Response message definitions of iLO 5 v3.09

This section is a reference for the defined message registry entries in HPE iLO 5 version 3.09. Redfish responses are discussed in the error responses section.


While attempting to access, connect to, or transfer to/from another resource, the service was denied access.

Message Format "While attempting to establish a connection to %1, the service was denied access."
Severity Critical
Resolution Verify that the URI is correct and that the service has the appropriate credentials.


The account for the current session is removed, and the current session is also removed.

Message Format "The account for the current session is removed, and the current session is also removed."
Severity OK
Resolution Attempt to connect using a valid account.


The account was modified successfully.

Message Format "The account was modified successfully."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The request was unable to modify the account.

Message Format "The account modification request did not complete."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, check the authorization or the request body for issues and resubmit the request.


The account was removed successfully.

Message Format "The account was removed successfully."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The action supplied in the POST operation is not supported by the resource.

Message Format "The action %1 is not supported by the resource."
Severity Critical
Resolution The action was invalid or the wrong resource was the target. See the implementation documentation for assistance.


The action was submitted with a duplicate parameter in the request body.

Message Format "The action %1 was submitted with more than one value for the parameter %2."
Severity Warning
Resolution Resubmit the action with only one instance of the parameter in the request body.


The requested action is missing a parameter that is required to process the action.

Message Format "The action %1 requires that the parameter %2 be present in the request body."
Severity Critical
Resolution Resubmit the action with the required parameter in the request body.


The action parameter is not supported on the target resource.

Message Format "The parameter %1 for the action %2 is not supported on the target resource."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, remove the parameter and resubmit the request.


An action was submitted, but a supplied parameter did not match any of the known parameters.

Message Format "The action %1 was submitted with the invalid parameter %2."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, correct the invalid parameter and resubmit the request.


The value type is correct, but the format is not supported or the size/length is exceeded.

Message Format "The value %1 for the parameter %2 in the action %3 is in a format that is not supported by the parameter."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, correct the parameter value in the request body and resubmit the request.


The parameter contains an incorrect value type. For example, a number value for a string parameter type.

Message Format "The value %1 for the parameter %2 in the action %3 is the incorrect parameter type."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, correct the parameter value in the request body and resubmit the request.


Indicates that the request could not be performed because an authentication token was not provided.

Message Format "The request could not be performed because an authentication token was not provided."
Severity Critical
Resolution Obtain an authentication token and resubmit the request.


An attempt to access the resource, image, or file at the URI was unsuccessful because a session could not be established.

Message Format "The service was unable to establish a connection with the URI %1."
Severity Critical
Resolution Verify that the URI contains a valid and reachable node name, protocol information, and other URI components.


A create operation was attempted on a resource, but a required property was missing from the request.

Message Format "The create operation did not complete because the required property %1 was missing from the request."
Severity Critical
Resolution If the operation did not complete, include the required property with a valid value in the request body and resubmit the request.


Additional resources cannot be created.

Message Format "Additional resources cannot be created."
Severity Critical
Resolution If the operation did not complete, delete resources and resubmit the request.


The resource has been created successfully.

Message Format "The resource has been created successfully."
Severity OK
Resolution None


Indicates that the request body contained an empty JSON object when one or more properties are expected in the body.

Message Format "The request body submitted contained an empty JSON object and the service is unable to process it."
Severity Warning
Resolution Add properties in the JSON object and resubmit the request.


The event subscription establishment has been requested, but the operation did not complete. The number of simultaneous subscriptions exceeded the maximum number allowed by the implementation.

Message Format "The event subscription did not complete because the number of simultaneous subscriptions exceeded the maximum number allowed by the implementation."
Severity Critical
Resolution Before attempting to establish the event subscription, reduce the number of subscriptions or increase the maximum number of simultaneous subscriptions allowed (if supported).


Indicates that a general error has occurred. Use in ExtendedInfo is discouraged. When used in ExtendedInfo, implementations are expected to include a Resolution property with this error to indicate how to resolve the problem.

Message Format "A general error has occurred. See Resolution for information on how to resolve the error."
Severity Critical
Resolution None.


The account or credentials associated with the current session are not authorized to perform the requested operation.

Message Format "The account or credentials associated with the current session are not authorized to perform the requested operation."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the operation with an authorized account or credentials.


The request did not complete due to an unknown internal error, but the service is still operational.

Message Format "The request failed due to an internal service error, but the service is still operational."
Severity Critical
Resolution Resubmit the request. If the problem persists, consider resetting the service.


The Index is not valid.

Message Format "The Index %1 is not a valid offset into the array."
Severity Warning
Resolution Verify the index value provided is within the bounds of the array.


The object is not valid.

Message Format "The object at %1 is not valid."
Severity Critical
Resolution If the operation did not complete, the object is malformed or the URI is incorrect. Make the appropriate corrections and resubmit the request.


Indicates that the operation encountered a URI that does not correspond to a valid resource.

Message Format "The URI %1 was not found."
Severity Critical
Resolution Provide a valid URI and resubmit the request.


The request body contains malformed JSON.

Message Format "The request body submitted is malformed JSON and cannot be parsed by the receiving service."
Severity Critical
Resolution Verify that the request body is valid JSON and resubmit the request.


Indicates that the requested operation will not perform any changes on the service.

Message Format "The request body submitted contain no data to act upon and no changes to the resource took place."
Severity Warning
Resolution Add properties in the JSON object and resubmit the request.


The operation did not complete because a valid session is required in order to access resources.

Message Format "There is no valid session established with the implementation."
Severity Critical
Resolution Establish a session before attempting any operations.


Indicates that a required one-time passcode has been sent to the user. The code should be provided as the Token in the request to create a Session.

Message Format "A one-time passcode has been sent to: %1 Supply the passcode as the Token in the request to create a Session."
Severity OK
Resolution Obtain the one-time passcode sent to the delivery address and resubmit the request using the passcode as the Token.


A duplicate property is in the request body.

Message Format "The property %1 is duplicated in the request."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, remove the duplicate property from the request body and resubmit the request.


The request does not include a required property.

Message Format "The property %1 is a required property and must be included in the request."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, verify the property is in the request body and has a valid value.


The request included a value for a read-only property.

Message Format "The property %1 is a read-only property and cannot be assigned a value."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, remove the property from the request body and resubmit the request.


An unknown property is in the request body.

Message Format "The property %1 is not valid for this resource."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, remove the unknown property from the request body and resubmit the request.


The value type is correct, but the format is not supported or the size/length is exceeded.

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 is in a format that is not supported by the property."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, correct the property value in the request body and resubmit the request.


Indicates that a property was given the correct value type but the value of that property was modified. Examples are truncated or rounded values.

Message Format "The property %1 was assigned the value %2 due to modification by the service."
Severity Warning
Resolution No resolution is required.


The value type is correct, but the value is not supported.

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, choose a value from the enumeration list and resubmit your request.


The property value contains an incorrect property type. For example, a number value for a string property type.

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 is the incorrect property type."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, correct the property value in the request body and resubmit the request.


The query is not supported by the implementation.

Message Format "Querying is not supported by the implementation."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, remove the query parameter and resubmit the request.


The query is not supported on the resource. For example, a start/count query is attempted on a resource that is not a collection.

Message Format "Querying is not supported on the requested resource."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, remove the query parameters and resubmit the request.


The query parameter value is out of range for the resource. For example, a page is requested that is outside the valid page range.

Message Format "The value %1 for the query parameter %2 is out of range %3."
Severity Warning
Resolution Specify a query parameter value that is within range. For example, a page that is within the valid range of pages.


Indicates that a query parameter was given an invalid value.

Message Format "The value for the parameter %1 is invalid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the value for the query parameter in the request and resubmit the request if the operation failed.


The value type is correct, but the format is not supported or the size/length was exceeded.

Message Format "The value %1 for the parameter %2 is in a format that is not supported by the parameter."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, correct the value for the query parameter in the request body and resubmit the request.


The query parameter contains an incorrect value type. For example, a number supplied for a query parameter that requires a string.

Message Format "The value %1 for the query parameter %2 is the incorrect type of value for the query parameter."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, correct the value for the query parameter in the request body and resubmit the request.


Indicates that a resource change or creation was attempted but that the operation cannot proceed because the resource already exists.

Message Format "The requested resource of type %1 with the property %2 with the value %3 already exists."
Severity Critical
Resolution Do not repeat the create operation as the resource has already been created.


The URI is valid, but the resource or image at that URI is in a format that is not supported by the service.

Message Format "The resource at %1 is in a format that is not supported by the service."
Severity Critical
Resolution Place a resource, image, or file that is supported by the service at the URI.


An attempt to access the resource, image, or file at the URI is unauthorized.

Message Format "While accessing the resource at %1, the service received an authorization error %2."
Severity Critical
Resolution Verify that the appropriate access is provided for the service to access the URI.


A delete operation was attempted on a resource that cannot be deleted.

Message Format "The delete request did not complete because the resource cannot be deleted."
Severity Critical
Resolution Do not attempt to delete a resource that does not support the REST API DELETE operation.


Indicates that a resource could not satisfy the request due to some unavailability of resources. An example is that available capacity has been allocated.

Message Format "The resource %1 was unable to satisfy the request due to unavailability of resources."
Severity Critical
Resolution Ensure that the resources are available and resubmit the request.


Indicates that the request could not be performed because the resource is in standby.

