (GET, PATCH) #LogEntry.v1_11_0.LogEntry - Defines the record format of a log.
  • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemId}/Storage/{@storageId}/Controllers/{@StorageControllerId} (GET) #StorageController.v1_0_0.StorageController : Describes a storage controller and its properties. The storage controller represents a physical or virtual storage device that produces volumes.
  • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/ethernetinterfaces/{item} (GET,PATCH,POST) #EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface : The EthernetInterface resource describes a single, logical ethernet interface or network interface controller (NIC).
  • /redfish/v1/managers/{item}/backuprestoreservice (GET, PATCH) #HpeiLOBackupRestoreService.v2_2_0.HpeiLOBackupRestoreService : The HpeiLOBackupRestoreService resource describes the properties for using the BMC backup and restore features.

HTTP methods - additions and deprecations

No changes have been made to HTTP methods in this release.

Deprecated URIs

  • BaseNetworkAdapters deprecated
    • /redfish/v1/systems/{item}/basenetworkadapters/{item}
  • NetworkPorts deprecated
    • /redfish/v1/Chassis/{@ChassisId}/NetworkAdapters/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts
    • /redfish/v1/Chassis/{@ChassisId}/NetworkAdapters/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts/{@portId}
    • /redfish/v1/Chassis/{@ChassisId}/NetworkAdapters/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts/{@portId}/HpeEVB
    • /redfish/v1/Chassis/{@ChassisId}/NetworkAdapters/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts/{@portId}/HpeLLDP
    • /redfish/v1/Chassis/{@ChassisId}/NetworkAdapters/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts/{@portId}/Settings
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/NetworkInterfaces/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/NetworkInterfaces/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts/{@portId}
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/NetworkInterfaces/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts/{@portId}/HpeEVB
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/NetworkInterfaces/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts/{@portId}/HpeLLDP
    • /redfish/v1/Systems/{@systemsId}/NetworkInterfaces/{@nicId}/NetworkPorts/{@portId}/Settings

For more information, refer to the Deprecated for iLO 6 section.

Redfish actions - additions and deprecations

No changes have been made to supported Redfish Actions for this release.

