HPE Python Redfish library v3.2 reference documentation

This section describes the HPE Python Library that you can use for writing your own Redfish clients. It is an alternative to the DMTF Python Redfish Library


Base interface to simplify interaction with LegacyRest/Redfish data and Remote/Local connections.


Direct module for working with Redfish/REST technology.

class redfish.rest.v1.AuthMethod()

Bases: object

AUTH Method class

BASIC, SESSION, CERTIFICATE variables translate to their string counterparts basic, session, certificate.

exception redfish.rest.v1.JsonDecodingError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in json data.

class redfish.rest.v1.LegacyRestClient(**client_kwargs)

Bases: RestClient

Class for a Legacy REST client instance. Instantiates appropriate Rest object based on existing configuration. Use this to retrieve a pre-configured Legacy Rest Class.

Basic arguments include (These can be omitted for most local connections):

  • base_url : The IP or Hostname of the server to perform operations on.
  • username : The username of the account to login with.
  • password : The username of the account to login with.

For full description of the arguments allowed see RestClient

class redfish.rest.v1.RedfishClient(**client_kwargs)

Bases: RestClient

Class for a Redfish client instance. Instantiates appropriate Redfish object based on existing configuration. Use this to retrieve a pre-configured Redfish Class.

Basic arguments include (These can be omitted for most local connections):

  • base_url : The IP or Hostname of the server to perform operations on. None for local.
  • username : The username of the account to login with.
  • password : The username of the account to login with.

For full description of the arguments allowed see RestClient

class redfish.rest.v1.RestClient(defaultprefix='/redfish/v1/', isredfish=True, username=None, password=None, sessionid=None, baseurl=None, auth=None, cacertdata=None, **clientkwargs)

Bases: RestClientBase

REST client with Redfish and LegacyRest support built on top.

  • Parameters
    • default_prefix ( str ) – The root of the REST API, either /redfish/v1/ or /rest/v1.
    • is_redfish ( bool ) – Flag to force redfish conformance, even on LegacyRest clients.
    • username ( str ) – The username of the account to login with.
    • password ( str ) – The password of the account to login with.
    • auth (str or AuthMethod class variable.) – The authentication type to force.
    • cacertdata ( dict ) – Dictionary containing the certificate authority data (user CA, user root CA, user root CA key
    • **client_kwargs – Arguments to create a RestClientBase instance.

property base_url()

The connection’s URL to make calls against

property basic_auth()

The Client’s basic auth header, if any.


Login to a Redfish or LegacyRest server. If auth is not supplied login will intelligently choose the authentication mode based on the arguments passed. Basic authentication MUST be specified with auth.

  • Parameters

    auth (str or AuthMethod class variable) – The auth type to login with.

property login_url()

The login URI from the root response. This is where we post the credentials for a login.


Logout of session.


property password()

The password, if any. Once a login function has been called the credentials are removed from memory for security and this will return None.

property proxy()

The connection’s proxy, if any.

property session_key()

The Client’s session key, if any.

property session_location()

The session URI. Used for deleting the session when we logout.

property username()

The username, if any. Once a login function has been called the credentials are removed from memory for security and this will return None.

class redfish.rest.v1.RestClientBase(biospassword=None, **client_kwargs)

Bases: object

Base REST client. Each RestClientBase has a connection object built by parsing the client_kwargs. This connection is used for communicating remotely or locally.

  • Parameters
    • biospassword ( str ) – The iLO Gen9 bios password. See bios_password()
    • **client_kwargs – Arguments to pass to the client argument. For possible values see redfish.rest.connections.Blobstore2Connection for a local connection or redfish.rest.connections.HttpConnection for remote connection.

property bios_password()

Property for the biospassword. Only required on Gen9 iLO 4 when RBSU bios password is set and modifying bios settings

delete(path, headers=None)

Perform a DELETE request

  • Parameters
    • path ( str ) – The URI path.
    • args ( dict ) – Any query to add to the URI. (Can also be directly added to the URI)
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object

get(path, args=None, headers=None)

Perform a GET request

  • Parameters
    • path ( str ) – The URI path.
    • args ( dict ) – Any query to add to the URI. (Can also be directly added to the URI)
    • headers ( dict ) – Any extra headers to add to the request.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object

head(path, headers=None)

Perform a HEAD request

  • Parameters
    • path ( str ) – The URI path.
    • headers ( dict ) – Any extra headers to add to the request.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object

patch(path, body, args=None, headers=None)

Perform a PATCH request

  • Parameters
    • path ( str ) – The URI path.
    • body ( dict ) – The body to pass with the request.
    • args ( dict ) – Any query to add to the URI. (Can also be directly added to the URI)
    • headers ( dict ) – Any extra headers to add to the request.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object

post(path, body, args=None, headers=None)

Perform a POST request

  • Parameters
    • path ( str ) – The URI path.
    • body ( dict ) – The body to pass with the request.
    • args ( dict ) – Any query to add to the URI. (Can also be directly added to the URI)
    • headers ( dict ) – Any extra headers to add to the request.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object

put(path, body, args=None, headers=None)

Perform a PUT request

  • Parameters
    • path ( str ) – The URI path.
    • body ( dict ) – The body to pass with the request.
    • args ( dict ) – Any query to add to the URI. (Can also be directly added to the URI)
    • headers ( dict ) – Any extra headers to add to the request.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object

exception redfish.rest.v1.ServerDownOrUnreachableError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when server is unreachable.


All Connections for interacting with REST.

class redfish.rest.connections.Blobstore2Connection(**conn_kwargs)

Bases: object

A connection for communicating locally with HPE servers

  • Parameters

    **conn_kwargs – Arguments to pass to the connection initialization. Possible arguments for \*conn_kwargs* include:

  • Username

    The username to login with

  • Password

    The password to login with


Login using a certificate.

rest_request(path='', method='GET', args=None, body=None, headers=None)

Rest request for blobstore client

  • Parameters
    • path ( str ) – The URI path to perform the operation on.
    • method ( str ) – method to perform on the path.
    • args ( dict ) – Any query to add to the URI. (Can also be directly added to the URI)
    • body ( dict ) – body payload to include in the request if needed.
    • headers ( dict ) – Any extra headers to add to the request.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object

exception redfish.rest.connections.ChifDriverMissingOrNotFound()

Bases: Exception

Raised when CHIF driver is missing or not found.

exception redfish.rest.connections.DecompressResponseError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when decompressing the response failed.

class redfish.rest.connections.HttpConnection(baseurl, certdata, **client_kwargs)

Bases: object

HTTP connection capable of authenticating with HTTPS and Http/Socks Proxies

  • Parameters
    • base_url ( str ) – The URL to make HTTP calls against
    • **client_kwargs – Arguments to pass to the connection initialization. These are passed to a urllib3 PoolManager . All arguments that can be passed to a PoolManager are valid arguments.


