Hpe resource definitions of iLO 6 v1.58

For each data type provided by the HPE ilO Redfish service, find below its description including the list of possible instances (URIs), links to related other resources, described properties and many other details.

Refer to the data types and collection section for more information on Redfish data types and collections.


@odata.type: "#HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment"

The HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment resource describes the properties of automatic Certificate Enrollment feature support.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/automaticcertificateenrollment GET POST PATCH


AutomaticCertificateEnrollmentSettings.CACertificateName Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description This is the name of imported CA(Certificate Authority) Certificate which is used to sign the SSL certificate.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

AutomaticCertificateEnrollmentSettings.CertificateEnrollmentStatus Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description Enrollment Status of SSL certificate
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
InProgress Enrollment request is in progress.
Success Enrollment has completed successfully.
Failed Enrollment request has failed.
Unknown Enrollment request status is Unknown.

AutomaticCertificateEnrollmentSettings.ChallengePassword Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description Challenge Password required to complete certificate Enrollment.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

AutomaticCertificateEnrollmentSettings.ServerUrl Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description Link to Certificate Enrollment Server.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference

AutomaticCertificateEnrollmentSettings.ServiceEnabled Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description This indicates whether this Automatic Certificate Enrollment(ACE) service is enabled.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


HttpsCertCSRSubjectValue.City Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description The city or locality where the company or organization that owns this iLO subsystem is located.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

HttpsCertCSRSubjectValue.CommonName Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description The FQDN of this iLO subsystem.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

HttpsCertCSRSubjectValue.Country Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description The two-character country code where the company or organization that owns this Manager subsystem is located. Eg: US
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

HttpsCertCSRSubjectValue.IncludeIP Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description Include the IP Addresses in the CSR.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

HttpsCertCSRSubjectValue.OrgName Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description The name of the company or organization that owns this iLO subsystem.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

HttpsCertCSRSubjectValue.OrgUnit Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description The unit within the company or organization that owns this iLO subsystem.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

HttpsCertCSRSubjectValue.State Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment

Description The state where the company or organization that owns this iLO subsystem is located.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.ImportCACertificate Member of HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment.v1_0_0.HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment Imports a CA Certificate.


Certificate (string)

Contains PEM formatted X509 certificate (Base64 encoded).


@odata.type: "#HpeBaseConfigs.v2_0_0.HpeBaseConfigs"

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/Systems/{item}/Bios/Kmsconfig/Baseconfigs GET
/redfish/v1/Systems/{item}/Bios/Serverconfiglock/Baseconfigs GET
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/baseconfigs GET
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/boot/baseconfigs GET
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/iscsi/baseconfigs GET
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/oem/hpe/tlsconfig/baseconfigs GET

BaseConfigs (array)

Member of HpeBaseConfigs.v2_0_0.HpeBaseConfigs

BaseConfigs is an array containing elements of:



Capabilities.BaseConfig Member of HpeBaseConfigs.v2_0_0.HpeBaseConfigs

Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Capabilities.BaseConfigs Member of HpeBaseConfigs.v2_0_0.HpeBaseConfigs

Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping"

This is the schema definition for the BIOS Attributes Mappings resource.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/mappings GET


Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

Description The Resource ID of the Attribute Registry for the BIOS Attributes resource.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BiosPciSettingsMappings (array)

Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

BiosPciSettingsMappings is an array containing elements of:

BiosPciSettingsMappings[{item}].Associations (array) Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

Associations is an array containing elements of:

Associations[{item}] BiosPciSettingsMappings[{item}].CorrelatableID Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

Description Contains any CorrelatableIDs that represent this PCI device. The CorrelatableID values can be JSON Pointers or UEFI identifiers.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BiosPciSettingsMappings[{item}].Instance Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

Description The instance number of the parent PCI device for this association set.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BiosPciSettingsMappings[{item}].Subinstances (array) Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

Subinstances is an array containing elements of:

Subinstances[{item}].Associations (array) Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

Associations is an array containing elements of:

Associations[{item}] Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Subinstances[{item}].CorrelatableID Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

Description Contains any CorrelatableIDs that represent this PCI device. The CorrelatableID values can be JSON Pointers or UEFI identifiers.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Subinstances[{item}].Subinstance Member of HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping

Description The sub-instance number of the child PCI device for this association set.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth"

The HpeCertAuth resource describes the BMC certificate based authentication feature.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/certificateauthentication GET POST PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
CACertificates Collection of HpeCertificate
Links/UserCertificateMapping Collection of HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap


The value of this property shall be a reference to a Collection of HpeCertificate resources. CACertificates is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


Member of HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth

Description Issuer of the installed CRL, if present.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth

Description Serial Number of the installed CRL, if present.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth

Description Specifies whether Certificate login is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth

Description The method used to map a certificate to its associated LDAP user account.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
SubjectCN The CN portion of the certificate subject will be used as the LDAP username.
SubjectDN The fully qualified DN of the certificate subject will be used as the LDAP username.
SANRFC822 The RFC822 name from the certificate's subjectAlternativeName extension will be used as the LDAP username.
SANUPN The UserPrincipalName from the certificate's subjectAlternativeName extension will be used as the LDAP username.


Member of HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth

Description URL to use for OCSP certificate checking.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth

Description Whether or not Strict CAC Mode is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeCertAuth.DeleteCRL Member of HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth Remove an installed Certificate Revocation List (CRL).

There are no parameters for this action.

HpeCertAuth.ImportCRL Member of HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth Imports a Certificate Revocation List (CRL).


ImportUri (string)

Contains URI of PEM formatted certificate revocation list (CRL) (Base64 encoded).

HpeCertAuth.ImportCACertificate Member of HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth Imports a Trusted Certificate


Certificate (string)

Contains PEM formatted X509 certificate or PKCS7 certificate chain (Base64 encoded).


@odata.type: "#HpeCertificate.v1_0_0.HpeCertificate"

The HpeCertificate resource describes an X509 certificate.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/eventservice/cacertificates/{item} GET DELETE
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/certificateauthentication/cacertificates/{item} GET DELETE


Member of HpeCertificate.v1_0_0.HpeCertificate

Description The Certificate Authority that issued the certificate.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeCertificate.v1_0_0.HpeCertificate

Description The serial number that the Certificate Authority assigned to the certificate.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeCertificate.v1_0_0.HpeCertificate

Description The entity to which the certificate was issued.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeCertificate.v1_0_0.HpeCertificate

Description The date on which the certificate validity period ends.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeCertificate.v1_0_0.HpeCertificate

Description The date on which the certificate validity period begins.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


@odata.type: "#HpeCertificateCollection.HpeCertificateCollection"

A Collection of HpeCertificate resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/eventservice/cacertificates GET
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/certificateauthentication/cacertificates GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeCertificate

Members (array)

Member of HpeCertificateCollection.HpeCertificateCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeCertificateCollection.HpeCertificateCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeCertificateCollection.HpeCertificateCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent"

The HpeComponent resource describes a software or firmware update component.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/componentrepository/{item} GET PATCH DELETE


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description Indicates when a component becomes active after being updated.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Immediately The update activates immediately.
AfterReboot The update activates after a host server reboot.
AfterDeviceReset The update activates after a device reset.
AfterHardPowerCycle The update activates after a full power supply disconnect or E-Fuse reset.


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description HTTP-style content-type of binary
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description URI of the component binary.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description string defining customized parameters for some components provided by client at upload time and given to the component at execution time (Type D only).
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description ISO 8601 time string indicating when this component was added to the NAND.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description Device type GUID from iLO secure flash header
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description Client supplied execution parameters. These are supplied at upload time and given to the component at execution time (Type D only).
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description The unique filename of the component.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description Path of file on the USB LUN if you mount the repo as USB.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description If true, this component cannot be removed with DELETE because it is referenced by an Install Set
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description Size of the component file in bytes.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Targets (array)

Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Targets is an array containing elements of:

Targets[{item}] Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description Target GUIDs from secure flash header or sidecar file.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

UpdatableBy (array)

Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

UpdatableBy is an array containing elements of:

UpdatableBy[{item}] Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description Describes which types of update agents may apply this component.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Uefi This component may be scheduled for update by UEFI BIOS.
RuntimeAgent This component may be scheduled for update by a runtime update agent such as Smart Update Manager or Smart Update Tool.
Bmc This component may be scheduled for update by iLO.


Member of HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent

Description Version of the component from secure flash header or sidecar file.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeComponentCollection.HpeComponentCollection"

A Collection of HpeComponent resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/componentrepository GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeComponent

Members (array)

Member of HpeComponentCollection.HpeComponentCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeComponentCollection.HpeComponentCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeComponentCollection.HpeComponentCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentCollection.HpeComponentCollection

Description The number of files reported.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentCollection.HpeComponentCollection

Description The available repository space in bytes.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentCollection.HpeComponentCollection

Description The total repository size in bytes.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet"

The HpeComponentInstallSet resource describes an Install Set, an ordered list of installation instructions that may be invoked.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/installsets/{item} GET POST PATCH DELETE


Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Description ISO-time of install set creation.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Description If true, this install set is reserved to hold only critical firmware recovery updatable by iLO. Additionally the 'Administrate Recovery Set' iLO privilege is required to modify or remove this install set.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Description ISO-time of install modification.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time

Sequence (array)

Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Sequence is an array containing elements of:

Sequence[{item}].Command Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Description Command to execute.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
ApplyUpdate Apply an update using the specified component.
ResetServer Reset the server.
ResetBmc Reset the BMC.
Wait Wait for the WaitTimeSeconds number of seconds.
BootToUefi Boot the server to UEFI shell
PendingReset Reset is pending after bundle update.

Sequence[{item}].Component Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference

Sequence[{item}].ExecutionTimeoutMinutes Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Description The number of minutes that this update will likely take to apply. Applies if the command is 'ApplyUpdate'. Ignored otherwise.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Sequence[{item}].Filename Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Description The unique filename of the component. This correlates to 'Filename' in the HpeComponent.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Sequence[{item}].Targets (array) Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Targets is an array containing elements of:

Targets[{item}] Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.52

Sequence[{item}].UpdatableBy (array) Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

UpdatableBy is an array containing elements of:

UpdatableBy[{item}] Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Bmc This component may be scheduled for update by iLO.
Uefi This component may be scheduled for update by UEFI BIOS.
RuntimeAgent This component may be scheduled for update by a runtime update agent such as Smart Update Manager or Smart Update Tool.

Sequence[{item}].WaitTimeSeconds Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet

Description The number of seconds to pause if the command is 'Wait'. Ignored otherwise.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeComponentInstallSet.Invoke Member of HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_4_0.HpeComponentInstallSet


ClearTaskQueue (boolean)

Previous items in the task queue can be cleared before the Install Set is invoked


@odata.type: "#HpeComponentInstallSetCollection.HpeComponentInstallSetCollection"

A Collection of HpeComponentInstallSet resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/installsets GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeComponentInstallSet

Members (array)

Member of HpeComponentInstallSetCollection.HpeComponentInstallSetCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeComponentInstallSetCollection.HpeComponentInstallSetCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeComponentInstallSetCollection.HpeComponentInstallSetCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask"

The HpeComponentUpdateTask resource describes an Update Task, an element in the update task queue. This represents an install instruction.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/updatetaskqueue/{item} GET PATCH DELETE


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description Command to execute.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
ApplyUpdate Apply an update using the specified component.
ResetServer Reset the server.
ResetBmc Reset the BMC.
Wait Wait for the WaitTimeSeconds number of seconds.
PendingReset Reset is pending after bundle update.


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description ISO-time of task creation (by whomever created this thing)
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description The number of minutes that this update will likely take to apply. Applies if the command is 'ApplyUpdate'. Ignored otherwise.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description ISO 8601 Redfish-style time string after which we will automatically change state to Expired - null for no expire time
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description The unique filename of the component. This correlates to 'Filename' in the HpeComponent.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description The maintenance window for this update task.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description ISO-time of last task queue item update by updater (not client)
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description This task was created by a user with Recovery Set privilege, and would allow a downgrade if 'DowngradePolicy' is set to 'RecoveryDowngrade'. Applies if the command is 'ApplyUpdate'. Ignored otherwise.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Result.MessageArgs (array) Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

MessageArgs is an array containing elements of:

MessageArgs[{item}] Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Result.MessageId Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description The key for this message that can be used to look up the message in a message registry.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description base64 encoded entry to capture component log. Estimated to be generally 1-2KB. written by updater
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description ISO 8601 Redfish-style time string of earliest execution - null for no start time specified
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description The current state of the update task.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Pending The task is pending execution.
InProgress The task is executing.
Complete The task was completed and the results are available in the Results.
Expired The task will not execute because the current time is after the 'Expire' time.
Exception The task was unsuccessful because of an exception condition.
Canceled The task is no longer scheduled to run.


