Bios resource definitions of iLO 6 v1.61

For each data type provided by the HPE ilO Redfish service, find below its description including the list of possible instances (URIs), links to related other resources, described properties and many other details.

Refer to the data types and collection section for more information on Redfish data types and collections.


@odata.type: "#Bios.v1_0_5.Bios"

The Bios schema contains properties related to the BIOS Attribute Registry. The Attribute Registry describes the system-specific BIOS attributes and Actions for changing to BIOS settings. Changes to the BIOS typically require a system reset before they take effect. It is likely that a client will find the @Redfish.Settings term in this resource, and if it is found, the client makes requests to change BIOS settings by modifying the resource identified by the @Redfish.Settings term.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios GET
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/settings GET POST PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Oem/Hpe/Links/Boot HpeServerBootSettings
@Redfish.Settings/SettingsObject Bios
Oem/Hpe/Links/TlsConfig HpeTlsConfig
Oem/Hpe/Links/BaseConfigs HpeBaseConfigs
Oem/Hpe/Links/Mappings HpeBiosMapping
Oem/Hpe/Links/iScsi HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator


Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common @Redfish properties.


Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description The Resource ID of the Attribute Registry that has the system-specific information about a BIOS resource.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10


AMDPerformanceWorkloadProfile (AMD Performance Workload Profile) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Provide feature sets for specific performance requirement.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
CPUIntensive CPU Intensive
JavaThroughput Java Throughput
JavaLatency Java Latency
PowerEfficiency Power Efficiency
MemoryThroughputIntensive Memory Throughput Intensive
StorageIOIntensive Storage IO Intensive
NICThroughputIntensive NIC Throughput Intensive
NICLatencySensitive NIC Latency Sensitive
VMwareVSphereOptimized VMware vSphere Optimized
LinuxKVMOptimized Linux KVM Optimized
ContainerOptimized Container Optimized
RDBMSOptimized RDBMS Optimized
BigDataAnalyticsOptimized Big Data Analytics Optimized
IOTGateway IOT Gateway
HPCOptimized HPC Optimized
OpenStackNFV OpenStack NFV
OpenStackForRealTimeKernel OpenStack for RealTime Kernel

AccessControlService (Access Control Service) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description If enabled, Access Control Service is enabled for the downstream port.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AcpiHpet (High Precision Event Timer (HPET) ACPI Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to disable the High Precision Event Timer (HPET) table and device object in ACPI. When disabled, the HPET is not available to an operating system that supports the HPET through the industry standard ACPI name space.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AcpiRootBridgePxm (Memory Proximity Reporting for I/O) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When enabled, the System BIOS reports the proximity relationship between I/O devices and system memory to the operating system. Most operating systems can use this information to efficiently assign memory resources for devices, such as network controllers and storage devices. Additionally, certain I/O devices might not be able to take advantage of I/O handling benefits if their OS drivers are not properly optimized to support this feature. See your operating system and I/O device documentation for more details.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AcpiSlit (ACPI SLIT) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description The ACPI SLIT (System Locality Information Table) defines the relative access times between processors, memory subsystems, and I/O subsystems. Operating systems that support the SLIT can use this information to improve performance by allocating resources and workloads more efficiently.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AdminEmail (Administrator E-mail Address) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enter the server administrator's e-mail address.
Type String
Read Only False

AdminName (Administrator Name) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enter the server administrator's name text.
Type String
Read Only False

AdminOtherInfo (Administrator Other Information) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enter the server administrator's information text.
Type String
Read Only False

AdminPhone (Administrator Phone Number) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enter the server administrator's phone number text.
Type String
Read Only False

AdvCrashDumpMode (Advanced Crash Dump Mode) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable the Advanced Crash Dump Mode. When enabled, the system will be configured to log additional debug information to the Active Health System logs when an unexpected system crash is experienced. This option should only be enabled when directed by qualified service personnel
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

AllowLoginWithIlo (Allow login with %s accounts) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Allows users to login with an iLO account with the CONFIGURE_BIOS privilege.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Amd5LevelPage (AMD 5-Level Page) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Support 5-Level Page to extend the size of virtual addresses from 48 bits to 57 bits, increasing the addressable virtual memory up to 128 PB.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AmdCdma (AMD Cacheable Direct Memory Access) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enable or disable AMD CDMA (Cacheable Direct Memory Access), which allows PCIe I/O devices to write directly to cache bypassing DRAM. This may improve performance for some PCIe devices with TLP Processing Hint capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

AmdCstC2Latency (ACPI CST C2 Latency) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select 800us for Linux kernel prior to version 6.0, 18us for version 6.0 or later
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
800us 800 microsecond
18us 18 microsecond

AmdDmaRemapping (AMD DMA Remapping) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This configures the DMA Remapping setting. DMA Remapping protects against memory corruption and malicious DMA attacks.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AmdL1Prefetcher (L1 Stream HW Prefetcher) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to disable L1 Stream HW prefetch feature. In some cases, setting this option to disabled can improve performance. Typically, setting this option to enabled provides better performance. Only disable this option after performing application benchmarking to verify improved performance in the environment.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AmdL2Prefetcher (L2 Stream HW Prefetcher) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to disable L2 Stream HW prefetch feature. In some cases, setting this option to disabled can improve performance. Typically, setting this option to enabled provides better performance. Only disable this option after performing application benchmarking to verify improved performance in the environment.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AmdMemPStates (Memory PStates) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This setting enables memory pstates
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

AmdMemoryBurstRefresh (DRAM Burst Refresh Mode) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable DRAM Burst/Postponed Refresh mode
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AmdPeriodicDirectoryRinse (AMD Periodic Directory Rinse) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enable Periodic Directory Rinse which may help manage directory capacity more efficiently. In workloads with significant system-wide sharing, like databases and HPC applications, using a shorter period for a directory rinse operation may improve performance.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

AmdSecureMemoryEncryption (AMD Secure Memory Encryption) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable SME
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AmdSecureNestedPaging (AMD Secure Nested Paging) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable AMD SEV-SNP. When enabled, SEV-SNP adds strong memory integrity protection to help prevent malicious hypervisor-based attacks like data replay, memory re-mapping, and more in order to create an isolated execution environment.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AmdVirtualDrtmDevice (AMD Virtual DRTM Device) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable the AMD Virtual DRTM Device.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

AmdXGMILinkSpeed (AMD xGMI Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Configure xGMI link speed between two processors, Auto will use the platform defined setting. Other options will force the speed to user selected.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
AmdXGMILinkSpeed16 16 Gbps
AmdXGMILinkSpeed18 18 Gbps
AmdXGMILinkSpeed25 25 Gbps
AmdXGMILinkSpeed32 32 Gbps

ApplicationPowerBoost (Infinity Fabric Power Management) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When this feature is enabled, the EPYC processor will dynamically vary the clock frequency of the Infinity Fabric based on activity level. For NUMA optimized workloads, allowing the Infinity Fabric to run slower can lead to increased overall performance due to an increase in CPU boost. Disabling this feature may be necessary for latency sensitive workloads.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

AssetTagProtection (Asset Tag Protection) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to lock Asset Tag information. When set to lock, the Asset Tag is not erased if the default system settings are restored.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Locked Locked
Unlocked Unlocked

AutoPowerOn (Automatic Power-On) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the server power state when AC power is applied to the system. Restore Last Power State returns the system to its previous power state when AC power is restored after an AC power loss. Note: This option is not available on all systems. Always Power On and Always Power Off causes the system to always return to the "on" and "off" state, respectively, whenever power is applied, even if the system is in the "off" state when power is lost.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AlwaysPowerOn Always Power On
AlwaysPowerOff Always Power Off
RestoreLastState Restore Last Power State

BootOrderPolicy (Boot Order Policy) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure how the system attempts to boot devices per the Boot Order list when no bootable device is found. If configured to 'Retry Boot Order Indefinitely,' the system continuously attempts to process the Boot Order list until a bootable device is found. If configured to 'Attempt Boot Order Once,' the system attempts to process all items in the Boot Order list once, and if unsuccessful, waits for user input to proceed. If configured for 'Reset After Failed Boot Attempt,' the system attempts to process all items in the Boot Order list once, and then reboots the system.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
RetryIndefinitely Retry Boot Order Indefinitely
AttemptOnce Attempt Boot Order Once
ResetAfterFailed Reset After Failed Boot Attempt

CollabPowerControl (Collaborative Power Control) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description For operating systems that support the Processor Clocking Control (PCC) Interface, enabling this option enables the Operating System to request processor frequency changes. For Operating Systems that do not support the PCC Interface this option has no effect on system operation.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

ConsistentDevNaming (Consistent Device Naming) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to select the level of Consistent Device Naming. On supported operating systems, NIC ports are named based on their location in the system. CDN Support for LOMs Only names Embedded NICs and FlexibleLOMs. Existing NIC connections retain their names until reinstalled under the OS environment.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
LomsAndSlots CDN Support for LOMs and Slots
LomsOnly CDN Support for LOMs Only
Disabled Disabled

CustomPostMessage (Custom POST Message) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enter a message to be displayed on POST screen during system startup. This feature limits POST screen messaging to 62 characters, special characters are also accepted.
Type String
Read Only False

CustomPstate0 (Custom Pstate0) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure Pstate0 Frequency. Auto uses the processor fused values.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Manual Manual

DataFabricCStateEnable (Data Fabric C-State Enable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Data Fabric C-States
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
ForceEnabled Force Enabled
Disabled Disabled

DaylightSavingsTime (Daylight Savings Time) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option controls the Daylight Savings Time (DST) adjustment to the displayed local time. If this option is disabled, the displayed local time will not be adjusted for DST. If this option is enabled, the displayed local time will be advanced by one hour. if this option is set to BMC control, the BMC will determine whether DST should be applied for the current time zone.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
DaylightSavingsTimeDisabled Daylight Savings Time is disabled
DaylightSavingsTimeEnabled Daylight Savings Time is enabled

DeterminismControl (Determinism Control) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure AMD determinism control. Auto uses the processor fused values.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
DeterminismCtrlAuto Auto
DeterminismCtrlManual Manual

Dhcpv4 (DHCPv4) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When enabled, this option enables obtaining the pre-boot network IPv4 configuration from a DHCP server. Individual settings are not available. When disabled, you must configure static IP address settings individually.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

DramControllerPowerDown (DRAM Controller Power Down) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable DRAM Controller power down
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

DynamicPowerCapping (Dynamic Power Capping Functionality) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure when the System BIOS executes power calibration during the boot process. In Auto mode, calibration is run the first time the server is booted, and is then only run again when the server's hardware configuration changes, configuration settings change, or if the system determines a new calibration is necessary. When disabled, the calibration does not run, and Dynamic Power Capping is not supported. When enabled, the calibration is run on every boot.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

EmbSata1Aspm (SATA Power Management(SALP)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Aggressive Link Power Management(SALP).
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

EmbSata1Enable (SATA Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable SATA devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

EmbSata1PCIeOptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

EmbSata2Aspm (SATA Power Management(SALP)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Aggressive Link Power Management(SALP).
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

EmbSata2Enable (SATA Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable SATA devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

EmbSata2PCIeOptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

EmbSata3Aspm (SATA Power Management(SALP)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Aggressive Link Power Management(SALP).
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

EmbSata3Enable (SATA Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable SATA devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

EmbSata3PCIeOptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

EmbSata4Aspm (SATA Power Management(SALP)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Aggressive Link Power Management(SALP).
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

