Successful creation, modification or deletion of a resource will usually result in a response code of 200 or 201. An unsuccessful attempt will likely result in a 400 error code with a more detailed error message within the body of the response, ‘@Message.ExtendedInfo’.
Examples showcasing Redfish standard properties and Actions will work for any BMC implementing Redfish. Any HPE OEM extensions are labeled in the examples as such.
The Redfish and Legacy_Rest folders contain many examples for performing different iLO tasks using the Redfish API and Legacy RESTful API respectively.
Redfish Example Reference Table
Example | Link |
Add an iLO Manager Account | Redfish_add_user_account |
Revert the BIOs to default values | Redfish_bios_revert_default |
Change the BIOs settings. | Redfish_change_bios_setting |
Change the boot order for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_change_boot_order |
Change the temporary boot order. | Redfish_change_temporary_boot_order |
Clear AHS data for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_clear_ahs_data |
Clear IEL or IML Logs for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_clear_ilo_IEL_IML_log |
Gather the computer system details. | Redfish_computer_details |
Configure SNMP for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_configure_snmp |
Enable NTP servers for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_enable_ntp_servers |
Enable secure boot. | Redfish_enable_secure_boot |
Expand data responses. | Redfish_expand_data |
Clear IEL or IML Logs for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_find_ilo_mac_address |
Generate a certificate signing request for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_generate_csr |
Gather ESKM data for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_get_ESKM |
Gather the Logical Drives on an HPE iLO system. | Redfish_get_LogicalDrives |
Gather the Smart Array encryption settings on HPE iLO based systems. | Redfish_get_SmartArray_EncryptionSettings |
Gather AHS data for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_get_ahs_data |
Obtain the base message registry. | Redfish_get_base_registry |
Obtain the Manager IP. | Redfish_get_ilo_ip |
Obtain the Manager NIC data. | Redfish_get_ilo_nic |
Obtain an iLO license key for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_get_license_key |
Obtain the power metrics average on HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_get_powermetrics_average |
Obtain iLO information. | Redfish_get_resource_directory |
Obtain iLO utility information, such as iLO generation, version and resource directory for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_ilorest_util |
Obtain schema data on any BMC with schemas available. | Redfish_get_schema |
Import an SSL certificate for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_import_ssl |
Modify a user account. | Redfish_modify_user_account |
Mount virtual media for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_mount_virtual_media_iso |
Create Redfish client. | Redfish_quickstart_redfish |
Reboot a server. | Redfish_reboot_server |
Remove a user account. | Redfish_remove_account |
Reset the ESKM event log for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_reset_ESKM_eventlog |
Reset a Manager. | Redfish_reset_ilo |
Reset a sever. | Redfish_reset_server |
Manually manage sessions with Redfish | Redfish_sessions |
Set the primary ESKM key server properties for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_set_ESKM_PrimaryKeyServer |
Set the ESKM username and password for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_set_ESKM_username_password |
Set active Manager NIC. | Redfish_set_active_ilo_nic |
Set an ISCSI boot instance for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_set_bios_iscsi |
Set the BIOS password for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_set_bios_password |
Set the Manager ethernet interface static IP. | Redfish_set_ethernet_management_iface_static_ip |
Set the NTP servers for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_set_ilo_ntp_servers |
Set the time zone for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_set_ilo_timezone |
Add a license key for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_set_license_key |
Set the server asset tag. | Redfish_set_server_asset_tag |
Configure SNMP alert for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_set_snmp_alert |
Set the UID light. | Redfish_set_uid_light |
Provide the firmware inventory on HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_software_firmware_inventory |
Test a connection to the ESKM system for HPE iLO systems. | Redfish_test_ESKM_connection |
Update the firmware by using an HTTP URL. | Redfish_update_ilo_firmware |
Upload the firmware to the iLO Repository for flashing. | Redfish_upload_firmware_ilo_repository |
Upload a firmware component with a size less than 32 GB and associated compsig signature file to the iLO repository. | Redfish_upload_firmware_ilo_repository_with_compsig |
Legacy Rest Example Reference Table
Example | Link |
Add an iLO user account. | Legacy_Rest_add_ilo_user_account |
Revert the BIOs to default values. | Legacy_Rest_bios_revert_default |
Change the BIOs settings. | Legacy_Rest_change_bios_setting |
Change the boot order for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_change_boot_order |
Change the temporary boot order. | Legacy_Rest_change_temporary_boot_order |
Clear the AHS data. | Legacy_Rest_clear_ahs_data |
Clear IEL or IML Logs for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_clear_ilo_event_log |
Clear the IML. | Legacy_Rest_clear_iml |
Gather the computer system details. | Legacy_Rest_computer_details |
Configure SNMP for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_configure_snmp |
Dump the ESKM event log. | Legacy_Rest_dump_eskm_event_log |
Dump the iLO event log. | Legacy_Rest_dump_ilo_event_log |
Dump the Manager NIC data. | Legacy_Rest_dump_ilo_nic |
Dump the IML. | Legacy_Rest_dump_iml |
Enables secure boot. | Legacy_Rest_enable_secure_boot |
Clear IEL or IML Logs for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_find_ilo_mac_address |
Generate a certificate signing request for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_generate_csr |
Gather ESKM data for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_get_ESKM |
Gather the encryption settings on HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_get_EncryptionSettings |
Obtain the logical drives. | Legacy_Rest_get_LogicalDrives |
Gather AHS data for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_get_ahs_data |
Obtain the base message registry. | Legacy_Rest_get_base_registry |
Obtain the CSR. | Legacy_Rest_get_csr |
Obtain the Manager IP. | Legacy_Rest_get_ilo_ip |
Obtain the Manager NIC data. | Legacy_Rest_get_ilo_nic |
Obtain an iLO license key for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_get_license_key |
Obtain the power metrics average on HPE iLO systems | Legacy_Rest_get_powermetrics_average |
Obtain the iLO information, such as iLO generation, version, and resource directory for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_get_resource_directory |
Obtain legacy resource directory. | Legacy_Rest_get_resource_directory |
Obtain the schema data on any system with schemas on system. | Legacy_Rest_get_schema |
Import an SSL certificate for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_import_ssl |
Modify a user account. | Legacy_Rest_modify_ilo_user_account |
Mount virtual media for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_mount_virtual_media_iso |
Remove an iLO user account. | Legacy_Rest_remove_ilo_account |
Reset the ESKM event log for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_reset_ESKM_eventlog |
Reset iLO. | Legacy_Rest_reset_ilo |
Reset a sever. | Legacy_Rest_reset_server |
Create a session. | Legacy_Rest_sessions |
Set active Manager NIC. | Legacy_Rest_set_active_ilo_nic |
Set the DHCP boot instance for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_set_bios_dhcp |
Set the primary ESKM key server for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_set_ESKM_PrimaryKeyServer |
Set the ESKM username and password for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_set_ESKM_username_password |
Set the NTP servers for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_set_Ilo_ntp_servers |
Set an ISCSI boot instance for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_set_bios_iscsi |
Set the BIOS password for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_set_bios_password |
Set the BIOS service. | Legacy_Rest_set_bios_service |
Set the UEFI shell startup. | Legacy_Rest_set_bios_uefi_shell_startup |
Set the URL boot file. | Legacy_Rest_set_bios_url_boot_file |
Set the time zone for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_set_ilo_timezone |
Add a license key for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_set_license_key |
Set the server asset tag. | Legacy_Rest_set_server_asset_tag |
Set the UID light. | Legacy_Rest_set_uid_light |
Test a connection to the ESKM system for HPE iLO systems. | Legacy_Rest_test_ESKM_connection |
Update the firmware by using an HTTP URL. | Legacy_Rest_update_ilo_firmware |
Add iLO Manager Account
Add an iLO Manager Account based on permissions (iLO 4 and iLO 5) or role ID (iLO 5).
def add_ilo_user_account(_redfishobj, new_loginname, new_username, new_password, role_id, \
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#resource directory is not available so we will navigate through paths manually to obtain
#account info
account_service_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['AccountService']['@odata.id']
account_service_response = _redfishobj.get(account_service_uri)
account_collection_uri = account_service_response.obj['Accounts']['@odata.id']
#Add via role id
body = {"RoleId": role_id}
#obtain all account instances from resource directory
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#ManagerAccountCollection.' in instance['@odata.type']:
account_collection_uri = instance['@odata.id']
body = {"Oem": {"Hpe": {"Privileges": {}}}}
#HPE server, so add via privileges
for priv in privilege_dict:
body["Oem"]["Hpe"]["Privileges"][priv] = privilege_dict[priv]
#Add login name
body["Oem"]["Hpe"]["LoginName"] = new_loginname
#Fill in the rest of the payload
body["UserName"] = new_username
body["Password"] = new_password
#We pass the URI and the dictionary as a POST command (part of the redfish object)
resp = _redfishobj.post(account_collection_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended Message "\
elif not resp.status in [200, 201]:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of '%s' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
BIOS Revert Default
Set all BIOS attributes to their respective factory default states.
def bios_revert_default(_redfishobj):
bios_reset_action_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
bios_uri = systems_members_response.obj['Bios']['@odata.id']
bios_response = _redfishobj.get(bios_uri)
bios_reset_action_uri = bios_response.obj['Actions']['#Bios.ResetBios']['target']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#Bios.' in instance['@odata.type']:
bios_uri = instance['@odata.id']
bios_data = _redfishobj.get(bios_uri)
bios_reset_action_uri = bios_data.obj['Actions']['#Bios.ResetBios']['target']
body = {'Action': 'Bios.ResetBios', 'ResetType':'default'}
resp = _redfishobj.post(bios_reset_action_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended Message "\
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Change BIOS Setting
Alter one ore more BIOS attributes.