Login using a certificate.

property proxy()

The proxy, if any.

rest_request(path, method='GET', args=None, body=None, headers=None)

Format and do HTTP Rest request

  • Parameters
    • path ( str ) – The URI path to perform the operation on.
    • method ( str ) – method to perform on the path.
    • args ( dict ) – Any query to add to the URI. (Can also be directly added to the URI)
    • body ( dict ) – body payload to include in the request if needed.
    • headers ( dict ) – Any extra headers to add to the request.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object

exception redfish.rest.connections.InvalidCertificateError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when a invalid certificate has been provided.

exception redfish.rest.connections.InvalidCredentialsError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when invalid credentials have been provided.

exception redfish.rest.connections.RetriesExhaustedError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when retry attempts have been exhausted.

exception redfish.rest.connections.SecurityStateError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is a strict security state without authentication.

exception redfish.rest.connections.VnicNotEnabledError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when retry attempts have been exhausted when VNIC is not enabled.


Containers used for REST requests and responses.

class redfish.rest.containers.RestRequest(path, method='GET', data='', url=None)

Bases: object

Holder for Request information

  • Parameters
    • path ( str ) – The URI path.
    • method ( str ) – method to be implemented
    • data ( dict ) – body payload for the rest call

property body()

The body to pass along with the request, if any.

property method()

The method to implement.

property path()

The path the request is made against.

class redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse(restrequest, httpresponse)

Bases: object

Returned by Rest requests

  • Parameters
    • rest_request ( RestRequest object) – Holder for request information
    • http_response ( HTTPResponse object) – Response from HTTP

property dict()

The response body data as an dict


Case-insensitive search for an individual header

  • Parameters

    name (str) – The header name to retrieve.

  • Returns

    returns a header from HTTP response or None if not found.


Get all headers included in the response.


Property for setting JSON data. Used during initialization.

  • Parameters

    newdict (str) – The string data to set as JSON data.

property obj()

The response body data as an object

property ori()

The original response body data

property path()

The path the request was made against.

property read()

The response body, attempted to be translated into json, else is a string.

property request()

The saved http request the response was generated by.

property session_key()

The saved session key for the connection.

property session_location()

The saved session location, used for logging out.

property status()

The status code of the request.


Expanded LegacyREST/Redfish interface for schema validation, database for responses, caching, and error registries.


Compatibility functionality in between iLO versions and generic Redfish/LegacyRest servers. Used to provide convenient string variables that are usable on any iLO irrespective of version or API type.

class redfish.ris.gen_compat.Definevals()

Bases: object

Base class for setting platform dependent variables.

class redfish.ris.gen_compat.DefinevalsNine()

Bases: Definevals

Platform dependent variables for iLO 4 LegacyRest (Gen 9).


Function to update redfish variables from LegacyRest to iLO 4 Redfish (Gen 9).

class redfish.ris.gen_compat.Definevalstenplus()

Bases: Definevals

Platform dependent variables for iLO 5+ (Gen 10).


Empty function to update redfish variables (unneeded when the system is already redfish).

class redfish.ris.gen_compat.Typesandpathdefines()

Bases: object

The global types and path definitions class. Holds information on a system and automatically creates the correct type strings along with some generic paths. Paths are meant to be used with iLO systems. Paths may be different on generic Redfish systems. Self variables are created when the getgen function is called.

Useful self variables that are created include:

  • url : The url of the system that the defines were created for.
  • defs : The string defines for the system that was passed to getgen. Includes key property keys, paths, types, and flags to check what the system type is.
  • ilogen : The iLO generation of the system that the defines were created for. For non-iLO Redfish systems this is set to 5 .
  • iloversion : The iLO version of the system that the defines were created for.
  • flagiften : Flag is set to true if the system is Gen 10 or a non-iLO Redfish system.


    Defines the schema and registry paths using data in root path.

  • Parameters

    rootobj (dict.) – The root path data.

getgen(gen=None, url=None, username=None, password=None, sessionid=None, logger=None, proxy=None, cacertdata={}, isredfish=True)

Function designed to verify the servers platform. Will generate the Typeandpathdefines variables based on the system type that is detected.

  • Parameters
    • url ( str ) – The URL to perform the request on.
    • username ( str ) – The username to login with.
    • password ( str ) – The password to login with.
    • proxy ( str ) – The proxy to connect to the system with.
    • ca_certs ( dict ) – Dictionary including the TLS certificate information of user based authentication
    • isredfish ( bool ) – The flag to force redfish conformance on iLO 4 systems. You will still need to call updatedefinesflag to update the defines to Redfish.
    • logger ( str ) – The logger handler to log data too uses the default if none is provided.


Changes the select to match the Generation’s HP string based to the correct type for specific iLO versions.

  • Parameters

    sel (str) – query to be changed to match Generation’s HP string

  • Returns

    A modified selector matching the Generation’s HP string.

  • Return type



Updates the redfish and rest flag depending on system and redfishflag input. On an iLO 5 system or another Redfish system, this will do nothing. On an iLO 4 system with both Redfish and LegacyRest this will update the defines to redfish if the redfishflag is set to True and stay with the LegacyRest defines otherwise.

  • Parameters

    redfishflag (bool) – User input for redfish

  • Returns

    True if the system should use Redfish, False for legacy Rest.

  • Return type



Monolith database implementation. Crawls Redfish and Legacy REST implementations and holds all data retrieved. The created database is called the monolith and referenced as such in the code documentation.

exception redfish.ris.ris.BiosUnregisteredError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when BIOS has not been registered correctly in iLO

exception redfish.ris.ris.RisInstanceNotFoundError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when attempting to select an instance that does not exist

class redfish.ris.ris.RisMonolith(client, typepath, directory_load=True)

Bases: Dictable

Monolithic cache of RIS data. This takes a redfish.rest.v1.RestClient and uses it to gather data from a server and saves it in a modifiable database called monolith.

  • Parameters
    • client ( redfish.rest.v1.RestClient ) – client to use for data retrieval. Client is saved as a weakref, using it requires parenthesis and will not survive if the client used in init is removed.
    • typepath ( redfish.rest.ris.Typesandpathdefines ) – The compatibility class to use for differentiating between Redfish/LegacyRest.
    • directory_load ( bool ) – The flag to quick load using resource directory if possible. When set to True this will load paths, etags, and types, but not create responses for every monolith member. When responses are needed, they will need to be loaded separately.