Message Format "The request could not be performed because the resource is in standby."
Severity Critical
Resolution Ensure that the resource is in the correct power state and resubmit the request.


The request to change the resource was rejected because the resource was in use or in transition.

Message Format "The change to the resource did not complete because the resource is in use or in transition."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, wait until the resource is free and resubmit the request.


The operation expected an image or resource at the provided URI, but found none.

Message Format "The resource at the URI %1 was not found."
Severity Critical
Resolution Place a valid resource at the URI or correct the URI and resubmit the request.


Indicates that the operation expected a resource identifier that corresponds to an existing resource but one was not found.

Message Format "The requested resource of type %1 named %2 was not found."
Severity Critical
Resolution Provide a valid resource identifier and resubmit the request.


Indicates that the resource type of the operation does not match that for the operation destination. Examples of when this can happen include during a POST to a collection using the wrong resource type, an update where the @odata.types do not match or on a major version incompatability.

Message Format "The @odata.type of the request body %1 is incompatible with the @odata.type of the resource which is %2."
Severity Critical
Resolution Resubmit the request with a payload compatible with the resource's schema.


The operation did not complete because the service is in an unknown state and cannot take incoming requests.

Message Format "The operation did not complete because the service is in an unknown state and cannot take incoming requests."
Severity Critical
Resolution If the operation did not complete, restart the service and resubmit the request.


The operation did not complete because the service is shutting down.

Message Format "The operation did not complete because the service is shutting down and cannot take incoming requests."
Severity Critical
Resolution If the operation did not complete, resubmit the request when the service is available.


The service is temporarily unavailable.

Message Format "The service is temporarily unavailable. Retry in %1 seconds."
Severity Critical
Resolution Wait for the indicated retry duration and retry the operation.


Session establishment has been requested, but the operation did not complete because the number of simultaneous sessions exceeded the maximum number allowed by the implementation.

Message Format "The session establishment did not complete because the number of simultaneous sessions exceeded the maximum number allowed by the implementation."
Severity Critical
Resolution Before attempting to establish the session, reduce the number of sessions or increase the maximum number of simultaneous sessions allowed (if supported).


Indicates that the DELETE operation on the Session resource resulted in the successful termination of the session.

Message Format "The session was successfully terminated."
Severity OK
Resolution No resolution is required.


While attempting to access, connect to, or transfer from another location, the other end of the connection did not support the specified protocol.

Message Format "The other end of the connection at %1 does not support the specified protocol %2."
Severity Critical
Resolution Change protocols or URIs.


Indicates that a string value passed to the given resource exceeded its length limit. An example is when a shorter limit is imposed by an implementation than that allowed by the specification.

Message Format "The string %1 exceeds the length limit %2."
Severity Warning
Resolution Resubmit the request with an appropriate string length.


The operation completed successfully.

Message Format "The operation completed successfully."
Severity OK
Resolution None


The service detected a request body with malformed JSON.

Message Format "The service detected a request body with malformed JSON."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, correct the request body and resubmit the request.


The items in the array exceed the maximum number supported.

Message Format "An array %1 was supplied with %2 items that exceeds the maximum supported count of %3."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation using the correct number of items for the array.


A property value was successfully changed but the change may be reverted upon system reset.

Message Format "The property %1 was successfully changed to %2, but the change may be reverted upon system reset."
Severity Warning
Resolution Check the "SettingsResult" messages after the system has reset for errors referring to the corresponding property.


The operation was not successful due to an internal service error (shown), but the service is still operational.

Message Format "The operation was not successful due to an internal service error (%1), but the service is still operational."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the operation. If the problem persists, consider resetting the service.


The specified configuration is not valid.

Message Format "The specified configuration is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the configuration, and then retry the operation.


The value for the property exceeds the maximum length.

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 exceeds the maximum length of %3."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the value for the property in the request body, and then retry the operation.


The value for the property is the correct type, but this value is incompatible with the current value of another property.

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 is incompatible with the value for property %3."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the value for the property in the request body, and then retry the operation.


The value for the property is out of range.

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 is out of range %3."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the value for the property in the request body, and then retry the operation.


A device or service reset is in progress.

Message Format "A reset on %1 is in progress."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for device or service reset to complete, and then retry the operation.


One or more properties were changed, but these changes will not take effect until the device or service is reset.

Message Format "One or more properties were changed, but these changes will not take effect until %1 is reset."
Severity Warning
Resolution To enable the changed properties, reset the device or service.


The resource is present but is not ready to perform operations due to an internal condition such as initialization or reset.

Message Format "The resource is present but is not ready to perform operations. The resource will be ready in %1 seconds."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation when the resource is ready.


The operation completed successfully

Message Format "The operation completed successfully"
Severity OK
Resolution None


A task was created in response to the operation.

Message Format "A task was created in response to the operation and is accessible at %1."
Severity OK
Resolution Perform an HTTP GET request on the supplied URI for task status.


A previously requested property value change was reverted because the current hardware configuration does not support it.

Message Format "The value %1 for property %2 was reverted because the current hardware configuration does not support it."
Severity Warning
Resolution Ensure that the system's hardware configuration supports the property value.


Modifying AHS properties is not possible with AHS disabled.

Message Format "Modifying AHS properties is not possible with AHS disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable AHS, and then modify the AHS properties.


Indicates that one or more properties were correctly changed, but may not be in effect yet.

Message Format "Indicates that one or more properties were correctly changed, but may not be in effect yet."
Severity OK
Resolution None


Indicates that the correct value type was supplied for the action parameter, but the value is not supported. (The value is not in the enumeration list.)

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 is not in the list of valid values."
Severity Warning
Resolution Choose a value from the enumeration list and resubmit the request if the operation failed.


AlertDestination cannot be configured with both SNMPv1 and SNMPv3.

Message Format "AlertDestination cannot be configured with both SNMPv1 and SNMPv3."
Severity Warning
Resolution For SNMPv1 alert, configure SNMPAlertProtocol to SNMPv1. For SNMPv3 alert, configure SNMPAlertProtocol to SNMPv3.


AlertMail feature is disabled.

Message Format "AlertMail feature is disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable AlertMail feature to send test alert message.


An operation is already in progress.

Message Format "An operation is already in progress."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for the current operation to complete, and then retry the operation.


The update did not occur because the component was already up to date.

Message Format "The update did not occur because the component was already up to date."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Operation is currently unavailable because the power regulator is set to APM Power Capping Mode.

Message Format "Operation is currently unavailable because the power regulator is set to APM Power Capping Mode."
Severity Warning
Resolution Change the power regulator to other modes rather than APM Power Capping Mode through APM interface.


Duplicate value.

Message Format "The property value %1 is already exists in index %2"
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, correct the property value in the request body and resubmit the request.


The number of items in the array exceeds the maximum number supported.

Message Format "An array %1 was supplied with %2 items that does not meet the minimum supported count of %3 or exceeds the maximum supported count of %4."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation using the correct number of items for the array.


The property value is not valid.

Message Format "The property value %1 in index %2 is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation using a corrected value.


Indicates that the request could not be performed because an authentication token was expired.

Message Format "The request could not be performed because an authentication token was expired."
Severity Critical
Resolution Obtain an authentication token and resubmit the request.


Battery Backup Unit settings are currently disabled.

Message Format "Battery Backup Unit settings are disabled when the system is configured for Scalable Persistent Memory."
Severity Warning
Resolution To re-enable Battery Backup Unit settings, disable Scalable Persistent Memory functionality in the system ROM RBSU.


The BIOS action supplied in the POST operation is not yet implemented.

Message Format "The BIOS action %1 is not implemented yet."
Severity Critical
Resolution The action was invalid or the wrong resource was the target. See the implementation documentation for assistance.


The stored BIOS password information is invalid. A system reboot is necessary to restore password defaults.

Message Format "The stored BIOS password information is invalid. Reboot system."
Severity Critical
Resolution The system will need to be rebooted to restore BIOS password information to defaults.


The provided OldPassword does not match the stored BIOS password.

Message Format "The provided OldPassword does not match the stored BIOS password."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the action with the matching password.


A component upload operation is already in progress.

Message Format "A component upload operation is already in progress."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for the current upload to complete, and then retry the operation.


Download of bundle update component failed.

Message Format "Component %1 download download failed, reason %2. Bundle update aborted."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Bundle update download status of components.

Message Format "Component %1 download %2. %3 out of %4 downloaded"
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Installation of bundle update component failed.

Message Format "Component %1 installation failed, reason %2. Bundle update aborted."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Bundle update component installation status.

Message Format "Component %1 installation %2. %3 out of %4 installed."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Failed to create bundle update install set.

Message Format "Install set %1 creation failed, reason %2. Bundle update aborted."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Bundle update install set created successfully.

Message Format "Install set %1 created successfully"
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Download of install set meta file failed.

Message Format "Install set meta file %1 download failed, reason %2. Bundle update aborted."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Download status of install set meta file.

Message Format "Install set meta file %1 download %2"
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Failed to process bundle update install set meta file.

Message Format "Install set meta file %1 processing failed, reason %2. Bundle update aborted."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Bundle update install set meta file processed successfully.

Message Format "Install set meta file %1 processed successfully"
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The Url passed for bundle update is not valid.

Message Format "The Url %1 is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution URL is incorrect. Provide a valid URL and resubmit the request.


Server Reset complete.

Message Format "Server Reset complete."
Severity Warning
Resolution iLO Pending Reset is performed.


Pending Reset task failed.

