Manager resource definitions of iLO 6 v1.52

For each data type provided by the HPE ilO Redfish service, find below its description including the list of possible instances (URIs), links to related other resources, described properties and many other details.

Refer to the data types and collection section for more information on Redfish data types and collections.


@odata.type: "#ManagerCollection.ManagerCollection"

A Collection of Manager resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] Manager

Members (array)

Member of ManagerCollection.ManagerCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}] Member of ManagerCollection.ManagerCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of ManagerCollection.ManagerCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#Manager.v1_5_1.Manager"

The Manager resource describes a manager. Examples of managers are BMCs, Enclosure Managers, Management Controllers and other subsystems assigned manageability functions.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item} GET POST PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Oem/Hpe/Links/DateTimeService HpeiLODateTime
Oem/Hpe/Links/RemoteSupport HpeRemoteSupport
Links/ManagerForChassis[] Chassis
SerialInterfaces Collection of SerialInterface
VirtualMedia Collection of VirtualMedia
LogServices Collection of LogService
Links/ManagerInChassis Chassis
EthernetInterfaces Collection of EthernetInterface
Links/ManagerForServers[] ComputerSystem
Oem/Hpe/Links/ActiveHealthSystem HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem
Oem/Hpe/Links/SecurityService HpeSecurityService
Oem/Hpe/Links/LicenseService Collection of HpeiLOLicense
NetworkProtocol ManagerNetworkProtocol
Oem/Hpe/Links/FederationPeers Collection of HpeiLOFederationPeers
HostInterfaces Collection of HostInterface
Oem/Hpe/Links/EmbeddedMediaService HpeiLOEmbeddedMedia
Oem/Hpe/Links/FederationGroups Collection of HpeiLOFederationGroup
Oem/Hpe/Links/BackupRestoreService HpeiLOBackupRestoreService


CommandShell.ConnectTypesSupported (array) Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

ConnectTypesSupported is an array containing elements of:

ConnectTypesSupported[{item}] Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
SSH The controller supports a Command Shell connection using the SSH protocol
Telnet The controller supports a Command Shell connection using the Telnet protocol
IPMI The controller supports a Command Shell connection using the IPMI Serial-over-LAN (SOL) protocol
Oem The controller supports a Command Shell connectino using an OEM-specific protocol

CommandShell.MaxConcurrentSessions Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This is the maximum number of Command Shell sessions, regardless of protocol, that this manager supports.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

CommandShell.ServiceEnabled Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates if the Command Shell service is enabled for this manager.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The current DateTime (with offset) for the manager, used to set or read time.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format date-time


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The time offset from UTC that the DateTime property is set to in format: +06:00 .
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


This is a reference to a collection of NICs that this manager uses for network communication. It is here that clients will find NIC configuration options and settings. EthernetInterfaces is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The firmware version of this Manager
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


GraphicalConsole.ConnectTypesSupported (array) Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

ConnectTypesSupported is an array containing elements of:

ConnectTypesSupported[{item}] Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
KVMIP The controller supports a Graphical Console connection using a KVM-IP (redirection of Keyboard, Video, Mouse over IP) protocol
Oem The controller supports a Graphical Console connection using an OEM-specific protocol

GraphicalConsole.MaxConcurrentSessions Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates the maximum number of Graphical Console sessions, regardless of protocol, this manager supports.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

GraphicalConsole.ServiceEnabled Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates if the Command Shell service is enabled for this manager.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


This is a reference to a collection of Host Interfaces that this manager uses for local host communication. It is here that clients will find Host Interface configuration options and settings. HostInterfaces is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Reference to a resource of type Collection with a MemberType of Logs. LogServices is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This property is the manager type for this resource.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
ManagementController A controller used primarily to monitor or manage the operation of a device or system
EnclosureManager A controller which provides management functions for a chassis or group of devices or systems
BMC A controller which provides management functions for a single computer system


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Model name of the manager.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


This is a reference to the network services and their settings that the manager controls. It is here that clients will find network configuration options as well as network services. NetworkProtocol is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Status of external provider data in NVRAM.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
DataPresent External Provider data is present in NVRAM.
DataCleared External Provider data is not present in NVRAM.