Crawls the server specified by the client and returns the entire monolith.

  • Parameters

    redmono (bool) – Flag to return only the headers and responses instead of the entire monolith member data.

  • Return type


checkmodified(opath, path=None, modpaths=None)

Check if the path or its children are modified. When calling this function you only need to include opath.

  • Parameters

    opath (str) – original path which has been modified

property client()

Returns the current client object reference

  • Return type

    class object

property directory_load()

The flag to gather information about a tree without downloading every path. Only usable on HPE systems with a ResourceDirectory. type


Takes a full type response and returns all major types associated. Example: #Type.v100.Type will return iter(Type.1)

  • Parameters

    types (str) – The type of the requested response.

  • Return type

    iter of major types


An iterator that yields each member of monolith associated with a specific type. In the case that no type is included this will yield all members in the monolith.

  • Return type



Iterator that yields member(s) of given type in the monolith and raises an error if no member of that type is found.

  • Parameters

    typeval (str) – type name of the requested member.

  • Return type



Function to kill threads on logout

load(path=None, includelogs=False, init=False, crawl=True, loadtype='href', loadcomplete=False, pathrefresh=False, jsonout=False)

Walks the entire data model and caches all responses or loads an individual path into the monolith. Supports both threaded and sequential crawling.

  • Parameters
    • path ( str. ) – The path to start the crawl from the provided path if crawling or loads the path into monolith. If path is not included, crawl will start with the default. The default is /redfish/v1/ or /rest/v1 depending on if the system is Redfish or LegacyRest.
    • includelogs ( bool ) – Flag to determine if logs should be downloaded as well in the crawl.
    • init ( bool ) – Flag to determine if this is the initial load.
    • crawl ( bool ) – Flag to determine if load should crawl through found links.
    • loadtype ( str. ) – Flag to determine if loading standard links: href or schema links: ref .
    • loadcomplete ( bool ) – Flag to download the entire data model including registries and schemas.
    • path_refresh ( bool ) – Flag to reload the path specified, clearing any patches and overwriting the current data in the monolith.


Load data to monolith from a dict. This is the reverse of to_dict().

  • Parameters

    src (str) – data receive from rest operation.

markmodified(opath, path=None, modpaths=None)

Mark the paths to be modifed which are connected to current path. When calling this function you only need to include opath.

  • Parameters

    opath (str) – original path which has been modified


Provides the member corresponding to the path specified. Case sensitive.

  • Parameters

    path (str) – path of the monolith member to return

  • Return type



Remove a given path from the cache

  • Parameters

    path (str) – path which is to be checked if modified


Convert data to a dict from monolith. This is the reverse of load_from_dict().

property type()

Return monolith version type


Check if a member of given type exists in the monolith

  • Parameters

    types (str) – type to check.

  • Return type


property types()

Returns list of types for members in the monolith

  • Return type


update_member(member=None, resp=None, path=None, init=True)

Adds member to the monolith. If the member already exists the data is updated in place. Takes either a RisMonolithMemberv100 instance or a redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse along with that responses path.

  • Parameters
    • member ( RisMonolithMemberv100 ) – The monolith member to add to the monolith.
    • resp ( redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse ) – The rest response to add to the monolith.
    • path ( str ) – The path correlating to the response.
    • init ( bool ) – Flag if addition is part of the initial load. Set this to false if you are calling this by itself.

property visited_urls()

The urls visited by the monolith

class redfish.ris.ris.RisMonolithMemberBase()

Bases: Dictable

RIS monolith member base class

class redfish.ris.ris.RisMonolithMemberv100(restresp=None, isredfish=True)

Bases: RisMonolithMemberBase

Class used by RisMonolith for holding information on a response and adds extra data for monolith usage. A member can be marked as modified which means another operation may have rendered this member out of date. It should be reloaded before continuing to ensure data is up to date.

  • Parameters
    • restresp ( redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse ) – RestResponse to create a member from.
    • isredfish ( bool ) – Flag if the response is redfish or not

property dict()

Get the dictionary of the monolith member’s response

property etag()

Get the etag of the response


Load variables to a monolith member from a dictionary. This is the reverse of to_dict().

  • Parameters

    src (dict) – Source to load member data from.

property maj_type()

Get major type of the monolith member’s response

property patches()

Get patches for the monolith member

property path()

Get path of the monolith member’s response

popdefs(typename, pathval, etagval)

Populate the default values in the class

  • Parameters
    • typename ( str ) – The default Type string. Example: @odata.type
    • pathval ( str ) – The default Path string. Example: @odata.id
    • etagval ( str ) – The default ETag value.

property resp()

Get the entire response of the monolith member


Converts Monolith Member to a dictionary. This is the reverse of load_from_dict().

  • Returns

    returns the Monolith Member in dictionary form

property type()

Get type of the monolith member’s response

exception redfish.ris.ris.SchemaValidationError()

Bases: Exception

Schema Validation Class Error

exception redfish.ris.ris.SessionExpired()

Bases: Exception

Raised when session has expired


A threaded version of RIS _load for quicker searching

class redfish.ris.ris_threaded.LoadWorker(queue)

Bases: Thread

A threaded implementation of _load for quicker crawling


Get any exception from the thread


Main worker function


Utility functions for internal and external use. Contains general json navigating functions as well as some monolith utility functions.

redfish.ris.utils.checkallowablevalues(newdict=None, oridict=None)

Validate dictionary changes with Redfish allowable values. This will raise an redfish.ris.rmc_helper.IncorrectPropValue error if the dictionary is not valid.

  • Parameters
    • newdict ( dict ) – dictionary with only the properties that have changed.
    • oridict ( dict ) – Full dictionary with current state. (Includes @Redfish.AllowableValues)

redfish.ris.utils.diffdict(newdict=None, oridict=None, settingskipped=[False])

Diff two dictionaries, returning only the values that are different between the two.

  • Parameters
    • newdict ( dict ) – The first dictionary to check for differences.
    • oridict ( dict ) – The second dictionary to check for differences.
    • settingskipped ( list ) – Flag to determine if any settings were missing.
  • Returns

    dictionary with only the properties that have changed.

  • Return type


redfish.ris.utils.filter_output(output, sel, val)

Filters a list of dictionaries based on a key:value pair only returning the dictionaries that include the key and value.

  • Parameters
    • output ( list ) – List of dictionaries to check for the key:value.
    • sel ( str ) – the key for the property to be filtered by.
    • val ( str ) – value for the property be filtered by.
  • Returns

    A filtered list from output parameter

  • Return type



Return the registry type of a response.

  • Parameters

    results (redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse) – rest response.

