Chassis resource definitions of iLO 5 v3.06

For each data type provided by the HPE ilO Redfish service, find below its description including the list of possible instances (URIs), links to related other resources, described properties and many other details.

Refer to the data types and collection section for more information on Redfish data types and collections.


@odata.type: "#ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection"

A Collection of Chassis resource instances.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis GET

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Members[] Chassis

Members (array)

Member of ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection

Members is an array containing elements of:

Members[{item}] Member of ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection

Type string
Read Only True
Format uri-reference


Member of ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection

Description The total number of collection members.
Type integer
Read Only True


@odata.type: "#Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis"

The Chassis resource describes the physical components for a system. This object represents rack mount servers, blades, and all other containers. The non-CPU/device-centric parts of the schema are accessed either directly or indirectly through this resource.

Resource Instances

Uri HTTP Allow
/redfish/v1/chassis/{item} GET POST PATCH

Links to other Resources

Link Name Destination type
Links/ComputerSystems[] ComputerSystem
Links/ManagedBy[] Manager
Oem/Hpe/Links/Devices Collection of HpeServerDevice
NetworkAdapters Collection of NetworkAdapter
Power Power
Thermal Thermal


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis user-assigned asset tag.
Type string or null
Read Only False


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description This property indicates the physical form factor type of this resource.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Rack An equipment rack, typically a 19-inch wide freestanding unit.
Blade An enclosed or semi-enclosed, typically vertically-oriented, system chassis that must be plugged into a multi-system chassis to function normally.
Enclosure A generic term for a chassis that does not fit any other description.
StandAlone A single, free-standing system, commonly called a tower or desktop chassis.
RackMount A single system chassis designed specifically for mounting in an equipment rack.
Card A loose device or circuit board intended to be installed in a system or other enclosure.
Cartridge A small self-contained system intended to be plugged into a multi-system chassis.
Row A collection of equipment racks.
Pod A collection of equipment racks in a large, likely transportable, container.
Expansion A chassis that expands the capabilities or capacity of another chassis.
Sidecar A chassis that mechanically connects with another chassis to expand its capabilities or capacity.
Zone A logical division or portion of a physical chassis that contains multiple devices or systems that cannot be physically separated.
Sled An enclosed or semi-enclosed, system chassis that must be plugged into a multi-system chassis to function normally similar to a blade type chassis.
Shelf An enclosed or semi-enclosed, typically horizontally-oriented, system chassis that must be plugged into a multi-system chassis to function normally.
StorageEnclosure A chassis that encloses storage.
Other A chassis that does not fit any of these definitions.


The link to the collection of drives within this chassis Drives is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis indicator LED that is used to identify the chassis. The user can manipulate this LED.
Type string or null
Read Only False

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Unknown The state of the Indicator LED cannot be determined.
Lit The Indicator LED is on.
Blinking The Indicator LED is blinking.
Off The Indicator LED is off.


Location.PartLocation Location.PartLocation.LocationOrdinalValue Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The number that represents the location of the part. If LocationType is slot and this unit is in slot 2, the LocationOrdinalValue is 2.
Type integer or null
Read Only True

Location.PartLocation.LocationType Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The location types for PartLocation.
Type string or null
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Slot The slot as the type of location.
Bay The bay as the type of location.
Connector The connector as the type of location.
Socket The socket as the type of location.

Location.PartLocation.Orientation Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The orientation for the ordering of the part location ordinal value.
Type string or null
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
FrontToBack The ordering for LocationOrdinalValue is front to back.
BackToFront The ordering for the LocationOrdinalValue is back to front.
TopToBottom The ordering for the LocationOrdinalValue is top to bottom.
BottomToTop The ordering for LocationOrdinalValue is bottom to top.
LeftToRight The ordering for the LocationOrdinalValue is left to right.
RightToLeft The ordering for the LocationOrdinalValue is right to left.

Location.PartLocation.Reference Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The reference area for the location of the part.
Type string or null
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Top The part is in the top of the unit.
Bottom The part is in the bottom of the unit.
Front The part is in the front of the unit.
Rear The part is in the rear of the unit.
Left The part is on the left side of of the unit.
Right The part is on the right side of the unit.
Middle The part is in the middle of the unit.