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description If true then the TPMOverrideFlag is passed in on the associated flash operations.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Targets (array)

Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Targets is an array containing elements of:

Targets[{item}] Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.53

UpdatableBy (array)

Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

UpdatableBy is an array containing elements of:

UpdatableBy[{item}] Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Bmc This component may be scheduled for update by iLO.
Uefi This component may be scheduled for update by UEFI BIOS.
RuntimeAgent This component may be scheduled for update by a runtime update agent such as Smart Update Manager or Smart Update Tool.


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description Update Recovery Set with this component if the command is 'ApplyUpdate'. Ignored otherwise.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTask.v1_4_0.HpeComponentUpdateTask

Description The number of seconds to pause if the command is 'Wait'. Ignored otherwise.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection.HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection"

A Collection of HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueue resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/updatetaskqueue GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeComponentUpdateTask

Members (array)

Member of HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection.HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection.HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection.HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0.HpeDirectoryTest"

The HpeDirectoryTest resource describes the BMC directory test.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/accountservice/directorytest GET POST


Member of HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0.HpeDirectoryTest

Description Represents the overall status of directory tests.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
NotRun The Overall Directory Test was not run.
InProgress The Overall Directory Test is in progress.
Success The Overall Directory Test has completed successfully.
Warning The Overall Directory Test has completed with warning.
Failed The Overall Directory Test has failed.
Error The Directory Test has encountered an error condition.

TestResults (array)

Member of HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0.HpeDirectoryTest

TestResults is an array containing elements of:

TestResults[{item}].Notes Member of HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0.HpeDirectoryTest

Description This provides additional details on the directory test.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

TestResults[{item}].Status Member of HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0.HpeDirectoryTest See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

TestResults[{item}].TestName Member of HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0.HpeDirectoryTest

Description The name of directory test.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeDirectoryTest.StartTest Member of HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0.HpeDirectoryTest Start the directory test.



@odata.type: "#HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM"

The HpeESKM resource describes properties for managing the ESKM feature. ESKM (Enterprise Security Key Manager) enables connections to an operational key manager,change redundancy settings,view the key manager connection settings,test the connection,and view key management events.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/eskm GET POST PATCH

ESKMEvents (array)

Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

ESKMEvents is an array containing elements of:

ESKMEvents[{item}].Event Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description ESKM event description.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ESKMEvents[{item}].Timestamp Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description Time of ESKM event.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


KeyManagerConfig.AccountGroup Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description Account group on ESKM.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

KeyManagerConfig.AccountName Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description Account name on ESKM.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

KeyManagerConfig.ESKMLocalCACertificateName Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description This is the name of Local CA (Certificate Authority) in ESKM that is used to sign the ESKM server certificate. iLO will retrieve this certificate from the ESKM server.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

KeyManagerConfig.ImportedCertificateIssuer Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description Imported certificate issuer.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

KeyManagerConfig.ImportedCertificateSubject Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description Imported certificate subject.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

KeyManagerConfig.LoginName Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description ESKM administrator account login name. This property always returns null on GET.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

KeyManagerConfig.Password Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description ESKM administrator account password. This property always returns null on GET.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description If true encryption keys will be maintained on both the configured key servers. When this option is disabled, iLO will not verify that encryption keys are copied to both of the configured key servers.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description Primary key server IP address or FQDN. Set to null to clear the value.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description Primary key server port number. Set to null to clear the value.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description Secondary key server IP address or FQDN. Set to null to clear the value.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM

Description Secondary key server port number. Set to null to clear the value.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeESKM.ClearESKMLog Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM Clears ESKM log.

There are no parameters for this action.

HpeESKM.TestESKMConnections Member of HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM Test ESKM connections.

There are no parameters for this action.


@odata.type: "#HpeHttpsCert.v2_0_0.HpeHttpsCert"

The HpeHttpsCert resource describes an X509 certificate.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/httpscert GET POST DELETE


Member of HpeHttpsCert.v2_0_0.HpeHttpsCert

Description GenerateCSR action, wait few minutes (upto 10), perform GET operation, fills CSR. Contains a public and private key pair.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


X509CertificateInformation.Issuer Member of HpeHttpsCert.v2_0_0.HpeHttpsCert

Description The Certificate Authority that issued the certificate.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

X509CertificateInformation.SerialNumber Member of HpeHttpsCert.v2_0_0.HpeHttpsCert

Description The serial number that the Certificate Authority assigned to the certificate.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

X509CertificateInformation.Subject Member of HpeHttpsCert.v2_0_0.HpeHttpsCert

Description The entity to which the certificate was issued.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

X509CertificateInformation.ValidNotAfter Member of HpeHttpsCert.v2_0_0.HpeHttpsCert

Description The date on which the certificate validity period ends.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time

X509CertificateInformation.ValidNotBefore Member of HpeHttpsCert.v2_0_0.HpeHttpsCert

Description The date on which the certificate validity period begins.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


HpeHttpsCert.ImportCertificate Member of HpeHttpsCert.v2_0_0.HpeHttpsCert Imports a Trusted Certificate and iLO is reset.


Certificate (string)

Contains PEM formatted X509 certificate (Base64 encoded).

HpeHttpsCert.GenerateCSR Member of HpeHttpsCert.v2_0_0.HpeHttpsCert


City (string)

The city or locality where the company or organization that owns this iLO subsystem is located.

OrgName (string)

The name of the company or organization that owns this iLO subsystem.

Country (string)

The two-character country code where the company or organization that owns this Manager subsystem is located. Eg: US

CommonName (string)

The FQDN of this iLO subsystem.

IncludeIP (boolean)

Include the IP Addresses in the CSR.

OrgUnit (string)

The unit within the company or organization that owns this iLO subsystem.

State (string)

The state where the company or organization that owns this iLO subsystem is located.


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap.v1_0_1.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap"

The HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap resource describes mapping X509 certificates to user accounts.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/accountservice/usercertificatemapping/{item} GET POST DELETE


Member of HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap.v1_0_1.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap

Description The fingerprint which uniquely identifies the mapped certificate.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap.v1_0_1.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap

Description The algorithm used to calculate the fingerprint.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap.v1_0_1.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap

Description The name used to log in to the management processor.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOAccountCertificateMapCollection.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMapCollection"

A Collection of HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/accountservice/usercertificatemapping GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap

Members (array)

Member of HpeiLOAccountCertificateMapCollection.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMapCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeiLOAccountCertificateMapCollection.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMapCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeiLOAccountCertificateMapCollection.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMapCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem"

The HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem resource describes the properties for managing the Active Health System.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/activehealthsystem GET POST PATCH


Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description Determines whether HPE Active Health System logging is enabled or disabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description The end of the AHS log.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description The start of the AHS log.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


AHSStatus.HardwareEnabled Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description Determines whether HPE Active Health System logging in hardware is enabled or not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

AHSStatus.SoftwareEnabled Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description Determines whether HPE Active Health System logging in software is enabled or not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

AHSStatus.TemporaryHoldEnabled Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description Determines whether HPE Active Health System logging access is temporarily disabled.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


LocationParameters.case_no Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description This query parameter may be added to the AHS location URI to insert the case number into the AHS log header. For example, http://iloname.example.net/ahsdata/HPE_xxxxxxxxxx_20140821.ahs?downloadAll=1&&case_no=abc123.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LocationParameters.co_name Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description This query parameter may be added to the AHS location URI to insert the company name into the AHS log header. For example, http://iloname.example.net/ahsdata/HPE_xxxxxxxxxx_20140821.ahs?downloadAll=1&&co_name=myCompany.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LocationParameters.contact_name Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description This query parameter may be added to the AHS location URI to insert the contact name into the AHS log header. For example, http://iloname.example.net/ahsdata/HPE_xxxxxxxxxx_20140821.ahs?downloadAll=1&&contact_name=JohnDoe.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LocationParameters.days Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description This query parameter should be used to download the most recent N days of the AHS log. For example, http://iloname.example.net/ahsdata/HPE_xxxxxxxxxx_20140821.ahs?days=7. Will retrive logs made within the last 7 days.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LocationParameters.downloadAll Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description This query parameter should be used to download entire AHS log. For example, http://iloname.example.net/ahsdata/HPE_xxxxxxxxxx_20140821.ahs?downloadAll=1.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LocationParameters.email Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description This query parameter may be added to the AHS location URI to insert the contacts email address into the AHS log header. For example, http://iloname.example.net/ahsdata/HPE_xxxxxxxxxx_20140821.ahs?downloadAll=1&&email=abc@xyz.com.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LocationParameters.from Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description This query parameter must be added with the 'to' query parameter to the AHS location URI to limit the range of data returned. 'downloadAll' parameter should not be used with this query parameter. For example, http://iloname.example.net/ahsdata/HPE_xxxxxxxxxx_20140821.ahs?from=2014-03-01&&to=2014-03-30.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LocationParameters.phone Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description This query parameter may be added to the AHS location URI to insert the contacts phone number into the AHS log header. For example, http://iloname.example.net/ahsdata/HPE_xxxxxxxxxx_20140821.ahs?downloadAll=1&&contact_name=JohnDoe&&phone=555-555-5555.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LocationParameters.to Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem

Description This query parameter must be added with the 'from' query parameter to the AHS location URI to limit the range of data returned.'downloadAll' parameter should not be used with this query parameter. For example, http://iloname.example.net/ahsdata/HPE_xxxxxxxxxx_20140821.ahs?from=2014-03-01&&to=2014-03-30.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.LogAmplifierData Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem


iLOAmplifierName (string)

Name of the iLO Amplifier instance that manages this iLO.

iLOAmplifierManagesCount (integer)

Number of iLOs that this Amplifier instance manages.

HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.CaptureSystemLog Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem There are no parameters for this action.

HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.LogMilestone Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem


MilestoneDescription (string)

Description of milestone.

MilestoneOrigin (string)

Origin of milestone.

HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.ClearLog Member of HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.v2_5_0.HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem There are no parameters for this action.


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOBackupFile.v1_0_0.HpeiLOBackupFile"

The HpeiLOBackupFile resource describes the properties for managing BMC backup files.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/backuprestoreservice/backupfiles/{item} GET POST DELETE


Member of HpeiLOBackupFile.v1_0_0.HpeiLOBackupFile

Description ISO-time of backup file creation (by whomever created this thing)
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeiLOBackupFile.v1_0_0.HpeiLOBackupFile

Description Size of backup file.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOBackupFile.v1_0_0.HpeiLOBackupFile

Description iLO firmware version running when this backup file was created.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeiLOBackupFile.Restore Member of HpeiLOBackupFile.v1_0_0.HpeiLOBackupFile There are no parameters for this action.