EmbSata4Enable (SATA Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable SATA devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

EmbSata4PCIeOptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

EmbVideoConnection (Embedded Video Connection) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When configured for Auto mode, the external video connection to the embedded video controller is automatically disabled to save power when a monitor is not attached. It is automatically enabled when a monitor is attached, including when the server is operating. When configured for Always Disabled, the external video connection to the embedded video controller is disabled, and a monitor connected to this port does not display except during system boot. This can be used for security reasons. When configured for Always Enabled, the external video connection to the embedded video controller is always enabled. This option is only required if a monitor is attached with a monitor detection that does not function properly (making AUTO mode not work properly). Note: This option does not affect Integrated Remote Console video. Also, if you press F9 or F11 during system boot, the configured video connector behavior is overridden, and the video console remains enabled. This lets you reconfigure the Embedded Video Connection option even if the video is disabled.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
AlwaysDisabled Always Disabled
AlwaysEnabled Always Enabled

EmbeddedDiagnostics (Embedded Diagnostics) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Embedded Diagnostics functionality. If disabled, you cannot launch Embedded Diagnostics. Enable this option to use the Embedded Diagnostics functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

EmbeddedIpxe (Embedded iPXE) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable the Embedded iPXE. When enabled, you can launch the Embedded iPXE from the pre-boot environment. When enabled, you can add the Embedded iPXE can to the UEFI Boot Order by selecting the option entitled 'Add Embedded iPXE to Boot Order'. When disabled, the Embedded iPXE is not available in the pre-boot environment, and you cannot add it to the UEFI boot order. The Embedded iPXE is an open source network boot application embedded in system BIOS that you can use to perform network boot.This option also enables the UEFI shell command 'ipxe' and an entry in Embedded Application list, both can be used to launch the Embedded iPXE.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

EmbeddedSerialPort (Embedded Serial Port) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to assign the logical COM port address and associated default resources to the selected physical serial port. The operating system can overwrite this setting.Note: Embedded Serial Port and Virtual Seral Port (VSP) cannot be set to the same port. If Embedded Serial Port is changed to the same port as VSP, the VSP will automatically be reassigned.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Com1Irq4 COM 1; IRQ4; I/O: 3F8h-3FFh
Com2Irq3 COM 2; IRQ3; I/O: 2F8h-2FFh
Disabled Disabled

EmbeddedUefiShell (Embedded UEFI Shell) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable the Embedded UEFI Shell. If enabled, you can launch the Embedded UEFI Shell from the pre-boot environment. When enabled, you can add the Embedded UEFI Shell to the UEFI Boot Order by selecting the option entitled 'Add Embedded UEFI Shell to Boot Order'. When disabled, the Embedded UEFI Shell is not available in the pre-boot environment, and you cannot add it to the UEFI boot order. The Embedded UEFI Shell is a pre-boot command line environment that you can use for scripting and running UEFI applications. It provides CLI-based commands to configure the server, update the System BIOS and other firmware, and obtain system information and error logs.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

EmsConsole (EMS Console) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the ACPI serial port settings, which include the ability to redirect the Windows Server Emergency Management console (EMS) through either the physical or virtual serial port.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Physical Physical Serial Port
Virtual Virtual Serial Port

EnabledCoresPerProc (Enabled Cores per Processor) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option enables limiting the number of enabled processor cores per physical processor. You can set the number of enabled cores to a value supported by the physical processor. Setting the value to 0 or a value larger than the number of supported cores of the installed processor will result in all processor cores in the socket being enabled.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
CoresPerProc0 0
CoresPerProc2 2
CoresPerProc4 4
CoresPerProc6 6
CoresPerProc8 8
CoresPerProc12 12
CoresPerProc16 16
CoresPerProc20 20
CoresPerProc24 24
CoresPerProc28 28
CoresPerProc32 32
CoresPerProc36 36
CoresPerProc40 40
CoresPerProc48 48
CoresPerProc56 56
CoresPerProc60 60
CoresPerProc64 64
CoresPerProc72 72
CoresPerProc80 80
CoresPerProc84 84
CoresPerProc96 96
CoresPerProc112 112

EraseUserDefaults (Erase User Defaults) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to erase the user defaults backup.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
No No, Cancel
Yes Yes, erase the current settings.

ExtendedAmbientTemp (Extended Ambient Temperature Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable the server to operate at higher ambient temperatures than normally supported. These options are only supported with specific hardware configurations. See your server documentation before configuring the server to enable extended ambient temperature support. Improper system operation or damage to hardware components can result from enabling these options in unsupported configurations. Selecting Enabled for 40c Ambient (ASHRAE 3) enables the server to operate in environments with ambient temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius. Selecting Enabled for 45c Ambient (ASHRAE 4) enables the server to operate in environments with ambient temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius. Not all servers support both 40c Ambient (ASHRAE 3) and 45c Ambient (ASHRAE 4).
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
ASHRAE3 Enabled for 40c Ambient (ASHRAE 3)
ASHRAE4 Enabled for 45c Ambient (ASHRAE 4)

ExtendedMemTest (Extended Memory Test) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When enabled, the system validates memory during the memory initialization process. If uncorrectable memory errors are detected, the memory is mapped out, and the failed DIMMs are logged to the Integrated Management Log (IML). Enabling this option can result in a significant increase in the server boot time.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

F11BootMenu (One-Time Boot Menu (F11 Prompt)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to disable the POST One-Time Boot F11 Prompt. Note: When disabled, shell 'boot' command is not available for use.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

FCScanPolicy (Fibre Channel/FCoE Scan Policy) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to change the default Fibre Channel or FCoE policy for scanning for boot targets. When configured for Scan All Targets, each installed FC/FCoE adapter scans all available targets. When configured for Scan Configured Targets Only, the FC/FCoE adapters only scan targets that are preconfigured in the devices settings. This option overrides any individual device settings configured in the device-specific setup.This option is only supported in UEFI Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Scan All Targets
CardConfig Scan Configured Targets Only

FanFailPolicy (Fan Failure Policy) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure how the server reacts when fans fail, resulting in the server not having required fans in operation. When configured for "Shutdown/Halt on Critical Fan Failures," the server cannot boot or operate when it does not have required fans operating due to one or more fan failures. When configured for "Allow Operation with Critical Fan Failures," the server can boot and operate if it does not have required fans operating due to one or more fan failures. It is recommended that you configure the Fan Failure Policy to the default state of "Shutdown/Halt on Critical Fan Failures." Operating without the required fans operating can result in damage to hardware components.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Shutdown Shutdown/Halt on Critical Fan Failures
Allow Allow Operation with Critical Fan Failures

FanInstallReq (Fan Installation Requirements) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure how the server reacts when all required fans are not installed. When configured for Enable Messaging, the server displays messages and log events to the Integrated Management Log (IML) when required fans are not installed. The server can still boot and operate. When configured for Disable Messaging, the server does not display messages and log events when required fans are not installed. All indications that the server is operating without required fans are removed. It is recommended that you leave Fan Installation Requirements in the default state of Enable Messaging. Operating without the required fans can result in damage to hardware components.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
EnableMessaging Enable Messaging
DisableMessaging Disable Messaging

HourFormat (Hour Format) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Hour format, 24 Hours/12 Hours.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
24Hours 24 Hours
12Hours 12 Hours

HttpSupport (HTTP Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the UEFI HTTP(s) boot support when in UEFI Mode, and the 'Discover Shell Auto-Start Script using DHCP' option under 'Embedded UEFI Shell' settings. When 'Auto' is selected, the system automatically adds HTTP(S) boot options to the UEFI Boot Order list for every network port that is enabled for Network Boot. Selecting this option enables the system to boot to the HTTP or HTTPS URLs provided by the DHCP server. Any other URLs provided by the DHCP server are ignored. When 'HTTP only' is selected, the system automatically adds HTTP boot options to the UEFI Boot Order list for every network port that is enabled for Network Boot. Selecting this option enables the system to boot to the HTTP URLs provided by the DHCP server, and to ignore any HTTPS or other URLs that are provided. When 'HTTPS only' is selected, the system automatically adds HTTPS boot options to the UEFI Boot Order list for every network port that is enabled for Network Boot. Selecting this option enables the system to boot to the HTTPS URLs provided by the DHCP server, and to ignore any HTTP or other URLs that are provided. To enable HTTPS boot either by selecting 'Auto' or 'HTTPS only', you must enroll the respective TLS certificate of the HTTPS server under Server Security > TLS(HTTPS) Options. Note: This setting only affects the HTTP boot options added for the network ports, and the Discover Shell Auto-Start Script provided by the DHCP server. Other settings, such as Boot from URL, are not affected by this setting.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
HttpsOnly HTTPS only
HttpOnly HTTP only
Disabled Disabled

InfinityFabricPstate (Infinity Fabric Performance State) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This feature allows for customizing the performance state (P-state) of the Infinity Fabric when Infinity Fabric Power Management is disabled. The default is Auto when Infinity Fabric Power Management is Enabled. P0 is ideal for latency sensitive or I/O centric workloads, P3 is ideal for achieving best core boost frequencies.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
P0 P0
P1 P1
P2 P2
P3 P3
Auto Auto

IntelligentProvisioning (Intelligent Provisioning (F10 Prompt)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable the Intelligent Provisioning functionality. When disabled, you are prevented from entering the Intelligent Provisioning environment by pressing F10 during server boot. You must set this option to enabled to use Intelligent Provisioning functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

IpmiWatchdogTimerAction (IPMI Watchdog Timer Action) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to set the timeout action upon expiration of the watchdog timer due to a server lockup.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
PowerCycle Power Cycle
PowerDown Power Down
WarmBoot Warm Boot

IpmiWatchdogTimerStatus (IPMI Watchdog Timer) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable a Boot Time (POST) IPMI compliant Watchdog Timer (WDT) that is disabled when an IPMI command is issued to the system by the user and will not automatically be disabled. The WDT will be stopped when F9 or F10 hotkey is pressed during POST.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
IpmiWatchdogTimerOff Disabled
IpmiWatchdogTimerOn Enabled

IpmiWatchdogTimerTimeout (IPMI Watchdog Timer Timeout) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to set the wait timer before performing the desired timeout action on the server in the event of a server lockup.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Timeout10Min 10 Minutes
Timeout15Min 15 Minutes
Timeout20Min 20 Minutes
Timeout30Min 30 Minutes

Ipv4Address (IPv4 Address) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to specify the pre-boot network IPv4 address. Enter a static IP address using dotted-decimal notation (for example, If DHCP is used (the DHCPv4 option is enabled), this setting is unavailable because the value is supplied automatically.
Type String
Read Only False

Ipv4Gateway (IPv4 Gateway) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to specify the pre-boot network gateway IPv4 address. Enter a static IP address using dotted-decimal notation (for example, If DHCP is used (the DHCPv4 option is enabled), this setting is unavailable because the value is supplied automatically.
Type String
Read Only False

Ipv4PrimaryDNS (IPv4 Primary DNS) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to specify the pre-boot network Primary DNS Server IPv4 address. Enter a static IP address using dotted-decimal notation (for example, If DHCP is used (the DHCPv4 option is enabled), this setting is unavailable because the value is supplied automatically.
Type String
Read Only False

Ipv4SubnetMask (IPv4 Subnet Mask) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to specify the pre-boot network subnet mask. Enter a static IP address using dotted-decimal notation (for example, If DHCP is used (the DHCPv4 option is enabled), this setting is unavailable because the value is supplied automatically.
Type String
Read Only False