def change_bios_setting(_redfishobj, bios_property, property_value, bios_password):
bios_uri = None
bios_data = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
bios_uri = systems_members_response.obj['Bios']['@odata.id']
bios_data = _redfishobj.get(bios_uri)
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#Bios.' in instance['@odata.type']:
bios_uri = instance['@odata.id']
bios_data = _redfishobj.get(bios_uri)
if bios_data:
print("\n\nShowing bios attributes before changes:\n\n")
print(json.dumps(bios_data.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
if bios_uri:
#Bios settings URI is needed
bios_settings_uri = bios_data.obj['@Redfish.Settings']['SettingsObject']['@odata.id']
body = {'Attributes': {bios_property: property_value}}
#update bios password
if bios_password:
_redfishobj.bios_password = bios_password
resp = _redfishobj.patch(bios_settings_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
#uncomment if you would like to see the full list of attributes
#print("\n\nShowing bios attributes after changes:\n\n")
#bios_data = _redfishobj.get(bios_uri)
#print(json.dumps(bios_data.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Change Temporary Boot Order
Alter the temporary boot order.
def change_temporary_boot_order(_redfishobj, boottarget):
systems_members_uri = None
systems_members_response = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#ComputerSystem.' in instance['@odata.type']:
systems_members_uri = instance['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
if systems_members_response:
print("\n\nShowing bios attributes before changes:\n\n")
print(json.dumps(systems_members_response.dict.get('Boot'), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
body = {'Boot': {'BootSourceOverrideTarget': boottarget}}
resp = _redfishobj.patch(systems_members_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended Message "\
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
if systems_members_response:
print("\n\nShowing boot override target:\n\n")
print(json.dumps(systems_members_response.dict.get('Boot'), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Example of the Boot Object
The following JSON output can be obtained first by noting the systemsmembersresponse on line 42 above.
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#ComputerSystem.' in instance['@odata.type']:
systems_members_uri = instance['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
if systems_members_response:
print("\n\nShowing bios attributes before changes:\n\n")
print(json.dumps(systems_members_response.dict.get('Boot'), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
The user can preview the data prior:
"BootOptions": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/BootOptions/"
"BootOrder": [
"BootSourceOverrideEnabled": "Disabled",
"BootSourceOverrideMode": "UEFI",
"BootSourceOverrideTarget": "None",
"BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"UefiTargetBootSourceOverride": "None",
"UefiTargetBootSourceOverride@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
Change Boot Order
Alter the default boot order.
def change_boot_order(_redfishobj, bios_password):
bios_boot_uri = None
bios_boot_response = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
bios_uri = systems_members_response.obj['Bios']['@odata.id']
bios_response = _redfishobj.get(bios_uri)
bios_boot_uri = bios_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links.Boot['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeServerBootSettings.' in instance['@odata.type']:
bios_boot_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if bios_boot_uri:
bios_boot_response = _redfishobj.get(bios_boot_uri)
#Bios boot settings URI is needed
bios_boot_settings_uri = bios_boot_response.obj['@Redfish.Settings']['SettingsObject']\
#update bios password
if bios_password:
_redfishobj.bios_password = bios_password
sys.stdout.write("Rotating the first boot device to the end of the boot order.\n")
sys.stdout.write('Current Order:\n')
boot_order = bios_boot_response.obj['DefaultBootOrder']
for indx, boot_device in enumerate(boot_order):
sys.stdout.write('Pos ' + str(indx) + ' : ' + boot_device + '\n')
device = boot_order.pop(0)
sys.stdout.write("Rotating device: \'%s\' to the end of the boot order.\n" % device)
body = {'DefaultBootOrder': boot_order}
resp = _redfishobj.patch(bios_boot_settings_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended Message"\
" Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print("Success! Your system may need to be restarted.\n")
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
sys.stderr.write("Unable to find Boot Order URI.\n")
Clear AHS Data
Clear Active Health System log data.
def clear_ahs_data(_redfishobj):
active_health_system_clear_log_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
active_health_system_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links\
active_health_system_response = _redfishobj.get(active_health_system_uri)
active_health_system_clear_log_uri = active_health_system_response.obj['Actions']\
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.' in instance['@odata.type']:
active_health_system_uri = instance['@odata.id']
active_health_system_response = _redfishobj.get(active_health_system_uri)
active_health_system_clear_log_uri = active_health_system_response['Actions']\
if active_health_system_clear_log_uri:
body = {"Action": "HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.ClearLog"}
resp = _redfishobj.redfish_client.post(active_health_system_clear_log_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4,\
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended " \
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Clear IEL/IML Data
Clear iLO event log and management log data.
def clear_ilo_event_log(_redfishobj, clear_IML_IEL):
clear_log_services_uri = []
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
log_services_uri = systems_members_response.obj['LogServices']['@odata.id']
log_services_response = _redfishobj.get(log_services_uri)
log_services_uris = log_services_response.obj['Members']
for log_services_uri in log_services_uris:
log_services_response = _redfishobj.get(log_services_uri['@odata.id'])
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#LogService.' in instance['@odata.type']:
log_service_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if clear_log_services_uri:
body = {"Action": "LogService.ClearLog"}
for path in clear_log_services_uri:
if ("IEL" in clear_IML_IEL and "IEL" in path) or ("IML" in clear_IML_IEL and \
"IML" in path):
if "IEL" in path:
sys.stdout.write("Clearing IEL log.\n")
sys.stdout.write("Clearing IML log.\n")
resp = _redfishobj.post(path, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended
#info error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO "\
"Extended Message Info...\n")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Computer System Data
The following example retrieves the ComputerSystem
data in JSON format.
def computer_details(_redfishobj):
systems_members_uri = None
systems_members_response = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#ComputerSystem.' in instance['@odata.type']:
systems_members_uri = instance['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
print("\n\nPrinting computer system details:\n\n")
print(json.dumps(systems_members_response.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystem.ComputerSystem",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"7010F715\"",
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/",
"@odata.type": "#ComputerSystem.v1_10_0.ComputerSystem",
"Actions": {
"#ComputerSystem.Reset": {
"ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"target": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset/"
"AssetTag": "",
"Bios": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/"
"BiosVersion": "U32 v2.22 (11/13/2019)",
"Boot": {
"BootOptions": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/BootOptions/"
"BootOrder": [
"BootSourceOverrideEnabled": "Once",
"BootSourceOverrideMode": "UEFI",
"BootSourceOverrideTarget": "Hdd",
"BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"UefiTargetBootSourceOverride": "None",
"UefiTargetBootSourceOverride@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"EthernetInterfaces": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/EthernetInterfaces/"
"HostName": "localhost.americas.hpqcorp.net",
"Id": "1",
"IndicatorLED": "Off",
"Links": {
"Chassis": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/"
"ManagedBy": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/"
"LogServices": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/LogServices/"
"Manufacturer": "HPE",
"Memory": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Memory/"
"MemoryDomains": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/MemoryDomains/"
"MemorySummary": {
"Status": {
"HealthRollup": "OK"
"TotalSystemMemoryGiB": 32,
"TotalSystemPersistentMemoryGiB": 0
"Model": "ProLiant DL360 Gen10",
"Name": "Computer System",
"NetworkInterfaces": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/NetworkInterfaces/"
"Oem": {
"Hpe": {
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeComputerSystemExt.HpeComputerSystemExt",
"@odata.type": "#HpeComputerSystemExt.v2_9_0.HpeComputerSystemExt",
"Actions": {
"#HpeComputerSystemExt.PowerButton": {
"PushType@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"target": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/Oem/Hpe/HpeComputerSystemExt.PowerButton/"
"#HpeComputerSystemExt.SecureSystemErase": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/Oem/Hpe/HpeComputerSystemExt.SecureSystemErase/"
"#HpeComputerSystemExt.SystemReset": {
"ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"target": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/Oem/Hpe/HpeComputerSystemExt.SystemReset/"
"AggregateHealthStatus": {
"AgentlessManagementService": "Unavailable",
"BiosOrHardwareHealth": {
"Status": {
"Health": "OK"
"FanRedundancy": "Redundant",
"Fans": {
"Status": {
"Health": "OK"
"Memory": {
"Status": {
"Health": "OK"
"Network": {
"Status": {
"Health": "OK"
"PowerSupplies": {
"PowerSuppliesMismatch": false,
"Status": {
"Health": "OK"
"Processors": {
"Status": {
"Health": "OK"
"Storage": {
"Status": {
"Health": "Warning"
"Temperatures": {
"Status": {
"Health": "OK"
"Bios": {
"Backup": {
"Date": "11/13/2019",
"Family": "U32",
"VersionString": "U32 v2.22 (11/13/2019)"
"Current": {
"Date": "11/13/2019",
"Family": "U32",
"VersionString": "U32 v2.22 (11/13/2019)"
"UefiClass": 2
"CriticalTempRemainOff": false,
"CurrentPowerOnTimeSeconds": null,
"DeviceDiscoveryComplete": {
"AMSDeviceDiscovery": "NoAMS",
"DeviceDiscovery": "vMainDeviceDiscoveryComplete",
"SmartArrayDiscovery": "Complete"
"ElapsedEraseTimeInMinutes": 0,
"EndOfPostDelaySeconds": null,
"EstimatedEraseTimeInMinutes": 0,
"IntelligentProvisioningAlwaysOn": true,
"IntelligentProvisioningIndex": 8,
"IntelligentProvisioningLocation": "System Board",
"IntelligentProvisioningVersion": "3.60.12",
"IsColdBooting": false,
"Links": {
"EthernetInterfaces": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/EthernetInterfaces/"
"HpeIpProvider": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/systems/1/hpeip/"
"NetworkAdapters": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/BaseNetworkAdapters/"
"PCIDevices": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/PCIDevices/"
"PCISlots": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/PCISlots/"
"SUT": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/systems/1/hpsut/"
"SecureEraseReportService": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SecureEraseReportService/"
"SmartStorage": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SmartStorage/"
"USBDevices": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/USBDevices/"
"USBPorts": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/USBPorts/"
"WorkloadPerformanceAdvisor": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/WorkloadPerformanceAdvisor/"
"PCAPartNumber": "847479-001",
"PCASerialNumber": "PVZEK0ARHA014I",
"PostDiscoveryCompleteTimeStamp": null,
"PostDiscoveryMode": null,
"PostMode": null,
"PostState": "FinishedPost",
"PowerAllocationLimit": 500,
"PowerAutoOn": "Restore",
"PowerOnDelay": "Minimum",
"PowerOnMinutes": 80051,
"PowerRegulatorMode": "OSControl",
"PowerRegulatorModesSupported": [
"ProcessorJitterControl": {
"ConfiguredFrequencyLimitMHz": 0,
"Mode": "Disabled"
"extref": "/smbios"
"ServerFQDN": "",
"SmartStorageConfig": [
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/systems/1/smartstorageconfig/"
"SystemROMAndiLOEraseComponentStatus": {
"BIOSSettingsEraseStatus": "Idle",
"iLOSettingsEraseStatus": "Idle"
"SystemROMAndiLOEraseStatus": "Idle",
"UserDataEraseComponentStatus": {},
"UserDataEraseStatus": "Idle",
"VirtualProfile": "Inactive"
"PowerState": "On",
"ProcessorSummary": {
"Count": 1,
"Model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Bronze 3106 CPU @ 1.70GHz",
"Status": {
"HealthRollup": "OK"
"Processors": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Processors/"
"SKU": "DL3000GEN10",
"SecureBoot": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SecureBoot/"
"SerialNumber": "TX86NP0121",
"Status": {
"Health": "Warning",
"HealthRollup": "Warning",
"State": "Enabled"
"Storage": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/"
"SystemType": "Physical",
"TrustedModules": [
"Oem": {
"Hpe": {
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeTrustedModuleExt.HpeTrustedModuleExt",
"@odata.type": "#HpeTrustedModuleExt.v2_0_0.HpeTrustedModuleExt"
"Status": {
"State": "Absent"
"UUID": "30334C44-3030-5854-3836-4E5030313231"
Configure SNMP
Configure iLO Simple Network Management Protocol.