Oem.Hpe.CloudConnect.ActivationKey Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The activation key is the customer account ID of HPE GreenLake. Obtain the account ID by visiting HPE GreenLake portal-Manage->Account Details card.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.CloudConnect.CloudConnectStatus Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates the current status of cloud connection.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
NotEnabled Indicates the initial state of the system or cloud connect service is disabled.
ConnectionInProgress Indicates the cloud activation or connection to the communication service is in progress
ConnectionFailed Indicates the cloud activation could not be completed and and the retry attempts for activation also failed
Connected Indicates the cloud connect enabled, activation successful and connection to communication service successful
RetryInProgress Indicates a connection issue with the communication service and being retried for a successful communication
NotConnected Indicates the connection retries to the communication service has failed and periodic retries will be attempted

Oem.Hpe.CloudConnect.FailReason Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates the reason for cloud connection failure.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.30

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
iLOTimeError Indicates the cloud activation failed due to incorrect iLO time.
NetworkError Indicates the cloud activation failed due to network issues.
ProxyError Indicates the cloud activation failed due to Proxy errors.
ActivationKeyMissing Indicates the cloud activation failed due to missing activation key.
WrongActivationKey Indicates the cloud activation failed due to wrong activation key errors.
WrongiLOVersion Indicates the cloud activation failed due to wrong iLO version errors.

Oem.Hpe.CloudConnect.NextRetryTime Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates the timestamp of next retry event.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.40


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Limitations on configuration change based on node type.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
None No user interface configuration limitations are in effect.
ManagedNode This is a managed node. User interfaces that are required for management cannot be modified.


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description State of the currently displayed configuration settings.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Oem.Hpe.FederationConfig.IPv6MulticastScope Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The IPv6 network scope of multicast announcements.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:


Oem.Hpe.FederationConfig.MulticastAnnouncementInterval Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The frequency in Seconds at which the iLO system announces itself on the network. A value of 0 disables multicast announcments.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:


Oem.Hpe.FederationConfig.MulticastDiscovery Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Enables or Disables Multicast Discovery for the local iLO system.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:


Oem.Hpe.FederationConfig.MulticastTimeToLive Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The maximum number of switches a multicast announcement will traverse before being discarded.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.FederationConfig.iLOFederationManagement Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Enables or Disables iLO Federation features for the local iLO system.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup.BuildNumber Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build number of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup.BuildNumberString Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The string version of the build number of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup.Date Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build date of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup.DebugBuild Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description True if the firmware is a debug build; False if it is not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup.Family Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The family of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup.MajorVersion Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The major version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup.MinorVersion Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The minor version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup.Time Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build time of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Backup.VersionString Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The version string of the firmware. This value might be null if VersionString is unavailable.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock.BuildNumber Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build number of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock.BuildNumberString Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The string version of the build number of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock.Date Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build date of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock.DebugBuild Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description True if the firmware is a debug build; False if it is not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock.Family Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The family of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock.MajorVersion Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The major version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock.MinorVersion Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The minor version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock.Time Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build time of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Bootblock.VersionString Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The version string of the firmware. This value might be null if VersionString is unavailable.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current.BuildNumber Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build number of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current.BuildNumberString Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The string version of the build number of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current.Date Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build date of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current.DebugBuild Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description True if the firmware is a debug build; False if it is not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current.Family Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The family of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current.MajorVersion Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The major version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current.MinorVersion Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The minor version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current.Time Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build time of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Current.VersionString Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The version string of the firmware. This value might be null if VersionString is unavailable.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending.BuildNumber Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build number of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending.BuildNumberString Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The string version of the build number of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending.Date Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build date of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending.DebugBuild Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description True if the firmware is a debug build; False if it is not.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending.Family Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The family of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending.MajorVersion Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The major version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending.MinorVersion Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The minor version of the firmware.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending.Time Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The build time of the firmware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.Pending.VersionString Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The version string of the firmware. This value might be null if VersionString is unavailable.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.FrontPanelUSB.State Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The state of the front USB port device.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Ready iLO has not detected a front panel device.
Busy iLO has detected a front panel device and is initializing or executing operations on the device.
Complete iLO has successfully finished initializing or executing operations on the device.
Error iLO failed to initialize or execute operations on the device.
Disabled The front panel device is disabled by user configuration.