Schema updates

  • #Certificate.v1_1_0.Certificate updated to #Certificate.v1_6_0.Certificate
    • Added Issuer and Subject :
      • City : The city or locality of the organization of the entity.
      • CommonName : The fully qualified domain name of the entity.
      • Country : The country of the organization of the entity.
      • DisplayString : A human-readable string for this identifier.
      • Email : The email address of the contact within the organization of the entity.
      • Organization : The name of the organization of the entity.
      • OrganizationalUnit : The name of the unit or division of the organization of the entity.
      • State : The state, province, or region of the organization of the entity.
  • #Chassis.v1_10_2.Chassis updated to #Chassis.v1_19_2.Chassis
    • Deprecated IndicatorLED
    • Added Oem.Hpe.IndicatorLED : The state of the indicator LED. Following are the supported values: Null , Lit , Blinking and Off . This is a fall back provided for clients who want to continue using IndicatorLED .
    • Added LocationIndicatorActive : An indicator allowing an operator to physically locate this resource. This property replaces IndicatorLED and is in-line with the updated DMTF schema.
    • Added EnvironmentalClass : The ASHRAE Environmental Class for the chassis. Following are the supported values: A2 - ASHRAE Environmental Class 'A2', A3 - ASHRAE Environmental Class 'A3', and A4 - ASHRAE Environmental Class 'A4'.
    • Added Location.PartLocation :
      • LocationOrdinalValue : The number that represents the location of the part. If LocationType is slot and this unit is in slot 2, the LocationOrdinalValue is 2.
      • LocationType : The location types for PartLocation. Following are the supported values: Null , Slot , Bay , Connection , Socket , and Embedded .
      • Orientation : The orientation for the ordering of the part location ordinal value. Following are the supported values: Null , FrontToBack , BackToFront , TopToBottom , BottomToTop , LeftToRight , and RightToLeft .
      • Reference : The reference area for the location of the part. Following are the supported values: Null , Top , Bottom , Front , Rear , Left , Right , and Middle .
      • ServiceLabel : The label of the part location, such as a silk-screened name or a printed label.
    • Added Location.Placement :
      • AdditionalInfo : Area designation or other additional info.
      • Rack : The name of a rack location within a row.
      • RackOffset : The vertical location of the item, in terms of RackOffsetUnits.
      • RackOffsetUnits : The type of rack unit in use. Following are the supported values: Null , OpenU (a rack unit that is equal to 1.89 inches (48 mm)), and EIA_310 (a rack unit that is equal to 1.75 inches (44.45 mm).
      • Row : The name of the row.
    • Added CpuMezzProgrammableLogicDevice to Oem.Hpe.Firmware : The firmware version of the CPLD (System Programmable Logic Device).
    • Added Oem.Hpe.TelcoModeEnabled : This property indicates if Telco mode is enabled on the server.
  • #ComputerSystem.v1_10_0.ComputerSystem updated to #ComputerSystem.v1_17_0.ComputerSystem
    • Deprecated IndicatorLED
    • Added Oem.Hpe.IndicatorLED : The state of the indicator LED. Following are the supported values: Null , Lit , Blinking and Off . This is a fall back added for clients that want to continue to use IndicatorLED
    • Added LocationIndicatorActive : An indicator allowing an operator to physically locate this resource. This property replaces IndicatorLED and is in-line with the updated DMTF schema.
    • Added BootProgress :
      • LastState : SmartNIC device operating system status. Following are the supported values: OSBootStarted , OSRunning and OEM .
      • OemLastState : SmartNIC device operating system OEM status. Following are the supported values: OSServicesReady , OSServicesOffline , OSHalting and OSHalted .
    • Added Oem.Hpe.AvailableSystemCapabilities : Indicates SmartNIC DPU supports OS-triggered DPC. OSTriggeredDPC is the supported value.
    • Added Oem.Hpe.BootProgress :
      • Added OemResetReason : The Smart NIC Device Operating system OEM reset reason. Following are the supported values: Unknown , OSNormal , BMCNormal , OSCrash , HWWatchdog and Thermal .
      • Added ResetReason : The Smart NIC Device Operating system reset reason. Following are the supported values: OEM , Unknown , OSNormal , BMCNormal , OSCrash , HWWatchdog and Thermal .
    • Added Oem.Hpe.EnabledSystemCapabilities : Indicates that SmartNIC DPU supports OS-triggered DPC. OSTriggeredDPC is the supported value.