Message Format "Pending Reset task failed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Bundle update Reset failed, Check the CA for more info.


Waiting for Server Reset

Message Format "Waiting for Server Reset"
Severity Warning
Resolution Reset the iLO to apply the changes.


The status of bundle update installation.

Message Format "Bundle update has completed successfully."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


System already managed by an external manager.

Message Format "System already managed by %1."
Severity Warning
Resolution System can either be managed by HPE OneView or Compute Ops Manager.


Reconnect denied as the server is already connected to Compute Ops Management or is not currently managed by Compute Ops Management.

Message Format "Reconnect denied as the server is already connected to Compute Ops Management or is not currently managed by Compute Ops Management."
Severity OK
Resolution None


Power calibrate is in progress.

Message Format "Power calibrate is in progress."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for previous power calibrate complete or stop previous power calibrate, and then retry the operation.


Cannot remove default language pack.

Message Format "Cannot remove default language pack."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Cannot remove language pack.

Message Format "Cannot remove %1 language pack."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Cannot remove the base license.

Message Format "The base license cannot be removed."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Chassis power regulation data is currently unavailable.

Message Format "Chassis power regulation data is currently unavailable."
Severity Warning
Resolution Reset the management processor or chassis manager, and then retry the operation.


The chassis properties were correctly changed, but will not take effect until the chassis is reset or all nodes in chassis remain powered off for at least 5 seconds.

Message Format "One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until chassis is reset or all nodes in chassis remain powered off for at least 5 seconds."
Severity Warning
Resolution Reset chassis or remain power off for all nodes in chassis for at least 5 seconds for the settings to take effect.


A component upload operation is already in progress.

Message Format "A component upload operation is already in progress."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for the current component upload to complete, and then retry the operation.


A component upload operation failed.

Message Format "A component upload operation failed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for the current component upload to complete, and then retry the operation.


An update operation failed due to exceeding a daily limit.

Message Format "An update operation failed due to exceeding a daily limit."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation at a later date.


A license was previously activated and now a demo key may not be used.

Message Format "A license was previously activated."
Severity Warning
Resolution The system is no longer eligible for demo licenses.


System already managed by Compute Ops Management.

Message Format "System already managed by %1."
Severity OK
Resolution System can either be managed by HPE OneView or Compute Ops Management.


Device was not available for communication.

Message Format "Device communication response was busy."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the attempted operation after a delay.


Indicates that one or more properties were correctly changed, but will not take effect until device is reset.

Message Format "One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until the device is reset."
Severity Warning
Resolution Reset the device for the settings to take effect.


A diagnostics self test is already running.

Message Format "A diagnostics self test is already running."
Severity Warning
Resolution Stop the running test and try again.


The task did not execute because a downgrade is not allowed by policy.

Message Format "The task did not execute because a downgrade is not allowed by policy."
Severity Warning
Resolution Obtain the latest available component and retry, and clear the task from the queue so processing can continue.


The downgrade policy has been set and cannot be changed.

Message Format "The downgrade policy has been set and cannot be changed."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Enterprise Secure Key Manager Servers are not configured.

Message Format "Enterprise Secure Key Manager Servers are not configured."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


ESXio or tar image download is already in progress.

Message Format "ESXio or tar image download is already in progress."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for the current operation to complete, and then retry the operation.


The supplied ETag is too long. The maximum supported ETag length is 63 bytes.

Message Format "The supplied ETag is too long. The maximum supported ETag length is 63 bytes."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation using an ETag with a length of 63 bytes or less.


DNS name is empty.

Message Format "Empty DNS name."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the request with a valid DNS name.


Failed to initialize ESKM.

Message Format "Failed to initialize ESKM."
Severity Warning
Resolution Check if Account Group, Local CA Certificate Name, Login Name and Password are correct and try again.


Event log cleared successfully.

Message Format "Event log cleared successfully."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The event subscription was modified successfully.

Message Format "The event subscription was modified successfully."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The event subscription was removed successfully.

Message Format "The event subscription was removed successfully."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Indicates that extended information is available.

Message Format "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Severity OK
Resolution See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information.


A Trusted Module is detected in this system. If you have not performed the proper OS encryption procedures, you will lose access to your data if recovery key is not available. Recommended procedure is to suspend encryption software prior to System ROM or Option ROM firmware flash. TPMOverrideFlag is enabled and firmware flash initiated.

Message Format "CAUTION: A Trusted Module is detected in this system. Updating the System ROM or Option Card Firmware may have impact to measurements stored in the TM and may have impact to security functionality on the platform which depends on these measurements."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


A Trusted Module (type unspecified) is installed in the system and TPMOverrideFlag is enabled. Firmware flash initiated.

Message Format "CAUTION: A Trusted Module (type unspecified) has been detected in this system. If you have not performed the proper OS encryption procedures, you will lose access to your data if recovery key is not available. Recommended procedure for Microsoft Windows(R) BitLocker(TM) is to "suspend" BitLocker prior to System ROM or Option ROM firmware flash."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


A Trusted Module is detected in this system. Failure to perform proper OS encryption procedures will result in loss of access to your data if recovery key is not available. Recommended procedure is to suspend encryption software prior to System ROM or Option ROM firmware flash. If you do not have your recovery key or have not suspended encryption software, cancel this firmware upload. Failure to follow these instructions will result in loss of access to your data. To continue with firmware flash TPMOverrideFlag is required.

Message Format "CAUTION: A Trusted Module is detected in this system. Updating the System ROM or Option Card Firmware may have impact to measurements stored in the TM and may have impact to security functionality on the platform which depends on these measurements."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please set the TPMOverrideFlag to true and try again.


A Trusted Module (type unspecified) is installed in the system, TPMOverrideFlag is required for firmware flash to proceed.

Message Format "CAUTION: A Trusted Module (type unspecified) has been detected in this system. Failure to perform proper OS encryption procedures will result in loss of access to your data if recovery key is not available. Recommended procedure for Microsoft Windows(R) BitLocker(TM) is to "suspend" BitLocker prior to System ROM or Option ROM firmware flash. If you do not have your recovery key or have not suspended BitLocker, exit this flash: Failure to follow these instructions will result in loss of access to your data."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please set the TPMOverrideFlag to true and try again.


A firmware upgrade operation is already in progress.

Message Format "A firmware flash operation is already in progress."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for the current firmware flash to complete, and then retry the operation.


Installing this firmware version is not allowed. Check customer advisory for supported versions.

Message Format "Installing this firmware version is not allowed. Check customer advisory for supported versions."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please install the supported firmware version.


Generating the X509 Certificate.

Message Format "X509 Certificate is being generated and the process might take up to 10 minutes."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Backup hard drive zoning configuration to BMC has encountered an error.

Message Format "Backup hard drive zoning configuration to BMC has encountered an error."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation. If the problem persists, consider resetting the BMC or the entire chassis.


Hard Drive Zoning was in error state.

Message Format "Hard Drive Zoning was in error state due to %1."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the operation. If the problem persists, consider resetting the entire chassis.


ICRU returned invalid address for translation.

Message Format "ICRU returned invalid address for translation."
Severity Warning
Resolution Input valid address for translation.


ICRU feature or function is not supported on the system.

Message Format "ICRU feature or function is not supported on the system."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


The specified IPv6 configuration caused an error.

Message Format "The specified IPv6 configuration was in error due to %1."
Severity Warning
Resolution Resolve the indicated error in the configuration data.


Failed to import the Certificate because the corresponding CSR is missing.

Message Format "Failed to import the X509 Certificate because the CSR is missing."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the Certificate Import after generating the CSR on the same machine.


Import Certificate was successful.

Message Format "Import Certificate was successful."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Import Certificate was successful and the management processor is being reset.

Message Format "Import Certificate was successful. Management Processor reset is in progress to enable the new certificate."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Failed importing Certificate.

Message Format "Failed importing the X509 Certificate."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation with proper Certificate information.


Not a valid parameter.

Message Format "Invalid Parameter."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the request with valid parameters.


Not a valid Uri to import SSO certificate.

Message Format "Invalid Uri."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the request with valid URI.


The request to change the state of the Indicator LED cannot be granted because the current state is either Blinking or is Unknown.

Message Format "The Indicator LED cannot be changed when its state is Blinking or Unknown."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please wait until the server has completed its reserved state.


The InstallSet write failed.

Message Format "The InstallSet write of %1 failed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Ensure a valid name for the item and that space exists to hold the item.


Disabling one or more interfaces/features will cause certain functionalities to be not available. Please refer to User Guide for details on the implications. Changes will not take effect until the management processor is reset

Message Format "CAUTION: Disabling one or more interfaces/features will cause certain functionalities to be not available. Please refer to User Guide for details on the implications. Changes will not take effect until the management processor is reset"
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The operation was not successful due to an internal service error (shown), but the service is still operational.

Message Format "The operation was not successful due to an internal service error (%1), but the service is still operational."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the operation. If the problem persists, consider resetting the service.


The specified configuration is not valid.

Message Format "The specified configuration is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the configuration, and then retry the operation.


iLO Federation Management cannot be supported in the current configuration.

Message Format "iLO Federation Management cannot be supported in the current configuration."
Severity Warning
Resolution Review the management processor network settings or Onboard Administrator settings and refer to the User Guide.


The dwell time specified is not valid.

Message Format "The dwell time %1 is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Adhere to the dwell time supported.