def configure_snmp(_redfishobj, read_communities, snmp_alerts):
snmp_service_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
snmp_service_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links['Snmp']['@odata.id']
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#HpeiLOSnmpService.' in instance['@odata.type']:
snmp_service_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if snmp_service_uri:
body = {"AlertsEnabled": snmp_alerts, "ReadCommunities": read_communities}
resp = _redfishobj.patch(snmp_service_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Enable NTP
In order to configure iLO Network Time Protocol, certain settings must be in-place on the iLO Management NIC(s) including settings the value of the OEM/HPE object key-value pair UseNTPServers to True.
An iLO Reset is required for the change to be applied.
def enable_ntp(_redfishobj, ntp_servers):
ethernet_data = {}
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
manager_ethernet_interfaces = managers_members_response.obj['EthernetInterfaces']\
manager_ethernet_interfaces_response = _redfishobj.get(manager_ethernet_interfaces)
manager_ethernet_interfaces_members = manager_ethernet_interfaces_response.\
for _member in manager_ethernet_interfaces_members:
_tmp = _redfishobj.get(_member['@odata.id']).obj
ethernet_data[_member['@odata.id']] = _tmp
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#EthernetInterfaceCollection.' in instance['@odata.type'] and 'Managers' in \
ethernet_uri = instance['@odata.id']
ethernet_interfaces = _redfishobj.get(ethernet_uri).obj['Members']
for _ethernet_interface in ethernet_interfaces:
ethernet_data[_ethernet_interface['@odata.id']] = _redfishobj.\
if ethernet_data:
print("\n\nShowing all available ethernet management interfaces before changes:\n\n")
print(json.dumps(ethernet_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
body = {"Oem": {"Hpe": {"DHCPv4": {"UseNTPServers": ntp_servers}, \
"DHCPv6": {"UseNTPServers": ntp_servers}}}}
for ethernet in ethernet_data:
resp = _redfishobj.patch(ethernet, body)
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
_data = _redfishobj.get(ethernet).dict
sys.stdout.write("\nShowing \'%s\' interface after changes:\n" % ethernet)
print(json.dumps(_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Enable Secure Boot
Enable/Disable Secure Boot.
def enable_secure_boot(_redfishobj, secure_boot_enable):
secure_boot_uri = None
secure_boot_data = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
secure_boot_uri = systems_members_response.obj['SecureBoot']['@odata.id']
secure_boot_data = _redfishobj.get(secure_boot_uri)
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#SecureBoot.' in instance['@odata.type']:
secure_boot_uri = instance['@odata.id']
secure_boot_data = _redfishobj.get(secure_boot_uri)
if secure_boot_data:
print("\n\nShowing Secure Boot properties before changes:\n\n")
print(json.dumps(secure_boot_data.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
if secure_boot_uri:
body = {'SecureBootEnable': secure_boot_enable}
resp = _redfishobj.patch(secure_boot_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended " \
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
print("\n\nShowing Secure Boot properties after changes:\n\n")
secure_boot_data = _redfishobj.get(secure_boot_uri)
print(json.dumps(secure_boot_data.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Expand Data
JSON data is typically provided in a collapsed/compacted state. Use $expand as a query string on the desired URI.
def expand_data(_redfishobj, expand_url="/redfish/v1/"):
response = _redfishobj.get(expand_url)
exp_response = _redfishobj.get(expand_url+'?$expand=.')
sys.stdout.write('Standard response:\n')
sys.stdout.write('Expanded response:\n')
{'@odata.context': '/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection', '@odata.etag': 'W/"AA6D42B0"', '@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/', '@odata.type': '#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection', 'Description': 'Computer Systems view', 'Name': 'Computer Systems', 'Members': [{'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/'}], 'Members@odata.count': 1}
{'@odata.context': '/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection', '@odata.etag': 'W/"5737F79D"', '@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/', '@odata.type': '#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection', 'Description': 'Computer Systems view', 'Name': 'Computer Systems', 'Members': [{'@odata.context': '/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystem.ComputerSystem', '@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/', '@odata.type': '#ComputerSystem.v1_10_0.ComputerSystem', 'Id': '1', 'Actions': {'#ComputerSystem.Reset': {'ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues': ['On', 'ForceOff', 'GracefulShutdown', 'ForceRestart', 'Nmi', 'PushPowerButton'], 'target': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset/'}}, 'AssetTag': '', 'Bios': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/'}, 'BiosVersion': 'U32 v2.22 (11/13/2019)', 'Boot': {'BootOptions': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/BootOptions/'}, 'BootOrder': ['Boot0011', 'Boot0019', 'Boot0009', 'Boot0012', 'Boot0010', 'Boot0014', 'Boot000C', 'Boot000E', 'Boot000F', 'Boot0017', 'Boot000D', 'Boot0013'], 'BootSourceOverrideEnabled': 'Once', 'BootSourceOverrideMode': 'UEFI', 'BootSourceOverrideTarget': 'Hdd', 'BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues': ['None', 'Cd', 'Hdd', 'Usb', 'SDCard', 'Utilities', 'Diags', 'BiosSetup', 'Pxe', 'UefiShell', 'UefiHttp', 'UefiTarget'], 'UefiTargetBootSourceOverride': 'None', 'UefiTargetBootSourceOverride@Redfish.AllowableValues': ['HD(1,GPT,0940C33C-EAF1-43CD-8C8F-4426672227FE,0x800,0x4E000)/\\EFI\\sles\\shim.efi', 'HD(1,GPT,22F62F69-47E7-4334-BCE6-A0B321810BA1,0x800,0x64000)/\\EFI\\redhat\\shimx64.efi', 'PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(98F2B32CB4A8,0x0)/IPv4(', 'PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(98F2B32CB4A8,0x0)/IPv4(', 'PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(98F2B32CB4A8,0x0)/IPv6(0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000)/Uri()', 'PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(98F2B32CB4A8,0x0)/IPv6(0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000)', 'PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Scsi(0x0,0x0)', 'PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Scsi(0x0,0x1)', 'PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Scsi(0x0,0x2)', 'PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/Scsi(0x0,0x3)', 'PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0xD,0x0)/USB(0x1,0x0)', 'PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0xD,0x0)/USB(0x1,0x1)']}, 'EthernetInterfaces': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/EthernetInterfaces/'}, 'HostName': 'localhost.americas.hpqcorp.net', 'IndicatorLED': 'Off', 'Links': {'ManagedBy': [{'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Managers/1/'}], 'Chassis': [{'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/'}]}, 'LogServices': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/LogServices/'}, 'Manufacturer': 'HPE', 'Memory': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Memory/'}, 'MemoryDomains': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/MemoryDomains/'}, 'MemorySummary': {'Status': {'HealthRollup': 'OK'}, 'TotalSystemMemoryGiB': 32, 'TotalSystemPersistentMemoryGiB': 0}, 'Model': 'ProLiant DL360 Gen10', 'Name': 'Computer System', 'NetworkInterfaces': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/NetworkInterfaces/'}, 'Oem': {'Hpe': {'@odata.context': '/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeComputerSystemExt.HpeComputerSystemExt', '@odata.type': '#HpeComputerSystemExt.v2_9_0.HpeComputerSystemExt', 'Actions': {'#HpeComputerSystemExt.PowerButton': {'PushType@Redfish.AllowableValues': ['Press', 'PressAndHold'], 'target': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/Oem/Hpe/HpeComputerSystemExt.PowerButton/'}, '#HpeComputerSystemExt.SecureSystemErase': {'target': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/Oem/Hpe/HpeComputerSystemExt.SecureSystemErase/'}, '#HpeComputerSystemExt.SystemReset': {'ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues': ['ColdBoot', 'AuxCycle'], 'target': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/Oem/Hpe/HpeComputerSystemExt.SystemReset/'}}, 'AggregateHealthStatus': {'AgentlessManagementService': 'Unavailable', 'BiosOrHardwareHealth': {'Status': {'Health': 'OK'}}, 'FanRedundancy': 'Redundant', 'Fans': {'Status': {'Health': 'OK'}}, 'Memory': {'Status': {'Health': 'OK'}}, 