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This setting specifies how long a user can be inactive before an iLO web interface ends automatically.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Oem.Hpe.IntegratedRemoteConsole.HotKeys (array) Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

HotKeys is an array containing elements of:

HotKeys[{item}].KeySequence (array) Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

KeySequence is an array containing elements of:

KeySequence[{item}] Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
NONE No key
ESC Escape key
L_ALT Left Alt key
R_ALT Right Alt key
L_SHIFT Left Shift key
R_SHIFT Right Shift key
L_CTRL Left Control key
R_CTRL Right Control key
L_GUI Left Windows key
R_GUI Right Windows key
INS Insert key
DEL Delete key
HOME Home key
END End key
PG_UP Page Up key
PG_DN Page Down key
ENTER Enter key
TAB Tab key
BREAK Break key
BACKSPACE Backspace key
NUM_PLUS Num Plus key
NUM_MINUS Num Minus key
SCRL_LCK Scroll Lock key
SYS_RQ Sys Rq key
F1 F1 key
F2 F2 key
F3 F3 key
F4 F4 key
F5 F5 key
F6 F6 key
F7 F7 key
F8 F8 key
F9 F9 key
F10 F10 key
F11 F11 key
F12 F12 key
SPACE Space key
' Apostrophe key
, Comma key
- Hyphen key
. Period key
/ Slash key
; Semicolon key
= Equals key
[ Left square bracket key
\|Backslash key
] Right square bracket key
`|Backtick key
0 0 key
1 1 key
2 2 key
3 3 key
4 4 key
5 5 key
6 6 key
7 7 key
8 8 key
9 9 key
a a key
b b key
c c key
d d key
e e key
f f key
g g key
h h key
i i key
j j key
k k key
l l key
m m key
n n key
o o key
p p key
q q key
r r key
s s key
t t key
u u key
v v key
w w key
x x key
y y key
z z key

Oem.Hpe.IntegratedRemoteConsole.LockKey Oem.Hpe.IntegratedRemoteConsole.LockKey.CustomKeySequence (array) Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

CustomKeySequence is an array containing elements of:

CustomKeySequence[{item}] Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
NONE No key
ESC Escape key
L_ALT Left Alt key
R_ALT Right Alt key
L_SHIFT Left Shift key
R_SHIFT Right Shift key
L_CTRL Left Control key
R_CTRL Right Control key
L_GUI Left Windows key
R_GUI Right Windows key
INS Insert key
DEL Delete key
HOME Home key
END End key
PG_UP Page Up key
PG_DN Page Down key
ENTER Enter key
TAB Tab key
BREAK Break key
BACKSPACE Backspace key
NUM_PLUS Num Plus key
NUM_MINUS Num Minus key
SCRL_LCK Scroll Lock key
SYS_RQ Sys Rq key
F1 F1 key
F2 F2 key
F3 F3 key
F4 F4 key
F5 F5 key
F6 F6 key
F7 F7 key
F8 F8 key
F9 F9 key
F10 F10 key
F11 F11 key
F12 F12 key
SPACE Space key
' Apostrophe key
, Comma key
- Hyphen key
. Period key
/ Slash key
; Semicolon key
= Equals key
[ Left square bracket key
\|Backslash key
] Right square bracket key
`|Backtick key
0 0 key
1 1 key
2 2 key
3 3 key
4 4 key
5 5 key
6 6 key
7 7 key
8 8 key
9 9 key
a a key
b b key
c c key
d d key
e e key
f f key
g g key
h h key
i i key
j j key
k k key
l l key
m m key
n n key
o o key
p p key
q q key
r r key
s s key
t t key
u u key
v v key
w w key
x x key
y y key
z z key

Oem.Hpe.IntegratedRemoteConsole.LockKey.LockOption Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Lock option setting.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Windows This option configures iLO to lock a managed server running a Windows operating system.
Custom This option configures iLO to use a custom key sequence to lock a managed server or log out a user on that server.
Disabled This option disables the Remote Console Computer Lock feature.