Ipv6Address (IPv6 Address) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to specify the pre-boot network IPv6 address. Enter a static IP address in the standard colon seperated format (for example, 1234::1000). If IPv6 Config Policy is set to Automatic, this setting is unavailable because the value is supplied automatically.
Type String
Read Only False

Ipv6ConfigPolicy (IPv6 Config Policy) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When set to Automatic, this option enables obtaining the pre-boot network IPv6 configuration automatically. Individual settings are not available. When set to Manual, you must configure static IP address settings individually.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Automatic Automatic
Manual Manual

Ipv6Duid (IPv6 DHCP Unique Identifier) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the IPv6 DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID). If configured for Auto, the DUID is set using the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the server, or using the DUID-LLT method if the server UUID is not available. If configured for DUID-LLT, the DUID is set based on the Link-layer Address Plus Time [DUID-LLT] method.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto

Ipv6Gateway (IPv6 Gateway) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to specify the pre-boot network gateway IPv6 address. Enter a static IP address in the standard colon seperated format (for example, 1234::1000). If IPv6 Config Policy is set to Automatic, this setting is unavailable because the value is supplied automatically.
Type String
Read Only False

Ipv6PrimaryDNS (IPv6 Primary DNS) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to specify the pre-boot network Primary DNS Server IPv6 address. Enter a static IP address in the standard colon seperated format (for example, 1234::1000). If IPv6 Config Policy is set to Automatic, this setting is unavailable because the value is supplied automatically.
Type String
Read Only False

IpxeAutoStartScriptLocation (iPXE Auto-Start Script Location) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to select the location of the Embedded iPXE startup script. For the 'File Systems on Attached Media' option, you must name the script file "startup.ipxe" and place it on a UEFI accessible local file system, such as a FAT32 partition on a USB disk or HDD. For the 'Network Location' option, the file must end with a .ipxe extension, and must be placed at an HTTP/HTTPS location accessible to the system. When you select the 'Auto' option, the system attempts to retrieve the startup script from the network location first, followed by locally attached media.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
AttachedMedia File Systems on Attached Media
NetworkLocation Network Location

IpxeBootOrder (Add Embedded iPXE to Boot Order) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When enabled, this option adds the Embedded iPXE as an entry in the UEFI Boot Order list. This option is only available when the Embedded iPXE is enabled.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

IpxeScriptAutoStart (iPXE Script Auto-Start) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable execution of the user supplied startup script for the Embedded iPXE. when enabled, you can configure Embedded iPXE to execute the startup script from a local media or a network location. When disable, Embedded iPXE will perform an auto discovery of startup script. You must name the script file "startup.ipxe"
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

IpxeScriptVerification (iPXE Script Verification) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enable this option to allow verification of iPXE script files when Secure Boot is enabled. For successful execution of script, make sure that iPXE scripts are enrolled in the Secure Boot database (db).
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

IpxeStartupUrl (Network Location for iPXE Auto-Start Script) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure a network URL to a iPXE startup script. This option is available and used only when the Auto-Start Script Location is set to 'Network Location', or 'Auto', and the iPXE Auto-Start Script discovery.URLs in HTTP/HTTPS are accepted using either an IPv4 or IPv6 server address. For example, the URLs can be in any of the following formats:,,, http://[1234::1000]/file.ipxe. The file must end with an .ipxe extension. When configured, the Embedded iPXE attempts to load and execute the startup script from the network location pointed to by this URL. When an HTTPS URL is configured, you must enroll the respective HTTPS server's TLS certificate under Server Security > TLS(HTTPS) Options.
Type String
Read Only False

LastLevelCacheAsNUMANode (Last-Level Cache (LLC) As NUMA Node) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When enabled, LLC As NUMA Node divides the processor's cores into an additional NUMA domain based on the L3 cache. Enabling this feature can increase performance for workloads that are NUMA aware and optimized.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

MaxMemBusFreqMHz (Maximum Memory Bus Frequency) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the memory system to run memory at a lower maximum speed than that supported by the installed processor and DIMM configuration. Setting this option to Auto configures the system to run memory at the maximum speed supported.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
MaxMemBusFreq4800 4800 MHz
MaxMemBusFreq4400 4400 MHz
MaxMemBusFreq4000 4000 MHz
MaxMemBusFreq3600 3600 MHz
MaxMemBusFreq3200 3200 MHz

MaxPcieSpeed (Maximum PCI Express Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description If a PCI Express device does not run properly at its optimal speed, lowering the speed at which the device is running can address this issue. This option enables you to lower the maximum PCI Express speed at which the server allows PCI Express devices to operate. You can also use it to address issues with problematic PCI Express devices. Setting this value to Maximum Supported configures the platform to run at the maximum speed supported by the platform or the PCIe device, whichever is lower.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
PerPortCtrl Per Port Control
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0
PcieGen3 PCIe Generation 3.0
PcieGen4 PCIe Generation 4.0

MemPatrolScrubbing (Memory Patrol Scrubbing) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option corrects memory soft errors so that, over the length of the system runtime, the risk of producing multi-bit and uncorrectable errors is reduced.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

MemRefreshRate (Memory Refresh Rate) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option controls the refresh rate of the memory controller and might affect the performance and resiliency of the server memory. It is recommended that you leave this setting in the default state unless indicated in other documentation for this server.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Refreshx1 1x Refresh
Refreshx2 2x Refresh

MicrosoftSecuredCoreSupport (Microsoft(R) Secured-core Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the server for Microsoft(R) Secured-core Support. When enabled, various virtualization and security settings will be automatically enabled. Please consult operating system documentation for more details.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

MinProcIdlePower (Minimum Processor Idle Power Core C-State) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description You can only configure this option if Workload Profile is set to Custom. Use this option to select the lowest idle power state (C-state) of the processor that the operating system uses. The higher the C-state, the lower the power usage of that idle state. (C6 is the lowest power idle state supported by the processor).
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
C6 C6 State
C1 C1 State
NoCStates No C-states

MinimumSevAsid (Minimum SEV ASID) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This configures the minimum address space identifier (ASID) that can be used for AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) enabled guests. ASID below this number are only available to SEV enable guest that also enable SEV-ES (Encrypted State)
Type Integer
Read Only False

MixedPowerSupplyReporting (Mixed Power Supply Reporting) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When enabled, the server logs a message that a mixed power supply configuration is present. When disabled, the server no longer logs messages that a mixed power supply configuration is present.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

NetworkBootRetry (Network Boot Retry Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the Network Boot Retry Support. When enabled, the system BIOS attempts to boot the network device up to the number of times configured in the Network Boot Retry Count option before attempting to boot the next network device. This setting only takes effect when attempting to boot a network device from the F12 function key and one-time boot options.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

NetworkBootRetryCount (Network Boot Retry Count) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the number of times the system BIOS attempts to boot a network device. The valid range is from 0 to 20.
Type Integer
Read Only False

NicBoot1 (Embedded NIC 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot10 (Embedded NIC 10 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot11 (Embedded NIC 11 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot12 (Embedded NIC 12 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot2 (Embedded NIC 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot3 (Embedded NIC 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot4 (Embedded NIC 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot5 (Embedded NIC 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot6 (Embedded NIC 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot7 (Embedded NIC 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot8 (Embedded NIC 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NicBoot9 (Embedded NIC 9 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

NumaGroupSizeOpt (NUMA Group Size Optimization) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure how the System BIOS reports the size of a NUMA node (number of logical processors), which assists the Operating System in grouping processors for application use (referred to as Kgroups). The default setting of Clustered provides better performance due to optimizing the resulting groups along NUMA boundaries. However, some applications might not be optimized to take advantage of processors spanning multiple groups. In such cases, selecting the Flat option might be necessary in order for those applications to utilize more logical processors.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Flat Flat
Clustered Clustered

NumaMemoryDomainsPerSocket (NUMA memory domains per socket) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to configure the number of NUMA memory domains per socket.If LLC As NUMA Node is enabled, total NUMA node number depends on total CCX number.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
OneMemoryDomainPerSocket One memory domain per socket
TwoMemoryDomainsPerSocket Two memory domains per socket
FourMemoryDomainsPerSocket Four memory domains per socket
Auto Auto

NvmeOptionRom (Embedded NVM Express Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable embedded NVM Express Option ROM. When enabled, the system loads the NVM Express Option ROM provided by the system BIOS. When disabled, the system loads the NVM Express Option ROM provided by the adapter.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Ocp1AuxiliaryPower (OCP Slot 1 Auxiliary Power) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option can be used to control if the PCIe device is granted auxiliary power. When enabled, the device is granted auxiliary power and is capable of operation however system fans may run to ensure appropriate cooling. When disabled, the device will not be able to respond to any transactions such as Wake On LAN when the server is in a auxiliary power state.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Ocp2AuxiliaryPower (OCP Slot 2 Auxiliary Power) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option can be used to control if the PCIe device is granted auxiliary power. When enabled, the device is granted auxiliary power and is capable of operation however system fans may run to ensure appropriate cooling. When disabled, the device will not be able to respond to any transactions such as Wake On LAN when the server is in a auxiliary power state.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

OmitBootDeviceEvent (Omit Boot Device Event) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to record Omit Boot Device Event. If enabled, PCR Boot Attempt Measurements will be disabled and measurement in PCR[4] will not be recorded.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PackagePowerLimitControlMode (Package Power Limit Control Mode) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This is a per processor Package Power Limit value applicable for all populated processors in the system. AUTO uses the default processor value. Modify the power limit in watts, as instructed by qualified personnel.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Manual Manual

PackagePowerLimitValue (Package Power Limit value) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This options control the package power limit allowed in Watts
Type Integer
Read Only False

PatrolScrubDuration (Patrol Scrub Duration) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to configure the duration interval of when to run the patrol scrubber if patrol scrub is enabled.Value is in hours.
Type Integer
Read Only False

PciSlot10Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot10Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 10 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot10Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot10LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot10OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot11Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot11Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 11 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot11Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot11LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot11OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot12Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot12Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 12 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot12Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot12LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot12OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot13Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot13Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 13 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot13Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot13LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot13OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot14Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot14Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 14 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot14Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot14LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot14OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot15Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot15Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 15 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot15Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot15LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot15OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot16Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot16Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 16 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot16Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot16LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot16OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot17Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot17Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 17 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot17Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot17LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot17OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot18Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot18Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 18 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot18Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot18LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot18OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot19Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot19Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 19 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot19Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot19LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot19OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot1Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot1Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 1 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot1Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot1LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0
PcieGen3 PCIe Generation 3.0

PciSlot1OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot20Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot20Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 20 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot20Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot20LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot20OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot21Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot21Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 21 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot21Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot21LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot21OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot22Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot22Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 22 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot22Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot22LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot22OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot23Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot23Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 23 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot23Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot23LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot23OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot2Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot2Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 2 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot2Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot2LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0
PcieGen3 PCIe Generation 3.0

PciSlot2OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot3Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot3Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 3 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot3Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot3LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0
PcieGen3 PCIe Generation 3.0

PciSlot3OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot4Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot4Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 4 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot4Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot4LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0
PcieGen3 PCIe Generation 3.0

PciSlot4OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot5Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot5Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 5 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot5Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot5LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0
PcieGen3 PCIe Generation 3.0

PciSlot5OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot6Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot6Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 6 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot6Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot6LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0
PcieGen3 PCIe Generation 3.0