EngineID should be a hexadecimal number starting with 0x (for example, 0x0102030405abcdef). The string length should be an even number, greater than or equal to 6 characters (excluding the "0x"), and less than or equal to 32 characters.

Message Format "EngineID should be a hexadecimal number starting with 0x (for example, 0x0102030405abcdef). The string length should be an even number, greater than or equal to 6 characters (excluding the "0x"), and less than or equal to 32 characters."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation using an EngineID within the specified parameters.


The license key is not valid.

Message Format "The license key is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation using a valid license key.


The operation was not successful because the current auto power on mode specifies power is to remain off.

Message Format "The auto power on delay cannot be set because power is configured to remain off."
Severity Warning
Resolution Verify that the system auto power on mode is set to turn power on or follow the previous power setting.


The operation was not successful due to the current power state (for example, attempting to turn the power off when it is already off).

Message Format "The operation was not successful due to the current power state."
Severity Warning
Resolution Verify that the system is in the correct power state, and then retry the operation.


The passphrase length is not valid.

Message Format "%1 must contain from %2 to %3 characters."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the passphrase, and then retry the operation.


The password failed the complexity enforcement.

Message Format "A valid password must contain three of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numerals, and other."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the operation using a corrected password.


The password length is not valid.

Message Format "A valid password must contain between %1 to %2 characters."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the operation using a corrected password.


The serial number length is not valid.

Message Format "A valid serial number must be %1 characters of length."
Severity Critical
Resolution Adjust the length of the serial number and retry the operation.


The Targets URI passed is not valid.

Message Format "The Targets URI %1 posted is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Targets URI is incorrect. Provide a valid Targets URI and resubmit the request.


The provided alert type is not supported for this feature.

Message Format "The provided alert type is not supported for this feature."
Severity OK
Resolution The supported alert types are 'Warning' and 'Critical.'


The provided sensor number is not supported for this feature.

Message Format "The provided sensor number is not supported for this feature."
Severity OK
Resolution Verify that the provided sensor number is a supported sensor.


The user defined temperature threshold value for a sensor cannot exceed the hardware defined cautionary temperature threshold.

Message Format "The user defined temperature threshold value for a sensor cannot exceed the hardware defined cautionary temperature threshold."
Severity OK
Resolution Enter a value lower than the cautionary threshold defined for the corresponding sensor.


The license key activation was refused. Includes details.

Message Format "The license activation key cannot be installed. %1"
Severity Warning
Resolution Address the condition or use a valid license activation key.


The license key supplied is unsupported on this system. The key may activate a different product or unsupported tier.

Message Format "The supplied license key is not supported on this system."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


A license key is required to use this operation or feature.

Message Format "A license key is required to use this operation or feature."
Severity Warning
Resolution Install a license key to use this feature.


The request to change the state of the Indicator LED cannot be granted because the current state is either Blinking or Unknown.

Message Format "The Indicator LED cannot be changed when its state is Blinking or Unknown."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please wait until the server has completed its reserved state.


The login was not successful, so the service enforces a delay before another login is allowed.

Message Format "The login was not successful, so the service enforces a delay before another login is allowed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for the delay time to expire, and then retry the login.


The login was not successful, so the service enforces a delay before another login is allowed.

Message Format "The login was not successful, so the service enforces a %1 second delay before another login is allowed."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Telemetry service and Workload Performance advisor will be not available with MCTP discovery disabled.

Message Format "Telemetry service and Workload Performance advisor will be not available with MCTP discovery disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable MCTP discovery for Telemetry service and Workload Performance advisor.


E-mail not configured for two factor authentication to recieve token.

Message Format "E-mail not configured for two factor authentication to receive token."
Severity Critical
Resolution Configure the E-mail to receive token.


Could not fetch mail details for this user account.

Message Format "Could not fetch mail details for this user account."
Severity Critical
Resolution Contact the directory server administrator to ensure that the server's email configuration and domain settings are valid.


The maximum number of providers are already registered.

Message Format "The maximum number of providers are already registered."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


No more Virtual Media connections are available, because the maximum number of connections are already established.

Message Format "No more Virtual Media connections are available, because the maximum number of connections are already established."
Severity Warning
Resolution Close an established Virtual Media connection, and then retry creating or opening another connection.


Membist variables are not supported on the system.

Message Format "Membist variables are not supported on the system."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


The memory set specified in InterleaveSets is not supported.

Message Format "The memory set specified in InterleaveSets is not supported."
Severity Warning
Resolution Ensure the memory set specified in InterleaveSets matches one of the memory domain's InterleavableMemrorySets.


NAND mount failed.

Message Format "NAND mount failed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry with iLO reset.


Update does not meet minimum version requirements.

Message Format "Update does not meet minimum version requirements."
Severity Warning
Resolution Use newer version.


The requested resource exists but has no content.

Message Format "The resource exists but has no content."
Severity OK
Resolution None


There are no event subscriptions registered.

Message Format "The operation cannot be completed because there are no event subscribers."
Severity Warning


No support for power metering available on platform.

Message Format "No support for power metering available on platform."
Severity OK
Resolution Enable Power Metering on platform if supported.


No SNMP alert destinations configured or none of the configured destinations are associated with SNMPv1 protocol or SNMPv3 protocol and user.

Message Format "No SNMP alert destinations configured or none of the configured destinations are associated with SNMPv1 protocol or SNMPv3 protocol and user."
Severity Warning
Resolution Configure at least one SNMP alert destination and associate it with SNMPv1 protocol or SNMPv3 protocol and user.


No power history samples are available.

Message Format "No power history samples are available."
Severity OK
Resolution To accumulate power history samples, power on the server, and then wait at least 5 minutes.


No scripted virtual media connections exist to perform the operation.

Message Format "No scripted virtual media connections exist to perform the operation."
Severity Warning
Resolution Create or open a scripted virtual media connection, and then retry the operation.


No space to store DNS name.

Message Format "No space to store DNS name."
Severity Warning
Resolution Make sure SSO database has enough space to store DNS name.


No Virtual Media connections exist to perform the operation.

Message Format "No Virtual Media connections exist to perform the operation."
Severity Warning
Resolution Create or open a Virtual Media connection, and then retry the operation.


Each zone can only manage the node in the same region, cannot manage overlap region.

Message Format "Each zone can only manage the node for range %1 or range %2, cannot manage overlap region."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the out of range value, and then retry the operation.


Operation is currently unavailable because there is no node installed in the zone.

Message Format "Operation is currently unavailable because there is no node installed in the zone."
Severity Warning
Resolution Install at least one node in the zone and retry the operation.


The Target Url passed is for non PLDM updateable device.

Message Format "The Target Url %1 posted is for non PLDM updateable device"
Severity Warning
Resolution Targets URI is for non PLDM updateable device. Provide a valid PLDM updateable Targets URI and resubmit the request.


This property is not supported by the indicated network port.

Message Format "%1 is not supported on the %2 Network Port."
Severity Warning
Resolution Do not specify this property on the indicated network port.


The value for the property is not a valid IPv4/v6 address or DNS name.

Message Format "The value for property %1 is not a valid IPv4/v6 address or DNS name."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the IPv4/v6 address or DNS name, and then retry the operation.


The value for the property is not a valid IP address.

Message Format "The value %1 is not a valid IP address for %2"
Severity Warning
Resolution Use a valid IP address.


The value for the property is not a valid subnet mask.

Message Format "The value %1 is not a valid subnet mask for %2"
Severity Warning
Resolution Use a valid subnet mask.


The value for the property can not be set until System BIOS POST completes.

Message Format "Property %1 will be settable after the System BIOS completes POST."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait to see the change in value until after the System BIOS completes POST.


The value for the property will be applied after System BIOS POST completes.

Message Format "The value for property %1 will be changed after the System BIOS completes POST."
Severity OK
Resolution Wait to see the change in value until after the System BIOS completes POST.


The enclosure Onboard Administrator is currently managing the power cap.

Message Format "The enclosure Onboard Administrator is currently managing the power cap."
Severity Warning
Resolution Use Onboard Administrator to Manage the PowerCap


The System ROM is currently managing the power cap.

Message Format "The System ROM is currently managing the power cap."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable RESTful API management of the power cap in System ROM


One of power limit setpoint may become unreachable due to power limit range is unknown. It's not recommended configure power limit setpoint when power limit range is unknown.

Message Format "One of power limit setpoint may become unreachable due to power limit range is unknown. It's not recommended configure power limit setpoint when power limit range is unknown."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please execute calibrate action to get power limit range then reconfigure power limit setpoint.


Operation is currently unavailable because chassis power regulation is enabled.

Message Format "Operation is currently unavailable because chassis power regulation is enabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Disable chassis power regulation, and then retry the operation.


Indicates that one or more power limit setting were correctly changed, but will not take effect until power regulation enable and power regulator mode switch to user configurable mode.

Message Format "Indicates that one or more power limit setting were correctly changed, but will not take effect until power regulation enable and power regulator mode switch to user configurable mode."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable power regulation and switch power regulator mode to user configurable mode for the settings to take effect.


The power cap value is not valid.

Message Format "The power cap value is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation using a corrected value.


The request to set the power cap failed. Invalid power cap calibration data. The Power Cap feature is currently unavailable.

Message Format "The request to set the power cap failed. Invalid power cap calibration data. The Power Cap feature is currently unavailable"
Severity Warning
Resolution Restart the server to retrieve calibration data from initial POST.


Power caps set below the specified percentage threshold might become unreachable due to changes in the server. It is recommended to not set a cap for less than this threshold.