Oem.Hpe.IntegratedRemoteConsole.TrustedCertificateRequired Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description When this setting is enabled and a trusted SSL certificate has been imported into iLO, the .NET IRC is launched by using an HTTPS connection. When this setting is disabled, the .NET IRC is launched by using a non-SSL connection.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.License.LicenseKey Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description The installed license key.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.License.LicenseString Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Describes the type of license installed on management processor.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.License.LicenseType Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates whether the license is Perpetual or Evaluation.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Persistent mouse and keyboard feature is enabled or not. When this feature is enabled, the iLO virtual mouse and keyboard are always connected to the iLO UHCI USB controller. When this feature is disabled, the iLO virtual mouse and keyboard are connected dynamically to the iLO UHCI controller only when a Remote Console application is open and connected to iLO.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This property enables or disables the display of Server Health Status on a physical monitor attached to the system.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This property enables or disables RIBCL for the management processor. The management processor will require reset when this field is modified.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This property enables or disables the accessibility of remote console thumbnail image in iLO. Disabling this property will not disable remote console feature.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Determines whether authentication is required for host-based utilities which use CHIF (typically use of CHIF requires Administrator/root credentials)
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Determines whether a user-credential prompt is displayed when a user accesses the iLO RBSU or the iLO Configuration Utility. The following settings are valid: Enabled-A login dialog box opens when a user accesses the iLO RBSU or the iLO Configuration Utility. Disabled (default)-No login is required when a user accesses the iLO RBSU or the iLO Configuration Utility.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Serial command line interface speed in bits/second.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Status of serial command line interface.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Disabled Serial command line interface is disabled.
EnabledNoAuth Serial command line interface is enabled with no authentication required.
EnabledAuthReq Serial command line interface is enabled with authentication required.


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates presence of UART hardware.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
NotPresent UART hardware present.
Present UART hardware not present.


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This property enables or disables logging to the downloadable Virtual Serial Port (VSP) log.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This property enables or disables download of the downloadable Virtual Serial Port (VSP) log.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This property controls video presence detection on the VGA port. True: firmware workaround detects some KVMs that are not automatically supported. False: hardware-based automatic video presence detection.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This indicates whether the VideoPresenceDetectOverride property is supported on this type of system.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates whether the Virtual Network Interface is enabled or not.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This property enables or disables WEB GUI access for the management processor. The management processor will require reset when this field is modified.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description iLO functionality is enabled on this platform.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description iLO functionality is required and can't be disabled on this platform (usually blades).
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Specifies whether displaying the iLO network IP address during host server POST is enabled(default) or not.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Enables or disables the iLO Configuration Utility. The following settings are valid: Enabled (default)-On servers that support the iLO Configuration Utility, the iLO Configuration Utility is available when you access the UEFI System Utilities by pressing F9 during POST. Disabled-On servers that support the iLO Configuration Utility, the iLO Configuration Utility is not available when you access the UEFI System Utilities by pressing F9 during POST.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.iLOSelfTestResults (array)

Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

iLOSelfTestResults is an array containing elements of:

iLOSelfTestResults[{item}].Notes Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Additional Information (if any) about the Self Test.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

iLOSelfTestResults[{item}].SelfTestName Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description iLO Self Test Name.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
UnknownSelfTest UnknownSelfTest self test result.
CryptographicHardware CryptographicHardware self test result.
Memory Memory self test result.
WebServerCryptography WebServerCryptography self test result.
MiscCryptography MiscCryptography self test result.
UART UART self test result.
HoodSense Hood Sense self test result.
NVRAMInterface NVRAMInterface self test result.
NVRAMData NVRAMData self test result.
NVRAMSpace NVRAM space self test result.
NIC NIC self test result.
EmbeddedFlash EmbeddedFlash or SD Card self test result.
StaticRAM StaticRAM self test result.
EEPROM EEPROM self test result.
I2C I2C self test result.
BootBlock BootBlock self test result.
ThreadInit ThreadInit self test result.
Infrastructure Infrastructure self test result.
SupportedHost Supported Host self test result.
EEPROMContent EEPROMContent self test result.
PowerManagementController Power Management Controller self test result.
CPLDPAL0 CPLD PAL0 self test result.
CPLDPAL1 CPLD PAL1 self test result.
CPLDPAL2 CPLD PAL2 self test result.
CPLDPAL3 CPLD PAL3 self test result.
CPLDPAL4 CPLD PAL4 self test result.
CPLDPAL5 CPLD PAL5 self test result.
ASICFuses ASIC Fuses self test result.
SecureElement Secure Element self test result.