'Network': {'Status': {'Health': 'OK'}}, 'PowerSupplies': {'PowerSuppliesMismatch': False, 'Status': {'Health': 'OK'}}, 'Processors': {'Status': {'Health': 'OK'}}, 'Storage': {'Status': {'Health': 'Warning'}}, 'Temperatures': {'Status': {'Health': 'OK'}}}, 'Bios': {'Backup': {'Date': '11/13/2019', 'Family': 'U32', 'VersionString': 'U32 v2.22 (11/13/2019)'}, 'Current': {'Date': '11/13/2019', 'Family': 'U32', 'VersionString': 'U32 v2.22 (11/13/2019)'}, 'UefiClass': 2}, 'CriticalTempRemainOff': False, 'CurrentPowerOnTimeSeconds': None, 'DeviceDiscoveryComplete': {'AMSDeviceDiscovery': 'NoAMS', 'DeviceDiscovery': 'vMainDeviceDiscoveryComplete', 'SmartArrayDiscovery': 'Complete'}, 'ElapsedEraseTimeInMinutes': 0, 'EndOfPostDelaySeconds': None, 'EstimatedEraseTimeInMinutes': 0, 'IntelligentProvisioningAlwaysOn': True, 'IntelligentProvisioningIndex': 8, 'IntelligentProvisioningLocation': 'System Board', 'IntelligentProvisioningVersion': '3.60.12', 'IsColdBooting': False, 'Links': {'HpeIpProvider': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/systems/1/hpeip/'}, 'SUT': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/systems/1/hpsut/'}, 'PCIDevices': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/PCIDevices/'}, 'PCISlots': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/PCISlots/'}, 'NetworkAdapters': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/BaseNetworkAdapters/'}, 'SmartStorage': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SmartStorage/'}, 'USBPorts': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/USBPorts/'}, 'USBDevices': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/USBDevices/'}, 'EthernetInterfaces': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/EthernetInterfaces/'}, 'WorkloadPerformanceAdvisor': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/WorkloadPerformanceAdvisor/'}, 'SecureEraseReportService': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SecureEraseReportService/'}}, 'PCAPartNumber': '847479-001', 'PCASerialNumber': 'PVZEK0ARHA014I', 'PostDiscoveryCompleteTimeStamp': None, 'PostDiscoveryMode': None, 'PostMode': None, 'PostState': 'FinishedPost', 'PowerAllocationLimit': 500, 'PowerAutoOn': 'Restore', 'PowerOnDelay': 'Minimum', 'PowerOnMinutes': 80090, 'PowerRegulatorMode': 'OSControl', 'PowerRegulatorModesSupported': ['OSControl', 'Dynamic', 'Max', 'Min'], 'ProcessorJitterControl': {'ConfiguredFrequencyLimitMHz': 0, 'Mode': 'Disabled'}, 'SMBIOS': {'extref': '/smbios'}, 'ServerFQDN': '', 'SmartStorageConfig': [{'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/systems/1/smartstorageconfig/'}], 'SystemROMAndiLOEraseComponentStatus': {'BIOSSettingsEraseStatus': 'Idle', 'iLOSettingsEraseStatus': 'Idle'}, 'SystemROMAndiLOEraseStatus': 'Idle', 'UserDataEraseComponentStatus': {}, 'UserDataEraseStatus': 'Idle', 'VirtualProfile': 'Inactive'}}, 'PowerState': 'On', 'ProcessorSummary': {'Count': 1, 'Model': 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) Bronze 3106 CPU @ 1.70GHz', 'Status': {'HealthRollup': 'OK'}}, 'Processors': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Processors/'}, 'SKU': 'DL3000GEN10', 'SecureBoot': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SecureBoot/'}, 'SerialNumber': 'TX86NP0121', 'Status': {'Health': 'Warning', 'HealthRollup': 'Warning', 'State': 'Enabled'}, 'Storage': {'@odata.id': '/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/'}, 'SystemType': 'Physical', 'TrustedModules': [{'Oem': {'Hpe': {'@odata.context': '/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeTrustedModuleExt.HpeTrustedModuleExt', '@odata.type': '#HpeTrustedModuleExt.v2_0_0.HpeTrustedModuleExt'}}, 'Status': {'State': 'Absent'}}], 'UUID': '30334C44-3030-5854-3836-4E5030313231'}], 'Members@odata.count': 1}
Find iLO MAC Address
Retrieve MAC Addresses for iLO Management Network Interfaces.
def find_ilo_mac_address(_redfishobj):
ethernet_data = {}
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
manager_ethernet_interfaces = managers_members_response.obj['EthernetInterfaces']\
manager_ethernet_interfaces_response = _redfishobj.get(manager_ethernet_interfaces)
manager_ethernet_interfaces_members = manager_ethernet_interfaces_response.\
for _member in manager_ethernet_interfaces_members:
_tmp = _redfishobj.get(_member['@odata.id']).obj
ethernet_data[_member['@odata.id']] = _tmp
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#EthernetInterfaceCollection.' in instance['@odata.type'] and 'Managers' in \
ethernet_uri = instance['@odata.id']
ethernet_interfaces = _redfishobj.get(ethernet_uri).obj['Members']
for _ethernet_interface in ethernet_interfaces:
ethernet_data[_ethernet_interface['@odata.id']] = _redfishobj.\
for iface in ethernet_data:
sys.stdout.write("iLO Network Manager Interface: \'%s\'\n" % ethernet_data[iface]['Id'])
sys.stdout.write("\tiLO Mac Address: \'%s\'\n" % ethernet_data[iface].get('MACAddress'))
Response Example
Standard response:
iLO Network Manager Interface: '1'
iLO Mac Address: '98:F2:B3:21:7B:48'
iLO Network Manager Interface: '2'
iLO Mac Address: '98:F2:B3:21:7B:49'
iLO Network Manager Interface: '3'
iLO Mac Address: '0A:CA:FE:F0:0D:04'
Get Certificate Signing Request
Obtain an iLO Certificate Signing Request for use with Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) Certificate.
This process may take some time to complete on iLO (~5 minutes).
def generate_csr(_redfishobj, csr_file, csr_properties):
csr_uri = None
generate_csr_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
security_service_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links\
security_service_response = _redfishobj.get(security_service_uri)
csr_uri = security_service_response.obj.Links['HttpsCert']['@odata.id']
https_cert_response = _redfishobj.get(csr_uri)
generate_csr_uri = https_cert_response.obj['Actions']['#HpeHttpsCert.GenerateCSR']\
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeHttpsCert.' in instance['@odata.type']:
csr_uri = instance['@odata.id']
generate_csr_uri = _redfishobj.get(csr_uri).obj['Actions']\
if generate_csr_uri:
body = dict()
body["Action"] = "HpeHttpsCert.GenerateCSR"
body["City"] = csr_properties["City"]
body["CommonName"] = csr_properties["CommonName"]
body["Country"] = csr_properties["Country"]
body["OrgName"] = csr_properties["OrgName"]
body["OrgUnit"] = csr_properties["OrgUnit"]
body["State"] = csr_properties["State"]
resp = _redfishobj.post(generate_csr_uri, body)
if resp.status in [200, 201]:
sys.stdout.write("Generating CSR, this may take a few minutes\n")
sys.stdout.write("Sleeping for 5 minutes...\n")
csr_resp = _redfishobj.get(csr_uri).dict['CertificateSigningRequest']
with open(csr_file, 'wb') as csroutput:
sys.stdout.write("CSR Data saved to file: '%s'\n" % csr_file)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended
#info error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status not in [200, 201]:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO "\
"Extended Message Info...\n")
Get AHS Data
Obtain Active Health System Data.
AHS data is saved to a file, the contents of which are encoded. The use of an AHS Viewer to decode and parse is required. Please review Active Health System Viewer Documentation for further details: https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=c05384164
def get_ahs_data(_redfishobj, logfile):
active_health_system_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
active_health_system_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links\
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeiLOActiveHealthSystem.' in instance['@odata.type']:
active_health_system_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if active_health_system_uri:
active_health_system_response = _redfishobj.get(active_health_system_uri)
active_health_system_log_uri = active_health_system_response.obj.Links['AHSLocation']\
active_health_system_log_resp = _redfishobj.get(active_health_system_log_uri)
if active_health_system_log_resp.status == 400:
['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif active_health_system_log_resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
with open(logfile, 'wb') as ahsoutput:
sys.stdout.write("AHS Data saved successfully as: \'%s\'" % logfile)
Get Base Registries
Obtain Registry Providers. Registry providers allow for the transaction of data between properties and firmware.
def get_base_registry(_redfishobj):
registries_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Registries']['@odata.id']
if registries_uri:
registries_members = _redfishobj.get(registries_uri).obj['Members']
for registry in registries_members:
sys.stdout.write("Registry URI at '%s'\n" % registry['@odata.id'])
Obtain HPE Enterprise Secure Key Manager Encryption Data.