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOBackupFileCollection.HpeiLOBackupFileCollection"

A Collection of HpeiLOBackupFile resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/backuprestoreservice/backupfiles GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeiLOBackupFile

Members (array)

Member of HpeiLOBackupFileCollection.HpeiLOBackupFileCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeiLOBackupFileCollection.HpeiLOBackupFileCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeiLOBackupFileCollection.HpeiLOBackupFileCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOBackupFileCollection.HpeiLOBackupFileCollection

Description The number of backup files reported.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOBackupFileCollection.HpeiLOBackupFileCollection

Description The number of backup files supported.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOBackupRestoreService.v2_2_0.HpeiLOBackupRestoreService"

The HpeiLOBackupRestoreService resource describes the properties for using the BMC backup and restore features.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/backuprestoreservice GET PATCH


Member of HpeiLOBackupRestoreService.v2_2_0.HpeiLOBackupRestoreService

Description The URI to which a client may POST to create and download a file for a subsequent restore operation.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Link to backup files. BackupFiles is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


Member of HpeiLOBackupRestoreService.v2_2_0.HpeiLOBackupRestoreService

Description This property indicates whether a custom backup and restore is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10


Member of HpeiLOBackupRestoreService.v2_2_0.HpeiLOBackupRestoreService

Description The URI to which a client may POST a file for a subsequent restore operation.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


@odata.type: "#HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime"

The HpeiLODateTime resource describes the properties for managing the BMC data and time.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/datetime GET PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Links/EthernetNICs Collection of EthernetInterface


Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The state of the currently displayed configuration settings.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The date and time used by management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time

NTPServers (array)

Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

NTPServers is an array containing elements of:

NTPServers[{item}] Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The current NTP server's IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or FQDN. The value either comes from DHCP or is static depending on the DHCP settings.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description Determines whether the server time is synchronized with the management processor time during the first POST after AC power is applied.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

StaticNTPServers (array)

Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

StaticNTPServers is an array containing elements of:

StaticNTPServers[{item}] Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The static NTP server's IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or FQDN. To set this property, management processor must not be configured to use NTP servers provided by DHCPv4 or DHCPv6.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


TimeZone.Index Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The index of the current time zone. To set a new time zone, specify a different time zone index. This property can be set only when DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 supplied time settings are disabled. Since the time zone list might vary from one firmware version to another (which often leads to differences in time zone indices), setting the time zone by name is recommended over setting by index, for better compatibility.
Type number
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

TimeZone.UtcOffset Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The UTC offset of the current time zone, in the format {+/-}hh:mm
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

TimeZone.Value Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The environment variable value.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

TimeZoneList (array)

Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

TimeZoneList is an array containing elements of:

TimeZoneList[{item}].Index Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The time zone index.
Type number
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

TimeZoneList[{item}].UtcOffset Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The UTC offset of the time zone, in the format {+/-}hh:mm
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

TimeZoneList[{item}].Value Member of HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime

Description The environment variable value.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia.v2_0_0.HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia"

The HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia resource describes the properties for the embedded media.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/embeddedmedia GET


Controller.Firmware Controller.Firmware.Current Controller.Firmware.Current.VersionString Member of HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia.v2_0_0.HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia

Description The current version of the embedded media controller.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Controller.Status Member of HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia.v2_0_0.HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


SDCard.SizeMB Member of HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia.v2_0_0.HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia

Description The size of the SD card present in the server, in MB.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

SDCard.Status Member of HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia.v2_0_0.HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOFederatedGroupCapping.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederatedGroupCapping"

The HpeiLOFederatedGroupCapping resource describes the properties for managing Federated Group Capping.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/power/federatedgroupcapping GET PATCH


Member of HpeiLOFederatedGroupCapping.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederatedGroupCapping

Description The configured power cap for all servers in a group. This value is 0 if the power cap is not configured.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOFederatedGroupCapping.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederatedGroupCapping

Description The total power supply capacity for all servers in a group.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05



Member of HpeiLOFederatedGroupCapping.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederatedGroupCapping

Description High, Med, or Low based on the percentage of power usage.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup"

The HpeiLOFederationGroup resource describes the properties for managing Federation groups.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/federationgroups/{item} GET PATCH DELETE


Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description The password used by the Federation Group.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Privileges.HostBIOSConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description Host BIOS configuration privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Privileges.HostNICConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description Host NIC configuration privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Privileges.HostStorageConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description Host Storage configuration privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Privileges.LoginPriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description Login privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Privileges.RemoteConsolePriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description Remote console privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Privileges.SystemRecoveryConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description System Recovery configuration privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Privileges.UserConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description User configuration privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Privileges.VirtualMediaPriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description Virtual media privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Privileges.VirtualPowerAndResetPriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description Virtual power and reset privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Privileges.iLOConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup

Description The management processor configuration privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOFederationGroupCollection.HpeiLOFederationGroupCollection"

A Collection of HpeiLOFederationGroup resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/federationgroups GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeiLOFederationGroup

Members (array)

Member of HpeiLOFederationGroupCollection.HpeiLOFederationGroupCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeiLOFederationGroupCollection.HpeiLOFederationGroupCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeiLOFederationGroupCollection.HpeiLOFederationGroupCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOFederationPeers.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationPeers"

The HpeiLOFederationPeers resource describes the properties for viewing Federation peers.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/federationpeers/{item} GET

Peers (array)

Member of HpeiLOFederationPeers.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationPeers

Peers is an array containing elements of:

Peers[{item}].HttpErrorCode Member of HpeiLOFederationPeers.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationPeers

Description Error code for success or failure.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Peers[{item}].ManagerIPAddress Member of HpeiLOFederationPeers.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationPeers

Description Manager IP address of the federation peer.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Peers[{item}].Time Member of HpeiLOFederationPeers.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationPeers

Description Time when the federation peer was added.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time

Peers[{item}].URL Member of HpeiLOFederationPeers.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationPeers

Description URL of the federation peer.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format url

Peers[{item}].UUID Member of HpeiLOFederationPeers.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationPeers

Description UUID peers that are part of the federation group.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOFederationPeersCollection.HpeiLOFederationPeersCollection"

A Collection of HpeiLOFederationPeers resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/federationpeers GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeiLOFederationPeers

Members (array)

Member of HpeiLOFederationPeersCollection.HpeiLOFederationPeersCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeiLOFederationPeersCollection.HpeiLOFederationPeersCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeiLOFederationPeersCollection.HpeiLOFederationPeersCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus"

The HpeiLOFrus resource describes features of add-in adapters.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/basefrus/{item} GET
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/basefrus/{item}/details GET
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/mezzfrus/{item} GET
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/mezzfrus/{item}/details GET


Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description The typename this FRU describes.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description The aggregation of the Link signals for all ports on the FRU card.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description The type of FRU that is installed, i.e. Base or Mezzanine FRU.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description Indicates if a PCIe card is installed in slot.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description The location where the FRU resides.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description The Power Good status.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description The physical slot in which this FRU resides. 0 is for Base FRU, 1-N is for Mezzanine FRUs
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description Indicates if the Base FRU is properly seated in the slot.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description The system's serial number.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Description The Device Name in UTF-8 format.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

UEFIDevicePaths (array)

Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

UEFIDevicePaths is an array containing elements of:

UEFIDevicePaths[{item}] Member of HpeiLOFrus.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFrus

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOFrusCollection.HpeiLOFrusCollection"

A Collection of HpeiLOFrus resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/basefrus GET
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/mezzfrus GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeiLOFrus

Members (array)

Member of HpeiLOFrusCollection.HpeiLOFrusCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeiLOFrusCollection.HpeiLOFrusCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeiLOFrusCollection.HpeiLOFrusCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense"

The HpeiLOLicense resource describes the properties for managing BMC licenses.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/licenseservice/{item} GET DELETE


Confirmation.Code Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Confirmation service response code.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Confirmation.Message Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description User-friendly confirmation information for the current managment processor license.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Confirmation.Service Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Confirmation service URI.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Confirmation.Status Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


ConfirmationRequest.EON ConfirmationRequest.EON.License Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description The current license of this management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ConfirmationRequest.EON.LicenseKey Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description The license key installed on this management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ConfirmationRequest.EON.Quantity Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description The number of entitlements licensed.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ConfirmationRequest.EON.State Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description The current licensing state and behavior of the management processor. This is affected by license installation, activation and confirmation.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
unlicensed standard baseline functionality
evaluation evaluation / demonstration temporary licensed functionality
nfr not for resale experimental functionality
expired standard baseline functionality and evaluation licenses no longer accepted
unconfirmed licensed functionality that has not been confirmed
timeout licensed functionality is disabled until the license is confirmed
confirmed licensed functionality has been confirmed for use
static system has active built-in licensed functionality that does not require confirmation
err error

ConfirmationRequest.Signer Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Source of confirmation request.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ConfirmationRequest.System ConfirmationRequest.System.ChipId Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Management processor unique chip identifier.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ConfirmationRequest.System.Product Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description System housing management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ConfirmationRequest.System.SerialNumber Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description System serial number.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description The current license of this management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description The class of current license on this management processor.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Error information from the most recent attempt to alter the installed management processor license.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description User-friendly expiration information of the installed management processor license. For example, for demo license, Evaluation period 2 months 5 days 6 hours remain.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


LicenseFeatures.AutoCertEnroll Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Automatic Certificate Enrollment.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.DirectoryAuth Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Directory integrated authentication.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.DowngradePolicy Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Firmware downgrade policy setting.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.EmailAlert Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Email based alerting.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.FWScan Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Runtime FW Integrity check.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.Federation Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Distributed peer to peer management.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.Jitter Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Jitter Control.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.KD Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Kernel Debugging (VSP raw mode).
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.KeyMgr Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Store and retrieve keys from an external key manager.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.MURC Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Shared Multi-User Remote Console.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.ODIM Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Open Distributed Infrastructure Management.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.PowerReg Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Power Regulator.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.RC Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Graphical Remote Console.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.Recovery Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description OS Recovery Event.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.RemoteSyslog Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Remote Syslog.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.Scrncap Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Video Capture.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.SecureErase Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Secure Erase of embedded media.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.SmartCard Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description 2-Factor Authentication (Smart Card).
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.SuiteB Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description SuiteB/CNSA mode support.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.TextCons Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Text Console.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.VM Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Remote Console based Virtual Media.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.VMScript Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Scripted Virtual Media.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

LicenseFeatures.VSPLogging Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description Virtual Serial Port Logging and Playback.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description User-friendly installation date information of the installed management processor license. For example, 19 May 2017
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description User-visible license key installed on this management processor. License keys are 25 or 29 characters and contain letters, numbers and hypens. Use POST method to collection of membertype HpeiLOLicense to install / update the license.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description The number of systems authorized to use this activation key.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description The licensed feature-set of the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeiLOLicense.v2_3_0.HpeiLOLicense

Description The type of current license activation on this management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



@odata.type: "#HpeiLOLicenseCollection.HpeiLOLicenseCollection"

A Collection of HpeiLOLicense resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/licenseservice GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeiLOLicense

Members (array)

Member of HpeiLOLicenseCollection.HpeiLOLicenseCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeiLOLicenseCollection.HpeiLOLicenseCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeiLOLicenseCollection.HpeiLOLicenseCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOResourceDirectory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOResourceDirectory"

The HpeiLOResourceDirectory resource describes the resource directory. The resource directory is a selected set of resources and resource types for faster access to resources.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/resourcedirectory GET

Instances (array)

Member of HpeiLOResourceDirectory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOResourceDirectory

Instances is an array containing elements of:

Instances[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeiLOResourceDirectory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOResourceDirectory

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference

Instances[{item}].@odata.type Member of HpeiLOResourceDirectory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOResourceDirectory

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Instances[{item}].ETag Member of HpeiLOResourceDirectory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOResourceDirectory

Description This is the last known etag of the resource. The property is omitted if not known.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Instances[{item}].HttpMethods (array) Member of HpeiLOResourceDirectory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOResourceDirectory

HttpMethods is an array containing elements of:

HttpMethods[{item}] Member of HpeiLOResourceDirectory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOResourceDirectory

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:


Instances[{item}].MemberType Member of HpeiLOResourceDirectory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOResourceDirectory

Description This property has the type of members for collection resources.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOSecurityDashboard.v1_0_0.HpeiLOSecurityDashboard"

The HpeiLOSecurityDashboard resource describes the BMC security dashboard.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/securitydashboard GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
SecurityParameters HpeiLOSecurityParam


Member of HpeiLOSecurityDashboard.v1_0_0.HpeiLOSecurityDashboard

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Ok The Overall security state of the system is OK.
Risk The Overall security state of the system is Risk.
Ignored The user has ignored (or suppressed) the risk on all the security parameters (whose Status value is Risk).


This property references a resource of type Collection with a MemberType of HpeiLOSecurityParam. SecurityParameters is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


Member of HpeiLOSecurityDashboard.v1_0_0.HpeiLOSecurityDashboard

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Enabled Server Configuration Lock is Enabled.
Disabled Server Configuration Lock is Disabled.


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOSecurityParam.v1_1_0.HpeiLOSecurityParam"

The HpeiLOSecurityParam resource describes the properties for BMC security dashboard parameters.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/securitydashboard/securityparams/{item} GET PATCH


Member of HpeiLOSecurityParam.v1_1_0.HpeiLOSecurityParam

Description This indicates if the security status of the security parameter is set to ignored or not.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSecurityParam.v1_1_0.HpeiLOSecurityParam

Description This represents the user who changed the value of Ignore.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSecurityParam.v1_1_0.HpeiLOSecurityParam

Description This represents the time when the risk configuration was suppressed.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSecurityParam.v1_1_0.HpeiLOSecurityParam

Description This represents the recommended action.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSecurityParam.v1_1_0.HpeiLOSecurityParam

Description This represents if the status of the security parameter.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Risk This indicates a security issue associated with the security parameter.
Ok This indicates no security issue associated with the security parameter.