  • Returns

    A Registry Id type string, None if not match is found, or no_id if the response is not an error message

  • Return type

    None or string

redfish.ris.utils.getattributeregistry(instances, adict=None)

Gets an attribute registry in given monolith instances.

  • Parameters
    • instances ( list ) – list of redfish.ris.ris.RisMonolithMemberv100 instances to be checked for attribute registry.
    • adict ( dict ) – A dictionary containing an AttributeRegistry
  • Returns

    returns a dictionary containing the attribute registry string(s)

  • Return type


redfish.ris.utils.iterateandclear(dictbody, proplist)

Iterate over a dictionary and remove listed properties.

  • Parameters
    • dictbody (*dict** or * list ) – json body
    • proplist ( list ) – property list

redfish.ris.utils.jsontraversal(data, keytofind, retdict=False)


Recursive function to traverse a JSON resposne object and retrieve the array of relevant data (value or full key/value pair). Only a single key needs to be found within the dictionary in order to return a valid dictionary or value.

Intended Usage:

  • Error response message parsing
  • Checkreadunique in Validation
  • Parameters
    • data ( JSON error response object ) – json data to be parsed
    • keytofind ( String ) – JSON key to be found
    • ret_dict ( boolean ) – return dictionary instead of just value
  • Returns

    value or dictionary containing ‘keytofind’ (and all additional keys at the same level).

redfish.ris.utils.jsontraversaldeleteempty(data, oldkey=None, iter=None, removelist=None)

Recursive function to traverse a dictionary and delete things which match elements in the remove_list

  • Parameters
    • data (*list** or * dict ) – to be truncated
    • old_key ( dictionary key ) – key from previous recursive call (higher in stack)
    • _iter – iterator tracker for list (tracks iteration across recursive calls) :type iter: numerical iterator :param remove list: list of items to be removed :type: list :returns: none

      redfish.ris.utils.merge_dict(currdict, newdict)

      Merges dictionaries together.

  • Parameters
    • currdict ( dict ) – Dictionary that will absorb the second.
    • newdict ( dict ) – Dictionary to merge into the first.

redfish.ris.utils.navigatejson(selector, currdict, val=None)

Function for navigating the json dictionary. Searches a dictionary for specific keys and possibly values, returning only the dictionary sections for the requested keys and values.

  • Parameters
    • selector ( list ) – the property required from current dictionary.
    • val (*str** or int or * bool ) – value to be filtered by.
    • currdict ( json dictionary/list ) – json dictionary of list to be filtered
  • Returns

    returns a dictionary of selected items


Helper function for handling warning messages appropriately. If LOGGER level is set to 40 print out the warnings, else log them as a warning.

  • Parameters

    msg (str) – The warning message.


Removes non /settings sections. Useful for only returning settings monolith members. Example: Members with paths /redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/ and /redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings will return only the /redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings member.

  • Parameters

    instances (list) – list of redfish.ris.ris.RisMonolithMemberv100 instances to check for settings paths.

  • Returns

    list of redfish.ris.ris.RisMonolithMemberv100 setting instances

  • Return type


redfish.ris.utils.validate_headers(instance, verbose=False)

Validates an instance is patchable.

  • Parameters
    • instance ( redfish.ris.RisMonolithMemberv100 ) – Instance of the property to check.
    • verbose ( bool ) – Flag to print or log more information.
  • Returns

    True if the setting is not patchable, False if it is.

redfish.ris.utils.warning_handler(msg, override=False)

Helper function for handling warning messages appropriately. If LOGGER level is set to 40 print out the warnings, else log them as a warning.

  • Parameters

    msg (str) – The warning message.


A convenience layer that combines multiple lower level classes and functions into one.

class redfish.ris.rmc.RmcApp(showwarnings=False, cache_dir=None)

Bases: object

A convenience class that combines the client, compatibility, validation, caching, and monolith into one class.

  • Parameters
    • showwarnings ( bool ) – Flag to print warnings to std.out (True) or log in log file (False)
    • cache_dir ( str ) – Cache directory to save cache data to, if None, RmcApp will not cache data. Cache can allow your RmcApp to persist between scripts.

property cache()

True if we are caching data, False if we are not

property cachedir()

The cache directory that is used to cache app data to a file, None if not caching data.


Applies all pending json patches to the server.

  • Yields

    Two strings.

    1. Path being PATCHed
    2. True if an error occurred during the PATCH, False if no error.


Adds save file headers to show what server the data came from.

  • Parameters
    • selector ( str. ) – The type selection for the get save operation.
    • selectignore ( boolean ) – Return the save header even if there isn’t a selection to add it to.
  • Returns

    returns an header ordered dictionary

property current_client()

Get the current client

deletehandler(putpath, headers=None, silent=False, service=False)

Performs the client HTTP DELETE operation with monolith and response handling support. Response handling will output to logger or string depending on showmessages app argument.

  • Parameters
    • put_path ( str ) – The REST path to perform the delete operation on.
    • headers ( dict ) – Any additional headers to be added to the request.
    • silent ( bool ) – If False response will be parsed based on service flag and output to a log or stdout. If True response will not be parsed and no message output or error messages raised from the response handler.
    • service ( bool ) – When handling the response, if True registries will be gathered and a full, response will be output if False they will not and response handler will instead return a generic message.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object containing response data

downloadpath(paths, crawl=True, pathrefresh=False)

Loads paths into the monolith.

  • Parameters
    • paths ( list ) – list of paths to download
    • path_refresh ( bool. ) – Flag to reload the paths or not.
    • crawl ( boolean. ) – Flag to determine if load should traverse found links.

gethandler(getpath, sessionid=None, silent=False, uncache=False, headers=None, service=False, username=None, password=None, base_url=None)

Performs the client HTTP GET operation with monolith and response handling support. Response handling will output to logger or string depending on showmessages app argument.

  • Parameters
    • put_path ( str ) – The REST path to perform the get operation on.
    • uncache ( bool ) – flag to not store the data downloaded into monolith.
    • headers ( dict ) – Any additional headers to be added to the request.
    • silent ( bool ) – If False response will be parsed based on service flag and output to a log or stdout. If True response will not be parsed and no message output or error messages raised from the response handler.
    • service ( bool ) – When handling the response, if True registries will be gathered and a full, response will be output if False they will not and response handler will instead return a generic message.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object

get_model(currdict, attributeregistry, latestschema=None, newarg=None, proppath=None)

Returns a model and possibly a bios model for the current instance’s schema/registry. This model can be used to read schema data and validate patches.