Message Format "Power caps set below the specified percentage threshold might become unreachable due to changes in the server. It is recommended to not set a cap for less than %1."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please provide an optimal value in integer considering the power cap range.


Advanced power capping is not currently available due to the system configuration or state.

Message Format "Advanced power capping is not currently available due to the system configuration or state."
Severity Warning
Resolution Change the system configuration or wait for the system to become fully initialized, and then retry the operation.


Advanced power capping is not supported on this system.

Message Format "Advanced power capping is not supported on this system."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Only the primary ESKM server is accessible.

Message Format "No redundancy. Only the primary ESKM server is accessible."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Primary and secondary ESKM server addresses resolve to the same server.

Message Format "No redundancy. Primary and secondary ESKM server addresses resolve to the same server."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Both primary and secondary ESKM servers are accessible.

Message Format "Redundant solution: Both primary and secondary ESKM servers are accessible."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The property is not supported.

Message Format "The property %1 is not supported."
Severity Warning
Resolution Do not attempt to modify this property.


The request included a value for a read-only or unknown property.

Message Format "The property %1 is a read-only property and cannot be assigned a value, or not valid for this resource."
Severity Warning
Resolution If the operation did not complete, remove the property from the request body and resubmit the request.


The value being set for the property is same as existing value.

Message Format "The new value %1 is same as existing value for the property %2."
Severity OK
Resolution None


The property value is not valid.

Message Format "The property value is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation using a corrected value.


The value for the property exceeds the maximum length.

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 exceeds the maximum length of %3."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the value for the property in the request body, and then retry the operation.


The value for the property is the correct type, but this value is incompatible with the current value of another property.

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 is incompatible with the value for property %3."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the value for the property in the request body, and then retry the operation.


The value for the property is out of range.

Message Format "The value %1 for the property %2 is out of range %3."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the value for the property in the request body, and then retry the operation.


Indicates that a property was required but not specified.

Message Format "%1 requires Property %2 to be specified."
Severity Warning
Resolution Include the required property in the request body and then retry the operation.


A recovery install set is required for this action.

Message Format "No recovery install set present."
Severity Critical
Resolution Create a recovery install set (install set with IsRecovery property set true).


IML event with this severity is not supported to be repaired. IML events with Critical or Warning severities can marked as repaired.

Message Format "IML event with %1 severity is not supported to be repaired. IML events with Critical or Warning severities can marked as repaired."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please do not try to repair IML events with severity other than Critical or Warning.


Indicates that a required property is not specified.

Message Format "Required Property %1 needs to be specifed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Include the required property in the request body and then retry the operation.


A management processor reset is in progress.

Message Format "A management processor reset is in progress."
Severity Warning
Resolution Wait for management processor reset to complete, and then retry the operation.


One or more properties were changed, but these changes will not take effect until the management processor is reset.

Message Format "One or more properties were changed, but these changes will not take effect until the management processor is reset."
Severity Warning
Resolution To enable the changed properties, reset the management processor.


The change to the requested resource failed because the resource is being flashed.

Message Format "The change to the requested resource failed because the resource is being flashed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation when the firmware upgrade has completed.


The change could not be made because the resource was in use or in a transitioning state.

Message Format "The change to the resource failed because the resource is in use or in transition."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the request.


The resource is present but is not ready to perform operations due to an internal condition such as initialization or reset.

Message Format "The resource is present but is not ready to perform operations. The resource will be ready in %1 seconds."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation when the resource is ready.


The resource is temporarily unavailable because the firmware is being flashed.

Message Format "The resource is temporarily unavailable because the firmware is being flashed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation when the firmware upgrade has completed.


The SMBIOS record type is not found or is not supported on the system.

Message Format "The SMBIOS record type %1 is not found or is not supported on the system."
Severity Warning
Resolution Reset the system to update the SMBIOS records. If the problem persists then the SMBIOS record type is not supported.


The operation could not be completed because SNMP alerts are disabled.

Message Format "The operation could not be completed because SNMP alerts are disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable SNMP alerts and retry the operation.


Modifying SNMP properties is not possible with SNMP disabled.

Message Format "Modifying SNMP properties is not possible with SNMP disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable SNMP, and then modify the SNMP properties.


The SNMP Test Alert did not send successfully.

Message Format "The SNMP Test Alert did not send successfully."
Severity Warning
Resolution Verify the test alert content and retry.


Modifying SNMP v1 properties is not possible with SNMP v1 protocol disabled.

Message Format "Modifying SNMP v1 properties is not possible with SNMP v1 protocol disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable SNMP v1, and then modify the SNMP v1 properties.


Modifying SNMP v3 properties is not possible with SNMP v3 protocol disabled.

Message Format "Modifying SNMP v3 properties is not possible with SNMP v3 protocol disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable SNMP v3, and then modify the SNMP v3 properties.


SNTP configuration is currently managed by DHCP and is therefore read-only.

Message Format "%1 cannot be changed while DHCP is configured to provide SNTP settings."
Severity Warning
Resolution Disable SNTP configuration options in both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 (see /Managers/n/NICs), and then reconfigure SNTP as desired with static settings.


SSO Certificate is Empty.

Message Format "Empty SSO Certificate."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


SSO Certificate Read Error.

Message Format "Error reading SSO certificate."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the request with valid SSO certificate.


No space to store SSO certificate.

Message Format "No space to store SSO certificate."
Severity Warning
Resolution Make sure SSO database has enough space to store SSO certificate.


SSO Record Not Found.

Message Format "SSO Record Not Found."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Samples are not captured for %1 duration.

Message Format "Samples for metrics are not captured for %1 duration."
Severity OK
Resolution Wait for the current duration to complete, and then retry.


Only the secondary ESKM server is accessible.

Message Format "No redundancy. Only the secondary ESKM server is accessible."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The current status of Server Configuration Lock is unknown.

Message Format "The current status of Server Configuration Lock is unknown."
Severity Warning
Resolution Ensure if the BIOS firmware supports Server Configuration Lock. If supported, reboot the server and retry the operation


Server Configuration Lock is enabled.

Message Format "Server Configuration Lock is enabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Disable Server Configuration Lock to initiate secure erase of the system


The ESXio Image or Username and Password to access the ESXio image URI is not valid.

Message Format "The ESXio image or username and password credentials provided to access the ESXio Image URI : %1 posted in %2 is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution ESXio image URI/Username/Password is incorrect. Please provide valid details and resubmit the request.


The Url passed for the simple update for firmware image download is not valid.

Message Format "The firmware Image Url %1 posted in %2 is not valid."
Severity Warning
Resolution FirmwareImage URL is incorrect. Provide a valid firmware Image URL and resubmit the request.


SmartNIC DPU operation failed due to SmartNIC device error.

Message Format "SmartNIC DPU operation failed due to SmartNIC device error %1."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


SmartNIC DPU not present in iLO.

Message Format "SmartNIC DPU URI %1 posted in %2 is not present."
Severity Warning
Resolution System can either be managed by HPE OneView or Compute Ops Management.


The operation completed successfully.

Message Format "The operation completed successfully."
Severity OK
Resolution None


Remote Syslog feature is disabled.

Message Format "Remote syslog feature is disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable remote syslog feature to send test syslog message.


To perform this operation, power off the system. AutoPowerOn must be set to achieve a power restore.

Message Format "To perform this operation, power off the system."
Severity OK
Resolution To perform this operation, power off the system.


System power state change failed (for example, attempting to turn the system power On/Off failed)

Message Format "System power state change failed"
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the request.


The system properties were correctly changed, but will not take effect until the system is reset.

Message Format "One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset."
Severity Warning
Resolution Reset system for the settings to take effect.


The Target Url count exceeded the limit.

Message Format "The Target Url count exceeded the limit."
Severity Warning
Resolution Provide Targets URI's within maximum allowable range and resubmit the request.


Proper 'X-HPRESTFULAPI-AuthToken' authorization token not provided.

Message Format "Proper 'X-HPRESTFULAPI-AuthToken' authorization token not provided."
Severity Critical
Resolution Create proper 'X-HPRESTFULAPI-AuthToken' authorization token. Send token in using the proper HTTP header.


Unable to modify user rights.

Message Format "Unable to modify user rights."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


The value for the property cannot be changed after virtual media image is inserted.

Message Format "The value for property %1 cannot be changed after virtual media image is inserted."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation during virtual media image insertion.


The value for the property cannot be changed because a related hardware component is not installed.

Message Format "The value for property %1 cannot be changed because a related hardware component is not installed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Install the hardware component and retry the operation.


The value for the property cannot be changed while the computer system BIOS is in POST.

Message Format "The value for property %1 cannot be changed while the computer system BIOS is in POST."
Severity Warning
Resolution After the computer system is either fully booted or powered off, retry the operation.


The value for the property cannot be changed while a KVMIP connection is in progress.

Message Format "The value for property %1 cannot be changed while a KVMIP connection is in progress."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation after disconnecting all KVMIP connections.


The login was not successful, because the supplied credentials could not be authorized.

Message Format "The login was not successful, because the supplied credentials could not be authorized."
Severity Warning
Resolution Log in with authorized user name and password credentials.


Incompatible Cipher Algorithm in FIPS or CNSA Mode.

Message Format "Incompatible Cipher Algorithm %1 in %2 Mode."
Severity Warning
Resolution Select compatible Cipher Algorithm.