Member of HpeiLOSecurityParam.v1_1_0.HpeiLOSecurityParam

Description This represents the state or value of the security parameter.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On The state of the Security Parameter is On.
Off The state of the Security Parameter is Off.
Enabled The state of the Security Parameter is Enabled.
Disabled The state of the Security Parameter is Disabled.
Failed The status of the Security Parameter or the result of an operation represented by the Security Parameter is Failed.
Ok The status of the Security Parameter or the result of an operation represented by the Security Parameter is Ok.
Insufficient The value of the Security Parameter is Insufficient or less than the default value.
Repaired The state of the Security Parameter is Repaired.
True The state of the Security Parameter is True.
False The state of the Security Parameter is False.


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOSecurityParamCollection.HpeiLOSecurityParamCollection"

A Collection of HpeiLOSecurityParam resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/securitydashboard/securityparams GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeiLOSecurityParam

Members (array)

Member of HpeiLOSecurityParamCollection.HpeiLOSecurityParamCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeiLOSecurityParamCollection.HpeiLOSecurityParamCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeiLOSecurityParamCollection.HpeiLOSecurityParamCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService"

The HpeiLOSnmpService resource describes the properties for managing the SNMP configuration of the BMC.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/snmpservice GET POST PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
SNMPUsers Collection of HpeSNMPUser
SNMPAlertDestinations Collection of HpeSNMPAlertDestination

AlertDestinationAssociations (array)

Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

AlertDestinationAssociations is an array containing elements of:

AlertDestinationAssociations[{item}].SNMPAlertProtocol Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Indicate the SNMP protocol associated with the AlertDestination.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
SNMPv1Trap Indicate SNMPv1 trap is enabled for the destination.
SNMPv3Trap Indicate SNMPv3 trap is enabled for the destination. Needs to fill the SecurityName as well.
SNMPv3Inform Indicate SNMPv3 Inform is enabled for the destination. Needs to fill the SecurityName as well.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable

AlertDestinationAssociations[{item}].SecurityName Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Provides the SNMPv3 security name associated with the destination when SNMP alert protocol is SNMPv3 trap or inform.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

AlertDestinations (array)

Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

AlertDestinations is an array containing elements of:

AlertDestinations[{item}] Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description The alert conditions that the management processor detects independently of the host operating system can be sent to specified SNMP alert destinations. Indicates if the SNMPv1 Trap or SNMPv3 Trap is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description The string of up to 49 characters that specifies the system administrator or server owner. The string can include a name, email address, or phone number.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description The string of up to 49 characters that specifies the physical location of the server.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description If set to true, the Cold Start Trap will be enabled. The Cold Start Trap is broadcast to a subnet broadcast address if there are no trap destinations configured in the SNMP Alert Destination(s) boxes.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description If there are any component in health status array(HSA) Trap are in degraded or failed condition then HSA trap will be sent periodically till the component status becomes ok or fine condition. This setting is disabled by default.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:


ReadCommunities (array)

Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

ReadCommunities is an array containing elements of:

ReadCommunities[{item}] Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description The string of up to 64 characters that describes the server role or function.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description The string of up to 512 characters that describes specific tasks that the server might perform.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


SNMP Alert Destination details. SNMPAlertDestinations is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


SNMPv3 User details. SNMPUsers is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Indicates if the SNMPv1 Query or SNMPv1 Trap is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Indicates if the SNMPv1 Query is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.40


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Indicates if the SNMPv1 Trap is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.40


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description When enabled, SNMPv1 traps are sent to the remote management systems configured in the SNMP Alert Destination(s) boxes.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description The SNMPv3 Engine ID is the unique identifier of an SNMP engine that belongs to an SNMP agent entity. This value must be a hexadecimal string with an even number of 6 to 32 characters, excluding the first two characters, 0x (for example, 0x01020304abcdef).
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Specifies the number of retries to be used in SNMPv3 inform.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Specifies the interval in seconds between SNMPv3 inform retries.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Indicates if the SNMPv3 Query is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.40


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Indicates if the SNMPv3 Trap is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.40


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.

TrapCommunities (array)

Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

TrapCommunities is an array containing elements of:

TrapCommunities[{item}] Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Determines the host name that is used in the SNMP-defined sysName variable when the management processor generates SNMP traps.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:


Users (array)

Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Users is an array containing elements of:

Users[{item}].AuthPassphrase Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Sets the passphrase to use for sign operations. Enter a value of 8 to 49 characters.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Users[{item}].AuthProtocol Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Sets the message digest algorithm to use for encoding the authorization passphrase. The message digest is calculated over an appropriate portion of an SNMP message, and is included as part of the message sent to the recipient. Select MD5 (Message Digest) or SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm).
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
MD5 Indicate Message Digest Algorithm.
SHA Indicate Secure Hash Algorithm.
SHA256 Indicate SHA256 Algorithm.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable

Users[{item}].PrivacyPassphrase Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Sets the passphrase to use for encrypt operations. Enter a value of 8 to 49 characters.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Users[{item}].PrivacyProtocol Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description Sets the encryption algorithm to use for encoding the privacy passphrase. A portion of an SNMP message is encrypted before transmission. Select AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
AES Indicate Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable

Users[{item}].SecurityName Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description The user profile name. Enter an alphanumeric string of 1 to 32 characters.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Users[{item}].UserEngineID Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService

Description The UserEngineID is combined with the SecurityName to create a SNMPv3 user for each manager. It is only used for creating remote accounts used with INFORM messages. If this property is not set then INFORM message will be sent with default or iLO configured engine ID. This value must be a hexadecimal string with an even number of 10 to 64 characters, excluding the first two characters, 0x (for example, 0x01020304abcdef).
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeiLOSnmpService.SendSNMPTestAlert Member of HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_4_1.HpeiLOSnmpService There are no parameters for this action.


@odata.type: "#HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO"

The HpeiLOSSO resource describes the configuration of the HPE BMC single-sign-on trusted server feature.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice/sso GET POST PATCH

ManagerTrustedCertificates (array)

Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

ManagerTrustedCertificates is an array containing elements of:

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].@odata.type Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].Certificate Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Contains PEM formatted X509 certificate (Base64 encoded).
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].CertificateDetails ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].CertificateDetails.Issuer Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description The Certificate Authority that issued the certificate.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].CertificateDetails.Subject Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description The entity to which the certificate was issued.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].CertificateDetails.ValidNotAfter Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description The date on which the certificate validity period ends.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].CertificateDetails.ValidNotBefore Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description The date on which the certificate validity period begins.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].RecordType Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Specifies the type of SSO record imported.
Type string
Read Only true
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Certificate It is a PEM formatted X509 certificate (Base64 encoded).
DNSName It is a DNS name or an IP address of the HPE SSO-compliant application.

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].SerialNumber Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Contains the Serial number for the SSO records.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].ServerName Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description The Server name (or certificate subject).
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ManagerTrustedCertificates[{item}].Status Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.HostBIOSConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Host BIOS Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.HostNICConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Host NIC Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.HostStorageConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Host Storage Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.LoginPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Login Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.RemoteConsolePriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Remote Console Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.SystemRecoveryConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description System Recovery Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.UserConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description User Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.VirtualMediaPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Virtual Media Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.VirtualPowerAndResetPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Power and Reset Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.AdminPrivilege.iLOConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description iLO Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.HostBIOSConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Host BIOS Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.HostNICConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Host NIC Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.HostStorageConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Host Storage Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.LoginPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Login Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.RemoteConsolePriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Remote Console Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.SystemRecoveryConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description System Recovery Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.UserConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description User Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.VirtualMediaPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Virtual Media Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.VirtualPowerAndResetPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Power and Reset Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.OperatorPrivilege.iLOConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description iLO Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.SSOTrustMode Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Represents the SSO Trust Mode.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
TrustNone Rejects all SSO connection request.
TrustAll Accepts any SSO connection initiated from any HPE SSO compliant application.
TrustbyName Enables SSO connections from an HPE SSO compliant application by matching a directly imported IP address or DNS name.
TrustbyCert Enables SSO connections from an HPE SSO compliant application by matching a certificate previously imported to iLO.

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.HostBIOSConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Host BIOS Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.HostNICConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Host NIC Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.HostStorageConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Host Storage Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.LoginPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Login Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.RemoteConsolePriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Remote Console Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.SystemRecoveryConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description System Recovery Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.UserConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description User Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.VirtualMediaPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Virtual Media Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.VirtualPowerAndResetPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description Power and Reset Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSOsettings.UserPrivilege.iLOConfigPriv Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO

Description iLO Configuration Privileges.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeiLOSSO.ImportDNSName Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO Add DNS Name to the record list.


DNSName (string)

DNS Name of the HPE SSO Trusted Server.

HpeiLOSSO.ImportCertificate Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO Import the HPE SSO Certificate.


CertInput (string)

PEM formatted X509 certificate (Base64 encoded)/DNS name or IP address to import the certificate.

CertType (string)

Specifies the type of certificate imported.

Value Description
ImportCertUri iLO imports the certificate from the HPE SSO compliant application over the network.
DirectImportCert iLO directly imports the Certificate.

HpeiLOSSO.DeleteSSORecordbyNumber Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO Delete SSO record by record number.


RecordNumber (integer)

Index of the SSO record to be deleted.

HpeiLOSSO.DeleteAllSSORecords Member of HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO Delete all the SSO records.

There are no parameters for this action.


@odata.type: "#HpeInvalidImage.v1_0_0.HpeInvalidImage"

The HpeInvalidImage resource describes the properties of an invalid firmware image detected and preserved from a computer system.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/invalidimagerepository/{item} GET POST PATCH DELETE


Member of HpeInvalidImage.v1_0_0.HpeInvalidImage

Description ISO 8601 time string indicating when this image was added to the NAND.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeInvalidImage.v1_0_0.HpeInvalidImage

Description Device type GUID from iLO secure flash header
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeInvalidImage.v1_0_0.HpeInvalidImage

Description The unique filename of the image.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeInvalidImage.v1_0_0.HpeInvalidImage

Description Path of file on the USB LUN if the repo is mounted as USB.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeInvalidImage.v1_0_0.HpeInvalidImage

Description URI of the image binary.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeInvalidImage.v1_0_0.HpeInvalidImage

Description Size of the image file in bytes.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeInvalidImageCollection.HpeInvalidImageCollection"

A Collection of HpeInvalidImage resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/invalidimagerepository GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeInvalidImage

Members (array)

Member of HpeInvalidImageCollection.HpeInvalidImageCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeInvalidImageCollection.HpeInvalidImageCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeInvalidImageCollection.HpeInvalidImageCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator"

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/iscsi GET
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/iscsi/settings GET PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
@Redfish.Settings/SettingsObject HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator
Oem/Hpe/Links/BaseConfigs HpeBaseConfigs


Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common @Redfish properties.


Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The worldwide unique iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) of this iSCSI Initiator. Only IQN format is accepted. EUI format is not supported (for example, 'iqn.1986-03.com.hp:init.sn-123456').
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSINicSources (array)

Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

iSCSINicSources is an array containing elements of:

iSCSINicSources[{item}] Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The BIOS Attribute that describes a NIC instance that can be used as a target for iSCSI configuration.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources (array)

Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

iSCSISources is an array containing elements of:

iSCSISources[{item}].StructuredBootString Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description Identifies this iSCSI option within the server.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].UEFIDevicePath Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description Standardized text representation of the UEFI device path for this option, in UTF-8 format.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIAttemptInstance Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description Uniquely identifies this iSCSI attempt within iSCSISources array. If set to zero, all other properties in the boot option object are ignored (which will delete an existing boot attempt).
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIAttemptName Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description Human readable descriptive name for this iSCSI attempt configuration
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIAuthenticationMethod Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The iSCSI connection authentication method.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
None No iSCSI connection security.
CHAP iSCSI connection is secured using Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIChapSecret Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The password needed for CHAP authentication. This is applicable only when the Authentication Method is set to CHAP, and the CHAP Type is set to Mutual.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIChapType Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The CHAP authentication type. This is applicable only when the Authentication Method is set to CHAP.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
OneWay The target will authenticate the initiator. .
Mutual both the initiator and target will authenticate each other.