  • Parameters
    • currdict ( dict ) – The dictionary to gather the schema model from.
    • attributeregistry ( dict ) – The current systems attribute registry. If not gathering a bios registry this can be set to None.
    • latestschema ( bool ) – Flag to determine if we should drop the schema version when we try to match schema information. If True, the version will be dropped.
    • newargs ( list ) – List of multi level properties to be gathered.
    • proppath ( str ) – The path of the schema you want to validate (from Location header).
  • Returns

    model and bios model

getselection(selector=None, setenable=False, pathrefresh=False)

Gathers instances and optionally the attributeregistry based on selector.

  • Parameters
    • selector ( str. ) – The type selection for the get operation.
    • setenable ( boolean. ) – Flag to determine if registry should also be returned.
    • path_refresh ( boolean. ) – Flag to reload the selected instances.
  • Returns

    returns a list of selected items


Function that returns the current BIOS version information.

getcollectionmembers(path, fullresp=False)

Returns collection/item lists of the provided path.

  • Parameters
    • path ( bool. ) – path to return.
    • fullresp – Return full json data instead of only members.
  • Returns

    list of collection members


Return a list of URIs that correspond to the supplied type string.

  • Parameters

    tpe (string.) – type string to search for.


Function that returns the current iLO version.

  • Parameters

    skipschemas (bool) – flag to determine whether to skip schema download. If False, this will also verify if schemas are available.

  • Returns

    returns current iLO version

getprops(selector=None, props=None, nocontent=None, skipnonsetting=True, remread=False, insts=None)

Gets properties from a specified selector. If no selector is specified, uses the selector property in the app class. Instead of a selector a list of instances to search can be used instead. If both selector and insts are passed, insts is used.

Specific values for multi-level dictionaries can be returned by passing each key separated by a “/” Ex: Key/Sub-Key/Sub-Sub-Key

  • Parameters
    • selector ( str ) – The type selection for the get operation.
    • skipnonsetting ( bool ) – Flag to remove non settings path.
    • nocontent ( list ) – Keys not found are added to the list provided.
    • remread ( bool ) – Flag to remove readonly properties.
    • props ( list ) – The keys to search for within current selection.
    • insts ( list ) – List of RisMonolithMemberv100 to be searched for specific keys.
  • Returns

    A list of properties found in dictionary form.

  • Return type


headhandler(putpath, silent=False, service=False)

Performs the client HTTP HEAD operation with monolith and response handling support. Response handling will output to logger or string depending on showmessages app argument.

  • Parameters
    • put_path ( str ) – The REST path to perform the head operation on.
    • silent ( bool ) – If False response will be parsed based on service flag and output to a log or stdout. If True response will not be parsed and no message output or error messages raised from the response handler.
    • service ( bool ) – When handling the response, if True registries will be gathered and a full, response will be output if False they will not and response handler will instead return a generic message.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object containing response data

info(selector=None, props=None, dumpjson=True, latestschema=False)

Gets schema information for properties from a specified selector. If no selector is specified, uses the selector property in the app class. If no properties are specified the entire schema dictionary is returned in a list.

  • Parameters
    • selector ( str ) – The type selection for the info operation.
    • props (*str** or * list ) – The keys to gather schema data for within current selection.
    • dumpjson ( bool ) – Flag to determine if output should be human readable or json schema.
    • latestschema ( bool ) – Flag to determine if we should drop the schema version when we try to match schema information. If True, the version will be dropped.
  • Returns

    A list of property schema information if dumpjson is True or string if dumpjson is False.

  • Return type

    list or string

loadset(seldict=None, fltrvals=(None, None), diffonly=False, latestschema=False, uniqueoverride=False, selector=None)

Creates json patches in monolith if the supplied dictionary passes schema validation. In the event schemas are unavailable the patches are always added. Patches that are created this way are not sent to the server until the commit() function is called, sending the patches to the server. A list of patches that have not been sent to the server can be returned with the status() function.

  • Parameters
    • selector ( str ) – The type selection for the loadset operation.
    • seldict ( dict ) – Dictionary with the patches to apply to the selected instances.
    • fltrvals ( tuple ) – The filter values for the operation (Key,Val). If a selector returns multiple instances fltrvals can filter the instances by a key/value pair, limiting the returned instances to the one you want. If no filter is supplied the patch dictionary will be applied to all instances.
    • latestschema ( bool ) – Flag to determine if we should drop the schema version when we try to match schema information. If True, the version will be dropped.
    • diffonly ( bool ) – flag to differentiate only existing properties.
    • uniqueoverride ( bool ) – Flag to determine if system unique properties should also be patched. If this is True, then unique properties will be patched.
  • Returns

    returns a list of properties that have successfully been set

login(username=None, password=None, sessionid=None, baseurl='blobstore://.', path=None, skipbuild=False, includelogs=False, biospassword=None, isredfish=False, proxy=None, sslcert=None, usercacertdata=None, json_out=False)

Performs a login on a the server specified by the keyword arguments. Will also create a monolith, client, and update the compatibility classes for the app instance. If base_url is not included the login is assumed to be locally on the OS.

  • Parameters
    • username – The user name required to login to server.
    • password ( str ) – The password credentials required to login.
    • base_url ( str ) – The redfish host name or ip address to login to.
    • path ( str ) – The path to initiate the monolith crawl from. If None, it will start from the root. See monolith documentation on how the path is used.
    • proxy ( str ) – The proxy required for connection (if any).
    • ssl_cert ( str ) – The path to the CA bundle or SSL certificate to use with connection (if any).
    • usercacert_data – Dictionary of user certificate data for iLO Certificate-based authentication including iLO User TLS certificate, iLO User CA Root Key, iLO User CA Root Key Password (for encrypted CAs)
    • skipbuild ( bool ) – The flag to determine monolith download. If True, monolith will be initiated empty, if False will build the monolith.
    • includelogs ( bool ) – The flag to determine id logs should be downloaded in the crawl.
    • biospassword ( str ) – The BIOS password for the server if set.
    • is_redfish ( bool ) – If True, a Redfish specific header (OData) will be added to every request. Only required if the system has both LegacyREST and Redfish.
  • Type


  • Type

    usercapass: str


Performs a logout of the server and prepares the app for another system, setting app variables to default values.

  • Parameters

    url (str) – The URL for the logout request. Only needed when using a cache.

property monolith()

Get the monolith from the current client

patchhandler(putpath, body, headers=None, silent=False, service=False, optionalpassword=None)

Performs the client HTTP PATCH operation with monolith and response handling support. Response handling will output to logger or string depending on showmessages app argument.