This operation is not supported by RIS for the current system.

Message Format "This operation is not supported by RIS for the current system."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


This operation is not supported when certificate enrollment service is enabled.

Message Format "This operation is not supported when certificte enrollment service is enabled."
Severity OK
Resolution Disable certificate enrollment Service to initiate import, delete or generate CSR of SSL certificate.


This operation is not supported by the current version of the XL Chassis firmware.

Message Format "This operation is not supported by the current version of the XL Chassis firmware."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please update the XL Chassis firmware to latest version.


This operation is not supported when the system Boot Mode is set to Legacy BIOS.

Message Format " This operation is not supported when the system Boot Mode is set to Legacy BIOS."
Severity Warning
Resolution Change the Boot Mode to UEFI and retry the operation.


This operation is not supported by the current version of the system BIOS.

Message Format "This operation is not supported by the current version of the system BIOS."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


This operation is not supported when Weak ciphers are disabled.

Message Format "This operation is not supported when Weak ciphers are disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable weak ciphers to enable/disable TLS v1.0, v1.1.


The operation was not successful due to the current security state of the management processor.

Message Format "The operation was not successful due to the current security state of the management processor."
Severity Warning
Resolution Retry the operation with the correct security state.


The update failed because a bad parameter was supplied.

Message Format "The update failed because a bad parameter was supplied."
Severity Critical
Resolution Supply correct parameters to the component and retry the update.


The update was canceled by the update process.

Message Format "The update was canceled by the update process."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the update.


The update did not complete because the component failed a dependency check.

Message Format "The update did not complete because the component failed a dependency check."
Severity Critical
Resolution Install any dependent components first and then retry this update.


The update failed with a component specific error (%1).

Message Format "The update failed with a component specific error (%1)."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the update after remedying the component error.


System must not be booted past POST in order to perform this update

Message Format "System must not be booted past POST in order to perform this update"
Severity Critical
Resolution Boot to UEFI and retry the update.


The update was interrupted.

Message Format "The update was interrupted."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the update.


The update operation failed because the file is not valid.

Message Format "The update operation failed because the file is not valid."
Severity Critical
Resolution Remove and re-add the component to the repository and try the operation again.


The update did not occur because the running OS is not valid.

Message Format "The update did not occur because the running OS is not valid."
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the update while running the correct OS.


The task was not completed because the component was not applicable to this system.

Message Format "The task was not completed because the component was not applicable to this system."
Severity Critical
Resolution None.


The update operation failed because the component repository is unavailable.

Message Format "The update operation failed because the component repository is unavailable."
Severity Critical
Resolution None.


This is to update the esxio image flashing status into SmartNIC DPU systems.

Message Format "TaskState is %1 and TaskStatus is %2 and Message is %3 and Percent Complete is %4"
Severity Warning
Resolution None


The Invoke action was not successful because the update task queue is full.

Message Format "The Invoke action was not successful because the update task queue is full."
Severity Critical
Resolution Remove completed tasks from the update task queue to retry the operation.


The UpdateTaskQueue write failed.

Message Format "The UpdateTaskQueue write of %1 failed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Ensure a valid name for the item and that space exists to hold the item.


The system is temporarily unable to perform this update

Message Format "The system is temporarily unable to perform this update"
Severity Critical
Resolution Retry the update, ensuring that power state is stable.


System power must be off to perform this update

Message Format "System power must be off to perform this update"
Severity Critical
Resolution Power system on and retry the update.


System power must be on to perform this update

Message Format "System power must be on to perform this update"
Severity Critical
Resolution Power system on and retry the update.


The user or login user name already exists.

Message Format "The user or login user name already exists."
Severity Warning
Resolution Try a different user or login user name.


Duplicate SNMPv3 User.

Message Format "The username %1 already exists in the list"
Severity Warning
Resolution Enter a different name and try again.


Virtual Media has been disabled.

Message Format "Virtual Media has been disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable Virtual Media to perform this operation.


The sum of zone power limit cannot be more than chassis power limit.

Message Format "The value %1 for the sum of %2 cannot be more than chassis power limit %3."
Severity Warning
Resolution Correct the value avoid the sum of power limit exceeds chassis power limit, and then retry the operation.


Indicates that one or more properties were correctly changed, but will not take effect until device is reset and system is rebooted.

Message Format "One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until the device is reset and system is rebooted"
Severity Warning
Resolution Reset the management processor and reboot the server.


The subnet being configured has conflicts.

Message Format "The subnet being configured for %1 conflicts with %2."
Severity Warning
Resolution Configure this interface with a different IP Address or Subnet Mask.


The Virtual NIC is disabled.

Message Format "The Virtual NIC is disabled."
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable iLO Virtual NIC to perform this operation.


Authentication error.

Message Format "Authentication error."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


Unable to connect to the proxy server.

Message Format "Unable to connect to the proxy server."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please verify proxy settings and connectivity.


Can not connect to remote host. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Can not connect to remote host."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver and retry.


Protocol error occurred while communicating with the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver.

Message Format "Protocol error occurred while communicating with the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry.


The HPE Passport password must be changed or reset.

Message Format "The HPE Passport password must be changed or reset."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please attempt to register again after correcting the HPE Passport problem.


Client Receive Error. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Client Receive Error."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver and retry.


Client Receive Timeout. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Client Receive Timeout."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver.


Client Transmit Timeout. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Client Transmit Timeout."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver.


Connect BIO error. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Connect BIO error."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver and retry.


Corrupt device identifiers.

Message Format "Corrupt device identifiers."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


The GDID was found to be corrupted.

Message Format "Corrupt GDID."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


The GUID is found to be corrupted.

Message Format "Corrupt GUID."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry your last step. If error persists and device is currently registered, unregister and re-register device.


The registration information was found to be corrupted.

Message Format "Corrupt registration information."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


The registration token was found to be corrupted.

Message Format "Corrupt registration token."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


Data Package validation failed.

Message Format "Data Package validation failed."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry your last step. If error persists and device is currently registered, unregister and re-register device.


Destination URL Parse Error.

Message Format "Destination URL Parse Error."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Device is already registered.

Message Format "Device is already registered"
Severity Warning
Resolution Please delete the device from Insight Remote Support user interface and retry registration.


This device has been previously deleted from the Insight Remote Support user interface.

Message Format "This device has been previously deleted from the Insight Remote Support user interface."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register device.


Device is not registered. Remote Support registration has been disabled locally on this device. No service events or data collections will be sent until this device has been re-registered.

Message Format "Device is not registered."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please register the device.


Unregistration request was not processed successfully by the HPE Remote Support receiver. Remote Support has been disabled locally. No service events or data collections will be sent until this device has been re-registered.

Message Format "Unregistration request was not processed successfully by the HPE Remote Support receiver."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please Register the Device.


Embedded Remote Support is disabled.

Message Format "Embedded Remote Support is disabled."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry registration.


Error reading Embedded Remote Support configuration.

Message Format "Error reading Embedded Remote Support configuration."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Error retrieving registration token.

Message Format "Error retrieving registration token."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


THe HPE Passport credentials expired.

Message Format "The HPE Passport credentials expired."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please attempt to register again after correcting the HPE Passport problem.


The registration token was found to be expired.

Message Format "Expired registration token."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


General Receiver Error. HPE Remote Support receiver is temporarily unavailable.

Message Format "General Receiver Error."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please retry later.


Generic Transmit Error. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Generic Transmit Error."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver.


HPE Passport account is locked out.

Message Format "HPE Passport account is locked out."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please reset your password and retry registration.


The HPE Passport account is locked out.

Message Format "HPE Passport account locked out."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please attempt to register again after correcting the HPE Passport problem.


HPE Passport Password has expired.

Message Format "HPE Passport Password has expired."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please update your password and retry registration.


HPE Passport Password is required.

Message Format "HPE Passport Password is required."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please retry registration.


HPE Passport Security Q and A is not compliant.

Message Format "HPE Passport Security Q and A is not compliant."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please update your HPE Passport security Q and A and retry registration.


HPE Passport System failure occurred. A problem has been detected in the HPE Passport system.

Message Format "HPE Passport System failure occurred."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry later.


HPE Passport user has been added to a group.

Message Format "HPE Passport user has been added to a group."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please reset your password and retry registration.


HPE Passport user identity elements missing.

Message Format "HPE Passport user identity elements missing."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please update your HPE Passport profile and retry registration.


HTTP Server Protocol error occurred while communicating with the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver.

Message Format "HTTP Server Protocol error occurred while communicating with the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry.


HPE Passport Password is incorrect.

Message Format "HPE Passport Password is incorrect."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please retry registration using the correct password.


Insufficient device identifier information.

Message Format "Insufficient device identifier information."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


Insufficient registration data.

Message Format "Insufficient registration data."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please retry registration.


Invalid Command For Connect Model.

Message Format "Invalid Command For Connect Model."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Configuration not supported for current connect model.

Message Format "Configuration not supported for current connect model."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


Invalid Connect File Descriptor. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Invalid Connect File Descriptor."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please retry.


Invalid device identifier information.

Message Format "Invalid device identifier information."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


Invalid File Descriptor. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Invalid File Descriptor."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver and retry.


Invalid HPE Passport credentials was provided.

Message Format "Invalid HPE Passport credentials."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please provide valid HPE Passport credentials.


HPE Passport User ID is invalid.

Message Format "HPE Passport User ID is invalid."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please retry registration with a valid user ID.