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIChapUsername Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The user name needed for CHAP authentication. This is applicable only when the Authentication Method is set to CHAP.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIConnectRetry Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The number of times to retry the iSCSI connection. Zero means no retries.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIConnectTimeoutMS Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The iSCSI connection timeout value in milliseconds.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIConnection Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description Enables or Disables iSCSI mode for a selected iSCSI attempt.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled Connecting to this iSCSI attempt is disabled.
Enabled Connecting to this iSCSI attempt is enabled.
EnabledMpio Connecting to this iSCSI attempt is enabled with MPIO (Multi Path I/O).

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIInitiatorGateway Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The gateway address of the iSCSI Initiator, if not configured via DHCP. The address must be an IPv4 or IPv6 address, depending on the IP Address Type.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIInitiatorInfoViaDHCP Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description If enabled, the iSCSI Initiator information is configured from DHCP. Otherwise, the iSCSI initiator information must be statically configured. When providing static values for the Initiator, ensure Target settings are also configured with static values.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIInitiatorIpAddress Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The IP Address of the iSCSI Initiator, if not configured via DHCP. The Initiator IP Address is always auto-assigned if IP address type is IPv6. The address must be an IPv4 or IPv6 address, depending on the IP Address Type.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIInitiatorNetmask Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The subnet mask of the iSCSI Initiator, if not configured via DHCP. The address must be an IPv4.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIIpAddressType Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The iSCSI IP Address type. If set to Auto, IPv4 will be attempted first, followed by IPv6.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
IPv4 The iSCSI IP address is configured in IPv4 format.
IPv6 The iSCSI IP address is configured in IPv6 format.
Auto The iSCSI IP address is configured in IPv4. If an issue occurs with IPv4, then the IPv6 configuration is used.

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSILUN Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The iSCSI target Logical Unit Number (LUN), if not obtained from DHCP. This value must follow the SAM-2 spec. E.g. 0001-1234-5678-9ABC. If the digit number is less then 5 characters, a dash character is not required. E.g. 0001. If the lun number is 12345, input 1234-5
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSINicSource Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description A BIOS Attribute that describes this selected NIC instance. This must match one of the possible values listed in the iSCSINicSources array.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIReverseChapSecret Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The password needed for reverse CHAP authentication (from the target to the initiator). This is applicable only when the Authentication Method is set to CHAP, and the CHAP Type is set to Mutual.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSIReverseChapUsername Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description User Name for reverse CHAP authentication (from the target to the initiator). This is applicable only when the Authentication Method is set to CHAP, and the CHAP Type is set to Mutual.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSITargetInfoViaDHCP Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description If enabled, the iSCSI target information are configured from DHCP. Otherwise, the iSCSI target information must be statically configured.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSITargetIpAddress Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The IP Address of the iSCSI Target, if not obtained from DHCP. The address must be an IPv4 or IPv6 address, depending on the IP Address Type.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSITargetName Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The worldwide unique iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) of this iSCSI target. Only the IQN format is accepted. EUI format is not supported (for example, 'iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:iscsitarget-iscsidisk-target').
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iSCSISources[{item}].iSCSITargetTcpPort Member of HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator

Description The iSCSI Target TCP Port number, if not obtained from DHCP.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig"

The schema definition for Key Management Service configuration.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/Systems/{item}/Bios/Kmsconfig/Settings GET PATCH
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/Kmsconfig GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
@Redfish.Settings/SettingsObject HpeKmsConfig
Oem/Hpe/Links/BaseConfigs HpeBaseConfigs


Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common @Redfish properties.


Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig

Description Removes unused encryption keys.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled Do not removed unused encryption keys.
Enabled Remove unused encryption keys.

EncryptableDevices (array)

Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig

EncryptableDevices is an array containing elements of:

EncryptableDevices[{item}].DeviceName Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig

Description Name of the encryptable device.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10

EncryptableDevices[{item}].EncryptionAction Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig

Description Devices can take two types of action for encrypting namely, enable and disable. If user would like to modify the Passphrase, then User can opt to change encryption
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Enable Enable Encryption for the device.
Disable Disable Encryption for the device.
Change Modify the Encryption Passphrase.
Unlock Unlock the Encrypted device.
Undefined Encryption action is Undefined.

EncryptableDevices[{item}].EncryptionPhrase Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig

Description Encryption Passphrase would show up if the device is encrypted and be modified as well.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

EncryptableDevices[{item}].EncryptionStatus Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig

Description Encryption status of the device.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
EncryptionStatusUnknown Device is encrypted, but Passphrase is unknown.
Encrypted Device is Encrypted.
Decrypted Device is Unencrypted.

EncryptableDevices[{item}].PassphraseType Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig

Description Passphrase can be either entered manually or auto generated
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Auto Passphrase is generated from the system.
Manual Passphrase is entered manually.


Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig

Description Key Management Type.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled Key Management is Disabled
Local Key Management Type is Local
Remote Key Management Type is Remote


Member of HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeKmsConfig

Description TCG Block SID.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled Disable TCG Block SID feature.
Enabled Enable TCG Block SID feature.


@odata.type: "#HpeMaintenanceWindow.v1_0_1.HpeMaintenanceWindow"

The HpeMaintenanceWindow resource describes the properties for managing the time window for a software or firmware update task or install set.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/maintenancewindows/{item} GET POST PATCH DELETE


Member of HpeMaintenanceWindow.v1_0_1.HpeMaintenanceWindow

Description ISO-time of maintenance window creation (by whomever created this thing)
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeMaintenanceWindow.v1_0_1.HpeMaintenanceWindow

Description ISO 8601 Redfish-style time string after which we will automatically change state to Expired - null for no expire time
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeMaintenanceWindow.v1_0_1.HpeMaintenanceWindow

Description ISO-time of last maintenance window item update by updater (not client)
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeMaintenanceWindow.v1_0_1.HpeMaintenanceWindow

Description ISO 8601 Redfish-style time string of earliest execution.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


@odata.type: "#HpeMaintenanceWindowCollection.HpeMaintenanceWindowCollection"

A Collection of HpeMaintenanceWindow resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/updateservice/maintenancewindows GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeMaintenanceWindow

Members (array)

Member of HpeMaintenanceWindowCollection.HpeMaintenanceWindowCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeMaintenanceWindowCollection.HpeMaintenanceWindowCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeMaintenanceWindowCollection.HpeMaintenanceWindowCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter"

The HpePowerMeter resource contains the computer system power history logged by the BMC.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/power/fastpowermeter GET
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/power/powermeter GET


Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Average power across all samples, over the last 24 hours.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Maximum power across all samples, taken from the 24 hour history.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Minimum power across all samples, taken from the 24 hour history.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail (array)

Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

PowerDetail is an array containing elements of:

PowerDetail[{item}].AmbTemp Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Ambient temperature, in degrees Celsius.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].Average Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Average power in Watts over the sample time.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].Cap Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description The applicable power cap in Watts at the time of this power sample.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].CpuAvgFreq Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description CPU average frequency in MHz.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].CpuCapLim Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Measures the effect of the power cap on performance in percent.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].CpuMax Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description The percentage of time the CPU spent in its maximum power mode.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].CpuPwrSavLim Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Measures the effect of CPU Power Regulator state switching on performance in percent.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].CpuUtil Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description CPU utilization in percent.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].CpuWatts Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description The power consumed by the system CPUs in Watts.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].DimmWatts Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description The power consumed by the system memory DIMMs in Watts.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].GpuWatts Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description The power consumed by the GPU(s) in Watts. This will be 0 if no GPUs are installed or if the drivers are not loaded.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].Minimum Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Minimum power in Watts over the sample time.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].Peak Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Peak power in Watts over the sample time.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].PrMode Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Power Regulator mode, which can be OS Control, Static High, Static Low or Dynamic.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
dyn Dynamic Mode - CPU power regulation is managed dynamically by the firmware.
min Minimum Mode - CPU power regulation is configured to save as much power as possible at the possible expense of performance.
max Maximum Mode - CPU power regulation is configured for maximum performance at the possible expense of power efficiency.
osc OS Control Mode - CPU power regulation is managed by the Operating System.

PowerDetail[{item}].PunCap Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description If true, CPU performance is being penalized by the current power cap.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerDetail[{item}].Time Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Time at which the power sample detail was captured.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time

PowerDetail[{item}].UnachCap Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description If true, the configured power cap could not be achieved due to system power requirements.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpePowerMeter.v2_0_1.HpePowerMeter

Description Number of samples in the array.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport"

The HpeRemoteSupport resource describes the properties for management of HPE Embedded Report Support.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20

HpeRemoteSupport enables management of HPE Remote Support configuration on iLO 5.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/remotesupportservice GET POST PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
ServiceEventLogs Collection of LogEntry


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description The Remote Support connect model type.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description The port number of the Insight Remote Support server. This is applicable for Central Connect only.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description The host name or IP address of the Remote Support server. This is applicable for Central Connect only.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description This indicates the name of external Remote Support agent.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description HPE Passport Account Password.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description HPE Passport Account Id.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description The last transmission date.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description The last transmission error.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description The last transmission type.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description This indicates if the server is in Maintenance Mode or not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description This indicates the time remaining in minutes for the server to be in the maintenance mode.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


ProxySettings.Password Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description Password for web proxy server authentication.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

ProxySettings.Port Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description Port number on which to communicate with the web proxy server.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

ProxySettings.Url Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description Web proxy server host name or IP address.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05
Format url

ProxySettings.Username Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description Username for web proxy server authentication.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport

Description This indicates if the Remote Support Service is available or not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


A reference to the collection of service event logs. ServiceEventLogs is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


HpeRemoteSupport.RegisterDeviceToRemoteSupport Member of HpeRemoteSupport.v2_6_0.HpeRemoteSupport


DestinationUrl (string)

The host name or IP address of the Remote Support server. This is applicable for Central Connect only.


@odata.type: "#HpeSecureEraseReport.v1_1_0.HpeSecureEraseReport"

The HpeSecureEraseReport resource describes the secure erase status and the other details of the devices during the secure system erase operation.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureerasereportservice/secureerasereportentries/{item} GET


Member of HpeSecureEraseReport.v1_1_0.HpeSecureEraseReport

Description This represents the unique identifier for the device in the system like it's physical location or the exact device path etc.,
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSecureEraseReport.v1_1_0.HpeSecureEraseReport

Description This indicates the device type being securely erased.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
SATADrives This indicates the device type is SATA drive
NVMeDrives This indicates the device type is NVMe drive
NVDIMM This indicates the device type is NVDIMM/Persistent Memory
TPM This indicates the device type is TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
UEFIStore This indicates the device type is UEFI Store
NAND This indicates the device type is Embedded NAND Flash
NVRAM This indicates the device type is NVRAM (Battery backed SRAM)
PCIControllers This indicates the device type is PCI Controllers


Member of HpeSecureEraseReport.v1_1_0.HpeSecureEraseReport

Description The date and time of the end of secure erase operation, ISO8601 Redfish-style time
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeSecureEraseReport.v1_1_0.HpeSecureEraseReport

Description The date and time of the start of secure erase operation, ISO8601 Redfish-style time
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of HpeSecureEraseReport.v1_1_0.HpeSecureEraseReport

Description Indicates the secure erase status of the individual components
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Idle Indicates Secure System Erase is not started
Initiated Indicates Secure System Erase process is started
InProgress Indicates Secure System Erase process is under progress
CompletedWithSuccess Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with no errors
CompletedWithErrors Indicates Secure System Erase process has been completed with some errors
Failed Indicates Secure System Erase process has failed


Member of HpeSecureEraseReport.v1_1_0.HpeSecureEraseReport

Description This indicates the NIST SP800-88 Rev.1 (National Institute of Standards and Technology) approved techniques to sanitize a particular media or device.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Purge This indicates that Purge technique is used to sanitize the device.
Clear This indicates that Clear technique is used to sanitize the device.