PciSlot6OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot7Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot7Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 7 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot7Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot7LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0
PcieGen3 PCIe Generation 3.0

PciSlot7OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot8Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot8Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 8 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot8Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot8LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0
PcieGen3 PCIe Generation 3.0

PciSlot8OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot9Aspm (PCIe Power Management(ASPM)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Power Management (ASPM) support for the selected device. When configured for L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters a standby energy savings state. When configured for L1 Enabled, the selected device's link enters a lower power standby state at the expense of a longer exit latency. When configured for L1 and L0s Enabled, the selected device's link enters either power savings mode, depending on link utilization, and provides the highest energy savings.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
AspmL1Enabled L1 Enabled

PciSlot9Bifurcation (PCIe Slot 9 Bifurcation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to bifurcate the selected PCIe slot. When No Bifurcation is selected, the PCIe slot will train a single link at the maximum width supported by the slot and end point. When Slot Bifurcated is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into two equal width slots. When Slot Dual Bifurcate (quadfurcate) is selected, the PCIe slot will be bifurcated into four equal width slots.Note: Only change this option if the device installed in the slot supports this capability.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoBifurcation No Bifurcation
SlotBifurcated Bifurcate
SlotDualBifurcated Dual Bifurcate

PciSlot9Enable (PCIe Device Disable) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to enable or disable PCI devices.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled

PciSlot9LinkSpeed (PCIe Link Speed) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the PCIe Link Speed for the selected device. When configured for Auto, the selected device trains at the maximum supported speed of the PCIe link. When configured for PCIe Generation 2 Link Speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 2 speed. When configured for PCIe Generation Link 1 speed, the selected device trains at a maximum of PCIe Generation 1 speed.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
PcieGen1 PCIe Generation 1.0
PcieGen2 PCIe Generation 2.0

PciSlot9OptionROM (PCIe Option ROM) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable Device Option ROM
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PerformanceDeterminism (Performance Determinism) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the AMD Processor for Performance or Power Determinism.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
PerformanceDeterministic Performance Deterministic
PowerDeterministic Power Deterministic

PlatformCertificate (Platform Certificate Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enable/Disable Platform Certificate Support.NOTE: This feature will only build the certificate data when a TPM 2.0 device is enabled and visible.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PlatformRASPolicy (Platform RAS Policy) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option controls the platform Resiliency and Serviceability (RAS) policy. When in Firmware First mode (default), the BIOS will monitor corrected errors and log an event for any cases where the customer needs to take action on corrected errors. The OS will not monitor and log corrected errors. In OS First mode, corrected errors are unmasked to the OS and the OS will control the policy for logging corrected errors. With some operating systems, the OS will log all corrected errors. Corrected errors are an expected and natural occurrence and there is typically no action is required based on OS logging of corrected errors. Note there is no guarantee that the BIOS can properly log corrected error events when in OS First mode. It is recommended that this option is left in its default configuration. Warranty support will only be provided for memory errors that have exceeded correctable error thresholds as determined by Customer Support.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
FirmwareFirst Firmware First
OSFirst OS First

PostAsr (POST ASR) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure POST Automatic Server Recovery (ASR).When Automatic Server Recovery is enabled, you can use this option to set the time to wait before rebooting the server in the event of a server lockup This timer is only avaiable during POST and is not enabled at operating system boot.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
PostAsrOff POST ASR Off

PostAsrDelay (POST ASR Timer) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to set the wait timer before rebooting the server in the event of a server lockup.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Delay30Min 30 Minute Timer
Delay20Min 20 Minute Timer
Delay15Min 15 Minute Timer
Delay10Min 10 Minute Timer

PostBootProgress (POST Verbose Boot Progress) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable verbose boot progress messaging. Because this option displays additional debug information to the screen and serial console, it might be helpful for determining why a server became unresponsive during the boot process.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Serial Serial Only
All All

PostDiscoveryMode (UEFI POST Discovery Mode) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the UEFI POST Discovery Mode. When Auto is selected, the system selectively starts devices which are required for booting the devices in the UEFI Boot Order list. Note: For some situations like system configuration change, the system will change to start all devices for discovering all boot devices. When Force Full Discovery is selected, the system starts all devices in the system providing full boot target availability. Note: When Force Full Discovery is selected, boot time might significantly increase. When Force Fast Discovery is selected, the system starts as few devices as possible to get minimal boot time. Note: When Force Fast Discovery is selected, some unsupported devices may not work properly. You may need to replace the unsupported device with one that supports Fast Discovery.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
ForceFullDiscovery Force Full Discovery
ForceFastDiscovery Force Fast Discovery

PostF1Prompt (POST F1 Prompt) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the system to display the F1 key on the server POST screen. If an error is encountered, you can press the F1 key to continue with the server power-up sequence. Select one of the following options: Delayed 20 Seconds - If an error occurs, the system pauses for 20 seconds at the F1 prompt and continues to boot the OS. Delayed 2 Seconds - If an error occurs, the system pauses for 2 seconds at the F1 prompt and continues to boot the OS. Disabled - If an error occurs, the system bypasses the F1 prompt and continues to boot the OS. Note: For critical errors, the system pauses for 20 seconds at the F1 prompt, regardless of how this option is configured.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Delayed20Sec Delayed 20 seconds
Delayed2Sec Delayed 2 seconds
Disabled Disabled

PostScreenMode (POST Screen Mode) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select the display mode during boot up. When set to quiet mode, only the logo and progress bar are displayed. All informational messages and boot up graphics are hidden. When set to verbose mode, all boot up messages and graphics are displayed. You can also change the display mode from quiet to verbose while booting by pressing the TAB key when hotkeys are enabled.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
QuietMode Quiet Mode
VerboseMode Verbose Mode

PostVideoSupport (POST Video Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure the POST Video Support setting. When set to Display All, the system will display POST video to all installed video controllers. When set to Display Embedded Only, the system will only display POST video to the embedded video controller. This option is only supported in UEFI Boot Mode and only applies to video output during the POST (pre-boot) environment.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
DisplayAll Display All
DisplayEmbeddedOnly Display Embedded Only

PowerButton (Power Button Mode) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Disabling this option disables the momentary power button functionality. This option does not affect the four-second power button override or the remote power control functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

PowerOnDelay (Power-On Delay) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to delay the server from turning on for a specified time. Pressing the power button (using the Virtual Power Button), or Wake-ON LAN events, and RTC Wake-up events override the delay and power on the server without any additional delay. This enables staggering when servers power-up after a power loss to prevent power usage spikes.Note that the actual delay before the server is powered on will be longer than the specified time because the server must always wait for iLO FW to initialize before the server attempts to power on.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoDelay No Delay
Random Random Delay
Delay15Sec 15 Second Delay
Delay30Sec 30 Second Delay
Delay45Sec 45 Second Delay
Delay60Sec 60 Second Delay

PowerRegulator (Power Regulator) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description You can only configure this option if the Workload Profile is set to Custom. Use this option to configure the following Power Regulator support: - Static High Performance Mode: Processors run in their maximum power/performance state at all times, regardless of the OS power management policy. - OS Control Mode: Processors run in their maximum power/performance state at all times unless the OS enables a power management policy.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
StaticHighPerf Static High Performance Mode
OsControl OS Control Mode