iLOSelfTestResults[{item}].Status Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


Oem.Hpe.iLOServicePort.MassStorageAuthenticationRequired Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates whether mass storage authentication is required or not.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.iLOServicePort.USBEthernetAdaptersEnabled Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates whether the USB Ethernet Adapters are enabled or not.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.iLOServicePort.USBFlashDriveEnabled Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates whether the USB Flash Drive is enabled or not.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.iLOServicePort.iLOServicePortEnabled Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates whether the iLO Service Port is enabled or not.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Redundancy object.


SerialConsole.ConnectTypesSupported (array) Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

ConnectTypesSupported is an array containing elements of:

ConnectTypesSupported[{item}] Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
SSH The controller supports a Serial Console connection using the SSH protocol
Telnet The controller supports a Serial Console connection using the Telnet protocol
IPMI The controller supports a Serial Console connection using the IPMI Serial-over-LAN (SOL) protocol

SerialConsole.MaxConcurrentSessions Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This is the maximum number of Serial Console sessions, regardless of protocol, that this manager supports.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

SerialConsole.ServiceEnabled Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description Indicates if the Command Shell service is enabled for this manager.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


The link to a collection of serial interfaces that this manager uses for serial and console communication. SerialInterfaces is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager

Description This is a universally unique identifier that supervisory software uses to uniquely identify this manager. The UUID is assigned when the system is manufactured.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


This is a reference to the virtual media services for this manager. VirtualMedia is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Manager.Reset Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager


ResetType (string)

Value Description

HpeiLO.ClearRestApiState Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager Clears the persistent state of the REST API. Some portions of the API may not be available until after the server reboots.

There are no parameters for this action.

HpeiLO.ClearHotKeys Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager Clear hot keys which are used during Remote Console sessions.

There are no parameters for this action.

HpeiLO.ResetToFactoryDefaults Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager Resets the iLO to Factory Defaults.


ResetType (string)

Value Description
Default Reset iLO to defaults, clear logs and reboot iLO.

HpeiLO.DisableiLOFunctionality Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager This action will disable the iLO network and will terminate communications with operating system drivers. To re-enable iLO functionality, use the iLO Configuration Utility (in the UEFI System Utilities) to set iLO Functionality to Enabled. For more information see the HPE UEFI System Utilities User Guide. The action resets/reboots the manager. iLO functionality cannot be disabled on server blades.

There are no parameters for this action.

HpeiLO.ClearNVRAM Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager Delete the files from NVRAM CFG area.

There are no parameters for this action.

HpeiLO.EnableCloudConnect Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager Action to enable cloud connect service.


ActivationKey (string)

The activation key is the customer account ID of HPE GreenLake. Obtain the account ID by visiting HPE GreenLake portal-Manage->Account Details card.

OverrideManager (boolean)

The property is used to override the existing manager (Example: HPE OneView).

HpeiLO.RequestFirmwareAndOsRecovery Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager Requests that the Recovery Install set be invoked, and when complete causes a OS reinstallation.

There are no parameters for this action.

HpeiLO.DisableCloudConnect Member of Manager.v1_5_1.Manager Action to disable cloud connect service.


FailReason (string)

Indicates the reason for cloud connection failure.