    • Added OsReadyTimeout to Oem.Hpe.IntegrationConfig .
    • Added Kernel.Version to Oem.Hpe.OperatingSystem : SmartNIC device operating system kernel version.
    • PowerState : This is the current power state of the system. Added the following supported values: PoweringOn and PoweringOff .
    • SystemType : The type of computer system that this resource represents. DPU is added to the supported values.
    • Added ComputerSystem.SetSimpleUpdateStatus : Added the following Parameters:
      • Message (string) : Message to be displayed
      • TaskState (string) : TaskState identifies the type of action to be performed. Following are the supported values: New , Starting , Running , Suspended , Interrupted , Pending , Stopping , Completed , Killed , Exception and Service .
      • PercentComplete (integer) : Percentage of task complete.
      • TaskStatus (string) : Current status of the ongoing task. Following are the supported values: Ok , Warning and Critical .
  • #Drive.v1_7_0.Drive upgraded to Drive.v1_14_0.Drive
    • Deprecated IndicatorLED
    • Added Oem.Hpe.IndicatorLED : The state of the indicator LED. Following are the supported values: Null , Lit , Blinking and Off . This is a fall back added for clients that want to continue to use IndicatorLED
    • Added LocationIndicatorActive : An indicator allowing an operator to physically locate this resource. This property replaces IndicatorLED and is in-line with the updated DMTF schema.
  • #HpeSecureEraseReport.v1_1_0.HpeSecureEraseReport
    • DeviceType : PCIControllers added as supported value.
  • #HpeSecurityService.v2_3_1.HpeSecurityService
    • Added ComponentIntegrityPolicy : NoPolicy and HaltBootOnSPDMFailure are the supported values.
    • Added GlobalComponentIntegrity : Enabled and Disabled are the supported values.
    • Added the following to TrustedOSSecurity :
      • EnableBackgroundScan : Enables or disables background scan of host OS software.
      • LastScanResult : Health of the host after the last scan done by Trusted OS Security scan engine. Following are the supported values: OK , Critical , Unknown .
      • LastScanTime : The time stamp of the last Trusted OS Security scan.
      • OnIntegrityFailure : Sets the policy for how the Trusted OS Security check handles integrity failures. Following are the supported values: NoAction , Alert , PowerOff , PowerOffForce , Reset , ForceNMI .
      • ScanEverySeconds : Sets the interval between Trusted OS Security scans in second increments.
  • #HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice
    • Added FirmwareVersion :
      • ComponentName : Name of GPU cores
      • VersionString : Version String of GPU cores
  • #LogService.v1_0_0.LogService updated to LogService.v1_1_0.LogService
    • Added DateTime : The current date and time, with UTC offset, that the Log Service uses to set or read time.
    • Added DateTimeLocalOffset : The UTC offset that the current DateTime property value contains in the +HH:MM format.
    • Added ServiceEnabled : An indication of whether this service is enabled.
  • #Manager.v1_5_1.Manager
    • DateTime : Read Only updated to TRUE
    • iLOSelfTestResults[{item}].SelfTestName : Following are the supported values: SecureElement
  • #Memory.v1_7_1.Memory updated to #Memory.v1_14_0.Memory
    • Added the value DDR5 to the supported values in MemoryDeviceType .
  • #NetworkAdapter.v1_5_0.NetworkAdapter upgraded to #NetworkAdapter.v1_9_0.NetworkAdapter
    • Added Location.PartLocation :
      • LocationOrdinalValue : The number that represents the location of the part. If LocationType is slot and this unit is in slot 2, the LocationOrdinalValue is 2.
      • LocationType : The location types for PartLocation. Following are the supported values: Null , Slot , Bay , Connector , Socket and Embedded .
      • Orientation : The orientation for the ordering of the part location ordinal value. Following are the supported values: Null , FrontToBack , BackToFront , TopToBottom , BottomToTop , LeftToRight and RightToLeft .
      • Reference : The reference area for the location of the part. Following are the supported values: Null , Top , Bottom , Front , Rear , Left , Right and Middle .
      • ServiceLabel : The label of the part location, such as a silk-screened name or a printed label.
    • Added Location.Placement :
      • AdditionalInfo : Area designation or other additional info.
      • Rack : The name of a rack location within a row.
      • RackOffset : The vertical location of the item, in terms of RackOffsetUnits.