def get_ESKM(_redfishobj):
security_service_eskm_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
security_service_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links\
security_service_response = _redfishobj.get(security_service_uri)
security_service_eskm_uri = security_service_response.obj.Links['ESKM']['@odata.id']
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#HpeESKM.' in instance['@odata.type']:
security_service_eskm_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if security_service_eskm_uri:
security_service_eskm_resp = _redfishobj.get(security_service_eskm_uri)
print(json.dumps(security_service_eskm_resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeESKM.HpeESKM",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"87058EB1\"",
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/ESKM/",
"@odata.type": "#HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM",
"Actions": {
"#HpeESKM.ClearESKMLog": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/ESKM/Actions/HpeESKM.ClearESKMLog/"
"#HpeESKM.TestESKMConnections": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/ESKM/Actions/HpeESKM.TestESKMConnections/"
"Id": "ESKM",
"KeyManagerConfig": {
"AccountGroup": "",
"AccountName": "ilo-98f2b3217b48",
"ESKMLocalCACertificateName": "",
"ImportedCertificateIssuer": "",
"ImportedCertificateSubject": ""
"KeyServerRedundancyReq": false,
"PrimaryKeyServerAddress": null,
"PrimaryKeyServerPort": null,
"SecondaryKeyServerAddress": null,
"SecondaryKeyServerPort": null
Get iLO IP
Obtain iLO Network Management Interface(s) IP Address(s).
def get_ilo_ip(_redfishobj):
ethernet_data = {}
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
manager_ethernet_interfaces = managers_members_response.obj['EthernetInterfaces']\
manager_ethernet_interfaces_response = _redfishobj.get(manager_ethernet_interfaces)
manager_ethernet_interfaces_members = manager_ethernet_interfaces_response.\
for _member in manager_ethernet_interfaces_members:
_tmp = _redfishobj.get(_member['@odata.id']).obj
ethernet_data[_member['@odata.id']] = _tmp
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#EthernetInterfaceCollection.' in instance['@odata.type'] and 'Managers' in \
ethernet_uri = instance['@odata.id']
ethernet_interfaces = _redfishobj.get(ethernet_uri).obj['Members']
for _ethernet_interface in ethernet_interfaces:
ethernet_data[_ethernet_interface['@odata.id']] = _redfishobj.\
if ethernet_data:
for ethernet_interface in ethernet_data:
sys.stdout.write("\n\nShowing iLO IPv4 Address Info on: %s\n\n" % ethernet_interface)
indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Response data for each available network management interface is parsed for the Redfish IPv4 Data including: IP Address, Address Origin (Static/DHCP), Network Gateway, and Network Subnet Mask
Obtain iLO Network Management Interface(s) Interface Enabled states. Modify lines 34-37 to display relevant desired data or all key-value pairs.
def get_ilo_nic(_redfishobj, get_enabled):
ethernet_data = {}
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
manager_ethernet_interfaces = managers_members_response.obj['EthernetInterfaces']\
manager_ethernet_interfaces_response = _redfishobj.get(manager_ethernet_interfaces)
manager_ethernet_interfaces_members = manager_ethernet_interfaces_response.\
for _member in manager_ethernet_interfaces_members:
_tmp = _redfishobj.get(_member['@odata.id']).obj
ethernet_data[_member['@odata.id']] = _tmp
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#EthernetInterfaceCollection.' in instance['@odata.type'] and 'Managers' in \
ethernet_uri = instance['@odata.id']
ethernet_interfaces = _redfishobj.get(ethernet_uri).obj['Members']
for _ethernet_interface in ethernet_interfaces:
ethernet_data[_ethernet_interface['@odata.id']] = _redfishobj.\
if ethernet_data:
for ethernet_interface in ethernet_data:
sys.stdout.write("\n\nShowing iLO IPv4 Address Info on: %s\n\n" % ethernet_interface)
sys.stdout.write("\n\'Interface_Enabled\': \'%s\'\n" % json.dumps(ethernet_data\
[ethernet_interface][get_enabled], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Response data for each available network management interface is parsed for the Redfish IPv4 Data including: IP Address, Address Origin (Static/DHCP), Network Gateway, and Network Subnet Mask
Get License Key
Obtain iLO Licensing Key Information.
def get_license_key(_redfishobj):
license_uri = None
license_data = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
hp_hpe = next(iter(managers_members_response.obj.Oem))
license_collection_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem[hp_hpe].Links['LicenseService']\
license_collection_response = _redfishobj.get(license_collection_uri)
license_collection_members_uri = next(iter(license_collection_response.obj\
license_data = _redfishobj.get(license_collection_members_uri).dict
license_uri = _redfishobj.get(license_collection_members_uri).dict['@odata.id']
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#HpeiLOLicense.' in instance['@odata.type']:
license_uri = instance['@odata.id']
license_data = _redfishobj.get(license_uri).dict
if license_data:
sys.stdout.write("\n\'License Info\': \'%s\'\n" % \
json.dumps(license_data['ConfirmationRequest']['EON'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except KeyError:
sys.stdout.write("\n\'License Info\': \'%s\'\n" % \
json.dumps(license_data['LicenseKey'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Response Data will include the License Type, License Key (iLO 5) and State.
Get Logical Drives
List all logical drives associated with a smart array controller.
def get_SmartArray_LogicalDrives(_redfishobj):
smartstorage_response = []
smartarraycontrollers = dict()
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
smart_storage_uri = systems_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links\
smart_storage_arraycontrollers_uri = _redfishobj.get(smart_storage_uri).obj.Links\
smartstorage_response = _redfishobj.get(smart_storage_arraycontrollers_uri).obj['Members']
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#HpeSmartStorageArrayController.' in instance['@odata.type']:
smartstorage_uri = instance['@odata.id']
smartstorage_resp = _redfishobj.get(smartstorage_uri).obj
sys.stdout.write("Logical Drive URIs for Smart Storage Array Controller " \
"'%s\' : \n" % smartstorage_resp.get('Id'))
logicaldrives_uri = smartstorage_resp.Links['LogicalDrives']['@odata.id']
logicaldrives_resp = _redfishobj.get(logicaldrives_uri)
if not logicaldrives_resp.dict['Members']:
sys.stderr.write("\tLogical drives are not available for this controller.\n")
for drives in logicaldrives_resp.dict['Members']:
sys.stdout.write("\t An associated logical drive: %s\n" % drives)
drive_data = _redfishobj.get(drives['@odata.id']).dict
print(json.dumps(drive_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Logical drives listed
Get Power Metrics
Obtain Redfish power metrics.
def get_powermetrics_average(_redfishobj):
power_metrics_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
chassis_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Chassis']['@odata.id']
chassis_response = _redfishobj.get(chassis_uri)
chassis_members_uri = next(iter(chassis_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
chassis_members_response = _redfishobj.get(chassis_members_uri)
power_metrics_uri = chassis_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe['Power']['@odata.id']
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#Power.' in instance['@odata.type']:
power_metrics_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if power_metrics_uri:
power_metrics_data = _redfishobj.get(power_metrics_uri).obj.Oem.Hpe
print("\n\nPower Data:\n\n")
print(json.dumps(power_metrics_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Power Metric Data
Get Resource Directory
Obtain iLO Resource Directory, quick access to all ‘@odata.type’ references and respective ‘@odata.id’.
This resource is only available on iLO systems.
def get_resource_directory(redfishobj):
resource_uri = redfishobj.root.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links.ResourceDirectory['@odata.id']
except KeyError:
sys.stderr.write("Resource directory is only available on HPE servers.\n")
return None
response = redfishobj.get(resource_uri)
resources = []
if response.status == 200:
sys.stdout.write("\tFound resource directory at /redfish/v1/resourcedirectory" + "\n\n")
resources = response.dict["Instances"]
sys.stderr.write("\tResource directory missing at /redfish/v1/resourcedirectory" + "\n")
return resources
Response Example
Snippet of Resource directory
Get Schemas
Obtain schema data.
def get_schema(_redfishobj):
schema_members_uris = []
schema_members_expanded = {}
schema_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['JsonSchemas']['@odata.id']
schema_response = _redfishobj.get(schema_uri)
schema_members_uris = schema_response.obj['Members']
for member in schema_members_uris:
data = _redfishobj.get(member['@odata.id']).dict
instance_id = data['Location'].index(next(iter(data['Location'])))
schema_uri = data['Location'][instance_id]['Uri']
schema = _redfishobj.get(schema_uri).dict
#I am just replacing the URI link for the sub-schema with the actual schema. You will
_tmp = {schema_uri + ' ->': schema}
data['Location'][instance_id]['Uri'] = _tmp
schema_members_expanded[member['@odata.id']] = data
print(json.dumps(schema_members_expanded, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Snippet of schema data for HpeiLOManagerNetworkService
Get Smart Array Encryption
Obtain Smart Array controller encryption property data.
def get_SmartArray_EncryptionSettings(_redfishobj, desired_properties):
smartstorage_response = []
smartarraycontrollers = dict()
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
smart_storage_uri = systems_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links\
smart_storage_arraycontrollers_uri = _redfishobj.get(smart_storage_uri).obj.Links\
smartstorage_response = _redfishobj.get(smart_storage_arraycontrollers_uri).obj['Members']
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#HpeSmartStorageArrayControllerCollection.' in instance['@odata.type']:
smartstorage_uri = instance['@odata.id']
smartstorage_response = _redfishobj.get(smartstorage_uri).obj['Members']
for controller in smartstorage_response:
smartarraycontrollers[controller['@odata.id']] = _redfishobj.get(controller['@odata.id']).\
sys.stdout.write("Encryption Properties for Smart Storage Array Controller \'%s\' : \n" \
% smartarraycontrollers[controller['@odata.id']].get('Id'))
for data in smartarraycontrollers[controller['@odata.id']]:
if data in desired_properties:
sys.stdout.write("\t %s : %s\n" % (data, smartarraycontrollers[controller\
Response Example
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeESKM.HpeESKM",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"87058EB1\"",
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/ESKM/",
"@odata.type": "#HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM",
"Actions": {
"#HpeESKM.ClearESKMLog": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/ESKM/Actions/HpeESKM.ClearESKMLog/"
"#HpeESKM.TestESKMConnections": {
"target": "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/ESKM/Actions/HpeESKM.TestESKMConnections/"
"Id": "ESKM",
"KeyManagerConfig": {
"AccountGroup": "",
"AccountName": "ilo-98f2b3217b48",
"ESKMLocalCACertificateName": "",
"ImportedCertificateIssuer": "",
"ImportedCertificateSubject": ""
"KeyServerRedundancyReq": false,
"PrimaryKeyServerAddress": null,
"PrimaryKeyServerPort": null,
"SecondaryKeyServerAddress": null,
"SecondaryKeyServerPort": null
Import SSL Certificate
Import Secure Socket Layer Certificate.