Value Description
iLOTimeError Indicates the cloud activation failed due to incorrect iLO time.
ProxyError Indicates the cloud activation failed due to Proxy errors.
ActivationKeyMissing Indicates the cloud activation failed due to missing activation key.
NetworkError Indicates the cloud activation failed due to network issues.
WrongiLOVersion Indicates the cloud activation failed due to wrong iLO version errors.
WrongActivationKey Indicates the cloud activation failed due to wrong activation key errors.


@odata.type: "#ManagerAccountCollection.ManagerAccountCollection"

A Collection of ManagerAccount resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/accountservice/accounts GET POST

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] ManagerAccount

Members (array)

Member of ManagerAccountCollection.ManagerAccountCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}] Member of ManagerAccountCollection.ManagerAccountCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05
Format uri-reference


Member of ManagerAccountCollection.ManagerAccountCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount"

The user accounts, owned by a Manager, are defined in this resource. Changes to a Manager Account may affect the current Redfish service connection if this manager is responsible for the Redfish service.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/accountservice/accounts/{item} GET PATCH DELETE


Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description Descriptive login name that helps to easily identify the owner of each user name. The login name does not have to be the same as the user name and must use printable characters. The maximum length for a user name is 39 characters.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.Privileges.HostBIOSConfigPriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to configure Host Bios Settings.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Privileges.HostNICConfigPriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to configure Host NIC Settings.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Privileges.HostStorageConfigPriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to configure Host Storage Settings.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Privileges.LoginPriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to log in to management processor. All local accounts have the login privilege. This privilege is added automatically if it is not specified.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Privileges.RemoteConsolePriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to remotely access the host system Remote Console, including video, keyboard, and mouse control.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Privileges.SystemRecoveryConfigPriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to manage the critical recovery firmware images on the iLO Repository.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Privileges.UserConfigPriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to add, edit, and delete local management processor user accounts. A user with this privilege can change privileges for all users.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Privileges.VirtualMediaPriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to use the Virtual Media feature on the host system.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Privileges.VirtualPowerAndResetPriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to power-cycle or reset the host system. These activities interrupt system availability. A user with this privilege can diagnose the system by using the Generate NMI to System button.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.Privileges.iLOConfigPriv Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This privilege enables a user to configure most management processor settings, including security settings, and to remotely update the management processor firmware. This privilege does not enable local user account administration.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description Indicate that the account type is service account
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description Indicates that the escape characters check to be skipped or not
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.40


Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description The password used to log in to the management processor. The maximum length for a password is 39 characters. The minimum length for a password is specified in the MinPasswordLength property of the AccountService schema.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description Indicates that the password for this account must be changed. The service requires the password to be changed before access is allowed.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description This property contains the name of the Role for this account.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerAccount.v1_3_0.ManagerAccount

Description The name used to log in to the management processor. The user name does not have to be the same as the login name. The maximum length for the user name is 39 characters. The user name must use printable characters.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


@odata.type: "#ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol"

This resource is used to obtain or modify the network services managed by this manager.

Granularity to enable/disable HTTP(S) ports

iLO 6 supports enabling/disabling the HTTP/HTTPS ports.

Disable/Enable HTTP(S) Port:

  • The HTTP port can be disabled by setting the "Port" property to value 0. Similarly, it can be enabled by setting it to a valid port value like 80.
  • This has been decoupled from the HTTPS port enable/disable status.


ProtocolEnabled property under HTTP object is not related to HTTP alone. It is related to the whole webserver. Hence the ProtocolEnabled property will remain true unless the whole webserver is disabled.

For example, to disable HTTP port:

PATCH /redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol

PATCH Payload:


{ "HTTP": { "Port": 0 } } `


iLO reset is required after the PATCH for the change to come into effect.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/managers/{item}/networkprotocol GET POST PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Oem/Hpe/Links/SNMPService HpeiLOSnmpService
Oem/Hpe/Links/EthernetInterfaces Collection of EthernetInterface


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The fully-qualified domain name of the manager that is obtained by DNS and includes the host name and top-level domain name.
Type string or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


HTTP.Port Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The HTTP port number.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

HTTP.ProtocolEnabled Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether HTTP is enabled or disabled.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