  • Parameters
    • put_path ( str ) – The REST path to perform the patch operation on.
    • body ( dict ) – the body to perform the operation with.
    • headers ( dict ) – Any additional headers to be added to the request.
    • optionalpassword ( str ) – The bios password if it is required for the operation.
    • silent ( bool ) – If False response will be parsed based on service flag and output to a log or stdout. If True response will not be parsed and no message output or error messages raised from the response handler.
    • service ( bool ) – When handling the response, if True registries will be gathered and a full, response will be output if False they will not and response handler will instead return a generic message.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object containing response data

posthandler(putpath, body, headers=None, silent=False, service=False)

Performs the client HTTP POST operation with monolith and response handling support. Response handling will output to logger or string depending on showmessages app argument.

  • Parameters
    • put_path ( str ) – The REST path to perform the post operation on.
    • body ( dict ) – the body to perform the operation with.
    • headers ( dict ) – Any additional headers to be added to the request.
    • silent ( bool ) – If False response will be parsed based on service flag and output to a log or stdout. If True response will not be parsed and no message output or error messages raised from the response handler.
    • service ( bool ) – When handling the response, if True registries will be gathered and a full, response will be output if False they will not and response handler will instead return a generic message.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object containing response data

puthandler(putpath, body, headers=None, silent=False, optionalpassword=None, service=False)

Performs the client HTTP PUT operation with monolith and response handling support. Response handling will output to logger or string depending on showmessages app argument.

  • Parameters
    • put_path ( str ) – The REST path to perform the put operation on.
    • body ( dict ) – the body to perform the operation with.
    • headers ( dict ) – Any additional headers to be added to the request.
    • optionalpassword ( str ) – The bios password if it is required for the operation.
    • silent ( bool ) – If False response will be parsed based on service flag and output to a log or stdout. If True response will not be parsed and no message output or error messages raised from the response handler.
    • service ( bool ) – When handling the response, if True registries will be gathered and a full, response will be output if False they will not and response handler will instead return a generic message.
  • Returns

    A redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse object containing response data

removereadonlyprops(currdict, emptyraise=False, removeunique=True, specify_props=None)

Remove read only properties from a dictionary. Requires schemas to be available.

  • Parameters
    • currdict ( dictionary ) – The dictionary to remove read only properties from.
    • emptyraise ( boolean ) – Flag to raise an empty error for handling and failure to parse.
  • Parm specify_props

    Optionally set list of properties to be removed instead of the default.

restore(creds=None, enc=False)

Restores the monolith from cache. Used to load a monolith data back into a new app class. Keyword arguments are only needed in a local client when in a high security mode.

  • Parameters
    • creds ( str ) – Credentials to create the client with.
    • enc ( bool ) – Flag to determine if encoding functions are being used. True if being used false if not.


Updates the cache with the latest monolith data.

select(selector=None, fltrvals=(None, None), path_refresh=False)

Selects instances based on selector and filter values. The select specified is saved in the app for further use. If another selector is sent, it overwrites the current one.

  • Parameters
    • selector ( str ) – The type (@odata.type for Redfish) to select.
    • fltrvals ( tuple ) – The filter values for the select operation (Key,Val). If a selector returns multiple instances fltrvals can filter the instances by a key/value pair, limiting the returned instances to the one you want.
    • path_refresh ( bool ) – The flag to reload the selected instances. If True, each instance will be grabbed again from the server to make sure responses are up to date.
  • Returns

    A list of selected monolith member instances.

  • Return type


property selector()

The selector that will be used to gather data if no selector or instance argument is passed.


Set the decoding function for cache to use. Is used in conjunction with the setencodefunct to turn the encoded data back into a usable string.

  • Parameters

    funct (function) – The function to use for decoding data


Set the encoding function for cache to use. Can be used to protect sensitive data when it is at rest.

  • Parameters

    funct (function) – The function to use for encoding data


Returns all pending changes that have not been committed yet.


Returns a list of types available to be queried and selected with monolith.

  • Parameters

    fulltypes (bool) – Flag to determine if types return Redfish full name, if False will return a shortened version of the type string.

  • Returns

    A list of type strings.

  • Return type


property validationmanager()

Get the valdation manager


RMC helper file. Includes RMC errors and caching functionality for monolith.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.CurrentlyLoggedInError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when attempting to select an instance that does not exist

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.EmptyRaiseForEAFP()

Bases: Exception

Raised when you need to check for issues and take different action.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.FailureDuringCommitError(message)

Bases: RdmcError

Raised when there is an error while committing.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.IdTokenError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when user is not authorized to complete the operation.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.IloLicenseError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when the proper iLO license is not available for a command

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.IloResponseError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when iLO returns with a non 2XX response.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.IncompatibleiLOVersionError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when the iLO version is above or below the required version.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.IncorrectPropValue()

Bases: Exception

Raised when you pass an incorrect value to for the associated property.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.InstanceNotFoundError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when attempting to select an instance that does not exist.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.InvalidCommandLineError(message)

Bases: RdmcError

Raised when user enter incorrect command line arguments

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.InvalidPathError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when requested path is not found.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.InvalidSelectionError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when selection argument fails to match anything.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.LoadSkipSettingError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when one or more settings are absent in given server.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.NothingSelectedError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when attempting to access an object without first selecting it.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.NothingSelectedFilterError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when the filter applied doesn’t match any selection (general).

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.NothingSelectedSetError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when attempting to access an object without first selecting it (In set).

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.RdmcError(message)

Bases: Exception

Base class for all RDMC Exceptions

class redfish.ris.rmc_helper.RmcCacheManager(rmc)

Bases: object

Manages caching/uncaching of data for RmcApp.

  • Parameters

    rmc (redfish.ris.rmc.RmcApp) – RmcApp to be managed

class redfish.ris.rmc_helper.RmcFileCacheManager(rmc)

Bases: RmcCacheManager

RMC file cache manager.

  • Parameters

    rmc (redfish.ris.rmc.RmcApp) – RmcApp to be managed


Saves monolith data to the file path specified in RmcApp.


Searches for a specific url in cache or returns all urls and returns them for RmcApp to run logout on, clearing the session.

  • Parameters

    url (str) – The URL to pass back for logout.

uncache_rmc(creds=None, enc=False)

Uncaches monolith data from cache location specified by RmcApp.

  • Parameters
    • creds ( dict ) – Dictionary of username and password. Only required for restoring high security local calls.
    • enc ( bool ) – Flag if credentials passed are encoded.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.ScepenabledError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when the generation csr or deletion of https cert is issues when scep is enabled

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.UnableToObtainIloVersionError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when iloversion is missing from default path.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.UndefinedClientError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when there are no clients active (usually when user hasn’t logged in).