      • RackOffsetUnits : The type of rack unit in use. Following are the supported values: Null , OpenU and EIA_310 .
      • Row : The name of the row.
    • Added Oem.Hpe.FcPorts : is an array containing elements of:
      • PortNumber : Port Number
      • WWNN : World Wide Node Name
      • WWPN : World Wide Port Name
    • Added Oem.Hpe.PhysicalPorts :
      • BadReceives : A count of frames that were received by the adapter but which had an error. This counter is the sum of mib items cpqNicIfPhysAdapterAlignmentErrors , cpqNicIfPhysAdapterFCSErrors , cpqNicIfPhysAdapterFrameTooLongs , and cpqNicIfPhysAdapterInternalMacReceiveErrors . If this counter increments frequently, check the more detailed error statistics and take appropriate action.
      • BadTransmits : A count of frames that were not transmitted by the adapter because of an error. This counter is the sum of MIB items cpqNicIfPhysAdapterDeferredTransmissions, cpqNicIfPhysAdapterLateCollisions, cpqNicIfPhysAdapterExcessiveCollisions, cpqNicIfPhysAdapterCarrierSenseErrors, and cpqNicIfPhysAdapterInternalMacTransmitErrors. If this counter increments frequently, check the more detailed error statistics and take appropriate action.
      • FullDuplex : Full-duplex data transmission means that data can be transmitted in both directions on a signal carrier at the same time.
      • GoodReceives : A count of frames successfully received by the physical adapter.
      • GoodTransmits : A count of frames successfully transmitted by the physical adapter.
      • IPv4Addresses : This is the IPv4 Address. Following value is added: Address .
      • LinkStatus : The link status of this interface (port). Following are the supported values: LinkUp , NoLink , LinkDown and Null .
      • MacAddress : The port MAC address.
      • SpeedMbps : An estimate of the current bandwidth of the interface in Megabits per second. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object contains the nominal bandwidth.
      • StructuredName : PCI device structured name in UTF-8 format (e.g. 'NIC.LOM.1.1' - see PCIDevices in /rest/v1/Systems/x/PCIDevices )
      • Team : If a port is configured for NIC teaming, the name of the configured link between the physical ports that form a logical network adapter. This value is displayed for system NICs only (embedded and stand-up).
      • UEFIDevicePath : UEFIDevice Path for correlation purposes.
  • #NetworkDeviceFunction.v1_5_0.NetworkDeviceFunction updated to #NetworkDeviceFunction.v1_8_0.NetworkDeviceFunction
  • #PCIeDevice.v1_4_0.PCIeDevice updated to #PCIeDevice.v1_5_0.PCIeDevice
    • Added Oem.Hpe.FirmwareVersion :
      • ComponentName : Name of GPU cores
      • VersionString : Version string of GPU cores
  • #Port.v1_5_0.Port updated to #Port.v1_6_1.Port
    • Added AssociatedWorldWideNames to FibreChannel
  • #Power.v1_3_0.Power
    • Added Oem.Hpe.Domains :
      • DomainName : Power Supply Domain Name. Following values are supported: System and GPU .
      • HighEfficiencyMode : The redundant power supply mode that will be used when redundant power supplies are configured. The following values are supported: Null , Auto , Balanced , Even , Odd and NoSupport .
      • PowerSupplies : PowerSupplies is an array containing elements of: PowerSupplies[{item}]
      • PowerSupplyRedundancy : This indicates if the Power Supply is redundant or not. Following values are supported: Redundant , NonRedundant , FailedRedundant and Unknown .
    • Oem.Hpe.HighEfficiencyMode : Added NoSupport to supported values.
    • Added PowerSupplies.Oem.Hpe.Domain : This indicates the domain of the specific power supply. Following values are supported: System and GPU .
    • Oem.Hpe.HighEfficiencyMode : NoSupport added as a supported value.
  • #ServiceRoot.v1_5_1.ServiceRoot updated to #ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot
    • Added ComponentIntegrity : The URI to the collection resource.
  • #Thermal.v1_7_1.Thermal
    • Temperatures[{item}].PhysicalContext : Added the following enum values: LiquidInlet , LiquidOutlet , CPUSubsystem , GPUSubsystem , FPGA , Accelerator , ASIC , PowerSubsystem , Rectifier , MemorySubsystem , Chassis , Fan , CoolingSubsystem , Motor , Transformer , ACUtilityInput , ACStaticBypassInput , ACMaintenanceBypassInput , DCBus , ACOutput , ACInput , TrustedModule , Board , Transceiver , Battery and Pump
  • #UpdateService.v1_1_1.UpdateService updated to #UpdateService.v1_2_1.UpdateService
  • #VirtualMedia.v1_2_0.VirtualMedia updated to #VirtualMedia.v1_3_0.VirtualMedia