Invalid Message Id.

Message Format "Invalid Message Id."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Invalid Number of Days to Report.

Message Format "Invalid Number of Days to Report."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Authentication with proxy server failed.

Message Format "Authentication with proxy server failed."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please provide proper credentials.


Invalid Proxy Settings.

Message Format "Invalid Proxy Settings."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please verify proxy settings.


Invalid Receive Buffer. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Invalid Receive Buffer."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver and retry.


The session token is invalid.

Message Format "The session token is invalid."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry registration.


Missing Attachments.

Message Format "Missing Attachments."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry your last step. If error persists and device is currently registered, unregister and re-register device.


The data package is missing.

Message Format "Missing data package."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry your last step. If error persists and device is currently registered, unregister and re-register device.


Missing device identifiers.

Message Format "Missing device identifiers."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


The GDID was found to be missing.

Message Format "Missing GDID."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


The GUID is missing.

Message Format "Missing GUID."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry your last step. If error persists and device is currently registered, unregister and re-register device.


The registration information was found to be missing.

Message Format "Missing registration information."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


The registration token was found to be missing.

Message Format "Missing registration token."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


Missing SOAP header.

Message Format "Missing SOAP header."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry your last step. If error persists and device is currently registered, unregister and re-register device.


No Active Health Files to Report.

Message Format "No Active Health Files to Report."
Severity Ok
Resolution None.


Certificate error occurred while communicating with the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver.

Message Format "Certificate error occurred while communicating with the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry.


Receive BIO Error. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Receive BIO Error."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver and retry.


Registration request could not be queued. HPE Remote Support receiver temporarily unavailable.

Message Format "Registration request could not be queued."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please retry later.


SSL Bio error.

Message Format "SSL Bio error."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


HPE Remote Support receiver is temporarily unavailable.

Message Format "HPE Remote Support receiver temporarily unavailable."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please retry later.


Stale device identifiers.

Message Format "Stale device identifiers."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


Too Many Attachments.

Message Format "Too Many Attachments."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry your last step. If error persists and device is currently registered, unregister and re-register device.


Too Many Pending Requests.

Message Format "Too Many Pending Requests."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Transaction type error.

Message Format "Transaction type error."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


Transmit Buffer Too Short. Transmission to the HPE Insight Remote Support receiver was unsuccessful.

Message Format "Transmit Buffer Too Short."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please check connectivity between Management Processor and the Insight Remote Support receiver and retry.


Unknown device.

Message Format "Unknown device."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please unregister and re-register the device.


GDID and device identifiers do not match.

Message Format "GDID and device identifiers do not match."
Severity Warning
Resolution If error persists and device is not currently registered, unregister and re-register device.


User has reached half the maximum allowed login authentication failures.

Message Format "User has reached half the maximum allowed login authentication failures."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please verify your username and password are correct and retry registration.


User ID is a required field.

Message Format "User ID is a required field."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please retry registration.


User must enter an HPE Passport security Q and A and change password.

Message Format "User must enter an HPE Passport security Q and A and change password."
Severity Warning
Resolution Please update your security Q and A, update your password and retry registration.


User must have an active authenticated session.

Message Format "User must have an active authenticated session."
Severity Critical
Resolution Please retry registration.


XML NULL Property Detected.

Message Format "XML NULL Property Detected."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


XML No Printable Char Detected.

Message Format "XML No Printable Char Detected."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


XML Parse Error.

Message Format "XML Parse Error."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


XML Parser Allocation Error.

Message Format "XML Parser Allocation Error."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


The chassis intrusion detection connector reports intrusion to the access panel. Check the access panel status and use the UEFI System Utilities to enable the Server Configuration Lock feature. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The Access Panel Status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Refer to iLO User Manual or iLO Security Dashboard help page.


The Access Panel Status on security dashboard is OK.

Message Format "The Access Panel Status status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The chassis intrusion detection connector reports intrusion to the access panel. Check the access panel status and use the UEFI System Utilities to enable the Server Configuration Lock feature.

Message Format "The Access Panel Status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Refer to iLO User Manual or iLO Security Dashboard help page.


Management processor's default self-signed certificate is in use. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The Default SSL Certificate status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Configure a trusted certificate on the SSL Certificate.


The Default SSL Certificate on security dashboard is OK.

Message Format "The Default SSL Certificate on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


Management processor's default self-signed certificate is in use.

Message Format "The Default SSL Certificate on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Configure a trusted certificate on the SSL Certificate.


The Global Component Integrity setting on security dashboard is Disabled. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The Global Component Integrity status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable the Global Component Integrity setting in iLO


The Global Component Integrity on security dashboard is OK.

Message Format "The Global Component Integrity status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The Global Component Integrity setting on security dashboard is Disabled.

Message Format "The Global Component Integrity status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Enable the Global Component Integrity setting in iLO


The IPMI/DCMI over LAN feature is enabled. This configuration exposes the server to known IPMI security vulnerabilities. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The IPMI Over LAN status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Disable the IPMI over LAN setting in iLO.


The IPMI/DCMI over LAN feature is disabled. This configuration protects the server to known IPMI security vulnerabilities.

Message Format "The IPMI Over LAN status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The IPMI/DCMI over LAN feature is enabled. This configuration exposes the server to known IPMI security vulnerabilities.

Message Format "The IPMI Over LAN status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Disable the IPMI over LAN setting in iLO.


Last run firmware verification test has failed. Firmware is either corrupted or its integrity is compromised. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The Last Firmware Scan status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Update the affected firmware component to a verified image.


Last run firmware verification test has passed.

Message Format "The Last Firmware Scan status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


Last run firmware verification test has failed. Firmware is either corrupted or its integrity is compromised.

Message Format "The Last Firmware Scan status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Update the affected firmware component to a verified image.


The Logging Authentication Failure setting on security dashboard is Disabled. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The Logging Authentication Failure status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable the setting for logging authentication failures in iLO.


iLO is configured to log authentication failures in the event log.

Message Format "The Logging Authentication Failure status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The Logging Authentication Failure setting on security dashboard is Disabled.

Message Format "The Logging Authentication Failure status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Enable the setting for logging authentication failures in iLO.


The Minimum Password Length is set to fewer than 8 characters. This configuration increases system vulnerability to attack. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The Minimum Password Length status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Set the minimum password length to a value of 8 (default) or greater.


The Minimum Password Length is set to 8 characters or more. This configuration improves system security against attacks.

Message Format "The Minimum Password Length status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The Minimum Password Length is set to fewer than 8 characters. This configuration increases system vulnerability to attack.

Message Format "The Minimum Password Length status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Set the minimum password length to a value of 8 (default) or greater.


The overall security status on security dashboard is Ignore.

Message Format "The overall security status on security dashboard is Ignore."
Severity Warning
Resolution Turn the Ignore option Off for security parameter(s) that are in Risk state in Security Dashboard in iLO.


The overall security status on security dashboard is OK.

Message Format "The overall security status on security dashboard is OK."
Severity OK
Resolution None


The overall security status on security dashboard is Risk.

Message Format "The overall security status on security dashboard is Risk."
Severity Critical
Resolution Refer to iLO User Manual or iLO Security Dashboard help page.


The Password Complexity setting is disabled. This configuration increases system vulnerability to attack. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The Password Complexity status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable Password Complexity setting in iLO


The Password Complexity setting is enabled. This configuration improves system security against attacks.

Message Format "The Password Complexity status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The Password Complexity setting is disabled. This configuration increases system vulnerability to attack.

Message Format "The Password Complexity status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Enable Password Complexity setting in iLO


The Require Login for iLO RBSU setting is disabled. This configuration allows unauthenticated iLO access through the UEFI System Utilities. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The RBSU Login Required status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable RBSU Login Required setting in iLO.


The Require Login for iLO RBSU setting is Enabled. This configuration enforces authentication iLO access through the UEFI System Utilities.

Message Format "The RBSU Login Required status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The Require Login for iLO RBSU setting is disabled. This configuration allows unauthenticated iLO access through the UEFI System Utilities.

Message Format "The RBSU Login Required status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Enable RBSU Login Required setting in iLO.


The Require Host Authentication setting is disabled. This configuration allows unauthenticated iLO access through host-based utilities. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The Require Host Authentication status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable Require Host Authentication setting in iLO.


The Require Host Authentication setting is enabled.

Message Format "The Require Host Authentication status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The Require Host Authentication setting is disabled. This configuration allows unauthenticated iLO access through host-based utilities.

Message Format "The Require Host Authentication status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Enable Require Host Authentication setting in iLO.


SNMPv1 is enabled. This configuration increases system vulnerability to attack. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The SNMPv1 status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Disable SNMPv1 setting in iLO


SNMPv1 is disabled. This configuration improves system security against attacks.

Message Format "The SNMPv1 status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


SNMPv1 is enabled. This configuration increases system vulnerability to attack.

Message Format "The SNMPv1 status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Disable SNMPv1 setting in iLO


The server Security Override Switch (system maintenance switch) is enabled. In this configuration, iLO login authentication is disabled. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The Security Override Switch status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Disable Security Override Switch setting in iLO.


The server Security Override Switch (system maintenance switch) is disabled. In this configuration, iLO login authentication is enabled.

Message Format "The Security Override Switch on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The server Security Override Switch (system maintenance switch) is enabled. In this configuration, iLO login authentication is disabled.