PreBootNetwork (Pre-Boot Network Interface) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to select the network interface used for pre-boot network connections. When the selection is Auto, the system uses the first available port with a network connection.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Slot1NicPort1 Slot 1 NIC Port 1
Slot1NicPort2 Slot 1 NIC Port 2
Slot1NicPort3 Slot 1 NIC Port 3
Slot1NicPort4 Slot 1 NIC Port 4
Slot1NicPort5 Slot 1 NIC Port 5
Slot1NicPort6 Slot 1 NIC Port 6
Slot1NicPort7 Slot 1 NIC Port 7
Slot1NicPort8 Slot 1 NIC Port 8
Slot2NicPort1 Slot 2 NIC Port 1
Slot2NicPort2 Slot 2 NIC Port 2
Slot2NicPort3 Slot 2 NIC Port 3
Slot2NicPort4 Slot 2 NIC Port 4
Slot2NicPort5 Slot 2 NIC Port 5
Slot2NicPort6 Slot 2 NIC Port 6
Slot2NicPort7 Slot 2 NIC Port 7
Slot2NicPort8 Slot 2 NIC Port 8
Slot3NicPort1 Slot 3 NIC Port 1
Slot3NicPort2 Slot 3 NIC Port 2
Slot3NicPort3 Slot 3 NIC Port 3
Slot3NicPort4 Slot 3 NIC Port 4
Slot3NicPort5 Slot 3 NIC Port 5
Slot3NicPort6 Slot 3 NIC Port 6
Slot3NicPort7 Slot 3 NIC Port 7
Slot3NicPort8 Slot 3 NIC Port 8
Slot4NicPort1 Slot 4 NIC Port 1
Slot4NicPort2 Slot 4 NIC Port 2
Slot4NicPort3 Slot 4 NIC Port 3
Slot4NicPort4 Slot 4 NIC Port 4
Slot4NicPort5 Slot 4 NIC Port 5
Slot4NicPort6 Slot 4 NIC Port 6
Slot4NicPort7 Slot 4 NIC Port 7
Slot4NicPort8 Slot 4 NIC Port 8
Slot5NicPort1 Slot 5 NIC Port 1
Slot5NicPort2 Slot 5 NIC Port 2
Slot5NicPort3 Slot 5 NIC Port 3
Slot5NicPort4 Slot 5 NIC Port 4
Slot5NicPort5 Slot 5 NIC Port 5
Slot5NicPort6 Slot 5 NIC Port 6
Slot5NicPort7 Slot 5 NIC Port 7
Slot5NicPort8 Slot 5 NIC Port 8
Slot6NicPort1 Slot 6 NIC Port 1
Slot6NicPort2 Slot 6 NIC Port 2
Slot6NicPort3 Slot 6 NIC Port 3
Slot6NicPort4 Slot 6 NIC Port 4
Slot6NicPort5 Slot 6 NIC Port 5
Slot6NicPort6 Slot 6 NIC Port 6
Slot6NicPort7 Slot 6 NIC Port 7
Slot6NicPort8 Slot 6 NIC Port 8
Slot7NicPort1 Slot 7 NIC Port 1
Slot7NicPort2 Slot 7 NIC Port 2
Slot7NicPort3 Slot 7 NIC Port 3
Slot7NicPort4 Slot 7 NIC Port 4
Slot7NicPort5 Slot 7 NIC Port 5
Slot7NicPort6 Slot 7 NIC Port 6
Slot7NicPort7 Slot 7 NIC Port 7
Slot7NicPort8 Slot 7 NIC Port 8
Slot8NicPort1 Slot 8 NIC Port 1
Slot8NicPort2 Slot 8 NIC Port 2
Slot8NicPort3 Slot 8 NIC Port 3
Slot8NicPort4 Slot 8 NIC Port 4
Slot8NicPort5 Slot 8 NIC Port 5
Slot8NicPort6 Slot 8 NIC Port 6
Slot8NicPort7 Slot 8 NIC Port 7
Slot8NicPort8 Slot 8 NIC Port 8
Slot9NicPort1 Slot 9 NIC Port 1
Slot9NicPort2 Slot 9 NIC Port 2
Slot9NicPort3 Slot 9 NIC Port 3
Slot9NicPort4 Slot 9 NIC Port 4
Slot9NicPort5 Slot 9 NIC Port 5
Slot9NicPort6 Slot 9 NIC Port 6
Slot9NicPort7 Slot 9 NIC Port 7
Slot9NicPort8 Slot 9 NIC Port 8
Slot10NicPort1 Slot 10 NIC Port 1
Slot10NicPort2 Slot 10 NIC Port 2
Slot10NicPort3 Slot 10 NIC Port 3
Slot10NicPort4 Slot 10 NIC Port 4
Slot10NicPort5 Slot 10 NIC Port 5
Slot10NicPort6 Slot 10 NIC Port 6
Slot10NicPort7 Slot 10 NIC Port 7
Slot10NicPort8 Slot 10 NIC Port 8
Slot11NicPort1 Slot 11 NIC Port 1
Slot11NicPort2 Slot 11 NIC Port 2
Slot11NicPort3 Slot 11 NIC Port 3
Slot11NicPort4 Slot 11 NIC Port 4
Slot11NicPort5 Slot 11 NIC Port 5
Slot11NicPort6 Slot 11 NIC Port 6
Slot11NicPort7 Slot 11 NIC Port 7
Slot11NicPort8 Slot 11 NIC Port 8
Slot12NicPort1 Slot 12 NIC Port 1
Slot12NicPort2 Slot 12 NIC Port 2
Slot12NicPort3 Slot 12 NIC Port 3
Slot12NicPort4 Slot 12 NIC Port 4
Slot12NicPort5 Slot 12 NIC Port 5
Slot12NicPort6 Slot 12 NIC Port 6
Slot12NicPort7 Slot 12 NIC Port 7
Slot12NicPort8 Slot 12 NIC Port 8
Slot13NicPort1 Slot 13 NIC Port 1
Slot13NicPort2 Slot 13 NIC Port 2
Slot13NicPort3 Slot 13 NIC Port 3
Slot13NicPort4 Slot 13 NIC Port 4
Slot13NicPort5 Slot 13 NIC Port 5
Slot13NicPort6 Slot 13 NIC Port 6
Slot13NicPort7 Slot 13 NIC Port 7
Slot13NicPort8 Slot 13 NIC Port 8
Slot14NicPort1 Slot 14 NIC Port 1
Slot14NicPort2 Slot 14 NIC Port 2
Slot14NicPort3 Slot 14 NIC Port 3
Slot14NicPort4 Slot 14 NIC Port 4
Slot14NicPort5 Slot 14 NIC Port 5
Slot14NicPort6 Slot 14 NIC Port 6
Slot14NicPort7 Slot 14 NIC Port 7
Slot14NicPort8 Slot 14 NIC Port 8
Slot15NicPort1 Slot 15 NIC Port 1
Slot15NicPort2 Slot 15 NIC Port 2
Slot15NicPort3 Slot 15 NIC Port 3
Slot15NicPort4 Slot 15 NIC Port 4
Slot15NicPort5 Slot 15 NIC Port 5
Slot15NicPort6 Slot 15 NIC Port 6
Slot15NicPort7 Slot 15 NIC Port 7
Slot15NicPort8 Slot 15 NIC Port 8
Slot16NicPort1 Slot 16 NIC Port 1
Slot16NicPort2 Slot 16 NIC Port 2
Slot16NicPort3 Slot 16 NIC Port 3
Slot16NicPort4 Slot 16 NIC Port 4
Slot16NicPort5 Slot 16 NIC Port 5
Slot16NicPort6 Slot 16 NIC Port 6
Slot16NicPort7 Slot 16 NIC Port 7
Slot16NicPort8 Slot 16 NIC Port 8
Slot17NicPort1 Slot 17 NIC Port 1
Slot17NicPort2 Slot 17 NIC Port 2
Slot17NicPort3 Slot 17 NIC Port 3
Slot17NicPort4 Slot 17 NIC Port 4
Slot17NicPort5 Slot 17 NIC Port 5
Slot17NicPort6 Slot 17 NIC Port 6
Slot17NicPort7 Slot 17 NIC Port 7
Slot17NicPort8 Slot 17 NIC Port 8
Slot18NicPort1 Slot 18 NIC Port 1
Slot18NicPort2 Slot 18 NIC Port 2
Slot18NicPort3 Slot 18 NIC Port 3
Slot18NicPort4 Slot 18 NIC Port 4
Slot18NicPort5 Slot 18 NIC Port 5
Slot18NicPort6 Slot 18 NIC Port 6
Slot18NicPort7 Slot 18 NIC Port 7
Slot18NicPort8 Slot 18 NIC Port 8
Slot19NicPort1 Slot 19 NIC Port 1
Slot19NicPort2 Slot 19 NIC Port 2
Slot19NicPort3 Slot 19 NIC Port 3
Slot19NicPort4 Slot 19 NIC Port 4
Slot19NicPort5 Slot 19 NIC Port 5
Slot19NicPort6 Slot 19 NIC Port 6
Slot19NicPort7 Slot 19 NIC Port 7
Slot19NicPort8 Slot 19 NIC Port 8
Slot20NicPort1 Slot 20 NIC Port 1
Slot20NicPort2 Slot 20 NIC Port 2
Slot20NicPort3 Slot 20 NIC Port 3
Slot20NicPort4 Slot 20 NIC Port 4
Slot20NicPort5 Slot 20 NIC Port 5
Slot20NicPort6 Slot 20 NIC Port 6
Slot20NicPort7 Slot 20 NIC Port 7
Slot20NicPort8 Slot 20 NIC Port 8
Slot21NicPort1 Slot 21 NIC Port 1
Slot21NicPort2 Slot 21 NIC Port 2
Slot21NicPort3 Slot 21 NIC Port 3
Slot21NicPort4 Slot 21 NIC Port 4
Slot21NicPort5 Slot 21 NIC Port 5
Slot21NicPort6 Slot 21 NIC Port 6
Slot21NicPort7 Slot 21 NIC Port 7
Slot21NicPort8 Slot 21 NIC Port 8
Slot22NicPort1 Slot 22 NIC Port 1
Slot22NicPort2 Slot 22 NIC Port 2
Slot22NicPort3 Slot 22 NIC Port 3
Slot22NicPort4 Slot 22 NIC Port 4
Slot22NicPort5 Slot 22 NIC Port 5
Slot22NicPort6 Slot 22 NIC Port 6
Slot22NicPort7 Slot 22 NIC Port 7
Slot22NicPort8 Slot 22 NIC Port 8

PrebootNetworkEnvPolicy (Pre-Boot Network Environment) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to set the preference for Pre-Boot Network. If configured for Auto, all the network operations initiated in the pre boot environment occur over IPv4 or IPv6. The order of the existing network boot targets is not modified in the UEFI Boot Order list. New network boot targets are added to the end of the list using the default policy of the System BIOS. If configured for IPv4, all the network operations initiated in the pre boot environment only occur over IPv4. All existing IPv6 network boot targets are removed in the UEFI Boot Order. No new IPv6 network boot targets are added to the list. If configured for IPv6, all the network operations initiated in the pre boot environment only occur over IPv6. All existing IPv4 network boot targets in the UEFI Boot Order are removed. No new IPv4 network boot targets are added to the list.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
IPv4 IPv4
IPv6 IPv6

PrebootNetworkProxy (Pre-Boot Network Proxy) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure a pre-boot network proxy. When set, network operations for 'Pre-Boot Network Interface' are attempted through the configured proxy. The proxy must be in an HTTP URL format, and can be specified as http://IPv4_address:port, http://IPv6 address:port or http://FQDN:port.
Type String
Read Only False

ProcAMDBoost (AMD Core Performance Boost) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description AMD Core Performance Boost enables the processor to transition to a higher frequency than the processor's rated speed if the processor has available power and is within temperature specifications. Disabling this option reduces power usage and also reduces the system's maximum achievable performance under some workloads.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

ProcAMDBoostControl (AMD Fmax Boost Limit Control) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description AMD Fmax Boost Limit setting sets the maximum processor boost frequency. Auto will allow the processor to run at the highest possible boost frequencies. Manual will allow the user to configure a lower maximum boost frequency.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AmdFmaxBoostAuto Auto
AmdFmaxBoostManual Manual

ProcAes (Processor AES-NI Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable the Advanced Encryption Standard Instruction Set (AES-NI) in the processor.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

ProcAmdFmax (AMD Fmax Boost Limit) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description AMD Fmax Boost Limit setting sets the maximum processor boost frequency.
Type Integer
Read Only False

ProcAmdIoVt (AMD I/O Virtualization Technology) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option enables or disables capabilities provided by AMD I/O Virtualization (IOMMU) functionality. This option can be left enabled for all operating environments, including those that do not make use of this capability. When this option is enabled on systems containing 1TB or more of installed memory, 4GB of memory will be reserved near the 1TB address boundary and will not be available to the operating system. When this option is enabled on systems with less than 1TB of installed memory, the memory mapped I/O address range will begin at the 1TB address boundary which should have no impact to system operation and would not impact the memory available to the operating system.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

ProcSMT (AMD SMT Option) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable AMD SMT. When enabled, each physical processor core operates as two logical processor cores. When disabled, each physical processor core operates as only one logical processor core. Enabling this option can improve overall performance for applications that benefit from a higher processor core count.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

ProcX2Apic (Processor x2APIC Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description x2APIC support enables operating systems to run more efficiently on high core count configurations. It also optimizes interrupt distribution in virtualized environments. In most cases, set this option to Auto. This configures the operating system to enable x2APIC support depending on the processor and chipset design. When this setting is greyed-out, X2Apic was automatically enabled.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
ForceEnabled Force Enabled

ProductId (Product ID) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to set the system product ID. This value must always match the product ID sticker located on the chassis.
Type String
Read Only False

Pstate0Frequency (Pstate0 Frequency (MHz)) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Specifies core frequency (MHz)
Type Integer
Read Only False

RedundantPowerSupplyGpuDomain (Redundant Power Supply Mode - GPU Domain) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure how the system handles redundant power supply configurations. Balanced Mode shares the power delivery equally between all installed power supplies. All High Efficiency Mode options provide the most power efficient operation with redundant power supplies by keeping half of the power supplies in standby mode at lower power usage levels. The High Efficiency Mode options enable the system to select which power supply to place in standby. Auto enables the system to select between the odd or even power supply based on a semi-random distribution within a group of systems.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
BalancedMode Balanced Mode
HighEfficiencyAuto High Efficiency Mode (Auto)
HighEfficiencyOddStandby High Efficiency Mode (Odd Supply Standby)
HighEfficiencyEvenStandby High Efficiency Mode (Even Supply Standby)

RedundantPowerSupplySystemDomain (Redundant Power Supply Mode - System Domain) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure how the system handles redundant power supply configurations. Balanced Mode shares the power delivery equally between all installed power supplies. All High Efficiency Mode options provide the most power efficient operation with redundant power supplies by keeping half of the power supplies in standby mode at lower power usage levels. The High Efficiency Mode options enable the system to select which power supply to place in standby. Auto enables the system to select between the odd or even power supply based on a semi-random distribution within a group of systems.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
BalancedMode Balanced Mode
HighEfficiencyAuto High Efficiency Mode (Auto)
HighEfficiencyOddStandby High Efficiency Mode (Odd Supply Standby)
HighEfficiencyEvenStandby High Efficiency Mode (Even Supply Standby)

RestoreDefaults (Restore Default System Settings) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to reset all configuration settings to their default values. Changes that have been made might be lost. You must reboot the system for changes to take effect.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
No No, cancel the restore procedure.
Yes Yes, restore the default settings.