Location.PartLocation.ServiceLabel Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The label of the part location, such as a silk-screened name or a printed label.
Type string or null
Read Only True

Location.Placement Location.Placement.AdditionalInfo Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Area designation or other additional info.
Type string or null
Read Only False

Location.Placement.Rack Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The name of a rack location within a row.
Type string or null
Read Only False

Location.Placement.RackOffset Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The vertical location of the item, in terms of RackOffsetUnits.
Type integer or null
Read Only False

Location.Placement.RackOffsetUnits Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The type of rack unit in use.
Type string or null
Read Only False

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
OpenU A rack unit that is equal to 48 mm (1.89 in).
EIA_310 A rack unit that is equal to 1.75 in (44.45 mm).

Location.Placement.Row Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The name of the row.
Type string or null
Read Only False


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description An indicator allowing an operator to physically locate this resource.
Type boolean or null
Read Only False


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis manufacturer.
Type string or null
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis model number.
Type string or null
Read Only True


The collection of network adapters contained within this chassis. NetworkAdapters is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The bay number of the node or the blade.
Type integer
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The number of enclosure bays this chassis consumes in height.
Type integer
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The number of enclosure bays this chassis consumes in width.
Type integer
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The total input power consumed by the chassis and nodes.
Type integer
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The total power consumed by the chassis and nodes.
Type integer
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description When Chassis Server Lock is activated, the server will be linked to the current chassis and not allow SSO connections from any other chassis.
Type boolean
Read Only False


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The server is installed in the same chassis that it was linked to when Chassis Server Lock was activated.
Type boolean
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The value indicates if Thermal Configuration includes Edgeline specific options.
Type boolean
Read Only False


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The CPLD version of the enclosure.
Type string
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The date and time in a Moonshot EL chassis (enclosure).
Type string
Read Only False
Format date-time


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The enclosure indicator LED that is used to identify the enclosure.
Type string or null
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
Unknown The state of the Indicator LED cannot be determined.
Lit The Indicator LED is on.
Blinking The Indicator LED is blinking.
Off The Indicator LED is off.


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Type of enclosure.
Type string
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The UUID of the enclosure.
Type string
Read Only True


Oem.Hpe.Firmware.ChassisControllerVersion Oem.Hpe.Firmware.ChassisControllerVersion.Current Oem.Hpe.Firmware.ChassisControllerVersion.Current.VersionString Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The firmware version of the chassis controller.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PlatformDefinitionTable Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PlatformDefinitionTable.Current Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PlatformDefinitionTable.Current.VersionString Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The version of the Intelligent Platform Abstraction Data.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PowerManagementController Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PowerManagementController.Current Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PowerManagementController.Current.VersionString Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The firmware version of the Power Monitor.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PowerManagementControllerBootloader Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PowerManagementControllerBootloader.Current Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PowerManagementControllerBootloader.Current.Family Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The family type of the Power Monitor hardware.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.PowerManagementControllerBootloader.Current.VersionString Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The firmware version of the Power Monitor boot loader.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.SASProgrammableLogicDevice Oem.Hpe.Firmware.SASProgrammableLogicDevice.Current Oem.Hpe.Firmware.SASProgrammableLogicDevice.Current.VersionString Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The firmware version of the SAS controller.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.SPSFirmwareVersionData Oem.Hpe.Firmware.SPSFirmwareVersionData.Current Oem.Hpe.Firmware.SPSFirmwareVersionData.Current.VersionString Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The SPS FW Version number, aka ME FW Version, AAAA.BBBB.CCCC.DDDD.E
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Firmware.SystemProgrammableLogicDevice Oem.Hpe.Firmware.SystemProgrammableLogicDevice.Current Oem.Hpe.Firmware.SystemProgrammableLogicDevice.Current.VersionString Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The firmware version of the CPLD.
Type string
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The IPv4 address of the chassis manager.
Type string
Read Only True


Oem.Hpe.Images.Front Oem.Hpe.Images.Front.extref Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The URI of an external resource.
Type string
Read Only True
Format uri-reference