def import_ssl(_redfishobj, ssl_file_path):
https_cert_uri = None
body = dict()
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
security_service_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links['SecurityService']\
security_service_response = _redfishobj.get(security_service_uri)
https_cert_uri = security_service_response.obj.Links['HttpsCert']['@odata.id']
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#HpeHttpsCert.' in instance['@odata.type']:
https_cert_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if https_cert_uri:
https_cert_import_uri = _redfishobj.get(https_cert_uri).obj['Actions']\
body = dict()
body["Action"] = "HpeHttpsCert.ImportCertificate"
body["Certificate"] = ssl_cert
resp = _redfishobj.post(https_cert_import_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
print("\nImporting SSL Certificate may take a few minutes...\n "\
"iLO will reset with new changes.\n")
Modify iLO Management User Account
Modify a management interface user account.
def modify_ilo_user_account(_redfishobj, username_to_modify, new_loginname, new_username, \
new_password, role_id, privilege_dict):
account_collection_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#resource directory is not available so we will navigate through paths manually to obtain
#account info
account_service_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['AccountService']['@odata.id']
account_service_response = _redfishobj.get(account_service_uri)
account_collection_uri = account_service_response.obj['Accounts']['@odata.id']
#modify role id
if role_id:
body = {"RoleId": role_id}
#obtain all account instances from resource directory
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#ManagerAccountCollection.' in instance['@odata.type']:
account_collection_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if privilege_dict:
#HPE server, so modify privileges
body = {"Oem": {"Hpe": {"Privileges": {}}}}
for priv in privilege_dict:
body["Oem"]["Hpe"]["Privileges"][priv] = privilege_dict[priv]
if new_loginname:
#modify login name
body["Oem"]["Hpe"]["LoginName"] = new_loginname
if new_username:
body["UserName"] = new_username
if new_password:
body["Password"] = new_password
#find the account to modify
account_uri_to_modify = None
account_uris = REDFISHOBJ.get(account_collection_uri)
for account_uri in account_uris.dict['Members']:
account = REDFISHOBJ.get(account_uri['@odata.id'])
if account.dict['UserName'] == username_to_modify:
account_uri_to_modify = account_uri['@odata.id']
if not account_uri_to_modify:
sys.stderr.write("Cannot find account to modify")
#modify the account
resp = REDFISHOBJ.patch(account_uri_to_modify, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended Message "\
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of '%s' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
An example Redfish response error message.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.AccountModified"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Modify Virtual Media
Modify a virtual media entry.
def mount_virtual_media_iso(_redfishobj, iso_url, media_type, boot_on_next_server_reset):
virtual_media_uri = None
virtual_media_response = []
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
virtual_media_uri = managers_members_response.obj['VirtualMedia']['@odata.id']
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#VirtualMediaCollection.' in instance['@odata.type']:
virtual_media_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if virtual_media_uri:
virtual_media_response = _redfishobj.get(virtual_media_uri)
for virtual_media_slot in virtual_media_response.obj['Members']:
data = _redfishobj.get(virtual_media_slot['@odata.id'])
if media_type in data.dict['MediaTypes']:
virtual_media_mount_uri = data.obj['Actions']['#VirtualMedia.InsertMedia']['target']
post_body = {"Image": iso_url}
if iso_url:
resp = _redfishobj.post(virtual_media_mount_uri, post_body)
if boot_on_next_server_reset is not None:
patch_body = {}
patch_body["Oem"] = {"Hpe": {"BootOnNextServerReset": \
boot_resp = _redfishobj.patch(data.obj['@odata.id'], patch_body)
if not boot_resp.status == 200:
sys.stderr.write("Failure setting BootOnNextServerReset")
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO"
"Extended Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
An example Redfish response error message following a successful modification of a user account.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.Success"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Reboot Server
Reboot a server.
def reboot_server(_redfishobj):
systems_members_response = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#ComputerSystem.' in instance['@odata.type']:
systems_members_uri = instance['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
if systems_members_response:
system_reboot_uri = systems_members_response.obj['Actions']['#ComputerSystem.Reset']\
body = dict()
body['Action'] = 'ComputerSystem.Reset'
body['ResetType'] = "ForceRestart"
resp = _redfishobj.post(system_reboot_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
An example Redfish response error message following a successful application of virtual media.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.Success"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Remove an iLO User Management Account
Delete an iLO User Management Account
def reboot_server(_redfishobj):
systems_members_response = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
for instance in resource_instances:
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
if '#ComputerSystem.' in instance['@odata.type']:
systems_members_uri = instance['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
if systems_members_response:
system_reboot_uri = systems_members_response.obj['Actions']['#ComputerSystem.Reset']\
body = dict()
body['Action'] = 'ComputerSystem.Reset'
body['ResetType'] = "ForceRestart"
resp = _redfishobj.post(system_reboot_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
An example Redfish response error message following a successful application of virtual media.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.Success"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Reset ESKM Event log
Reset Enterprise Secure Key Manager event log.
def reset_ESKM_eventlog(_redfishobj):
body = dict()
security_service_eskm_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
security_service_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links\
security_service_response = _redfishobj.get(security_service_uri)
security_service_eskm_uri = security_service_response.obj.Links['ESKM']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeESKM.' in instance['@odata.type']:
security_service_eskm_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if security_service_eskm_uri:
security_service_eskm_uri = _redfishobj.get(security_service_uri).obj.Links\
security_service_eskm_resp = _redfishobj.get(security_service_eskm_uri)
security_service_eskm_clearlog_uri = security_service_eskm_resp.obj['Actions']\
body["Action"] = "HpeESKM.ClearESKMLog"
#We pass the URI and the dictionary as a POST command (part of the redfish object)
resp = _redfishobj.post(security_service_eskm_clearlog_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with something outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
An example Redfish response error message following a successful reset of ESKM log.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.Success"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Reset iLO
Reset iLO BMC.
def reset_ilo(_redfishobj):
managers_members_response = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#Manager.' in instance['@odata.type']:
managers_members_uri = instance['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
if managers_members_response:
reset_ilo_uri = managers_members_response.obj['Actions']['#Manager.Reset']['target']
body = {'Action': 'Manager.Reset'}
resp = _redfishobj.post(reset_ilo_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended Message "\
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
An example Redfish response error message following a successful reset of iLO.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "iLO.2.14.ResetInProgress"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
In the following
the sessions()
function creates a new session, prints its URI and token. Then it deletes it.
def sessions(_redfishobj, login_account, login_password):
new_session = {"UserName": login_account, "Password": login_password}
response = _redfishobj.post('/redfish/v1/Sessions', new_session)
if response.status == 201:
session_uri = response.getheader("location")
session_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(session_uri)
sys.stdout.write("\tSession " + session_uri.path + " created.\n")
x_auth_token = response.getheader("x-auth-token")
sys.stdout.write("\tThis is the session X-Auth Token key " + x_auth_token + ".\n")
print(json.dumps(response.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# Delete the created session
sys.stdout.write("\tTerminating this session.\n")
sessresp = _redfishobj.delete(session_uri.path)
print(json.dumps(sessresp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: failed to create a session.\n")
print(json.dumps(sessresp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended"
" Message Info...")
Session /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin0000000067166017b810616 created.
This is the session X-Auth Token key 69fe736fa3ce58a205d7444b5833ad80.
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Session.Session",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"34D65544\"",
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/demopaq0000000067166017b810616",
"@odata.type": "#Session.v1_0_0.Session",
"Description": "Manager User Session",
"Id": "demopaq0000000067166017b810616",
"Name": "User Session",
"Oem": {
"Hpe": {
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeiLOSession.HpeiLOSession",
"@odata.type": "#HpeiLOSession.v2_1_0.HpeiLOSession",
"AccessTime": "2024-10-21T14:07:19Z",
"LoginTime": "2024-10-21T14:07:19Z",
"MySession": false,
"UserExpires": "2024-10-21T14:37:19Z",
"UserIP": "",
"UserTag": "REST",
"UserType": "Local"
"UserName": "admin"
Terminating this session.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.18.NoValidSession"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Session tokens
Session tokens can be cached and used for authentication for all subsequent calls as long as the session has not been terminated by the client or timed out by the server.
This is only true in production mode. Some higher security modes may require additional authentication techniques to be performed.
Once a session has been created, its associated token can be used with Redfish clients as shown in this paragraph.