RestoreManufacturingDefaults (Restore Default Manufacturing Settings) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to reset all configuration settings to their default manufacturing values. Changes that have been made might be lost. If Secure Boot is enabled, related security settings might be lost. You must reboot the system for changes to take effect.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
No No, cancel restore procedure.
Yes Yes, restore the default settings.

RomSelection (ROM Selection) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to revert the server to a previous BIOS ROM image. The backup image is the BIOS ROM image that was used prior to the last flash event.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
CurrentRom Use Current ROM
BackupRom Switch to Backup ROM

SataSanitize (SATA Sanitize) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control whether sanitize functionality is supported. When enabled, the Sanitize Freeze Lock command is not sent to supported SATA hard drives, enabling sanitize operation to function (the Sanitize command is supported). This option is only supported when the SATA controller is in AHCI mode. Sanitize operation only operates with hard drives that support the sanitize command.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

SataSecureErase (SATA Secure Erase) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control whether Secure Erase functionality is supported. When enabled, the Security Freeze Lock command is not sent to supported SATA hard drives, enabling Secure erase to function (the Secure Erase command is supported). This option is only supported when the SATA controller is in AHCI mode. Secure Erase only operates with hard drives that support the Secure Erase command.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

SaveUserDefaults (Save User Defaults) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to save the current settings as the system defaults.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
No No, Cancel
Yes Yes, Save

SciRasSupport (SCI RAS Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to select the System Control Interrupt (SCI) signaling mode of operation. This setting can be used to allow how the system will signal the Operating System for certain error conditions. Certain resiliency features, such as Page Retire, require this setting to be set properly to allow the Operating System to properly react to the error event. Please consult documentation for which Operating Systems support which modes of SCI operation.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Ghesv1Support GHES v1 Support
Ghesv2Support GHES v2 Support

SecStartBackupImage (Backup ROM Image Authentication) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable cryptographic authentication of the backup ROM image on startup. When this option is disabled, only the primary image is authenticated on each startup. Enable this option to also perform cryptographic authentication of the backup ROM image.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

SecureBootStatus (Secure Boot Status) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description The current state of Secure Boot configuration.
Type Enumeration
Read Only True
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

SerialConsoleBaudRate (BIOS Serial Console Baud Rate) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This is the transfer rate at which data is transmitted through the serial port.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
BaudRate9600 9600
BaudRate19200 19200
BaudRate38400 38400
BaudRate57600 57600
BaudRate115200 115200

SerialConsoleEmulation (BIOS Serial Console Emulation Mode) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to select the emulation mode type. The option you select depends on the emulation you want to use in your serial terminal program (such as HyperTerminal or PuTTy). The BIOS emulation mode must match the mode you select in your terminal program.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Vt100 VT100
Vt100Plus VT100+
VtUtf8 VT-UTF8

SerialConsolePort (BIOS Serial Console Port) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to re-direct video and keystrokes through the serial port to OS boot. This option can interfere with non-terminal devices attached to the serial port. In such cases, set this option to disabled. This option is only supported in English language mode when running in the UEFI pre-boot System Utilities.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
Disabled Disabled
Physical Physical Serial Port
Virtual Virtual Serial Port

SerialNumber (Serial Number) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to set the system serial number. This value must always match the serial number sticker located on the chassis.
Type String
Read Only False

ServerAssetTag (Server Asset Tag) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to modify the Server Asset Tag text line.
Type String
Read Only False

ServerConfigLockStatus (Server Configuration Lock Status) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description The current state of the Server Configuration Lock feature.
Type Enumeration
Read Only True
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

ServerName (Server Name) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to modify the server name text line.
Type String
Read Only False

ServerOtherInfo (Server Other Information) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to modify the Other Server text line.
Type String
Read Only False

ServerPrimaryOs (Server Primary OS) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to modify the Server Primary OS text line.
Type String
Read Only False

ServiceEmail (Service Contact E-mail Address) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enter the server service contact e-mail address.
Type String
Read Only False

ServiceName (Service Contact Name) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enter the server service contact name text.
Type String
Read Only False

ServiceOtherInfo (Service Contact Other Information) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enter the other server service contact information text.
Type String
Read Only False

ServicePhone (Service Contact Phone Number) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enter the server service contact phone number text.
Type String
Read Only False

SetupBrowserSelection (Setup Browser Selection) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select which setup browser to use: GUI or Text. Auto mode uses text when the user enters RBSU via serial console, and uses GUI via IRC or physical terminal.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Text Text
Auto Auto

Slot10MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 10 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot10NicBoot1 (Slot 10 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot10NicBoot2 (Slot 10 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot10NicBoot3 (Slot 10 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot10NicBoot4 (Slot 10 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot10NicBoot5 (Slot 10 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot10NicBoot6 (Slot 10 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot10NicBoot7 (Slot 10 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot10NicBoot8 (Slot 10 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot10StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 10) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot11MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 11 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot11NicBoot1 (Slot 11 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot11NicBoot2 (Slot 11 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot11NicBoot3 (Slot 11 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot11NicBoot4 (Slot 11 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot11NicBoot5 (Slot 11 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot11NicBoot6 (Slot 11 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot11NicBoot7 (Slot 11 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot11NicBoot8 (Slot 11 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot11StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 11) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot12MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 12 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot12NicBoot1 (Slot 12 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot12NicBoot2 (Slot 12 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot12NicBoot3 (Slot 12 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot12NicBoot4 (Slot 12 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot12NicBoot5 (Slot 12 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot12NicBoot6 (Slot 12 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot12NicBoot7 (Slot 12 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot12NicBoot8 (Slot 12 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot12StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 12) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot13MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 13 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot13NicBoot1 (Slot 13 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot13NicBoot2 (Slot 13 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot13NicBoot3 (Slot 13 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot13NicBoot4 (Slot 13 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot13NicBoot5 (Slot 13 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot13NicBoot6 (Slot 13 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot13NicBoot7 (Slot 13 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot13NicBoot8 (Slot 13 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot13StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 13) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot14MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 14 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot14NicBoot1 (Slot 14 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot14NicBoot2 (Slot 14 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot14NicBoot3 (Slot 14 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot14NicBoot4 (Slot 14 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot14NicBoot5 (Slot 14 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot14NicBoot6 (Slot 14 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot14NicBoot7 (Slot 14 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot14NicBoot8 (Slot 14 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot14StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 14) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot15MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 15 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot15NicBoot1 (Slot 15 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot15NicBoot2 (Slot 15 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot15NicBoot3 (Slot 15 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot15NicBoot4 (Slot 15 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot15NicBoot5 (Slot 15 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot15NicBoot6 (Slot 15 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot15NicBoot7 (Slot 15 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot15NicBoot8 (Slot 15 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot15StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 15) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot16MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 16 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot16NicBoot1 (Slot 16 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot16NicBoot2 (Slot 16 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot16NicBoot3 (Slot 16 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot16NicBoot4 (Slot 16 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot16NicBoot5 (Slot 16 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot16NicBoot6 (Slot 16 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot16NicBoot7 (Slot 16 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot16NicBoot8 (Slot 16 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot16StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 16) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot17MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 17 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot17NicBoot1 (Slot 17 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot17NicBoot2 (Slot 17 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot17NicBoot3 (Slot 17 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot17NicBoot4 (Slot 17 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot17NicBoot5 (Slot 17 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot17NicBoot6 (Slot 17 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot17NicBoot7 (Slot 17 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot17NicBoot8 (Slot 17 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot17StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 17) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot18MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 18 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot18NicBoot1 (Slot 18 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot18NicBoot2 (Slot 18 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot18NicBoot3 (Slot 18 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot18NicBoot4 (Slot 18 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot18NicBoot5 (Slot 18 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot18NicBoot6 (Slot 18 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot18NicBoot7 (Slot 18 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot18NicBoot8 (Slot 18 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot18StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 18) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot19MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 19 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot19NicBoot1 (Slot 19 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot19NicBoot2 (Slot 19 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot19NicBoot3 (Slot 19 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot19NicBoot4 (Slot 19 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot19NicBoot5 (Slot 19 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot19NicBoot6 (Slot 19 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot19NicBoot7 (Slot 19 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot19NicBoot8 (Slot 19 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot19StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 19) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot1MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 1 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot1NicBoot1 (Slot 1 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot1NicBoot2 (Slot 1 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot1NicBoot3 (Slot 1 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot1NicBoot4 (Slot 1 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot1NicBoot5 (Slot 1 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot1NicBoot6 (Slot 1 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot1NicBoot7 (Slot 1 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot1NicBoot8 (Slot 1 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot1StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 1) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot20MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 20 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot20NicBoot1 (Slot 20 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot20NicBoot2 (Slot 20 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot20NicBoot3 (Slot 20 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot20NicBoot4 (Slot 20 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot20NicBoot5 (Slot 20 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot20NicBoot6 (Slot 20 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot20NicBoot7 (Slot 20 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot20NicBoot8 (Slot 20 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot20StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 20) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot21MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 21 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot21NicBoot1 (Slot 21 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot21NicBoot2 (Slot 21 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot21NicBoot3 (Slot 21 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot21NicBoot4 (Slot 21 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot21NicBoot5 (Slot 21 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot21NicBoot6 (Slot 21 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot21NicBoot7 (Slot 21 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot21NicBoot8 (Slot 21 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot21StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 21) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot22MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 22 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot22NicBoot1 (Slot 22 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot22NicBoot2 (Slot 22 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot22NicBoot3 (Slot 22 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot22NicBoot4 (Slot 22 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot22NicBoot5 (Slot 22 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot22NicBoot6 (Slot 22 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot22NicBoot7 (Slot 22 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot22NicBoot8 (Slot 22 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot22StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 22) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot23MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 23 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot23StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 23) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot2MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 2 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot2NicBoot1 (Slot 2 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot2NicBoot2 (Slot 2 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot2NicBoot3 (Slot 2 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot2NicBoot4 (Slot 2 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot2NicBoot5 (Slot 2 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot2NicBoot6 (Slot 2 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot2NicBoot7 (Slot 2 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot2NicBoot8 (Slot 2 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot2StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 2) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot3MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 3 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot3NicBoot1 (Slot 3 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot3NicBoot2 (Slot 3 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot3NicBoot3 (Slot 3 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot3NicBoot4 (Slot 3 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot3NicBoot5 (Slot 3 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot3NicBoot6 (Slot 3 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot3NicBoot7 (Slot 3 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot3NicBoot8 (Slot 3 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot3StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 3) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot4MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 4 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot4NicBoot1 (Slot 4 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot4NicBoot2 (Slot 4 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot4NicBoot3 (Slot 4 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot4NicBoot4 (Slot 4 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot4NicBoot5 (Slot 4 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot4NicBoot6 (Slot 4 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot4NicBoot7 (Slot 4 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot4NicBoot8 (Slot 4 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot4StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 4) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot5MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 5 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot5NicBoot1 (Slot 5 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot5NicBoot2 (Slot 5 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot5NicBoot3 (Slot 5 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot5NicBoot4 (Slot 5 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot5NicBoot5 (Slot 5 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot5NicBoot6 (Slot 5 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot5NicBoot7 (Slot 5 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot5NicBoot8 (Slot 5 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot5StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 5) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot6MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 6 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot6NicBoot1 (Slot 6 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot6NicBoot2 (Slot 6 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot6NicBoot3 (Slot 6 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot6NicBoot4 (Slot 6 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot6NicBoot5 (Slot 6 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot6NicBoot6 (Slot 6 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot6NicBoot7 (Slot 6 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot6NicBoot8 (Slot 6 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot6StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 6) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot7MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 7 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot7NicBoot1 (Slot 7 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot7NicBoot2 (Slot 7 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot7NicBoot3 (Slot 7 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot7NicBoot4 (Slot 7 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot7StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 7) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot8MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 8 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot8NicBoot1 (Slot 8 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot8NicBoot2 (Slot 8 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot8NicBoot3 (Slot 8 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot8NicBoot4 (Slot 8 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot8StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 8) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