Member of HpeSecureEraseReport.v1_1_0.HpeSecureEraseReport

Description This represents the serial number of the device being erased.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeSecureEraseReportCollection.HpeSecureEraseReportCollection"

A Collection of HpeSecureEraseReport resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureerasereportservice/secureerasereportentries GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeSecureEraseReport

Members (array)

Member of HpeSecureEraseReportCollection.HpeSecureEraseReportCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeSecureEraseReportCollection.HpeSecureEraseReportCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeSecureEraseReportCollection.HpeSecureEraseReportCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeSecureEraseReportService.v1_0_0.HpeSecureEraseReportService"

The HpeSecureEraseReportService resource describes the properties of the Secure Erase Report feature.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/secureerasereportservice GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Links/SecureEraseReportEntries Collection of HpeSecureEraseReport


Member of HpeSecureEraseReportService.v1_0_0.HpeSecureEraseReportService

Description This indicates the user name who initiated the secure system erase process.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSecureEraseReportService.v1_0_0.HpeSecureEraseReportService

Description This represents the server serial number.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeSecureEraseReportService.DeleteSecureEraseReport Member of HpeSecureEraseReportService.v1_0_0.HpeSecureEraseReportService There are no parameters for this action.


@odata.type: "#HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService"

The HpeSecurityService resource describes the properties for management of the security configuration of the BMC.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/securityservice GET PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Links/SecurityParams Collection of HpeiLOSecurityParam
Links/AutomaticCertificateEnrollment HpeAutomaticCertEnrollment
Links/HttpsCert HpeHttpsCert
Links/CertAuth HpeCertAuth
Links/SecurityDashboard HpeiLOSecurityDashboard


Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description Current cipher in use.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description Disable weak ciphers in Production mode.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.56


Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



LoginSecurityBanner.IsEnabled Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description Login security banner is enabled or not.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

LoginSecurityBanner.SecurityMessage Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description Text message to appear on the iLO login page and iLO SSH pre-authentication banner when login security banner is enabled.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description State of iLO-OpenBMC Transfer of Ownership feature.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.35

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Supported OpenBMC Transfer feature is supported but it is not enabled for transfer.
Inhibited OpenBMC Transfer feature is inhibited for this server.
Configured iLO is configured successfully for OpenBMC transfer.
UnSupportedSecurityState OpenBMC Transfer feature is not supported in FIPS/CNSA security states.
UnSupportedSecureElement OpenBMC Transfer feature is not supported without correct Secure Element.
Error Error state.


Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description OpenBMC transfer status.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.35

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
NotPerformed OpenBMC Transfer is not performed
Performed OpenBMC Transfer is performed at least once
Unknown Status unknown


PlatformCert.Certificates This is a reference to a collection of certificates used for PlatformCert by this manager. Certificates is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


PlatformCertUpdate.Certificates This is a reference to a collection of certificates used for PlatformCert Updates by this manager. Certificates is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description SSH Host Key identifying the service.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description The operational security level of this Manager.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Wipe Manager is currently wiping security related content and returning to a lower security mode. This state will transition automatically when finished.
Production Manager is operating in a normal security mode. Default state for new systems.
HighSecurity Manager is operating in high security mode, requiring extra authentication on host interface(s), and stronger encryption on network interfaces.
FIPS Similar to High Security. This mode is intended to meet the FIPS 140-2 level 1 and Common Criteria security requirements. A reset to defaults is required to exit this mode.
CNSA Same as FIPS. Additionally meets the criteria for NSA Commercial National Security Algorithm suite. Must be in FIPS mode to transition to CNSA.
SuiteB Same as FIPS. Additionally meets the criteria for NSA SuiteB Top Secret installations. Must be in FIPS mode to transition to SuiteB.
SynergySecurityMode Synergy Security Mode is the mode supported by the Synergy Composer.

SecurityState@Redfish.AllowableValues (array)

Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

SecurityState@Redfish.AllowableValues is an array containing elements of:

SecurityState@Redfish.AllowableValues[{item}] Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



SystemIAK.Certificates This is a reference to a collection of certificates used for System IAK by this manager. Certificates is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


SystemIDevID.Certificates This is a reference to a collection of certificates used for System IDevId by this manager. Certificates is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


TLSVersion.TLS1_0 Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description This Indicate whether the TLS 1.0 is Enabled or disabled.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Enabled Enabled TLS 1.0.
Disabled Disabled TLS 1.0.

TLSVersion.TLS1_1 Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description This Indicate whether the TLS 1.1 is Enabled or disabled.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Enabled Enabled TLS 1.1.
Disabled Disabled TLS 1.1.

TLSVersion.TLS1_2 Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description This Indicate whether the TLS 1.2 is Enabled or disabled.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Enabled Enabled TLS 1.2.
Disabled Disabled TLS 1.2.

TLSVersion.TLS1_3 Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description This Indicate whether the TLS 1.3 is Enabled or disabled.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Enabled Enabled TLS 1.3.
Disabled Disabled TLS 1.3.


TrustedOSSecurity.EnableBackgroundScan Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description Enables or disables background scan of host OS software.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

TrustedOSSecurity.LastScanResult Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description Health of the host after the last scan done by Trusted OS Security scan engine.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
OK The last Trusted OS Security scan completed without finding any issues.
Critical The last Trusted OS Security scan completed finding issue(s). Refer to the SL log for details.
Unknown The health is Unknown because either the scan data is unavailable or scan is not enabled or last scan failed to complete.

TrustedOSSecurity.LastScanTime Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description The time stamp of the last Trusted OS Security scan.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time

TrustedOSSecurity.OnIntegrityFailure Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description Sets the policy for how the Trusted OS Security check handles integrity failures.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
NoAction No action will be taken when a failure is detected.
Alert Generate an alert when a failure is detected.
PowerOff Gracefully power system off when a failure is detected.
PowerOffForce Force system power off when a failure is detected.
Reset Reset system power off when a failure is detected.
ColdBoot ColdBoot system power off when a failure is detected.
ForceNMI ForceNMI system power off when a failure is detected.

TrustedOSSecurity.ScanEverySeconds Member of HpeSecurityService.v2_5_0.HpeSecurityService

Description Sets the interval between Trusted OS Security scans in second increments.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


iLOIDevID.Certificates This is a reference to a collection of certificates used for iLO IDevId by this manager. Certificates is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


iLOLDevID.Certificates This is a reference to a collection of certificates used for iLO LDevId by this manager. Certificates is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


@odata.type: "#HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService"

The HpeServerAccHddService resource describes the properties for management of shared power in an enclosure.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20 and is available on HPE ProLiant Apollo XL systems.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/acchddservice GET


BackplaneInfo.EndBay Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Represents a ending number of the bay.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BackplaneInfo.FirmwareRevision Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Indicates the firmware revision in ASCII value.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BackplaneInfo.HostPortsInfo (array) Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

HostPortsInfo is an array containing elements of:

HostPortsInfo[{item}].NodeNumber Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Represents the node number of compute node attached to host port x in SEP.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

HostPortsInfo[{item}].PortNumber Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Represents the number of physical host ports in SEP.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

HostPortsInfo[{item}].SlotNumber Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Represents the slot number of SAS attached to host port x in SEP.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BackplaneInfo.SEPID Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Indicates the storage enclosure processor ID.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BackplaneInfo.SEPNodeId Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description The node ID represent the node ID where the storage enclosure processor is residing.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BackplaneInfo.StartBay Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Represents a starting number of the bay.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BackplaneInfo.TotalBays Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Total bay count represents the number of bays attached to the SEP.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BackplaneInfo.TypeID Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Indicates the Backplane type ID for the identifier for backplane type.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BackplaneInfo.WWID Member of HpeServerAccHddService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddService

Description Represents a unique world wide ID defining a SEP.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone"

The HpeServerAccHddZone resource describes the properties for management of shared hard drives in an enclosure.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20 and is available on HPE ProLiant Apollo XL systems.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/acchddservice/zone GET POST


BackupZoneConfigurationInBmc.HostPort (array) Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

HostPort is an array containing elements of:

HostPort[{item}].BayNumber (array) Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

BayNumber is an array containing elements of:

BayNumber[{item}] Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

HostPort[{item}].PortNumber Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

Description Represents the number of physical host ports in SEP, null represents unassigned bay group.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


CurrentZoneConfiguration.HostPort (array) Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

HostPort is an array containing elements of:

HostPort[{item}].BayNumber (array) Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

BayNumber is an array containing elements of:

BayNumber[{item}] Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

HostPort[{item}].PortNumber Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

Description Represents the number of physical host ports in SEP, null represents unassigned bay group.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


PendingZoneConfiguration.HostPort (array) Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

HostPort is an array containing elements of:

HostPort[{item}].BayNumber (array) Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

BayNumber is an array containing elements of:

BayNumber[{item}] Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

HostPort[{item}].PortNumber Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

Description Represents the number of physical host ports in SEP, null represents unassigned bay group.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

Description The node ID represent the node ID where the storage enclosure processor is residing.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone

Description Indicates the Backplane type ID for the identifier for backplane type.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeServerAccHddZone.BackupConfigurationToBmc Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone Backup Apollo Chassis Controller Hdd zone configuration to BMC.

There are no parameters for this action.

HpeServerAccHddZone.LoadDefault Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone Load Apollo Chassis Controller default Hdd zone configuration.

There are no parameters for this action.

HpeServerAccHddZone.ConfigureZone Member of HpeServerAccHddZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccHddZone Execute Apollo Chassis Controller Hdd zone configuration.


HostPort (array)


@odata.type: "#HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration"

The HpeServerAccPowerCalibration resource describes the properties for management of shared power in an enclosure.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20 and is available on HPE ProLiant Apollo XL systems.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/power/accpowerservice/calibration GET POST


CalibrationData.EndTime Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The calibration end time stamp.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.StartTime Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The calibration start time stamp.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.State Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description Specifies whether the calibration is valid or not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_000 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 0 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_005 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 5 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_010 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 10 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_015 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 15 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_020 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 20 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_025 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 25 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_030 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 30 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_035 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 35 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_040 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 40 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_045 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 45 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_050 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 50 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_055 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 55 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_060 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 60 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_065 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 65 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_070 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 70 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_075 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 75 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_080 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 80 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_085 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 85 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_090 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 90 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_095 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 95 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ThrottlePeakPower.Percent_100 Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The peak power of 100 Percent throttling.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CalibrationData.ZoneNumber Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The zone number either on the entire chassis or specific zone. 0 for entire chassis, other number is for specific zone.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration

Description The current state of the chassis power zone calibration task.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.Calibrate Member of HpeServerAccPowerCalibration.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerCalibration Execute the Apollo Chassis Controller power calibration configuration.


EEPROMSaveEnabled (boolean)

AllZone (boolean)

Seconds (integer)

ZoneNumber (integer)

ActionType (string)

Value Description


@odata.type: "#HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit"

The HpeServerAccPowerLimit resource describes the properties for management of shared power in an enclosure.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20 and is available on HPE ProLiant Apollo XL systems.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/power/accpowerservice/powerlimit GET POST

ActualPowerLimits (array)

Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

ActualPowerLimits is an array containing elements of:

ActualPowerLimits[{item}].PowerLimitInWatts Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

Description The actual power limit (in watts) for the zone, it will be set to null when power limit disabled.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

ActualPowerLimits[{item}].ZoneNumber Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

Description The zone number either on the entire chassis or specific zone. 0 for entire chassis, other number is for specific zone.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerLimitRanges (array)

Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

PowerLimitRanges is an array containing elements of:

PowerLimitRanges[{item}].MaximumPowerLimit Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

Description The Maximum power limit (in watts) for the zone.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerLimitRanges[{item}].MinimumPowerLimit Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

Description The Minimum power limit (in watts) for the zone.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerLimitRanges[{item}].ZoneNumber Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

Description The zone number either on the entire chassis or specific zone. 0 for entire chassis, other number is for specific zone.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerLimits (array)

Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

PowerLimits is an array containing elements of:

PowerLimits[{item}].PowerLimitInWatts Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

Description The target power limit (in watts) for the zone, it will be set to null when power limit disabled.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

PowerLimits[{item}].ZoneNumber Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit

Description The zone number either on the entire chassis or specific zone. 0 for entire chassis, other number is for specific zone.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeServerAccPowerLimit.ConfigurePowerLimit Member of HpeServerAccPowerLimit.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerLimit Deploy the Apollo Chassis Controller power limit configuration.