HTTPS.Port Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The HTTPS/SSL port number.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

HTTPS.ProtocolEnabled Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether HTTPS/SSL is enabled or disabled.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The host name of the manager that is obtained by DNS and does not include any domain information.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


IPMI.Port Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The IPMI over LAN port number.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

IPMI.ProtocolEnabled Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether IPMI over LAN is enabled for the manager.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


KVMIP.Port Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The KVM-IP port number.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

KVMIP.ProtocolEnabled Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether KVM-IP is enabled for the manager.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The destination email address for email alerts.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether AlertMail is enabled. This can be enabled only when the properties AlertMailEmail, AlertMailSenderDomain and AlertMailSMTPServer are set or not empty.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether AlertMail SMTP Authentication is enabled. This can be enabled only when the properties AlertMailSMTPSecureEnabled, AlertMailSMTPAuthUser and AlertMailSMTPAuthPw are set or not empty.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The password credential for SMTP server Authentication.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The username credential for SMTP server Authentication.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The SMTP server port number.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether AlertMail SMTP Secure Connection (SSL/TLS) is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The IP address or DNS name of the SMTP server or the Mail Submission Agent (MSA).
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The domain name for the sender email address.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description State of the currently displayed configuration settings.
Type string
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:



Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether enhanced download for virtual media and firmware update is enabled or disabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether management processor federation management is enabled or disabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether management processor federation is supported.
Type boolean
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether 802.1X feature is enabled or not.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether KCS interface is enabled or disabled for the BMC.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.40


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether Remote Syslog is enabled. When enabled, management processor sends notification messages to the specified Syslog server. This can be enabled only when the property RemoteSyslogServer is set or not empty.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The port number through which the Syslog servers are listening.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The IP address, FQDN, IPv6 name, or short name of the servers running the Syslog service.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether SMTP for Two Factor Authentication is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.50


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The SNMP trap port number.
Type integer
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether Serial Over LAN (SOL) or Virtual Serial Port (VSP) logging is enabled.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Enables or disables encryption on virtual media connections.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Oem.Hpe.WebProxyConfiguration.ProxyPassword Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates the proxy password (optional)
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.WebProxyConfiguration.ProxyPort Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates the proxy port.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.WebProxyConfiguration.ProxyServer Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates the hostname or IP address of proxy server.
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

Oem.Hpe.WebProxyConfiguration.ProxyUserName Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates the proxy username (optional)
Type string
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Determines whether management processor responds to anonymous XML discovery requests.
Type boolean
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


SNMP.Port Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The SNMP port number.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SNMP.ProtocolEnabled Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether SNMP is enabled for the manager.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


SSDP.NotifyIPv6Scope Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The scope for IPv6 Notify messages for SSDP.
Type string or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Link SSDP Notify messages are sent to addresses in the IPv6 Local Link scope
Site SSDP Notify messages are sent to addresses in the IPv6 Local Site scope.
Organization SSDP Notify messages are sent to addresses in the IPv6 Local Organization scope.

SSDP.NotifyMulticastIntervalSeconds Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates how often multicast is performed for SSDP. Allowed values are 0, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 900 or 1800.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSDP.NotifyTTL Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The Time to Live (TTL) hop count for SSDP Notify messages.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSDP.Port Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The SSDP port number.
Type integer or null
Read Only True
Added iLO6 1.05

SSDP.ProtocolEnabled Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether SSDP is enabled for the manager.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


SSH.Port Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The SSH port number. NOTE: When this field is modified, the Manager will reset automatically.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

SSH.ProtocolEnabled Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether SSH is enabled for the manager. NOTE: When this field is modified, the Manager will reset automatically.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


VirtualMedia.Port Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description The Virtual Media port number.
Type integer or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05

VirtualMedia.ProtocolEnabled Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol

Description Indicates whether Virtual Media is enabled for the manager.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False
Added iLO6 1.05


HpeiLOManagerNetworkService.SendTestAlertMail Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol There are no parameters for this action.

HpeiLOManagerNetworkService.SendTestSyslog Member of ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol There are no parameters for this action.