Slot9MctpBroadcastSupport (PCIe Slot 9 MCTP Broadcast Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the PCIe Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) Support for a given slot. This option can be used to disable MCTP support to a given PCIe endpoint that may not properly support this protocol. It is recommended that this option remain enabled for full system functionality.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Slot9NicBoot1 (Slot 9 NIC Port 1 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot9NicBoot2 (Slot 9 NIC Port 2 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot9NicBoot3 (Slot 9 NIC Port 3 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot9NicBoot4 (Slot 9 NIC Port 4 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot9NicBoot5 (Slot 9 NIC Port 5 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot9NicBoot6 (Slot 9 NIC Port 6 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot9NicBoot7 (Slot 9 NIC Port 7 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot9NicBoot8 (Slot 9 NIC Port 8 Boot) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable network boot (PXE, iSCSI or UEFI HTTP) for the selected NIC. You might need to configure the NIC firmware for the boot option to be active. This is applicable only in UEFI Boot Mode.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NetworkBoot Network Boot
Disabled Disabled

Slot9StorageBoot (PCIe Slot 9) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When Boot All Targets is selected, all valid boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order list. If Boot No Targets is selected, no boot targets from this storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.If Boot Limit to 32 Targets is selected, 32 boot targets attached to the storage controller are made available in the UEFI Boot Order.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
AllTargets Boot All Targets
ThirtyTwoTargets Boot Limit to 32 Targets
NoTargets Boot No Targets

SpeculativeLockScheduling (Page Table Entry Speculative Lock Scheduling ) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Disabling this forces Page Table Entry locks to only be scheduled non-speculatively. Disabling this feature will impact performance
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

Sriov (SR-IOV) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description If enabled, SR-IOV support enables a hypervisor to create virtual instances of a PCI-express device, potentially increasing performance. If enabled, the BIOS allocates additional resources to PCI-express devices. You can leave this option set to enabled even if you are not using a hypervisor.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

TPM2EndorsementDisable (TPM 2.0 Endorsement Hierarchy) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable/disable the TPM 2.0 Endorsement Hierarchy. When the TPM 2.0 Endorsement Hierarchy is disabled, certain TPM functionality under the operating system may not operate properly.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

TPM2StorageDisable (TPM 2.0 Storage Hierarchy) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable/disable the TPM 2.0 Storage Hierarchy. When the TPM 2.0 Storage Hierarchy is disabled, certain TPM functionality under the operating system may not operate properly.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

ThermalConfig (Thermal Configuration) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to select the fan cooling solution for the system. Optimal Cooling provides the most efficient solution by configuring fan speeds to the minimum required speed to provide adequate cooling. Increased Cooling runs fans at higher speeds to provide additional cooling. Select Increased Cooling when third-party storage controllers are cabled to the embedded hard drive cage, or if the system is experiencing thermal issues that cannot be resolved. Maximum cooling provides the maximum cooling available on this platform. Enhanced CPU Cooling runs the fans at a higher speed to provide additional cooling to the processors. Selecting Enhanced CPU Cooling may improve system performance with certain processor intensive workloads.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
OptimalCooling Optimal Cooling
IncreasedCooling Increased Cooling
MaxCooling Maximum Cooling
EnhancedCPUCooling Enhanced CPU Cooling

ThermalShutdown (Thermal Shutdown) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the reaction of the system to caution level thermal events. When disabled, the System Management Firmware ignores thermal events, and the system immediately powers off in data-destructive situations.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

TimeFormat (Time Format) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option controls how the system time is stored in the hardware Real Time Clock (RTC). When configured to 'Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)' (default) the local time is calculated from the associated time zone value. When configured to 'Local Time' the time is stored directly as local time and the time zone option does not have meaning.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Local Local Time
Utc Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

TimeZone (Time Zone) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description This option displays the current time zone setting for the system.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
UtcM12 UTC-12:00, International Date Line West
UtcM11 UTC-11:00, Midway Island, Samoa
UtcM10 UTC-10:00, Hawaii
UtcM930 UTC-09:30, Marquesas
UtcM9 UTC-09:00, Alaska
UtcM8 UTC-08:00, Pacific Time(US & Canada), Tijuana, Portland
UtcM7 UTC-07:00, Arizona, Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan, Mountain Time (US & Canada)
UtcM6 UTC-06:00, Central America, Central Time(US & Canada)
UtcM5 UTC-05:00, Bogota, Lima, Quito, Eastern Time(US & Canada)
UtcM4 UTC-04:00, Atlantic Time(Canada), Caracas, Santiago, Georgetown
UtcM330 UTC-03:30, Newfoundland
UtcM3 UTC-03:00, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Greenland
UtcM2 UTC-02:00, Mid-Atlantic
UtcM1 UTC-01:00, Azores, Cape Verde Is.
Utc0 UTC-00:00, Greenwich Mean Time, Casablanca, Monrovia, Dublin, London
UtcP1 UTC+01:00, Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Paris, West Central Africa
UtcP2 UTC+02:00, Athens, Bucharest, Cairo, Jerusalem
UtcP3 UTC+03:00, Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi, Istanbul
UtcP330 UTC+03:30, Tehran
UtcP4 UTC+04:00, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan
UtcP430 UTC+04:30, Kabul
UtcP5 UTC+05:00, Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent
UtcP530 UTC+05:30, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
UtcP545 UTC+05:45, Kathmandu
UtcP6 UTC+06:00, Almaty, Astana, Dhaka, Sri Jayawardenepura
UtcP630 UTC+06:30, Rangoon
UtcP7 UTC+07:00, Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk
UtcP8 UTC+08:00, Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi, Taipei, Perth
UtcP845 UTC+08:45, Eucla
UtcP9 UTC+09:00, Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, Seoul, Yakutsk
UtcP930 UTC+09:30, Adelaide, Darwin
UtcP10 UTC+10:00, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam, Hobart, Vladivostok
UtcP1030 UTC+10:30, Lord Howe
UtcP1045 UTC+10:45, Chatham
UtcP11 UTC+11:00, Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia
UtcP12 UTC+12:00, Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.
UtcP13 UTC+13:00, Nuku'alofa
UtcP14 UTC+14:00, Line Islands
Unspecified Unspecified Time Zone

Tpm20SoftwareInterfaceStatus (Current TPM 2.0 Software Interface Status) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Current TPM 2.0 Software Interface Status: FIFO or CRB.
Type Enumeration
Read Only True
Value Description
NoAction No Action
Fifo FIFO interface

Tpm2Operation (TPM 2.0 Operation) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to perform a clear operation on the TPM. Clearing the TPM can prevent the server from booting to a TPM-aware operating system if the operating system uses TPM's measurements.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NoAction No Action
Clear Clear

TpmActivePcrs (Current TPM 2.0 Active PCRs) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Current TPM 2.0 Active PCRs: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA1SHA256, or SHA256SHA384
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
NotSpecified Not specified
Sha1 SHA1 only
Sha256 SHA256 only
Sha384 SHA384 only
Sha1Sha256 SHA1 and SHA256
Sha256Sha384 SHA256 and SHA384

TpmChipId (Current TPM Chip ID) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Current TPM Chip
Type Enumeration
Read Only True
Value Description
None None
StMicroGen10 ST Micro Gen10
STMicroGen10Plus ST Micro Gen10 Plus
STMicroGen11 ST Micro Gen11

TpmState (Current TPM State) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Current TPM device state: Not Present; Present and Disabled; Present and Enabled.
Type Enumeration
Read Only True
Value Description
NotPresent Not Present
PresentDisabled Present and Disabled
PresentEnabled Present and Enabled

TpmUefiOpromMeasuring (TPM UEFI Option ROM Measurement) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable measuring the UEFI PCI option ROMs. Disabling this option skips measuring the UEFI PCI option ROMs.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

TpmVisibility (TPM Visibility) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to hide the TPM from the operating system. When the TPM is hidden, BIOS secure startup is disabled, and the TPM does not respond to any commands. Intended use is for removing the TPM option from the system without removing the actual hardware.This option will also disable the TPM 2.0 (if active) Platform, Storage and Endorsement Hierarchies. This option is grayed out when Platform Certificate Support is enabled.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Hidden Hidden
Visible Visible

TransparentSecureMemoryEncryption (Transparent Secure Memory Encryption) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable TSME
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

UefiSerialDebugLevel (UEFI Serial Debug Message Level) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable UEFI Serial Debug output and verbosity level. Selecting Verbose can impact server boot time significantly.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
ErrorsOnly Errors Only
Medium Medium
Network Network
Verbose Verbose
Custom Custom

UefiShellBootOrder (Add Embedded UEFI Shell to Boot Order) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description When enabled, this option adds the Embedded UEFI Shell as an entry in the UEFI Boot Order list. This option is only available when the Embedded UEFI Shell is enabled.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

UefiShellPhysicalPresenceKeystroke (Physical Presence with Keystroke) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use the option to enable or disable Physical Presence with Keystroke. If enabled, a countdown starts after entering Embedded UEFI Shell and stops when a keystroke is detected. If no keystroke is detected by the end of the countdown, or if the option is disabled, certain configuration actions are prevented.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

UefiShellScriptVerification (Shell Script Verification) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Enable this option to allow verification of UEFI shell script files when Secure Boot is enabled. For successful execution of script, make sure that UEFI shell scripts are enrolled in the Secure Boot database (db).
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

UefiShellStartup (UEFI Shell Script Auto-Start) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable automatic execution of the Embedded UEFI Shell startup script. You can store the script file on local media or access it from a network location. You must name the script file "startup.nsh" and place it on local media or a network location accessible to the server.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

UefiShellStartupLocation (Shell Auto-Start Script Location) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to select the location of the Embedded UEFI Shell startup script. For the 'File Systems on Attached Media' option, you must name the script file "startup.nsh" and place it on a UEFI accessible local file system, such as a FAT32 partition on a USB disk or HDD. For the 'Network Location' option, the file must end with a .nsh extension, and must be placed at an HTTP/HTTPS or FTP location accessible to the system. When you select the 'Auto' option, the system attempts to retrieve the startup script from the network location first, followed by locally attached media.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
AttachedMedia File Systems on Attached Media
NetworkLocation Network Location