Oem.Hpe.Images.Model Oem.Hpe.Images.Model.extref Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The URI of an external resource.
Type string
Read Only True
Format uri-reference


Oem.Hpe.Location.GeographicLocation Oem.Hpe.Location.GeographicLocation.RackName Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The name of the chassis enclosure.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationInRack Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationInRack.RackLdsPartNumber Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis rack part number.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationInRack.RackLdsProductDescription Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis rack product description.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationInRack.RackUHeight Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis rack U height.
Type integer
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationInRack.RackUUID Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis rack UUID.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationInRack.TagVersion Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis rack tag version.
Type integer
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationInRack.ULocation Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis rack U location.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationInRack.UPosition Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis U position in the rack.
Type integer
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationOfChassis Oem.Hpe.Location.LocationOfChassis.UUID Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis UUID provided by SMBIOS.
Type string
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Indicates if MCTP is enabled on the server or not.
Type boolean
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The total power being consumed by this node.
Type integer
Read Only True


Oem.Hpe.OnboardAdministrator.IPv4Address Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description IPv4 address of the chassis.
Type string or null
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.OnboardAdministrator.IPv6 Oem.Hpe.OnboardAdministrator.IPv6.DHCPv6Address (array) Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

DHCPv6Address is an array containing elements of:

DHCPv6Address[{item}] Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Type string
Read Only True
Format ipv6

Oem.Hpe.OnboardAdministrator.IPv6.SLAACAddress (array) Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

SLAACAddress is an array containing elements of:

SLAACAddress[{item}] Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Type string
Read Only True
Format ipv6

Oem.Hpe.OnboardAdministrator.IPv6.StaticAddress (array) Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

StaticAddress is an array containing elements of:

StaticAddress[{item}] Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Type string
Read Only True
Format ipv6

Oem.Hpe.OnboardAdministrator.MacAddress Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description MAC address of the chassis.
Type string or null
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description PCIE mini 2 slot riser is a platform dependent value used to identify installation of this riser.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
NotInstalled The PCIE mini 2 slot riser is not installed. The PCIE mini slot 3 and slot 4 do not exist in this Enclosure.
InstalledWithOtherFRU A non recognized riser option is installed with a valid EEPROM FRU. Contact Customer Support to secure a replacement.
InstalledWithBadFRU The PCIe mini 2 slot riser is installed with an invaild EEPROM FRU. Contact Customer Support to secure a replacement.
Installed The PCIE mini 2 slot riser is installed. The PCIE mini slot 3 and slot 4 exist in this Enclosure.


Oem.Hpe.PowerAlertMode.Activated Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The power alert mode activation state.
Type boolean
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.PowerAlertMode.AlertPowerWatts Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The power consumption of the system when operating in alert mode.
Type integer
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.PowerAlertMode.SpikeWatts Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Maximum additional power consumed when all CPUs are in Turbo Mode
Type integer
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The name of the rack that contains the enclosure.
Type string
Read Only True

Oem.Hpe.SmartStorageBattery (array)

Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

SmartStorageBattery is an array containing elements of:

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].BatteryWearLevelPercent Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The battery wear level percentage. When this value reaches 100%, the battery is completely worn out and needs to be replaced. The value is null if battery wear level cannot be determined or is not supported.
Type integer or null
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].ChargeLevelPercent Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description State of charge of the battery.
Type integer or null
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].ErrorCode Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Error code of the battery.
Type string or null
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Null A value is temporarily unavailable
GeneralFailure The battery has failed.
HighInternalBatteryResistance The battery has failed due to high internal resistance.
LowOpenCircuitVoltage The battery has failed due to a low voltage output.
BatteryCellFailure The battery has failed.
BatteryChargeTimeout The battery did not charge at the expected rate, indicating a faulty battery.
OverTemperature The battery was disabled due to high ambient temperature, and will be re-enabled when the temperature is lowered.
DischargeBelowMinimumVoltage The battery discharged below the minimum discharge voltage, and may be re-enabled upon recharging the battery.
DischargeCurrentHigh The last backup failed due to exceeding the maximum discharge current.
LoadCountExceeded The battery was disabled due to exceeding the maximum amount of devices supported, and will be re-enabled when the battery has been recharged or the additional devices are removed.
BackupSucceeded The last backup succeeded within the expected time.
OverCurrent The battery has been protected due to exceeding the output current capability. The battery should be re-enabled on the next reboot.
PermanentFailure The battery has permanently failed.
BackupTimeExceeded The last backup failed due to exceeding the battery discharge time limit.

