Serviceroot resource definitions of iLO 6 v1.53

For each data type provided by the HPE ilO Redfish service, find below its description including the list of possible instances (URIs), links to related other resources, described properties and many other details.

Refer to the data types and collection section for more information on Redfish data types and collections.


@odata.type: "#ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot"

The ServiceRoot resource describes the Redfish API service root.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/ GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Registries Collection of MessageRegistryFile
Managers Collection of Manager
AccountService AccountService
JsonSchemas Collection of JsonSchemaFile
UpdateService UpdateService
ComponentIntegrity Collection of ComponentIntegrity
SessionService SessionService
EventService EventService
Chassis Collection of Chassis
Oem/Hpe/Links/ResourceDirectory HpeiLOResourceDirectory
Systems Collection of ComputerSystem
Links/Sessions Collection of Session


The URI to this account service resource. AccountService is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to the certificate service resource. CertificateService is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to this chassis resource. Chassis is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to this collection resource. ComponentIntegrity is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to the event service resource. EventService is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to this registries resource. JsonSchemas is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to this managers resource. Managers is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description URI for the CAC based authentication.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.10
Format uri-reference


Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies whether the iLO has debug firmware flashed.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies whether the test key is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Manager (array)

Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Manager is an array containing elements of:

Manager[{item}].Blade Manager[{item}].Blade.BayNumber Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies the location of the blade in the enclosure.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].Blade.EnclosureName Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies the name of the enclosure in which the blade is present.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].Blade.RackName Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies the name of the rack in which the enclosure is present.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].DefaultLanguage Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Default language used for the Web interface.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].ExternalManager Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Reports the current external manager of the system.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].FQDN Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Fully qualified domain name of the management processor.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].HostName Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The name of management processor.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].IPManager Manager[{item}].Languages (array) Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Languages is an array containing elements of:

Languages[{item}].Language Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies one of the languages supported by the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Languages[{item}].TranslationName Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies one of the languages supported by the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Languages[{item}].Version Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies the version of the management processor in the respective language.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].ManagerFirmwareVersion Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The major and minor management processor version numbers.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].ManagerFirmwareVersionPass Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The build or pass number of the management processor version.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].ManagerType Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The type of the service manager.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].SelfTestErrors (array) Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

SelfTestErrors is an array containing elements of:

SelfTestErrors[{item}].SelfTestName Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description iLO Self Test Name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Manager[{item}].Status Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


Oem.Hpe.Moniker.ADVLIC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Optional Licensed functionality tier name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.BMC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Generic abbreviation for the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.BSYS Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Product category name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.CLASS Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Management processor product category.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.FEDGRP Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Default federation group name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.IPROV Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Product name for provisioning and deployment suite.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.PRODABR Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Abbreviated product name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.PRODFAM Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Full product family.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.PRODGEN Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Abbreviated product name and generation.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.PRODNAM Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Full product name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.PRODTAG Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Branded, abbreviated product name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.STDLIC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Base licensed functionality tier name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.SUMABR Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Acronym for update deployment suite.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.SUMGR Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Product name for update deployment suite.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.SYSFAM Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Host system product family.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.SYSMGMT Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description System Management Experience.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.VENDABR Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Abbreviated vendor name (like stock ticker).
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.VENDNAM Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Full vendor name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.VNIC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Virtual USB network interface to BMC name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWW Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Top level public internet vendor URI.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWAHSV Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for Active Health viewer.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWBMC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWDOC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for the management processor documentation / manuals.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWERS Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for Embedded Remote Support.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWGLIS Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for management processor licensing infrastructure.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWINFOSIGHT Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet resource for active health.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWIOL Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for Online Insight service.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWLIC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWLML Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for Learn More Links.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWPASS Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for accessing support account.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWPRV Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for privacy policy statement.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWQSPEC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for Quick Specs.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWRESTDOC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for REST API documentation.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWSUP Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for management processor and product support.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Moniker.WWWSWLIC Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Public internet vendor URI for vendor software licensing.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies whether the system identifies as pre-production.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.Sessions.CertCommonName Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The name of the management processor as it appears in the digital certificate when a secure web GUI session is established to the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.CertificateLoginEnabled Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies whether Certificate login is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.KerberosEnabled Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies whether Kerberos login is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.LDAPAuthLicenced Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies whether a valid license is installed for LDAP use.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.LDAPEnabled Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies whether LDAP login is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.LocalLoginEnabled Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies whether local users can log in.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.LoginFailureDelay Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The delay (seconds) when a management processor login attempt has failed.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.LoginHint Oem.Hpe.Sessions.LoginHint.Hint Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The information on how to log in to the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.LoginHint.HintPOSTData Oem.Hpe.Sessions.LoginHint.HintPOSTData.Password Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The password for logging in to the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.LoginHint.HintPOSTData.UserName Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The user name for logging in to the management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.SecurityMessage Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The login security banner message that is displayed on the management processor Login page.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.SecurityOverride Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Specifies whether the security override switch is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Sessions.ServerName Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The name of the server that this management processor is managing.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.System (array)

Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

System is an array containing elements of:

System[{item}].Status Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The current Redfish service time.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The product associated with this Redfish service.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


ProtocolFeaturesSupported.ExpandQuery ProtocolFeaturesSupported.ExpandQuery.ExpandAll Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description This indicates whether the expand support of asterisk (expand all entries) is supported.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ProtocolFeaturesSupported.ExpandQuery.Levels Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description This indicates whether the expand support of the $levels qualifier is supported by the service.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ProtocolFeaturesSupported.ExpandQuery.MaxLevels Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description This indicates the maximum number value of the $levels qualifier in expand operations.
Type number
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ProtocolFeaturesSupported.ExpandQuery.NoLinks Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description This indicates whether the expand support of period (expand only entries not in the Links section) is supported.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ProtocolFeaturesSupported.FilterQuery Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description This indicates whether the filter query parameter is supported.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ProtocolFeaturesSupported.OnlyMemberQuery Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description This indicates whether Management Processor supports the only query option.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

ProtocolFeaturesSupported.SelectQuery Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description This indicates whether the select query parameter is supported.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The version of the Redfish service
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


The URI to this registries resource. Registries is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to this sessions service resource. SessionService is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to this systems resource. Systems is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to this tasks service resource. Tasks is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The URI to the TelemetryService resource. TelemetryService is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description Unique identifier for a service instance. This value should be an exact match of the UUID value returned in a 200OK from an SSDP M-SEARCH request during discovery.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


The URI to this UpdateService resource. UpdateService is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of ServiceRoot.v1_13_0.ServiceRoot

Description The vendor of the product associated with this Redfish service.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05