PowerLimits (array)


@odata.type: "#HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo"

The HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo resource describes the properties for management of shared power in an enclosure.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20 and is available on HPE ProLiant Apollo XL systems.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/power/accpowerservice/nodesinfo GET


Member of HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo

Description Total Nodes supported in Chassis.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

NodeInfoList (array)

Member of HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo

NodeInfoList is an array containing elements of:

NodeInfoList[{item}].NodeNumber Member of HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo

Description The physical node number in chassis.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

NodeInfoList[{item}].Throttle Member of HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo

Description It indicates the current throttle on the node. (PWM %)
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

NodeInfoList[{item}].WarningStatus Member of HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerNodesInfo

Description Specifies whether the node is in warning status or not. WarningStatus indicates a node is over loading and chassis manager force it throttle at 50% for 5 mins
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeServerAccPowerService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerService"

The HpeServerAccPowerService resource describes the properties for management of shared power in an enclosure.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20 and is available on HPE ProLiant Apollo XL systems.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/power/accpowerservice GET PATCH


Member of HpeServerAccPowerService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerService

Description Determines whether the EEPROM save is enabled or disabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerAccPowerService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerService

Description Determines whether power regulation is enabled or disabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerAccPowerService.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerService

Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
ACRedundancy AC Redundancy with Throttling Mode (Max Performance w/ Redundancy).
UserConfig User Configurable Mode.
APM APM Power Regulator Mode. Cannot configure by iLO.
PowerFeedProtect Power Feed Protection Mode.


@odata.type: "#HpeServerAccPowerZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerZone"

The HpeServerAccPowerZone resource describes the properties for management of shared power in an enclosure.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20 and is available on HPE ProLiant Apollo XL systems.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/power/accpowerservice/zone GET POST


ZoneConfiguration.Zone (array) Member of HpeServerAccPowerZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerZone

Zone is an array containing elements of:

Zone[{item}].Node (array) Member of HpeServerAccPowerZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerZone

Node is an array containing elements of:

Node[{item}].NodeNumber Member of HpeServerAccPowerZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerZone

Description The node number of zone configuration.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Node[{item}].NodePriority Member of HpeServerAccPowerZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerZone

Description The power regulation node priority, the range must between 1 - 5. 5 is default and lowest priority.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Zone[{item}].ZoneNumber Member of HpeServerAccPowerZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerZone

Description The zone number of zone configuration.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Zone[{item}].ZonePriority Member of HpeServerAccPowerZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerZone

Description The power regulation zone priority, the range must between 1 - 5. 5 is default and lowest priority.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeServerAccPowerZone.ConfigureZone Member of HpeServerAccPowerZone.v1_0_0.HpeServerAccPowerZone Execute the Apollo Chassis Controller power regulation zone configuration.


Zone (array)


@odata.type: "#HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings"

The schema definition of the server UEFI Boot Order resource.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/boot GET
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/boot/settings GET PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
@Redfish.Settings/SettingsObject HpeServerBootSettings
Oem/Hpe/Links/BaseConfigs HpeBaseConfigs


Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common @Redfish properties.

BootSources (array)

Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

BootSources is an array containing elements of:

BootSources[{item}].BootString Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description User-readable string that describes the UEFI boot option.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BootSources[{item}].CorrelatableID Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description Contains any CorrelatableIDs that represent this boot option. The correlatableID values can be JSON Pointers or UEFI identifiers.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BootSources[{item}].StructuredBootString Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description Uniquely identifies this boot option within the server.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

BootSources[{item}].UEFIDevicePath Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description Standardized text representation of the UEFI device path for this boot option, in UTF-8 format.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

DefaultBootOrder (array)

Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

DefaultBootOrder is an array containing elements of:

DefaultBootOrder[{item}] Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description Default UEFI boot order device type. This is used to define the order in which UEFI boot order is reset to when a default configuration is requested.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:


DesiredBootDevices (array)

Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

DesiredBootDevices is an array containing elements of:

DesiredBootDevices[{item}].CorrelatableID Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description Standardized text representation of the UEFI device path of the desired boot device, in UTF-8 format. For example 'PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x2)/Pci(0x0,0x0)'
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

DesiredBootDevices[{item}].Lun Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description The Logical Unit Number (LUN) of the desired boot device. This value must be a hexadecimal string with an even number of 2 to 16 characters, excluding the first two characters, 0x (for example, '0x01').
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

DesiredBootDevices[{item}].Wwn Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description The Fibre Channel World Wide Name (WWN) of the desired boot device. This value must be a hexadecimal string with an even number of 2 to 16 characters, excluding the first two characters, 0x (for example, '0x0001020304050607').
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

DesiredBootDevices[{item}].iScsiTargetName Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description The iSCSI node target name of the desired boot device. The value must be a string based on IETF RFC 3270, and can be up to 223 characters in length (for example, 'iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:iscsitarget-iscsidisk-target').
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

PersistentBootConfigOrder (array)

Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

PersistentBootConfigOrder is an array containing elements of:

PersistentBootConfigOrder[{item}] Member of HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings

Description The structured boot string that references a corresponding entry in the BootSources array.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock"

The schema definition for Server Configuration Lock configuration.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/Systems/{item}/Bios/Serverconfiglock/Settings GET PATCH
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/Serverconfiglock GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
@Redfish.Settings/SettingsObject HpeServerConfigLock
Oem/Hpe/Links/BaseConfigs HpeBaseConfigs


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common @Redfish properties.


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description The new Server Configuration Lock password. This field is used to update the current Server Configuration Lock password and force the system configuration digital fingerprint to be recalculated.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to enable or disable a Server Configuration Lock password challenge on every boot.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled Disable Server Configuration Lock password challenge on every boot.
Enabled Enable Server Configuration Lock password challenge on every boot.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to disable Server Configuration Lock.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
False Don't disable Server Configuration Lock.
True Disable Server Configuration Lock.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to exclude CPU information from the Digital Fingerprint. Note that this setting only takes effect when Server Configuration Lock is enabled/reenabled.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
False Do not exclude CPU information from the Digital Fingerprint.
True Exclude CPU information from the Digital Fingerprint.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to exclude DIMM information from the Digital Fingerprint. Note that this setting only takes effect when Server Configuration Lock is enabled/reenabled.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
False Do not exclude DIMM information from the Digital Fingerprint.
True Exclude DIMM information from the Digital Fingerprint.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to exclude system firmware revisions from the Digital Fingerprint. Note that this setting only takes effect when Server Configuration Lock is enabled/reenabled.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
False Do not exclude system firmware revision information from the Digital Fingerprint.
True Exclude system firmware revision information from the Digital Fingerprint.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to exclude PCIe slot information from the Digital Fingerprint. Note that this setting only takes effect when Server Configuration Lock is enabled/reenabled.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
False Do not exclude PCIe slot information from the Digital Fingerprint.
True Exclude PCIe slot information from the Digital Fingerprint.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to exclude security configuration information from the Digital Fingerprint. Note that this setting only takes effect when Server Configuration Lock is enabled/reenabled.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
False Do not exclude security configuration information from the Digital Fingerprint.
True Exclude security configuration information from the Digital Fingerprint.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Has a Server Configuration Lock failure log been stored?
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
True A Server Configuration Lock failure has been logged.
False A Server Configuration Lock failure has not been logged.


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description The Server Configuration Lock password. If Server Configuration Lock is currently enabled, this field is used to convey the current Server Configuration Lock password and is required to make any Server Configuration Lock configuration changes. If Server Configuration Lock is currently disabled, this field is used to set the Server Configuration Lock password, and to digitally fingerprint the system to enable Server Configuration Lock.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Enabled/Disabled state of the Server Configuration Lock Feature.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled The Server Configuration Lock feature is disabled.
Enabled The Server Configuration Lock feature is enabled.


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to enable or disable the Server Configuration Lock behavior to halt on a configuration change detection.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled Disable Server Configuration Lock behavior to halt on configuration changes.
Enabled Enable Server Configuration Lock behavior to halt on configuration changes.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to enable or disable Server Configuration Lock "first-boot" behaviors. This option is expected to be enabled just prior to shipping the server. When the server arrives at its destination and is first powered on, Server Configuration Lock will require the Server Configuration Lock password in order to boot. Server Configuration Lock will also indicate if someone attempted to change the system configuration during the shipment process.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled Disable Server Configuration Lock "first-boot" behaviors.
Enabled Enable Server Configuration Lock "first-boot" behaviors.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


Member of HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0.HpeServerConfigLock

Description Select this option to enable or disable out-of-band acknowledge of Server Configuration Lock "first-boot" behaviors (see ServerConfigLockTransport).
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.10

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled Disable Server Configuration Lock out-of-band acknowledge of "first-boot" audit.
Enabled Enable Server Configuration Lock out-of-band acknowledge of "first-boot" audit.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


@odata.type: "#HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice"

The HpeServerDevice resource describes the properties of FRU devices.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20

HpeServerDevice represents physical server devices including part information. This is especially useful for system inventory.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/devices/{item} GET PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
DeviceInstances[] HpeServerPciDevice


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Unsupported Unsuccessful verification.
Success Successful verification.

DeviceInstances (array)

Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

DeviceInstances is an array containing elements of:

DeviceInstances[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Device type.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
PLX Controller PLX Controller (Bridge)
Expansion Riser Expansion Riser
Smart Storage Smart Storage
SAS/SATA Storage Controller SAS/SATA Storage Controller
IDE Storage Controller IDE Storage Controller
USB Storage Controller USB Storage Controller
Storage Controller Storage Controller
Converged Network Adapter Converged Network Adapter
Fibre Channel Fibre Channel
Direct Attached NVMe Device Direct Attached NVMe Device
Backplane PIC Backplane PIC
Smart Storage Battery Smart Storage Battery
USB Universal Serial Bus
TPM Trusted Platform Module
Communication Controller Communication Controller
Unknown Unknown Device Type
Embedded SATA Controller Embedded SATA Controller


FirmwareVersion.Current FirmwareVersion.Current.VersionString Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description This string represents the version of the firmware image.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

FirmwareVersion.FirmwareVersions (array) Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

FirmwareVersions is an array containing elements of:

FirmwareVersions[{item}].ComponentName Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Name of GPU cores
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10

FirmwareVersions[{item}].VersionString Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Version String of GPU cores
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Location of the device.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Set to true to disable MCTP on this slot. Once disabled, can be enabled only through MCTP factory reset.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Device manufacturer.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Board part Number which is HPE PCA Assembly Number.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Product Part Number.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Product Version.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice

Description Product Serial Number.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerDevice See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


@odata.type: "#HpeServerDeviceCollection.HpeServerDeviceCollection"

A Collection of HpeServerDevice resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item}/devices GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeServerDevice

Members (array)

Member of HpeServerDeviceCollection.HpeServerDeviceCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeServerDeviceCollection.HpeServerDeviceCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeServerDeviceCollection.HpeServerDeviceCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice"

The HpeServerPciDevice resource describes the properties of PCI devices.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/pcidevices/{item} GET


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description Bay number value.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description Indicates if the PCIe device support bifurcation.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
BifurcationNotSupported This device does not support Bifurcation.
BifurcationSupportedPrimaryDevice This device does support Bifurcation.
BifurcationSupportedSecondaryDevice This is second bifurcated device.