UefiShellStartupUrl (Network Location for Shell Auto-Start Script) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure a network URL to a UEFI Shell startup script. This option is available and used only when the Auto-Start Script Location is set to 'Network Location', or 'Auto', and the Shell Auto-Start Script discovery using DHCP is set to 'Disabled'. URLs in HTTP/HTTPS are accepted using either an IPv4 or IPv6 server address, or using a host name. FTP formats are accepted using either an IPv4 server address or a host name. For example, the URLs can be in any of the following formats:,,, http://[1234::1000]/file.nsh. The file must end with an .nsh extension. When configured, the Embedded UEFI Shell attempts to load and execute the startup script from the network location pointed to by this URL. When an HTTPS URL is configured, you must enroll the respective HTTPS server's TLS certificate under Server Security > TLS(HTTPS) Options.
Type String
Read Only False

UefiShellStartupUrlFromDhcp (Discover Shell Auto-Start Script using DHCP) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to let the Shell discover its startup script URL using DHCP. This option is available only if the 'HTTP Support' policy is not set to 'Disabled' and Auto-Start Script Location is set to 'Network Location', or 'Auto'. When set to 'Enabled', the Shell sends DHCP requests with the DHCP User Class option set to the string 'UEFIShell'. The DHCP server must be configured to provide HTTP/HTTPS or FTP URLs when this DHCP User Class string is present in the DHCP request. The User Class option is Option 77 when using DHCP over IPv4, and Option 15 when using DHCP over IPv6. URLs in HTTP/HTTPS must use either an IPv4 or IPv6 server address, or a host name. FTP formats are accepted using either an IPv4 server address or a host name. The URL provided by the DHCP server should match the 'HTTP Support' policy. When 'HTTP Support' policy is set to 'Auto', any HTTP/HTTPS or FTP URL provided by the DHCP server is used. When policy is set to 'HTTPS only', only HTTPS URLs are used, and other URLs are ignored. When policy is set to 'HTTP only', only HTTP or FTP URLs are used, and other URLs are ignored. When policy is set to 'Disabled', the Shell does not send any DHCP request.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

UefiVariableAccessFwControl (UEFI Variable Access Firmware Control) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to allow the system BIOS to completely control certain UEFI variables from being written to by other software such as an Operating System. When Disabled is selected, all UEFI variables are writable. When Enabled is selected, all changes made by software other than the system BIOS to critical UEFI variables will be blocked. For instance, new boot options the Operating System attempt to add to the top of BootOrder will actually be placed at the bottom of the BootOrder. Note: When UEFI Variable Access Firmware Control is Enabled, some Operating System functionality may not work as expected. Errors may occur while installing a new Operating System.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Disabled Disabled
Enabled Enabled

UrlBootFile (Boot from URL 1) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure a network URL to a bootable ISO or EFI file. URLs in HTTP/HTTPS are accepted using either an IPv4 or IPv6 server address, or using a host name. For example, the URLs can be in any of the following formats:,,, http://[1234::1000]/image.iso. When configured, this URL is listed as a boot option in the UEFI boot menu. Selecting this boot option downloads the file to the system memory, and configures the system to attempt to boot from it. There is no specific ordering on this option. It can be independently ordered in the boot menu. This setting requires configuring the 'Pre-Boot Network Interface' option if you want to access the URL location through a specific network interface. When an HTTPS URL is configured, this setting requires enrolling the respective TLS certificate of the HTTPS server under Server Security > TLS(HTTPS) Options. This option uses the IP address settings configured in this page. This is only applicable in UEFI Mode. Note: Booting from an ISO file can involve only booting a preliminary OS environment image, such as WinPE or a mini Linux, or a complete OS install image if the OS supports the HTTP Boot feature (Old OS versions may not support this). Please check your OS documentation for the HTTP Boot feature support.
Type String
Read Only False

UrlBootFile2 (Boot from URL 2) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure a network URL to a bootable ISO or EFI file. URLs in HTTP/HTTPS are accepted using either an IPv4 or IPv6 server address, or using a host name. For example, the URLs can be in any of the following formats:,,, http://[1234::1000]/image.iso. When configured, this URL is listed as a boot option in the UEFI boot menu. Selecting this boot option downloads the file to the system memory, and configures the system to attempt to boot from it. There is no specific ordering on this option. It can be independently ordered in the boot menu. This setting requires configuring the 'Pre-Boot Network Interface' option if you want to access the URL location through a specific network interface. When an HTTPS URL is configured, this setting requires enrolling the respective TLS certificate of the HTTPS server under Server Security > TLS(HTTPS) Options. This option uses the IP address settings configured in this page. This is only applicable in UEFI Mode. Note: Booting from an ISO file can involve only booting a preliminary OS environment image, such as WinPE or a mini Linux, or a complete OS install image if the OS supports the HTTP Boot feature (Old OS versions may not support this). Please check your OS documentation for the HTTP Boot feature support.
Type String
Read Only False

UrlBootFile3 (Boot from URL 3) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure a network URL to a bootable ISO or EFI file. URLs in HTTP/HTTPS are accepted using either an IPv4 or IPv6 server address, or using a host name. For example, the URLs can be in any of the following formats:,,, http://[1234::1000]/image.iso. When configured, this URL is listed as a boot option in the UEFI boot menu. Selecting this boot option downloads the file to the system memory, and configures the system to attempt to boot from it. There is no specific ordering on this option. It can be independently ordered in the boot menu. This setting requires configuring the 'Pre-Boot Network Interface' option if you want to access the URL location through a specific network interface. When an HTTPS URL is configured, this setting requires enrolling the respective TLS certificate of the HTTPS server under Server Security > TLS(HTTPS) Options. This option uses the IP address settings configured in this page. This is only applicable in UEFI Mode. Note: Booting from an ISO file can involve only booting a preliminary OS environment image, such as WinPE or a mini Linux, or a complete OS install image if the OS supports the HTTP Boot feature (Old OS versions may not support this). Please check your OS documentation for the HTTP Boot feature support.
Type String
Read Only False

UrlBootFile4 (Boot from URL 4) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure a network URL to a bootable ISO or EFI file. URLs in HTTP/HTTPS are accepted using either an IPv4 or IPv6 server address, or using a host name. For example, the URLs can be in any of the following formats:,,, http://[1234::1000]/image.iso. When configured, this URL is listed as a boot option in the UEFI boot menu. Selecting this boot option downloads the file to the system memory, and configures the system to attempt to boot from it. There is no specific ordering on this option. It can be independently ordered in the boot menu. This setting requires configuring the 'Pre-Boot Network Interface' option if you want to access the URL location through a specific network interface. When an HTTPS URL is configured, this setting requires enrolling the respective TLS certificate of the HTTPS server under Server Security > TLS(HTTPS) Options. This option uses the IP address settings configured in this page. This is only applicable in UEFI Mode. Note: Booting from an ISO file can involve only booting a preliminary OS environment image, such as WinPE or a mini Linux, or a complete OS install image if the OS supports the HTTP Boot feature (Old OS versions may not support this). Please check your OS documentation for the HTTP Boot feature support.
Type String
Read Only False

UsbBoot (USB Boot Support) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Set this option to disabled to prevent the system from booting to any USB devices connected to the server. This includes preventing boot to virtual media devices, and the embedded SD or uSD card (if supported). If this option is disabled, firmware updates from OneView will not work.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

UsbControl (USB Control) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description All USB Ports Enabled: Enables all USB ports and embedded devices.All USB Ports Disabled: Disables all USB ports and embedded devices.External USB Ports Disabled: Disables only external USB ports.Internal USB Ports Disabled: Disables only internal USB ports.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
UsbEnabled All USB Ports Enabled
UsbDisabled All USB Ports Disabled
ExternalUsbDisabled External USB Ports Disabled
InternalUsbDisabled Internal USB Ports Disabled

UserDefaultsState (User Defaults) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Displays whether user default settings are enabled or disabled.
Type Enumeration
Read Only True
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

UtilityLang (Utility Language) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to adjust the current language for the system.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
English English
Japanese Japanese
Chinese Chinese

VideoOptions (Video Options) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to configure video settings in the system. When set to Add-in Video Enabled, Embedded Video Disabled, the system only displays video to the first discovered add-in video controller. When set to Both Add-in and Embedded Video Enabled, the system displays video to both the embedded and the first discovered add-in video controllers. In both modes, early system startup video is displayed to the embedded video controller.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
OptionalVideoOnly Add-in Video Enabled, Embedded Video Disabled
BothVideoEnabled Both Add-in and Embedded Video Enabled

VirtualInstallDisk (Virtual Install Disk) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to control the Virtual Install Disk. The Virtual Install Disk contains drivers specific to this server that an OS can use during installation. If enabled, the Virtual Install Disk appears as a drive in the operating system.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

VirtualSerialPort (Virtual Serial Port) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to assign the logical COM port address and associated default resources used by the Virtual Serial Port (VSP). VSP enables the Management Processor to present an emulated serial port to support the BIOS Serial Console and operating system serial console. Note: VSP and Embedded Serial Port cannot be set to the same port. If VSP is changed to the same port as Embedded Serial Port, the Embedded Serial Port will automatically be reassigned.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Com1Irq4 COM 1; IRQ4; I/O: 3F8h-3FFh
Com2Irq3 COM 2; IRQ3; I/O: 2F8h-2FFh
Disabled Disabled

VlanControl (VLAN Control) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable VLAN tagging on all enabled network interfaces.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

VlanId (VLAN ID) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to set the global VLAN ID for all enabled network interfaces. Valid values are 0 to 4094.A value of 0 sets the device to send untagged frames.
Type Integer
Read Only False

VlanPriority (VLAN Priority) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to set the priority for the VLAN tagged frames. Valid values are 0 to 7.
Type Integer
Read Only False

WakeOnLan (Wake-On LAN) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description You can configure the server to be powered on remotely when it receives a special packet. This option requires a NIC, NIC driver, and operating system that are WOL-capable.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled

WorkloadProfile (Workload Profile) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Select this option to change the Workload Profile to accommodate your desired workload. Settings that are changed by the Workload Profile are grayed out and unchangeable unless in the 'Custom' profile. Please refer to the 'UEFI Workload-based Performance Tuning Guide' for details on which profiles affect which options.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
GeneralPowerEfficientCompute General Power Efficient Compute
GeneralPeakFrequencyCompute General Peak Frequency Compute
GeneralThroughputCompute General Throughput Compute
Virtualization-PowerEfficient Virtualization - Power Efficient
Virtualization-MaxPerformance Virtualization - Max Performance
LowLatency Low Latency
MissionCritical Mission Critical
TransactionalApplicationProcessing Transactional Application Processing
HighPerformanceCompute(HPC) High Performance Compute (HPC)
DecisionSupport Decision Support
GraphicProcessing Graphic Processing
I/OThroughput I/O Throughput
Custom Custom

XGMIForceLinkWidth (XGMI Force Link Width) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description XGMI Force Link Width setting forces the XGMI link width to a value set by the user. Auto will use the system default setting. Other options will force the user setting to be used.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
x4 x4
x8 x8
x16 x16

XGMIMaxLinkWidth (XGMI Max Link Width) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description XGMI Max Link Width setting sets the maximum XGMI link width to a value set by the user. Auto will use the system default setting. Other options will force the user setting to be used.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Auto Auto
x4 x4
x8 x8
x16 x16

iSCSISoftwareInitiator (iSCSI Software Initiator) Member of Bios.v1_0_5.Bios

Description Use this option to enable or disable the iSCSI Software Initiator. When enabled, the system's iSCSI Software Initiator will be used to access iSCSI targets on any configured NIC ports. When disabled, the system's iSCSI Software Initiator will not attempt to access any configured iSCSI targets.
Type Enumeration
Read Only False
Value Description
Enabled Enabled
Disabled Disabled