The following example shows how to use a valid session token with the python-ilorest-library
If your data center is managed by HPE OneView, it is possible to create securely a single sign on (SSO) OneView token and use it in a Python code, as shown in the following example.
from redfish import RedfishClient
import sys
REDFISHOBJ=RedfishClient(base_url=iloURL, session_key=iloToken)
response = REDFISHOBJ.get("/redfish/v1/systems/1", None)
sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % response)
Session Deletion
Terminating a session from the client side simply requires deletion of the session URI. Attempting to re-access the session results in the following response message.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.NoValidSession"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
iLO Management NIC Data
Example of ethernet management NIC enablement/disablement. On iLO systems: * Ethernet Management Interface 1 is typically the physical NIC port * Ethernet Management Interface 2 is typically the shared NIC interface. ** Shared physical System/iLO NIC. ** iLO USB port (requires the use of a USB to NIC adapter) * Ethernet Management Interface 3 is typically the virtual NIC interface. This is generally PnP with a supported Kernel/kernel virtual usb drivers.
def set_active_ilo_nic(_redfishobj):
ethernet_data = {}
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
manager_ethernet_interfaces = managers_members_response.obj['EthernetInterfaces']\
manager_ethernet_interfaces_response = _redfishobj.get(manager_ethernet_interfaces)
manager_ethernet_interfaces_members = manager_ethernet_interfaces_response.\
for _member in manager_ethernet_interfaces_members:
_tmp = _redfishobj.get(_member['@odata.id']).obj
ethernet_data[_member['@odata.id']] = _tmp
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#EthernetInterfaceCollection.' in instance['@odata.type'] and 'Managers' in \
ethernet_uri = instance['@odata.id']
ethernet_interfaces = _redfishobj.get(ethernet_uri).obj['Members']
for _ethernet_interface in ethernet_interfaces:
ethernet_data[_ethernet_interface['@odata.id']] = _redfishobj.\
if ethernet_data:
print("\n\nShowing all available ethernet management interfaces before changes:\n\n")
for interface in ethernet_data:
sys.stdout.write("Ethernet Management Inteface \'%s\'\n" % ethernet_data\
sys.stdout.write("\t\'Interface Enabled\': %s\n" % ethernet_data[interface].\
for ethernet in ethernet_data:
sys.stdout.write("Ethernet Interface: %s\n" % ethernet)
ans = input("Would you like to enable/disable this interface? (enable/disable)\n")
if "en" in ans:
body = {"InterfaceEnabled": True}
body = {"InterfaceEnabled": False}
resp = _redfishobj.patch(ethernet, body)
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print("Success! You will need to reset iLO for this change to take effect.\n")
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Configure iSCSI (Internet Small Computer Systems Interface) for ip based network attached storage.
def set_bios_iscsi(_redfishobj, iscsi_properties):
iscsi_uri = None
iscsi_data = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
bios_uri = systems_members_response.obj['Bios']['@odata.id']
bios_response = _redfishobj.get(bios_uri)
iscsi_uri = bios_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links['iScsi']['@odata.id']
iscsi_data = _redfishobj.get(iscsi_uri)
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.' in instance['@odata.type']:
iscsi_uri = instance['@odata.id']
iscsi_data = _redfishobj.get(iscsi_uri)
if iscsi_data:
for indx, inst in enumerate(iscsi_data.obj['iSCSISources']):
if iscsi_properties['iSCSIBootInstance'] == indx:
resp = _redfishobj.patch(iscsi_uri, {'iSCSISources' : iscsi_data.dict['iSCSISources']})
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the
#iLO extended info error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], \
indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except Exception as excp:
print(json.dumps(resp.ori, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO " \
"Extended Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print("Success! A system reboot will be required to complete the change.\n")
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Successful modification of iSCSI data.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "iLO.2.14.SystemResetRequired"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Set BIOS Password
Set BIOS Password.
def set_bios_password(_redfishobj, new_password, bios_password):
bios_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
bios_uri = systems_members_response.obj['Bios']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#Bios.' in instance['@odata.type']:
bios_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if bios_uri:
bios_data = _redfishobj.get(bios_uri)
bios_change_pass_uri = bios_data.obj['Actions']['#Bios.ChangePassword']['target']
body = dict()
body["PasswordName"] = "Administrator"
body["OldPassword"] = bios_password
body["NewPassword"] = new_password
resp = _redfishobj.post(bios_change_pass_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Successful modification of BIOS password.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.Success"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Set ESKM Primary Key
Set HPE Enterprise Secure Key Manager Key Manager Config.
A valid ESKM key manager config is required and is tested upon patch submission. An error initializing ESKM may occur if the ESKM key manager or associated required properties are invalid. See ‘@Message.ExtendedInfo’ in the http response message.
"error": {
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information.",
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [{
"MessageId": "iLO.2.14.ErrorIntializingESKM"
def set_ESKM_PrimaryKeyServer(_redfishobj, primary_key_server_address, primary_key_server_port):
eskm_uri = None
body = dict()
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
security_service_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links['SecurityService']\
security_service_response = _redfishobj.get(security_service_uri)
eskm_uri = security_service_response.obj.Links['ESKM']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeESKM.' in instance['@odata.type']:
eskm_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if eskm_uri:
body["PrimaryKeyServerAddress"] = primary_key_server_address
body["PrimaryKeyServerPort"] = int(primary_key_server_port)
resp = _redfishobj.post(eskm_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Configure Ethernet Management NIC(s)
Configure Ethernet Management NIC(s) for DHCP/Static Network Addressing.
def set_ilo_static_ipv4(_redfishobj, ipv4_dict, dns_dict):
ethernet_data = {}
body = dict()
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
manager_ethernet_interfaces = managers_members_response.obj['EthernetInterfaces']\
manager_ethernet_interfaces_response = _redfishobj.get(manager_ethernet_interfaces)
manager_ethernet_interfaces_members = manager_ethernet_interfaces_response.\
for _member in manager_ethernet_interfaces_members:
_tmp = _redfishobj.get(_member['@odata.id']).obj
ethernet_data[_member['@odata.id']] = _tmp
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#EthernetInterfaceCollection.' in instance['@odata.type'] and 'Managers' in \
ethernet_uri = instance['@odata.id']
ethernet_interfaces = _redfishobj.get(ethernet_uri).obj['Members']
for _ethernet_interface in ethernet_interfaces:
ethernet_data[_ethernet_interface['@odata.id']] = _redfishobj.\
if ethernet_data:
print("\n\nShowing all available ethernet management interfaces before changes:\n\n")
for interface in ethernet_data:
sys.stdout.write("Ethernet Management Inteface \'%s\'\n" % ethernet_data\
if ethernet_data[interface].get('DHCPv4'):
print(json.dumps(ethernet_data[interface].get('DHCPv4'), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
print(json.dumps(ethernet_data[interface]['Oem']['Hpe'].get('DHCPv4'), indent=4, \
if ethernet_data[interface].get('IPv4StaticAddresses'):
print(json.dumps(ethernet_data[interface].get('IPv4Addresses'), indent=4, \
if ethernet_data[interface].get('StaticNameServers'):
print(json.dumps(ethernet_data[interface].get('StaticNameServers'), indent=4, \
for ethernet in ethernet_data:
sys.stdout.write("Ethernet Interface: %s\n" % ethernet)
ans = input("Would you like to modify this interface? (y/n)\n")
if "n" in ans:
if 'DHCPv4' in ethernet_data[ethernet]:
if ethernet_data[ethernet]['DHCPv4'].get('UseDNSServers'):
resp = _redfishobj.patch(ethernet, {"DHCPv4": {"UseDNSServers": False}})
ilo_response(_redfishobj, resp)
if ethernet_data[ethernet]['DHCPv4'].get('UseGateway'):
resp = _redfishobj.pathc(ethernet, {"DHCPv4": {"UseGateway": False}})
ilo_response(_redfishobj, resp)
if 'IPv4StaticAddresses' in ethernet_data[ethernet]:
body.update({"IPv4Addresses": [ipv4_dict]})
if 'StaticNameServers' in ethernet_data[ethernet]:
body.update({"StaticNameServers" : [dns_dict.get('PrimaryDNS'), \
body.update({"Oem": {"Hpe": {"IPv4": {"DNSServers": [dns_dict.get('PrimaryDNS'), \
resp = _redfishobj.patch(ethernet, body)
ilo_response(_redfishobj, resp)
Set iLO NTP Server Settings
Configure NTP Server Settings.
The physical or shared ethernet networking adapter must be configured with ‘StaticNTPServers’:’True’, if static network time protocol servers are to be used. DHCP must also be disabled. The following is an error message which will occur in the event DHCP is enabled while attempting to configure static NTP server entries.
"MessageArgs": [
"MessageId": "iLO.2.14.SNTPConfigurationManagedByDHCPAndIsReadOnly"
def set_ilo_ntp_servers(_redfishobj, ntp_server_list):
date_time_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
date_time_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links['DateTimeService']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeiLODateTime.' in instance['@odata.type']:
date_time_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if date_time_uri:
data = _redfishobj.get(date_time_uri)
if data.dict.get('StaticNTPServers'):
resp = _redfishobj.patch(date_time_uri, {'StaticNTPServers': ntp_server_list})
raise Exception("\'StaticNTPServers\' property is not available/modifyable.\n")
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended " \
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
ntp_data = _redfishobj.get(date_time_uri).dict.get('StaticNTPServers')
print("Printing updated NTP Servers:\n")
print(json.dumps(ntp_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Successful modification of StaticNTPServers. (Only displaying response from iLODateTime)
{ "error": { "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "MessageId": "iLO.2.14.SystemResetRequired" } ], "code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo", "message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information." } }
Set Timezone
Configure Network Time Protocol Time zone.
DHCP must be disabled. The following is an error message which will occur in the event DHCP is enabled while attempting to modify the NTP timezone.