The link to the next bifurcated devices. BifurcatedSecondaryDeviceLink is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI device bus number value.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI class code of the endpoint.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI device ID of the device.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI device instance value.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI device location.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI device number value.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI device resource id or hash id.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.20


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI device sub-instance value.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description Device type value.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Flexible LOM Flexible LAN-On-Motherboard
Embedded LOM Embedded LAN-On-Motherboard
NIC Network Interface Controller
HDD Not attached to a SA Controller Hard Disk Drive
HDD Attached to a SA Controller Hard Disk Drive attached to an array controller
Other PCI Device Other PCI Device
Unknown Unknown PCI Device
Other Other PCI Device
Video Video Controller
SCSI Controller SCSI Controller
Ethernet Ethernet Controller
Token Ring Token Ring Controller
Sound Sound Controller
PATA Controller Parallel ATA Controller
SATA Controller Serial ATA Controller
SAS Controller Serial Attached SCSI Controller
Storage Controller Storage Controller (not Smart Array)
Storage Array Controller Smart Array Storage Controller
USB Hard Disk Drive USB Hard Disk Drive
Firmware Volume Firmware Volume
UEFI Shell UEFI Shell
Generic UEFI USB Boot Entry Generic UEFI USB Boot Entry
Dynamic Storage Array Controller Dynamic Smart Array Controller
File File
NVMe Hard Drive NVMe Hard Drive


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description Enclosure number value.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI device function number value.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description Text representation of the UEFI device location, in UTF-8 format
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI segment group number value.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI device structured name in UTF-8 format.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI sub class code of the endpoint.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI subsystem device ID of the device.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI subsystem vendor ID of the device.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description Standardized text representation of the UEFI device path, in UTF-8 format.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPciDevice.v2_1_0.HpeServerPciDevice

Description PCI vendor ID of the device.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeServerPciDeviceCollection.HpeServerPciDeviceCollection"

A Collection of HpeServerPciDevice resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/pcidevices GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeServerPciDevice

Members (array)

Member of HpeServerPciDeviceCollection.HpeServerPciDeviceCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeServerPciDeviceCollection.HpeServerPciDeviceCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeServerPciDeviceCollection.HpeServerPciDeviceCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot"

The HpeServerPCISlot resource describes the properties of PCI slots.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/pcislots/{item} GET


Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PCI slot bus number.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Characteristics.Provides3_3Volts Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description Provides 3.3 volts.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Characteristics.Provides5Volts Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description Provides 5.0 volts.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Characteristics.SlotIsShared Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description The slot shares its opening with another slot.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Characteristics.SupportsCardBus Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PC Card slot supports Card Bus.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Characteristics.SupportsHotPlugDevices Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description Slot supports hot-plug devices.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Characteristics.SupportsModemRingResume Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PC Card slot supports Modem Ring Resume.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Characteristics.SupportsPCCard16 Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PC Card slot supports PC Card-16.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Characteristics.SupportsPowerManagementEventSignal Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PCI slot supports Power Management Event signal.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Characteristics.SupportsSMBusSignal Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PCI slot supports SMBUS signal.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Characteristics.SupportsZoomVideo Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PC Card slot supports Zoom Video.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PCI slot device number.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PCI slot function number.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PCI slot length
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description Bandwidth capacity of the slot, measured by the number of PCI Express Lanes present. Also known as the slot width.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

8 bit
16 bit
32 bit
64 bit
128 bit


Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PCI slot segment group number value.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.30


Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description Specifies whether the slot supports hot-plug devices.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description PCI technology
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeServerPCISlot.v2_2_0.HpeServerPCISlot

Description Standardized text representation of the UEFI device path, in UTF-8 format
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeServerPCISlotCollection.HpeServerPCISlotCollection"

A Collection of HpeServerPCISlot resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/pcislots GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeServerPCISlot

Members (array)

Member of HpeServerPCISlotCollection.HpeServerPCISlotCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeServerPCISlotCollection.HpeServerPCISlotCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeServerPCISlotCollection.HpeServerPCISlotCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeSNMPAlertDestination.v2_0_0.HpeSNMPAlertDestination"

The HpeSNMPAlertDestination resource describes the properties for SNMP Alert Destinations. The alert destination configuration up to 8 remote management systems that receive SNMP alerts from the BMC.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/snmpservice/snmpalertdestinations/{item} GET PATCH DELETE


Member of HpeSNMPAlertDestination.v2_0_0.HpeSNMPAlertDestination

Description The IP address or FQDN of remote management system that receive SNMP alerts.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSNMPAlertDestination.v2_0_0.HpeSNMPAlertDestination

Description Indicate the SNMP protocol associated with the AlertDestination.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
SNMPv1Trap Indicate SNMPv1 trap is enabled for the destination.
SNMPv3Trap Indicate SNMPv3 trap is enabled for the destination. Needs to fill the SecurityName as well.
SNMPv3Inform Indicate SNMPv3 Inform is enabled for the destination. Needs to fill the SecurityName as well.
Null A value is temporarily unavailable


SNMPv3 User associated with the destination when SNMP alert protocol is SNMPv3trap. SNMPv3User is a link ("@odata.id": URI) to another resource.


Member of HpeSNMPAlertDestination.v2_0_0.HpeSNMPAlertDestination

Description Provides the SNMPv3 security name associated with SNMPv3trap or SNMPv3Inform set on SNMPAlertProtocol.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSNMPAlertDestination.v2_0_0.HpeSNMPAlertDestination

Description The configured SNMPv1 trap community string.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeSNMPAlertDestinationCollection.HpeSNMPAlertDestinationCollection"

A Collection of HpeSNMPAlertDestination resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/snmpservice/snmpalertdestinations GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeSNMPAlertDestination

Members (array)

Member of HpeSNMPAlertDestinationCollection.HpeSNMPAlertDestinationCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeSNMPAlertDestinationCollection.HpeSNMPAlertDestinationCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeSNMPAlertDestinationCollection.HpeSNMPAlertDestinationCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeSNMPUser.v2_1_1.HpeSNMPUser"

The HpeSNMPUser resource describes the properties for SNMP support. SNMPv3 supports the User-based Security Model (USM). With this model,security parameters are configured at both the agent level and the manager level. Messages exchanged between the agent and the manager are subject to a data integrity check and data origin authentication. Up to 8 user profiles are supported for setting SNMPv3 USM parameters.

This resource type was added in iLO 5 1.20

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/snmpservice/snmpusers/{item} GET PATCH DELETE


Member of HpeSNMPUser.v2_1_1.HpeSNMPUser

Description Sets the passphrase to use for sign operations. Enter a value of 8 to 49 characters.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSNMPUser.v2_1_1.HpeSNMPUser

Description Sets the message digest algorithm to use for encoding the authorization passphrase. The message digest is calculated over an appropriate portion of an SNMP message, and is included as part of the message sent to the recipient.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
MD5 Indicate Message Digest Algorithm.
SHA Indicate Secure Hash Algorithm.
SHA256 Indicate SHA256 Algorithm.


Member of HpeSNMPUser.v2_1_1.HpeSNMPUser

Description Sets the passphrase to use for encrypt operations. Enter a value of 8 to 49 characters.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSNMPUser.v2_1_1.HpeSNMPUser

Description Sets the encryption algorithm to use for encoding the privacy passphrase. A portion of an SNMP message is encrypted before transmission.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
AES Indicate Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm.


Member of HpeSNMPUser.v2_1_1.HpeSNMPUser

Description The user profile name. Enter an alphanumeric string of 1 to 32 characters.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeSNMPUser.v2_1_1.HpeSNMPUser

Description The UserEngineID is combined with the SecurityName to create a SNMPv3 user for each manager. It is only used for creating remote accounts used with INFORM messages. If this property is not set then INFORM message will be sent with default or iLO configured engine ID. This value must be a hexadecimal string with an even number of 10 to 64 characters, excluding the first two characters, 0x (for example, 0x01020304abcdef).
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeSNMPUsersCollection.HpeSNMPUsersCollection"

A Collection of HpeSNMPUsers resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/snmpservice/snmpusers GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeSNMPUser

Members (array)

Member of HpeSNMPUsersCollection.HpeSNMPUsersCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeSNMPUsersCollection.HpeSNMPUsersCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeSNMPUsersCollection.HpeSNMPUsersCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig"

The schema definition for TLS configuration.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/oem/hpe/tlsconfig GET
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/bios/oem/hpe/tlsconfig/settings GET PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
@Redfish.Settings/SettingsObject HpeTlsConfig
Oem/Hpe/Links/BaseConfigs HpeBaseConfigs


Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common @Redfish properties.

Certificates (array)

Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Certificates is an array containing elements of:

Certificates[{item}].FingerPrint Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description The fingerprint of the certificate. It is the sha256 (SHA2) of the Der format of the certificate
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Certificates[{item}].Issuer Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description The Issuer of the certificate
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Certificates[{item}].SerialNumber Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description The Serial Number of the certificate.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Certificates[{item}].Subject Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description The Subject of the certificate.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Certificates[{item}].ValidNotAfter Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description The expiration date of the certificate.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Certificates[{item}].ValidNotBefore Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description The date when the certificate becomes valid.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description The encryption used. It can have more than one type of encryption, example: "AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256"
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

DeleteCertificates (array)

Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

DeleteCertificates is an array containing elements of:

DeleteCertificates[{item}].FingerPrint Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description To delete a certificate, the user should place its fingerprint here. The fingerprint would be found as a property under the single certificate object in the "Certificates" array
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description Use this option to enable or disable verification of the connected server's hostname with the hostname in the certificate supplied by the server
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Disabled Disable verification of the connected server's hostname.
Enabled enable verification of the connected server's hostname.

NewCertificates (array)

Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

NewCertificates is an array containing elements of:

NewCertificates[{item}].X509Certificate Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description the body (PEM format) of the Certificate to be added
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description The certificates count.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig

Description It determines if/how the certificates are validated.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



@odata.type: "#HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice"

The HpeUSBDevice resource describes the properties of USB devices.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/usbdevices/{item} GET


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description USB device usable capacity (if applicable) in Mbytes
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description USB device Class code as defined by the USB HID device specification.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description USB device name in UTF-8 format.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description Protocol code as defined by the USB HID specification.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description USB device SubClass code as defined by the USB HID device specification.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description Location of the USB device on the server
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description USB product ID as defined by manufacturer.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description USB device structured name in UTF-8 format.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description UEFI device path of USB device. Standardized text representation of the UEFI device path, in UTF-8 format
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBDevice.v2_0_0.HpeUSBDevice

Description Vendor ID of detected USB device.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeUSBDevicesCollection.HpeUSBDevicesCollection"

A Collection of HpeUSBDevices resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/usbdevices GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeUSBDevice

Members (array)

Member of HpeUSBDevicesCollection.HpeUSBDevicesCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeUSBDevicesCollection.HpeUSBDevicesCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeUSBDevicesCollection.HpeUSBDevicesCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort"

The HpeUSBPort resource describes the properties of USB ports.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/usbports/{item} GET


Member of HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort

Description Instance number of the USB Port
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort

Description Location of the USB Device on the server
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Back Located on the rear panel of the server.
Front Located on the front bezel of the server.
Internal Located internally within the server chassis.
InternalManagement Internal management media.
InternalSDCard The internal SD-Card slot.
iLOManagement iLO virtual USB devices.


Member of HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort

Description PCI Bus number of the USB controller that controls this USB port
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort

Description PCI Device Number of the USB Controller that controls this USB Port.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort

Description PCI Function Number of the USB Controller that controls this USB Port.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort

Description Parent Hub Instance that provides an instance number of the internal hub this USB Port is connected to.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort

Description Shared Capability of the USB Port
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
UnsharedManagement Not shared as a Management Port.
SharedManagementPhysicalSwitch Shared management port w/ physical switch to control whether muxed to iLO or host.


Member of HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort

Description USB speed capability of the USB port as configured by the BIOS during POST.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
USB1FullSpeed USB 1.0 Full Speed
USB2HighSpeed USB 2.0 High Speed
USB3SuperSpeed USB 3.x SuperSpeed


Member of HpeUSBPort.v2_0_0.HpeUSBPort

Description UEFI Device Path of USB Endpoint. Standardized text representation of the UEFI device path, in UTF-8 format
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeUSBPortsCollection.HpeUSBPortsCollection"

A Collection of HpeUSBPorts resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/usbports GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeUSBPort

Members (array)

Member of HpeUSBPortsCollection.HpeUSBPortsCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeUSBPortsCollection.HpeUSBPortsCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeUSBPortsCollection.HpeUSBPortsCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor.v1_0_0.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor"

The HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor resource describes the properties for managing the HPE Workload Performance Advisor.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/workloadperformanceadvisor/{item} GET PATCH


Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor.v1_0_0.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor

Description Specifies the duration over which the workload performance advisor is computed.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

PerformanceTuningOption (array)

Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor.v1_0_0.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor

PerformanceTuningOption is an array containing elements of:

PerformanceTuningOption[{item}].BIOSAttributeName Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor.v1_0_0.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor

Description The attribute name of the BIOS settings.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

PerformanceTuningOption[{item}].RecommendedValue Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor.v1_0_0.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor

Description Recommended value for the corresponding BIOS attribute. Please refer to BIOS attribute registry schema for more information.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

WorkloadCharacteristics (array)

Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor.v1_0_0.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor

WorkloadCharacteristics is an array containing elements of:

WorkloadCharacteristics[{item}].MetricId Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor.v1_0_0.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor

Description The id of the metric.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

WorkloadCharacteristics[{item}].MetricValue Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor.v1_0_0.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor

Description The workload utilization of the metric.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Low Utilization is low.
Medium Utilization is medium.
High Utilization is high.


@odata.type: "#HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisorCollection.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisorCollection"

A Collection of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/systems/{item}/workloadperformanceadvisor GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisor

Members (array)

Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisorCollection.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisorCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}].@odata.id Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisorCollection.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisorCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisorCollection.HpeWorkloadPerformanceAdvisorCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05