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.UserNotAdminError(message)

Bases: RdmcError

Raised when user doesn’t have admin priviledges, but they are required.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.ValidationError(errlist)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is a problem with user input.


Returns error list.

exception redfish.ris.rmc_helper.ValueChangedError()

Bases: Exception

Raised if user tries to set/commit a value when monolith has older data.


Error response handler for Redfish or LegacryRest responses. Extended information only available with registries available on system, otherwise will return generic error responses.

class redfish.ris.resphandler.ResponseHandler(validaitionmgr, msg_type)

Bases: object

Class to handle error responses from the server.

  • Parameters
    • validation_mgr ( ValidationManager ) – ValidationManager instance to gather registries if needed. Available in an RmcApp class as an attribute.
    • msgregtype ( str ) – Redfish (#MessageRegistry.) or LegacyRest (MessageRegistry.) message registry string. Available in Typesandpathdefines class.


Returns registry error messages. Can specify a specific registry to return by Id.

  • Parameters

    regtype (str) – Id of registry type to add to list.

  • Returns

    A list of error messages.

getmessagedata(respdata, dlreg=False)

Obtain relevant keys from rest response.

  • Parameters

    resp (redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse) – response

  • Returns

    list of error response dictionaries

messagehandler(responsedata, verbosity=0, messagetext='No Response', dlreg=False)

Prints or logs parsed MessageId response based on verbosity level and returns the following message information in a list:

  • MessageArgs
  • MessageId
  • RestResponse status
  • Resolution
  • Full error message text
  • Parameters
    • response_data ( redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse ) – message response of a call.
    • verbosity ( int ) – Optional verbosity level. Only modifies what is output to log or screen.
    • message_text ( str ) – Response message text. If not provided, message_handler will attempt to parse it from the RestResponse and registries.
    • dl_reg ( bool ) – Flag to download registry. If this is set to True a generic message response will be returned instead of gathered from registries.
  • Returns

    List of error response dictionaries.

outputresp(response, dlreg=False, verbosity=1)

Prints or logs parsed MessageId response. Will raise an IloResponseError or return a list of message response data which includes the information returned from message_handler.

  • Parameters
    • response ( redfish.rest.containers.RestResponse ) – message response of a call.
    • dl_reg ( bool ) – Flag to download registry. If this is set to True a generic message response will be returned instead of gathered from registries.
    • verbosity ( int ) – Optional verbosity level. Only modifies what is output to log or screen.
  • Returns

    List of error response dictionaries.

verbositylevels(message, messageid=' ', description=' ', resolution=' ', responsestatus=None, verbosity=0, dl_reg=False)

Formatting based on verbosity level.

  • Parameters
    • message ( str ) – Message from BMC response combined with the registry model/schema.
    • messageid ( str ) – Error code as classified by the BMC’s error code registry.
    • resolution ( str ) – Message from BMC registry model/schema with the suggested resolution for the given error.
    • response_status ( int ) – HTTP response status code.
    • verbosity ( int ) – Option to set/control output message (stderr) verbosity.
  • Returns

    Message to be returned to caller.


Handles schema and registry gathering as well as schema parsing and validation.

class redfish.ris.validation.BaseValidator(d)

Bases: RisObject

Base class for all validators.


Common human readable schema data.

  • Parameters

    name (str) – clean name for outputting.

  • Returns

    A human readable string of schema data.

is_array(attrentry, arrval, name)

Validate that the given value is an array type.

  • Parameters
    • attrentry ( dict ) – Registry model entry used for validation.
    • attrval ( str ) – Value of Key to validate.
  • Returns

    A boolean based on whether type is array and the value is valid for array type.


Validate that the type is an array.

  • Parameters

    attrentry (dict) – Registry model entry used for validation.

  • Returns

    A boolean based on whether type is an array.


Overridable function for validation

class redfish.ris.validation.BoolValidator(d)

Bases: BaseValidator

Bool validator class

static is_type(attrentry)

Validate that the type is boolean.

  • Parameters

    attrentry (dict) – Registry model entry used for validation.

  • Returns

    A boolean based on whether type is boolean.


Human readable schema information specific to Boolean data.

  • Parameters

    name (str) – Clean name for outputting human readable info.

  • Returns

    A human readable string of schema data.

validate(newval, name)

Validate against schemas.

  • Parameters
    • newval ( list ) – New value to be used for validation in a list
    • name ( str ) – Clean name for outputting human readable info.
  • Returns

    An error if value is invalid.

class redfish.ris.validation.EnumValidator(d)

Bases: BaseValidator

Enum validator class

static is_type(attrentry)

Validate that the type is enumeration.

  • Parameters

    attrentry (dict) – Registry model entry used for validation.

  • Returns

    A boolean based on whether type is eneumeration.


Human readable schema information specific to Enum data.

  • Parameters

    name (str) – Clean name for outputting human readable info.

  • Returns

    A human readable string of schema data.

validate(keyval, name)

Validate against schemas.

  • Parameters
    • keyval ( list ) – New value to be used for validation in a list
    • name ( str ) – Clean name for outputting human readable info.
  • Returns

    An error if validation fails.

class redfish.ris.validation.HpPropertiesRegistry(d)

Bases: RisObject

Models a schema or bios attribute registry. Registry model.

get_validator(attrname, newargs=None, oneof=None)

Returns attribute validator type.

  • Parameters
    • attrname ( str ) – attribute name to validate. Ex: In A/B/C, this will be A.
    • newargs ( list ) – List of multi level properties to be modified. Ex: In A/B/C this will be a list of B and C.
    • oneof ( string ) – Special string for “oneof” options within validation.
  • Returns

    The validator type class for the property passed.

nulltypevalidationcheck(attrval=None, attrentry=None)

Function to validate null attributes against iLO schema

  • Parameters
    • attrentry ( str ) – Key of property to validate.
    • attrval ( str ) – Value of Key to validate.
  • Returns

    True if entry is null and valid.

validate_attribute(attrentry, attrvallist, name)

Function to validate attribute against its schema.

  • Parameters
    • attrentry ( str ) – Key of property to validate.
    • attrval ( str ) – Value of Key to validate.
    • name ( str ) – Clean name for outputting information to users.
  • Returns

    returns list with validated attributes


Look for tdict in the attribute list and attempt to validate its value.

  • Parameters

    tdict (dict) – the dictionary to test against.

  • Returns

    A validated list

class redfish.ris.validation.IntegerValidator(d)

Bases: BaseValidator

Interger validator class

static is_type(attrentry)

Validate that the type is integer.

  • Parameters

    attrentry (dict) – Registry model entry used for validation.

  • Returns

    A boolean based on whether type is integer.