Message Format "The Security Override Switch on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Disable Security Override Switch setting in iLO.


The UEFI Secure Boot setting is disabled. In this configuration, the UEFI system firmware does not validate the boot loader, Option ROM firmware, and other system software executables for trusted signatures. This configuration breaks the chain of trust established by iLO from power on. The parameter risk is ignored.

Message Format "The secure boot status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Warning
Resolution Enable Secure Boot setting in iLO


The UEFI Secure Boot setting is enabled. In this configuration, the UEFI system firmware validates the boot loader, Option ROM firmware, and other system software executables for trusted signatures.

Message Format "The secure boot status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity OK
Resolution None


The UEFI Secure Boot setting is disabled. In this configuration, the UEFI system firmware does not validate the boot loader, Option ROM firmware, and other system software executables for trusted signatures. This configuration breaks the chain of trust established by iLO from power on.

Message Format "The Secure Boot status on security dashboard is %1. State is %2. Ignore flag is %3"
Severity Critical
Resolution Enable Secure Boot setting in iLO


Weak Ciphers are Disabled

Message Format "Weak Ciphers are Disabled"
Severity OK
Resolution None


Weak Ciphers are Enabled

Message Format "Weak Ciphers are Enabled"
Severity OK
Resolution None


Indicates that a network cable has been inserted.

Message Format "A network cable has been inserted into network adapter '%1' port '%2'."
Severity OK
Resolution Refresh your cached version of the network port to get the updated information from the service.


Indicates that a network cable has been removed.

Message Format "A cable has been removed from network adapter '%1' port '%2'."
Severity OK
Resolution Refresh your cached version of the network port to get the updated information from the service.


Indicates that a network connection has been dropped.

Message Format "The connection is no longer active for network adapter '%1' port '%2' function '%3'."
Severity OK
Resolution Refresh your cached version of the network port to get the updated information from the service.


Indicates that a network connection has been established.

Message Format "A network connection has been established for network adapter '%1' port '%2' function '%3'."
Severity OK
Resolution Refresh your cached version of the network port to get the updated information from the service.


Indicates that a network connection has been established, but at an unexpectedly low link speed.

Message Format "A degraded network connection has been established for network adapter '%1' port '%2' function '%3'."
Severity Warning
Resolution Refresh your cached version of the network port to get the updated information from the service.


Indicates that a network connection is highly unstable.

Message Format "The network connection for network adapter '%1' port '%2' function '%3' has been established and dropped '%4' times in the last '%5' minutes."
Severity Warning
Resolution Contact the network administrator for problem resolution.


A battery charging condition has been detected.

Message Format "A charging condition for the battery located in '%1' has been detected."
Severity Warning
Resolution No action needed. There may be reduced performance and features while the battery is charging.


A battery failure condition has been detected.

Message Format "A failure condition for the battery located in '%1' has been detected."
Severity Critical
Resolution Ensure all cables are properly and securely connected. Replace the failed battery.


A battery missing condition has been detected.

Message Format "The battery located in '%1' is missing."
Severity Critical
Resolution Attach the battery. Ensure all cables are properly and securely connected.


The health of a battery has changed to OK.

Message Format "The health of the battery located in '%1' has changed to OK."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


A storage controller degraded condition has been detected.

Message Format "A degraded condition for the storage controller located in '%1' has been detected due to reason '%2'."
Severity Warning
Resolution Reseat the storage controller in the PCI slot. Update the controller to the latest firmware version. If the issue persists, replace the controller.


A storage controller failure has been detected.

Message Format "A failure condition for the storage controller located in '%1' has been detected."
Severity Critical
Resolution Reseat the storage controller in the PCI slot. Update the controller to the latest firmware version. If the issue persists, replace the controller.


The storage controller status has changed to OK.

Message Format "The status of the storage controller located in '%1' has changed to OK."
Severity OK
Resolution No action required.


The storage controller password was entered.

Message Format "A password was entered for the storage controller located in '%1'."
Severity OK
Resolution No action required.


The storage controller requires a password.

Message Format "The storage controller located in '%1' requires a password."
Severity Critical
Resolution Enter the controller password.


A controller port degraded condition has been detected.

Message Format "A degraded condition for the controller port located in '%1' has been detected due to reason '%2'."
Severity Warning
Resolution Ensure all cables are properly and securly connected. Replace faulty cables.


A controller port failure condition has been detected.

Message Format "A failure condition for the controller port located in '%1' has been detected."
Severity Critical
Resolution Ensure all cables are properly and securly connected. Replace faulty cables.


The health of a controller port has changed to OK.

Message Format "The health of the controller port located in '%1' has changed to OK."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


A storage controller error has been detected prior to reboot.

Message Format "A previous error condition for the storage controller located in '%1' has been detected due to '%2'."
Severity Warning
Resolution Update the controller to the latest firmware version. If the issue persists, replace the controller.


A drive failure condition has been detected.

Message Format "A failure condition for the drive located in '%1' has been detected."
Severity Critical
Resolution Ensure all cables are properly and securely connected. Ensure all drives are fully seated. Replace the defective cables, drive, or both.


A previously detected failure condition on a drive has been cleared.

Message Format "A failure condition for the drive located in '%1' has been cleared."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


A drive has been inserted.

Message Format "The drive located at '%1' was inserted."
Severity OK
Resolution If the drive is not properly displayed, attempt to refresh the cached data.


A drive missing condition has been detected.

Message Format "A missing condition for the drive located in '%1' has been detected."
Severity Critical
Resolution Ensure all cables are properly and securely connected. Ensure all drives are fully seated. Replace the defective cables, drive, or both. Delete the volume if no longer needed.


A previous drive missing condition has been cleared.

Message Format "A missing condition for the drive located in '%1' has been cleared."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


The status of a physical drive has changed to OK.

Message Format "The status of the drive located in '%1' has changed to OK."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


A drive offline condition has been detected.

Message Format "An offline condition for the the drive located in '%1' has been detected."
Severity Critical
Resolution If the drive is unconfigured or needs an import, configure the drive. If the drive operation is in progress, wait for the operation to complete. If the drive is not supported, replace it.


A drive offline condition has been cleared.

Message Format "An offline condition for the the drive located in '%1' has been cleared."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


A predictive drive failure condition has been detected.

Message Format "A predictive failure condition for the drive located in '%1' has been detected."
Severity Warning
Resolution If this drive is not part of a fault-tolerant volume, first back up all data, then replace the drive and restore all data afterward. If this drive is part of a fault-tolerant volume, replace this drive as soon as possible as long as the volume status is OK.


A previously detected predictive failure condition on a drive has been cleared.

Message Format "A predictive failure condition for the drive located in '%1' has been cleared."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


A drive has been removed.

Message Format "The drive located in '%1' was removed."
Severity Critical
Resolution If the drive is still displayed, attempt to refresh the cached data.


The storage controller has detected a degraded volume condition.

Message Format "The volume '%1' attached to the storage controller located in '%2' is in degraded state."
Severity Warning
Resolution Ensure all cables are properly and securely connected. Replace failed drives.


The storage controller has detected a failed volume condition.

Message Format "The volume '%1' attached to the storage controller located in '%2' has failed."
Severity Critical
Resolution Ensure all cables are properly and securely connected. Ensure all drives are fully seated and operational.


A volume status has changed to OK.

Message Format "The status of volume '%1' that is attached to the storage controller located in '%2' has changed to OK."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


The storage controller has detected an offline volume condition.

Message Format "The volume '%1' attached to the storage controller located in '%2' is offline."
Severity Critical
Resolution Use storage sofware to enable, repair, or import the volume. You may also delete or move volume back to the original controller.


The storage controller has detected an online volume condition.

Message Format "The volume '%1' attached to the storage controller located in '%2' is online."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


The write cache is reporting loss of data in posted-writes memory.

Message Format "The write cache on the storage controller located in '%1' has data loss."
Severity Critical
Resolution Check the controller resource properties to determine cause of the write cache data loss.


The write cache state is degraded.

Message Format "The write cache state on the storage controller located in '%1' is degraded."
Severity Critical
Resolution Check the controller to determine the cause of write cache degraded state, such as a missing battery or hardware failure.


A storage controller write cache state is in protected mode.

Message Format "The write cache state on the storage controller located in '%1' is in protected mode."
Severity OK
Resolution No action needed.


The write cache state is temporarily degraded.

Message Format "The write cache state on the storage controller located in '%1' is temporarily degraded."
Severity Warning
Resolution Check the controller to determine the cause of write cache temporarily degraded state, such as a battery is charging or a data recovery rebuild operation is pending.


The task with id %1 has been aborted.

Message Format "The task with id %1 has been aborted."
Severity Critical
Resolution None.


The task with id %1 has been cancelled.

Message Format "The task with id %1 has been cancelled."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


The task with id %1 has completed.

Message Format "The task with id %1 has completed."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The task with id %1 has completed with warnings.

Message Format "The task with id %1 has completed with warnings."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


The task with id %1 has been paused.

Message Format "The task with id %1 has been paused."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


The task with id %1 has changed to progress %2 percent complete.

Message Format "The task with id %1 has changed to progress %2 percent complete."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The task with id %1 has been removed.

Message Format "The task with id %1 has been removed."
Severity Warning
Resolution None.


The task with id %1 has been resumed.

Message Format "The task with id %1 has been resumed."
Severity OK
Resolution None.


The task with id %1 has started.

Message Format "The task with id %1 has started."
Severity OK
Resolution None.