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].FailurePredicted Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Is this battery currently predicting a failure in the near future.
Type boolean or null
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].FirmwareVersion Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Firmware version of the battery.
Type string
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].Index Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Index of the battery.
Type integer
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].MaximumCapWatts Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Maximum capacity of the battery in watts.
Type integer
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].Model Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Model of the battery.
Type string
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].ProductName Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Product name of the battery.
Type string
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].RemainingChargeTimeSeconds Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Remaining charging time of the battery in seconds.
Type integer or null
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].SerialNumber Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Serial number of the battery.
Type string
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].SparePartNumber Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Spare part number of the battery.
Type string
Read Only True

SmartStorageBattery[{item}].Status Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw1 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Override iLO security.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On iLO Security Override Enabled.
Off No function (Normal).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw10 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reserved.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Switch is on.
Off Switch is off (Normal).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw11 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reserved.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Switch is on.
Off Switch is off (Normal).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw12 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reserved.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Switch is on.
Off Switch is off (Normal).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw2 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reserved.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Switch is on.
Off Switch is off (Normal).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw3 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reserved.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Switch is on.
Off Switch is off (Normal).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw4 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reserved.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Switch is on.
Off Switch is off (Normal).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw5 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description BIOS/UEFI Password Disable.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Power On Password disabled.
Off Power On Password enabled (Normal).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw6 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reset Configuration.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw7 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reserved.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Switch is on.
Off Switch is off (Default).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw8 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reserved.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Switch is on.
Off Switch is off (Default).

Oem.Hpe.SystemMaintenanceSwitches.Sw9 Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Reserved.
Type string
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
On Switch is on.
Off Switch is off (Default).


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description Tray ID is a platform dependent value used to identify what kind of server tray it is.
Type string
Read Only True


The link to the collection of PCIe devices located in this chassis. PCIeDevices is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


The link to the PCIe slot properties for this chassis. PCIeSlots is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis part number.
Type string or null
Read Only True


PhysicalSecurity.IntrusionSensor Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description This indicates the known state of the physical security sensor, such as if it is hardware intrusion detected.
Type string or null
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Normal No abnormal physical security conditions are detected at this time.
HardwareIntrusion A door, lock, or other mechanism protecting the internal system hardware from being accessed is detected as being in an insecure state.
TamperingDetected Physical tampering of the monitored entity is detected.

PhysicalSecurity.IntrusionSensorReArm Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description This indicates how the Normal state to be restored.
Type string or null
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:

Value Description
Manual This sensor would be restored to the Normal state by a manual re-arm.
Automatic This sensor would be restored to the Normal state automatically as no abnormal physical security conditions are detected.


A reference to the thermal metrics (power supplies, power policies, sensors) for this chassis. Power is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description This is the current power state of the chassis.
Type string or null
Read Only True

The following are the supported values:



Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis SKU.
Type string or null
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The chassis serial number.
Type string or null
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis

Description The spare part number of the chassis.
Type string or null
Read Only True


Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis See the Redfish standard schema and specification for information on common Status object.


A reference to the thermal metrics (fans, cooling, sensors) for this chassis. Thermal is a link ("": URI) to another resource.


HpeServerChassis.DisableMCTPOnServer Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis There are no parameters for this action.

HpeServerChassis.FactoryResetMCTP Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis There are no parameters for this action.

HpeServerChassis.ModifyEnclosureChassisFru Member of Chassis.v1_23_0.Chassis The action to modify field of enclosure chassis FRU.


PartNumber (string)

Part Number of the enclosure chassis.

SerialNumber (string)

Serial Number of the enclosure chassis.