Human readable schema information specific to Integer data.

  • Parameters

    name (str) – Clean name for outputting human readable info.

  • Returns

    A human readable string of schema data.

validate(newvallist, _)

Validate against schemas.

  • Parameters

    newvallist (list) – New value to be used for validation in a list

  • Returns

    An error if validation fails criteria.

exception redfish.ris.validation.InvalidPathsError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when requested path is not found

class redfish.ris.validation.ObjectValidator(d)

Bases: BaseValidator

Object validator class

static is_type(attrentry)

Validate that the type is object.

  • Parameters

    attrentry (dict) – Registry model entry used for validation.

  • Returns

    A boolean based on whether type is object.


Human readable schema information specific to Object data.

  • Parameters

    name (str) – Clean name for outputting human readable info.

  • Returns

    A human readable string of schema data.

validate(newval, name)

Validate against schemas.

  • Parameters
    • newval ( list ) – New value to be used for validation in a list
    • name ( str ) – Clean name for outputting human readable info.
  • Returns

    An error if value is invalid.

class redfish.ris.validation.PasswordValidator(d)

Bases: BaseValidator

Password validator class

static is_type(attrentry)

Validate that the type is a password.

  • Parameters

    attrentry (dict) – Registry model entry used for validation.

  • Returns

    A boolean based on whether type is a password.


Human readable schema information specific to Password data.

  • Parameters

    name (str) – Clean name for outputting human readable info.

  • Returns

    A human readable string of schema data.

validate(newvallist, _)

Validate against schemas.

  • Parameters

    newvallist (list) – New value to be used for validation in a list

  • Returns

    An error if validation fails criteria.

exception redfish.ris.validation.RegistryValidationError(msg, regentry=None, selector=None)

Bases: Exception

Registration Validation Class Error

class redfish.ris.validation.StringValidator(d)

Bases: BaseValidator


static is_type(attrentry)

Validate that the type is string.

  • Parameters

    attrentry (dict) – Registry model entry used for validation.

  • Returns

    A boolean based on whether type is string.


Human readable schema information specific to String data.

  • Parameters

    name (str) – Clean name for outputting human readable info.

  • Returns

    A human readable string of schema data.

validate(newvallist, _)

Validate against schemas.

  • Parameters

    newvallist (list) – New value to be used for validation in a list

  • Returns

    An error if validation fails criteria.

class redfish.ris.validation.Typepathforval(typepathobj)

Bases: object

Way to store the typepath defines object.

exception redfish.ris.validation.UnknownValidatorError()

Bases: Exception

Raised when we find an attribute type that we don’t know how to validate.

class redfish.ris.validation.ValidationManager(monolith, defines=None)

Bases: object

Keeps track of all the schemas and registries and provides helpers to simplify validation.

checkreadunique(tdict, tkey, reg=None, warnings=None, unique=None, searchtype=None)

Check for and remove the readonly and unique attributes if required.

  • Parameters
    • tdict ( dict. ) – the dictionary to test against.
    • tkey ( str. ) – The attribute key value to be tested.
    • warnings ( list. ) – list containing found warnings.
    • unique ( str. ) – flag to determine override for unique properties.
    • reg ( dict. ) – Registry entry of the given attribute.
  • Returns

    returns boolean.

property errors()

All errors found by the last validation.

find_prop(propname, latestschema=False, proppath=None)

Searches through all locations and returns the schema found for the provided propname type.

  • Parameters
    • propname ( str ) – String containing the schema name.
    • proppath ( str ) – String containing the schema path if you wish to use that instead.
    • latestschema ( bool ) – Flag to determine if we should drop the schema version when we try to match schema information. If True, the version will be dropped.

find_property(propname, cls=None, latestschema=False)

Returns iLO/BIOS registries/schemas

  • Parameters
    • propname ( str ) – string containing the registry/schema name.
    • cls ( list ) – self._classes list of dictionaries.
    • latestschema ( bool. ) – flag to drop the versioning in the type string.
  • Returns

    iLO/BIOS registries/schemas that match the supplied name.

getregistrymodel(currtype=None, proppath=None, getmsg=False, searchtype=None, newarg=None, latestschema=False)

Loads the schema file and find the registry model if available. A registry model is a object built for schema/bios registry data.

  • Parameters
    • currtype ( dict. ) – Type selection string.
    • proppath ( str ) – String containing the schema path if you wish to use that instead.
    • getmsg ( bool ) – Flag to determine if commit should be skipped.
    • searchtype ( str ) – Include the attribute registry of you are validating a bios registry.
    • newarg ( list ) – List of multi level properties to be modified.
    • latestschema ( bool ) – Flag to determine if we should drop the schema version when we try to match schema information. If True, the version will be dropped.
  • Returns

    Schema in object form called a registry object.


Return the external reference link.

  • Parameters

    locationobj (dict) – Dictionary to get the URI reference from.


Searches through all locations and yields each entry.

  • Parameters

    membername (str) – string containing the registry name. If not passed we use the typedefines string by default.


Searches through all registries and yields each entry.

  • Parameters

    membername (str) – string containing the registry name. If not passed we use the typedefines string by default.


Searches through all schemas and yields each entry

  • Parameters

    membername (str) – string containing the registry name. If not passed we use the typedefines string by default.

nestedreg(reg=None, args=None)

Go through the registry entry to find the required nested attribute.

  • Parameters
    • reg ( dict ) – Registry entry of the given attribute.
    • args ( list ) – List of multi level properties to be modified.
  • Returns

    dict of Registry entry


Resets warnings and errors, getting ready for the next validation.


Loads the types into the validation manager from monolith.

validatedict(tdict, currtype=None, proppath=None, latestschema=False, searchtype=None, monolith=None, reg=None, unique=None)

Load the schema file and validate tdict against it.

  • Parameters
    • tdict ( dict ) – the dictionary to test against.
    • currtype ( str ) – String containing the type the tdict dictionary is.
    • proppath ( str ) – String containing the schema path of the tdict dictionary if you wish to use that instead.
    • latestschema ( bool ) – Flag to determine if we should drop the schema version when we try to match schema information. If True, the version will be dropped.
    • searchtype ( str ) – Include the attribute registry of you are validating a bios registry.
    • monolith ( dict ) – Full data model retrieved from server.
    • unique ( bool ) – Flag to override for skipping unique properties.
    • reg ( dict. ) – Registry entry of the given attribute. If this is not provided we will attempt to search based on the searchtype and currtype/proppath arguments.
  • Returns

    returns an error list.

property warnings()

All warnings found by the last validation.

redfish.ris.validation.checkattr(aobj, prop)

Check if an attribute exists