"MessageArgs": [
"MessageId": "iLO.2.14.SNTPConfigurationManagedByDHCPAndIsReadOnly"
def set_timezone(_redfishobj, timezone):
date_time_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
date_time_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links['DateTimeService']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeiLODateTime.' in instance['@odata.type']:
date_time_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if date_time_uri:
data = _redfishobj.get(date_time_uri)
if data.dict.get('TimeZone'):
_data = {'TimeZone': {"Name": timezone}}
resp = _redfishobj.patch(date_time_uri, _data)
raise Exception("\'TimeZone\' property is not available/modifyable.\n")
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
print(json.dumps(data.obj.get('TimeZoneList'), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
sys.stderr.write("Check the TimeZone value...\n")
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended " \
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
ntp_data = _redfishobj.get(date_time_uri).dict.get('TimeZone')
print("Printing updated NTP Servers:\n")
print(json.dumps(ntp_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example
Successful modification of iLO timezone.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.Success"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Configure iLO License Key
Configure iLO License Key.
def set_license_key(_redfishobj, ilo_key):
ilo_lic_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
ilo_lic_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links['LicenseService']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeiLOLicense.' in instance['@odata.type']:
ilo_lic_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if ilo_lic_uri:
ilo_license_collection = _redfishobj.get(ilo_lic_uri)
ilo_license_member_uri = next(iter(ilo_license_collection.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
ilo_license_data = _redfishobj.get(ilo_license_member_uri).obj['ConfirmationRequest']\
except KeyError:
sys.stdout.write("This machine will not show the full License Key.\n")
ilo_license_data = _redfishobj.get(ilo_license_member_uri).obj['LicenseKey']
sys.stdout.write("Current iLO License Data:\n")
print(json.dumps(ilo_license_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
resp = _redfishobj.post(ilo_lic_uri, {'LicenseKey' : ilo_key})
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
sys.stderr.write("Check the validity of your license key...\n")
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO " \
"Extended Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example Valid
Successful addition/modification of iLO license key.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.Success"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Response Example Invalid
An invalid iLO license key.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "iLO.2.14.InvalidLicenseKey"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Server Asset Tag
Configure Redfish asset tag.
def set_server_asset_tag(_redfishobj, tag):
systems_members_uri = None
systems_members_response = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#ComputerSystem.' in instance['@odata.type']:
systems_members_uri = instance['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
if systems_members_response and systems_members_uri and tag:
print("Current Asset Tag: \'%s\'\n" % systems_members_response.dict.get("AssetTag"))
resp = _redfishobj.patch(systems_members_uri, {"AssetTag" : tag})
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
time.sleep(10) #going to wait 10 seconds before obtaining the LED indicator state
sys.stdout.write("\nUpdated Asset Tag: \'%s\'\n" % _redfishobj.\
Response Example
Successful addition/modification of Redfish asset tag.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.Success"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Server UID Light
Configure System Unit Identification Light as either ‘Lit’ or ‘Off’.
def set_uid_light(_redfishobj):
body = dict()
systems_members_uri = None
systems_members_response = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
systems_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Systems']['@odata.id']
systems_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_uri)
systems_members_uri = next(iter(systems_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#ComputerSystem.' in instance['@odata.type']:
systems_members_uri = instance['@odata.id']
systems_members_response = _redfishobj.get(systems_members_uri)
if systems_members_response and systems_members_uri:
print("Current Indicator LED Status: \'%s\'\n" % systems_members_response.dict.\
if "Off" in systems_members_response.dict.get("IndicatorLED"):
print("Will illuminate indicator LED.\n")
body["IndicatorLED"] = "Lit"
print("Will extinguish indicator LED.\n")
body["IndicatorLED"] = "Off"
resp = _redfishobj.patch(systems_members_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with soemthing outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
time.sleep(10) #going to wait 10 seconds before obtaining the LED indicator state
sys.stdout.write("\nUpdated Indicator LED Status: \'%s\'\n" % _redfishobj.\
Response Example
Successful addition/modification of UID light.
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.Success"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Server Firmware Inventory
List all iLO onboard device firmware.
def get_inventory_uri(_redfishobj, select):
update_service_uri = None
inventory_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
update_service_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['UpdateService']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#UpdateService.' in instance['@odata.type']:
update_service_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if update_service_uri:
update_service_resp = _redfishobj.get(update_service_uri)
if "software" in select.lower():
inventory_uri = update_service_resp.obj['SoftwareInventory']['@odata.id']
elif "firmware" in select.lower():
inventory_uri = update_service_resp.obj['FirmwareInventory']['@odata.id']
raise Exception("Invalid selection provided: Please select 'software' or 'firmware' " \
"to obtain the relevant invetory data.")
sys.stdout.write("Printing data in invetory: %s\n" % inventory_uri)
get_inventory(_redfishobj, inventory_uri)
Response Example
Snippet of Firmware Inventory Response.
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#SoftwareInventory.SoftwareInventory",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"0539D502\"",
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/15/",
"@odata.type": "#SoftwareInventory.v1_0_0.SoftwareInventory",
"Description": "102b0538159000e4",
"Id": "15",
"Name": "Embedded Video Controller",
"Oem": {
"Hpe": {
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeiLOSoftwareInventory.HpeiLOSoftwareInventory",
"@odata.type": "#HpeiLOSoftwareInventory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSoftwareInventory",
"DeviceClass": null,
"DeviceContext": "Embedded Device",
"DeviceInstance": "PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x1)",
"Targets": [
"Version": "2.5"
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#SoftwareInventory.SoftwareInventory",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"0539D502\"",
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/13/",
"@odata.type": "#SoftwareInventory.v1_0_0.SoftwareInventory",
"Description": "14e41657103c22be",
"Id": "13",
"Name": "HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC",
"Oem": {
"Hpe": {
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeiLOSoftwareInventory.HpeiLOSoftwareInventory",
"@odata.type": "#HpeiLOSoftwareInventory.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSoftwareInventory",
"DeviceClass": null,
"DeviceContext": "Embedded LOM",
"DeviceInstance": "PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)",
"Targets": [
"Version": "20.6.61"
Test ESKM Connectivity
Test HPE Enterprise Secure Key Manager connectivity.
def test_ESKM_connection(_redfishobj):
eskm_uri = None
body = dict()
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
security_service_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links['SecurityService']\
security_service_response = _redfishobj.get(security_service_uri)
eskm_uri = security_service_response.obj.Links['ESKM']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeESKM.' in instance['@odata.type']:
eskm_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if eskm_uri:
eskm_test_conn_uri = _redfishobj.get(eskm_uri).obj['Actions']\
body["Action"] = "HpeESKM.TestESKMConnections"
resp = _redfishobj.post(eskm_test_conn_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with something outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example Not Configured
Response of a failed test ESKM connection action. (ESKM not properly configured)
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "iLO.2.14.ESKMServersNotConfigured"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Test ESKM Connectivity
Test HPE Enterprise Secure Key Manager connectivity.
def test_ESKM_connection(_redfishobj):
eskm_uri = None
body = dict()
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
managers_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['Managers']['@odata.id']
managers_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_uri)
managers_members_uri = next(iter(managers_response.obj['Members']))['@odata.id']
managers_members_response = _redfishobj.get(managers_members_uri)
security_service_uri = managers_members_response.obj.Oem.Hpe.Links['SecurityService']\
security_service_response = _redfishobj.get(security_service_uri)
eskm_uri = security_service_response.obj.Links['ESKM']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#HpeESKM.' in instance['@odata.type']:
eskm_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if eskm_uri:
eskm_test_conn_uri = _redfishobj.get(eskm_uri).obj['Actions']\
body["Action"] = "HpeESKM.TestESKMConnections"
resp = _redfishobj.post(eskm_test_conn_uri, body)
#If iLO responds with something outside of 200 or 201 then lets check the iLO extended info
#error message to see what went wrong
if resp.status == 400:
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, \
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Response Example Not Configured
Response of a failed test ESKM connection action. (ESKM not properly configured)
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageId": "iLO.2.14.ESKMServersNotConfigured"
"code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
"message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information."
Update iLO Firmware
Process for a client to invoke a simple update of iLO firmware. Firmware is intended to be hosted and gathered by iLO by pointing to a URL for iLO to consume. A valid URL will result in an http 202 response code; however, this only indicates iLO will separately handle both downloading and processing the firmware update. The client will need to separately poll for status information regarding the update progress.
def update_ilo_firmware(_redfishobj, fw_url, tpm_flag):
body = dict()
update_service_uri = None
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#if we do not have a resource directory or want to force it's non use to find the
#relevant URI
update_service_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['UpdateService']['@odata.id']
#Use Resource directory to find the relevant URI
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#UpdateService.' in instance['@odata.type']:
update_service_uri = instance['@odata.id']
if update_service_uri and fw_url:
update_uri = _redfishobj.get(update_service_uri).obj['Actions']\
body["ImageURI"] = fw_url
if tpm_flag:
body["TPMOverrideFlag"] = tpm_flag
resp = _redfishobj.post(update_uri, body)
if resp.status == 400:
['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
except Exception as excp:
sys.stderr.write("A response error occurred, unable to access iLO Extended "\
"Message Info...")
elif resp.status != 200:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of \'%s\' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print(json.dumps(resp.obj['error']['@Message.ExtendedInfo'], indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Upload firmware to iLO Repository
Firmware can be stored and catalogued, to be used at a later date or in the need to recover the platform from a failure condition. An http response code of 200 will be supplied upon completion of a successful upload; no other extended message information is provided.
def upload_firmware(_redfishobj, firmware_loc, update_repo=True, update_target=False):
resource_instances = get_resource_directory(_redfishobj)
if DISABLE_RESOURCE_DIR or not resource_instances:
#resource directory is not available so we will navigate through paths manually
update_service_uri = _redfishobj.root.obj['UpdateService']['@odata.id']
#obtain all account instances from resource directory
for instance in resource_instances:
if '#UpdateService.' in instance['@odata.type']:
update_service_uri = instance['@odata.id']
update_service_response = _redfishobj.get(update_service_uri)
path = update_service_response.obj.HttpPushUri
body = []
json_data = {'UpdateRepository': update_repo, 'UpdateTarget': update_target, 'ETag': 'atag', 'Section': 0}
session_key = _redfishobj.session_key
filename = os.path.basename(firmware_loc)
with open(firmware_loc, 'rb') as fle:
output = fle.read()
session_tuple = ('sessionKey', session_key)
parameters_tuple = ('parameters', json.dumps(json_data))
file_tuple = ('file', (filename, output, 'application/octet-stream'))
#Build the payload from each multipart-form data tuple
#Create our header dictionary
header = {'Cookie': 'sessionKey=' + session_key}
#We pass the whole list payload to post
resp = _redfishobj.post(path, body, headers=header)
if resp.status == 400:
sys.stderr.write("Failed to upload firmware...")
elif not resp.status in [200, 201]:
sys.stderr.write("An http response of '%s' was returned.\n" % resp.status)
print("Upload complete!\n")